Nobunyaga Oda/Quotes

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A list of quotes commonly spoken by Nobunyaga Oda.


Warriors All-Stars

  • I will show no mercy to any who stand in my way!
  • Did you think you could stop the Great Devil?
  • I am an unmatched warrior! I, Nobunyaga, shall create a new world!
  • You're pretty mewling good.
  • None who are born can ultimately escape from perishing.
  • Curse you! I will not forget this humiliation.
  • Yes! Well done, that warrior!
  • Well done. I have witnessed your justice!
  • Stop this recklessness! Rushing in like that is just foolishness!
  • You saved me! I will remember this, you can be sure!
  • It's too late to beg for mercy now!
  • Boring! I've had enough of this battle!
  • Mastery of the spear can make you this strong?
  • A thousand of these cats may come, they are no match for Zhao Yun!
  • Zhao Yun!
  • Lu Bu, how impressive you are!
  • Lu Bu, you still have some strength left? I hope you'll come to my world one day!
  • Lu Bu!
  • What a calculating fighter you are.
  • Such bold brilliance, Wang Yuanji. Once you return to your own world, that strength will surely allow you to unify your lands!
  • Wang Yuanji!
  • You use that strange weapon in a most convincing manner.
  • Zhou Cang, you have both speed and bravery! Double blessings for any warrior!
  • Zhou Cang!
  • What a powerful spear. I offer my heartfelt praise.
  • Capable of changing the flow of an entire battle alone! You're a strategist's worst nightmare!
  • Yukimura!
  • Hummm. Maybe you can realize your ideals by force!
  • Mitsunari, your command is most impressive! I don't think you even need me!
  • Mitsunari!
  • Hummm. As elegant as a dancer.
  • I see why you lead your clan, young lady. Such wonderful power, Naotora!
  • Naotora!
  • You have impressed even me with your sword skills.
  • You dress like a foreigner, but you are clearly a samurai, Arima!
  • Arima!
  • A strange weapon, but you seem capable with it.
  • Darius, and your demon power! The purrfect companion for the Great Devil!
  • Darius!
  • You don't even fear death. I'm very impressed!
  • Ōka! Your form with that sword is unmatched! I can almost hear the blade singing in your hands!
  • Ōka!
  • You are a strange witch, but I can't complain about how you fight.
  • Hummm. Your skills with that gun are most impressive. Would you give my troops some training?
  • Horō!
  • It's like the gun is part of your body!
  • A machina warrior! I find you most interesting, Tokitsugu!
  • Tokitsugu!
  • Fighting this hard without even using a weapon? Meeeow.
  • You fled your ninja clan, Kasumi, correct? Would you consider using that power for me?
  • Kasumi!
  • Is this another form of combat? The world is wide indeed.
  • Marie! The way you fight is certainly unique, but also effective!
  • Marie!
  • Honoka-style. What light and fast movements!
  • Ah, more impressive deeds! How can one not love you, Honoka!
  • Honoka!
  • Laegrinna. You have some impressive skills.
  • This is the power of the Devil's daughter! You are doing well to impress me, the Great Devil!
  • Laegrinna!
  • I sense little ambition from you, but your strength is real enough!
  • Millennia, you hold nothing back in battle. I mewling love it!
  • Millennia!
  • So these are the skills of a shinobi from another world!
  • Hayabusa, well done! You are more than a match for the shinobi from my world!
  • Hayabusa!
  • You have shown me the ceaseless attacks of a kunoichi!
  • The style you have created, Ayane, is based on the skills of a kunoichi! The Great Devil shall make use of this, too!
  • Ayane!
  • These skills. Worthy of a former pirate!
  • You are skilled with a sword! I never expected to see a foreigner with such mastery of a blade!
  • William!
  • I've never seen such a powerful village girl as you!
  • I thought alchemy was just trickery. But you are the real thing, Sophie!
  • Sophie!
  • You fight so well with that machina body!
  • You are bold in battle indeed. But you won't show me up, Plachta!
  • Plachta!
  • I've never seen a sword like that before, but you use it well!
  • Compared to fighting demons, the enemies of this world can't touch you, Arnice!
  • Arnice!
  • Chris, you've shown me how strong a demon can be.
  • The Great Devil is now joined by a true demon! A demon this strong, as well!
  • Chris!
  • Using paper as a weapon! I am completely amazed!
  • Rio, in your world... Is everyone involved in gambling so strong?
  • Rio!
  • That power! A lion in cat's clothing, I think?
  • Well done, Tamaki! I'm impressed to see the princess herself fight so well!
  • Tamaki!
  • Your comedic routine is clearly just for show, then.
  • Setsuna, are you truly this strong? I'm sure you can save this world!
  • Setsuna!
  • Shiki, that's the way! Show them no mercy!
  • Shiki, what bravery. Go ahead and defeat them all! Go on!
  • Shiki!
  • Nobunyaga shall reign supreme over this land!
  • There are some things that cannot be avoided.