
From Koei Tecmo Wiki

A list of quotes commonly spoken by Millennia.


Warriors All-Stars

  • This isn't your fault. You are just in my way.
  • We defeated them because of you. That's all there is to this.
  • This is the ultimate power, imparted to me by the Timenoids.
  • I have to defeat these enemies! Not be defeated by them!
  • This is the end.
  • Do I have to go back?
  • This is how things should be.
  • Why do you fight so hard?
  • Are you pushing yourself too hard? This will all be pointless if you die.
  • I've been saved? What should I say?
  • Are you going to die too?
  • This is... pain?
  • You look ready to defeat every enemy that appears.
  • Zhao Yun. What a strange man you are. So strong and bold, and yet so gentle.
  • Zhao Yun.
  • Such strength! Are you really not a Timenoid?
  • Lu Bu. You are just so strong, especially for a human. I couldn't hope to defeat you, even if it was my duty.
  • Lu Bu.
  • Such calm precision. You are just like a Timenoid.
  • Wang Yuanji. You see everything in battle, don't you. Even the things about me that I don't see myself.
  • Yuanji.
  • Just fighting with the flow. I could never hope to copy that.
  • No one can stop you, Zhou Cang. Why does that sound so reassuring?
  • Zhou Cang.
  • The soul of a warrior. You shine blindingly and brilliantly.
  • Conviction can become strength. Looking at you, Yukimura, I think I understand what this means.
  • Yukimura.
  • You're smart. I can tell by watching you fight.
  • The way you fight is refined yet passionate, Mitsunari. Just like the soul inside you.
  • Mitsunari.
  • Why are you always so embarrassed? Look how strong you are!
  • You are so strong, Naotora, without even having to use traps. What is this feeling? Jealousy?
  • Naotora.
  • Your swift decision making has brought about this victory.
  • Arima, you fight to complete your duty. Just the same as me. Is this feeling... happiness?
  • Arima.
  • A race just as strong as the Timenoids.
  • So strong as an Oni, and yet so kind at other times. Which is the real you?
  • Darius.
  • I've never seen a cat this strong before.
  • Looking at you makes me feel funny, Nobunyaga. I just want to stroke you so badly! Is this also the Great Devil's power?
  • Nobunyaga.
  • The strength of Slayers far surpasses that of other humans I have known.
  • Ōka, you fight to defend others. Such a warm strength. So different from mine.
  • Ōka.
  • You can fight without hesitation, even without any memories. Just like me.
  • Your decisive action brings me courage, Horō. I can't believe you're making me feel this way.
  • Horō.
  • You just look so alive!
  • I can feel the bravery of your heroic soul, Tokitsugu. So why don't I want to obtain it?
  • Tokitsugu.
  • So elegant and beautiful. This is a kunoichi!
  • You are so strong, but watching you makes my chest ache, Kasumi. Why do I sense such sadness from you?
  • Kasumi.
  • So beautiful, and so strong. Your very existence is like a trap.
  • I just can't read your movements, Marie. Is that why I want to keep watching you?
  • Marie.
  • Copying techniques. What a trap that is!
  • Honoka, you look like you're having fun. Your expression is so different from mine when in battle.
  • Honoka.
  • You use traps so well.
  • Laegrinna. You use similar techniques to me, but with so much more confidence.
  • Laegrinna.
  • You defeat the enemy so swiftly! Are these ninja techniques?
  • Hayabusa. I can hardly see you when you move. You are like a falcon indeed.
  • Hayabusa.
  • You move so elegantly, as though dancing. I can't help but watch!
  • Your attacks flow together seamlessly. If you were my enemy, Ayane, I don't know whether I could trap you.
  • Ayane.
  • So wild, and yet with no opening to attack. Is this a samurai?
  • Your skills are beyond a normal person, William. Just who gave you this power?
  • William.
  • How can I find the deeds of a human so dazzling?
  • Watching you, Sophie, makes me feel warm inside. Are these emotions?
  • Sophie.
  • Such a powerful mobile weapon! Think what I could do with one of those!
  • I can't stop watching you, Plachta. Why?
  • Plachta.
  • So this is the power of the blue blood of a half-demon.
  • You are strong and beautiful enough to resist your blue blood, Arnice. Even with that blood, you're totally different from the Timenoids.
  • Arnice.
  • Demons. You're just like the Timenoids.
  • A special race, different from humans. I can understand why you fight so well, Chris.
  • Chris.
  • It almost looks like you're using magic!
  • Watching you fight, Rio, makes my body start to move. What is this? Having fun?
  • Rio.
  • You are still just a child. How can you fight at this level?
  • Tamaki, you always fight for your life. That's why I can't take my eyes off you in battle.
  • Tamaki.
  • What wild and unchecked violence.
  • You are so wild, Setsuna. Is this why my chest feels so hot?
  • Setsuna.
  • So calm and impenetrable. No hesitation at all.
  • Shiki, you always lay waste to the enemy so calmly. That's why it feels so good to watch you.
  • Shiki.
  • I shall kill in order to survive.
  • If this is to be my role, then so be it.