Marie Rose/Quotes

From Koei Tecmo Wiki

A list of quotes commonly spoken by Marie Rose.


Warriors All-Stars

  • Enough jokes about my size.
  • What? Are you finished already?
  • Oh yes! I'm an unrivalled Servant! The ultimate warrior!
  • Hey! Save me, please!
  • Uh! I can't take any more of this!
  • Bah! This is so boring!
  • Heh, success!
  • Wow, you're so strong! I'm so impressed!
  • Well done. But I'll do my part too!
  • Are you all right? I'm right here, so don't worry!
  • Are you feeling a bit tired? Do you want to run away?
  • You came to save me! Thank you so much!
  • You're here to save me? Thank you so much!
  • My name is Marie Rose. It's very nice to meet you.
  • No! Is this because I'm too small?
  • You're so cool, Zhao Yun.
  • Yes! I love watching you in action, Zhao Yun!
  • Zhao Yun!
  • It is so stimulating watching you fight, Lu Bu.
  • Lu Bu, you're just too strong! I guess it's because you're so big!
  • Lu Bu!
  • You really do punish people the best, Wang Yuanji!
  • You are so cool, Wang Yuanji. I could learn a lot from you!
  • Wang Yuanji!
  • Zhou Cang, looking good!
  • Zhou Cang, you're incredible! How did you learn to run so fast?
  • Zhou Cang!
  • Yukimura, you're on fire again today!
  • You are just so cool. Is small stature an issue for you, Yukimura?
  • Yukimura!
  • Fighting with a fan! How elegant!
  • Mitsunari, you are so calm and cool! I can't take my eyes off you.
  • Mitsunari!
  • Wow! You're so big, Naotora!
  • You're so big and strong, Naotora. I'm actually a little jealous of you.
  • Naotora!
  • Arima, that was so impressive!
  • Arima, I have some military techniques of my own. Maybe we could do some special training later?
  • Arima!
  • Your moves are so beautiful too, Darius.
  • I don't care about clans or races or whatever. You are now my dear friend, Darius.
  • Darius!
  • Nobunyaga! Your form is purrfect!
  • Nobunyaga, you're so lovely. I just want to take you home with me.
  • Nobunyaga!
  • It seems that cherry blossoms have thorns too.
  • Ōka, don't overdo it. You have me with you too.
  • Ōka!
  • Horō, you're strong but also just so... weird.
  • Doesn't all this hard work make you hungry? How about some cake once we are finished?
  • Horō!
  • Tokitsugu, small can beat big, as the saying goes.
  • Tokitsugu! Regardless of size, I find you strong and handsome!
  • Tokitsugu!
  • Mugen Tenshin Ninjutsu! Quite something!
  • Kasumi, you've proven you can fight alone... But feel free to count on me, too, sometimes.
  • Kasumi!
  • Just because you've got big-- ah, don't mind me.
  • Honoka, you're amazing! I hope we'll be friends forever!
  • Honoka!
  • Your traps are the best, Laegrinna!
  • I also feel sorry for the enemy. Like they stand a chance against the Devil's daughter.
  • Laegrinna!
  • Millennia, the hunt looks like it is going well.
  • You always keep your cool, don't you Millennia. I want to be just like you.
  • Millennia!
  • You're just so reliable, Hayabusa.
  • The skills of a super ninja are something else! Will you teach them to me sometime?
  • Hayabusa!
  • You are as lovely as a butterfly, Ayane.
  • Ayane, it's almost like you're dancing. Yet you're so strong! That's just so cool!
  • Ayane!
  • William, you're the greatest!
  • William, you're so strong and cool! I'll continue to count on you!
  • William!
  • You're full of energy again today, Sophie.
  • Sophie, can you use your strange magic to also make me big?
  • Sophie!
  • Plachta! So strong! And what a huge weapon!
  • Intelligent, calculating, calm. That's just the kind of Servant I want to become.
  • Plachta!
  • Arnice, are you after blood?
  • Arnice, you're wonderful. I'll offer up my blood roses to you!
  • Arnice!
  • The rondo you play is the best, Chris.
  • You're cute, but actually quite frightening. You're just a little devil, Chris!
  • Chris!
  • I don't think we can lose with you along, Rio!
  • I love it when you say “showtime,” Rio! And the show itself is captivating, too!
  • Rio!
  • Tamaki, you're so brave for your size! Well done!
  • Seeing you doing well makes me happy too, Tamaki. We're friends, after all!
  • Tamaki!
  • The way you fight is just so cool, Setsuna!
  • Setsuna, you're in the groove now! It's so wonderful to see!
  • Setsuna!
  • Shiki, you always have energy to spare!
  • You really are so strong, Shiki. I'd expect no less from the prince of this world!
  • Shiki!
  • Let the red rose of blood bloom forth!
  • I'm ready to fight!