
From Koei Tecmo Wiki

A list of quotes commonly spoken by Nami.


  • If you think I'm just another cute girl, you're dead wrong!
  • It's sunny today, with a chance of mirages and squalls in some areas. Watch out for stormy weather!
  • No way we can lose to them!
  • Sorry, but I don't have time to fool around with you!
  • Okay, everyone! Let's go!
  • I've got nothing at all to give you!
  • This is mine now!
  • Ready to die?
  • Well, that seemed to work!
  • It's ours now. Let's keep going.
  • What are you, stupid?
  • That's what you get for underestimating me!
  • I told you not to get in my way!
  • What's just about what you've done?! That's a bunch of crap!
  • Stop being an idiot!
  • All right! I must have hit a weak point or something!
  • Oh, what a pity! I'm more than a cute navigator.
  • I served you to earn the treasure to save my village! But that's over now! I'll get my freedom by defeating you!
  • Good job everyone! Looks like we won this.
  • The battle's over! Now for some exciting treasure!
  • Whew! We finally cleared 'em out. Now we can keep going!
  • Mmmm! I love it when things go right!
  • I hope.. Luffy will become become pirate king!!

  • I can't lose to those guys!
  • You're not that strong after all!
  • I'm not messing around!
  • I told you not to get in my way!
  • I'll take this, thanks.
  • Are you stupid?
  • This is in our hands now. Let's keep going.
  • Luffy says he will be the "Pirate King", I can't be satisfied with being an ordinary navigator.
  • Huh? There's no one here! I'll take it!
  • You can call me "little magician"!
  • This is mine starting now! If you try and take it, you won't get off easy.
  • Good job, everyone! We won!
  • Heehee, big catch, big catch!

  • This is one battle I can't lose! Here I come!
  • I don't have a single thing to give to you guys!!
  • I won't lose to those jerks!
  • Sorry, but I don't have time to play with you!
  • If I'm gonna fight, I'm gonna win!
  • I understand. You need the abilities of a talented navigator, right?
  • Give me some solid orders!
  • Shut up! Come at me now!
  • Don't underestimate the "climate science" of Weatheria!!
  • You can call me "little magician"!
  • Sorry, but I'm more than a cute navigator!
  • Your problem is you underestimated me!
  • I told you not to get in my way!
  • Wait! Can you really protect me like that?
  • You know I'm not just cute, right?
  • No way... I won?
  • This victory is mine! Any complaints?
  • Sorry Robin! This one is mine!
  • Could you not lump me together with just any old navigator?
  • You guys have nothing to do with justice! What a joke!
  • You're not at full power now, right? Thaks for taking it easy on me.
  • Luffy's gonna become the Pirate King! Because he has an excellent navigator with him!
  • I've been to the brink of death... So don't just lump me together with those other girls.
  • Arlong... I don't ever want to see your face again!
  • This area feels like it might be hiding treasure!
  • Oh my! Seems like there's no one here! I guess this is mine then!
  • I'll be taking this territory..
  • Aren't you doing well. Now, it's my turn!
  • You'll never find a navigator like me anywhere else!
  • If you think I'm just a cute girl, you're dead wrong!
  • Luffy says he will be the "Pirate King". I can't be satisfied with being an ordinary navigator.
  • Yes, just keep it up! 'Cause you got a beautiful navigator cheering for you!
  • Wow! You've been very busy! Guess I could give you a bigger cut of the treasure.
  • Nice! Keep doing that!
  • Whoa! Somebody, do something!
  • Didn't you know? Battles are a piece of cake for a beautiful navigator!
  • Nobody challenges Luffy and survives!
  • Thanks! As thanks you'll receive help from someone cute and strong: me!
  • Here I go! Just watch me!
  • I'm here to help you! You owe me one now!
  • This is our territory! Like we'd hand it over!
  • Look at you guys go! Meanwhile, I'll be collecting some treasure.
  • There is treasure is over there, right...? Isn't there anyone around to help me out?
  • How am I supposed to fight someone like you?!
  • They won't even help people in trouble What's the World Government good for?!
  • Up against a lady Marine, huh... But I can't lose.
  • You're stronger than Luffy, right? I don't stand a chance!
  • Okay. I'll leave the rest to you.
  • Not here... Not now!
  • Whew, we finished somehow... Now we can keep moving!
  • Yes! This victory is mine!
  • Everything's okay now! I drove them out for you!
  • The battle is over! All that's left now is... treasure!
  • Good job, everyone! We won!
  • Man, that was close... Looks like we got away.
  • We...won? I can't believe it! That's awesome!!