
From Koei Tecmo Wiki

A list of quotes commonly spoken by Lianshi.


  • Now it's my turn to attack!
  • It is time to end this.
  • 'Healing rains, I beseech you!
  • I will slay any who threaten those under my care.
  • I'm in control of this area now.
  • The tides have changed in our favor. We can't let this opportunity go to waste.
  • The enemy is strong, so be careful out there.
  • We're being pushed back... Everyone, try to stay focused.
  • This might be the end... No, I can't die just yet.
  • Dedicated service is its own reward, but this is pretty nice too!
  • There's nothing else I can do at this point. We're pulling back.
  • Oh no... This must be the end...
  • We must make this attack a successful one. I believe in every one of you.
  • We have a duty to protect everyone. No one's allowed to run, understand?
  • I think that officer's in trouble. Let's see if I can be of any help.
  • Can you all defend this place? We can't let the enemy take it from us.
  • We're going to attack their main camp. Don't worry, we can get through this if we all work together.
  • It's not a good idea to attack them now. We should focus more on defending our main camp.
  • Oh no... The enemy turned out to be much stronger than I thought. What are we going to do?
  • Were you hiding there so you could scare us? You'll have to do better than that.
  • Goodness, I can't believe they hid themselves while waiting for us to arrive.
  • More enemies? I need to figure out how I'm going to protect everyone.
  • Oh my, I think I've gone out too far.
  • Why, there you are. I've been waiting for you...
  • Let's stop here for a moment. We need to figure out what we're going to do next.
  • Let's get going. The battle situation could change for the better if we capture that position.
  • We're responsible for protecting everyone. Let's get going, shall we?
  • Our allies seem to be on the move already. We'll go provide them with support.
  • Now this looks like a special area. We should protect it.
  • Everyone looks like they're getting tired... Let's go back to resupply.
  • Hey, where do you think you're going? Don't even think about trying to escape.
  • I hope we didn't scare them too badly... Now, attack them!
  • Don't think you can handle everything by yourself. Please, go back and fight with your unit.
  • Oh no... We'll be done for without reinforcements...
  • Is everyone okay? I'll fight to protect as many people as I can.
  • My... Look at what they've done... I won't let them get away with this.
  • We'll go capture that position. Everyone is coming with me, right?
  • Oh my, our friends are in trouble. We must help them.
  • Be very cautious as you go... You can never be too careful.
  • Let's regroup here. There's no point in being rash.
  • Everyone is working so hard. We must be sure to do our part.
  • We'll all attack at once. Victory depends on us.
  • You can't retreat, no matter how dire things may become. It's our duty to protect everyone.
  • Okay, just one final push. I'm confident we can do this.
  • Ideally, we want to change the tide of this battle. Let's do our best to help out.
  • We can't let them have all the glory. Let's get moving.
  • This is the moment of truth. Don't worry, we can do this.
  • Charging at the enemy blindly does not prove your strength. It's important to rely on others sometimes.
  • We must all work together. You should never be fighting alone.
  • I'm sure you all have that special someone you want to protect. We must win this battle to ensure they are safe.
  • This is good. Let's press them a bit more while we have the chance.
  • You should stop being stubborn and retreat...
  • I am here to protect those that I care about. I won't let anyone stand in my way.
  • Hehe... You sure are strong. Maybe I should try harder too.
  • You're here to help me? Thank you, I am grateful.
  • Such impressive might. I must try harder so I can protect you one day.
  • Are you injured? You know, it is quite a chore looking after you all the time.
  • Hehe... We worked together flawlessly on that one.
  • You are perhaps the most impressive warrior I've seen yet.
  • Would you be willing to come with me? I'm worried that you might do something reckless out there.
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms.
  • Okay.
  • As you wish.
  • Your strength gives me the courage to go on fighting.
  • You came for me? That sure was kind of you.
  • You're here fighting on your own? Then allow me to protect your rear flank while you go on.
  • Are you alright? Quickly, come over this way so I can help you out.
  • Haha... It looks like that turned out well.
  • That was a most exciting display of bravery. I am impressed.
  • Will you come along with me? I would like to stay by your side and offer my protection.
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms.
  • Understood.
  • Please leave it to me.
  • I am so proud of you, my lady. I hope you will continue to allow me to serve by your side.
  • Ahh, you came to help me in my time of need? You are such a kind soul, my lady.
  • Such impressive skill, my lady. However, please try not to overdo it out there.
  • My lady, are you alright? Please lead the enemy over here so I can protect you.
  • Hehe... I always know I can work well together with you, my lady.
  • Nobody stands a chance against you, my lady. And I mean nobody.
  • Let's get going. I hope you will allow me to watch you in battle, my lady.
  • My lady, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms.
  • Right away, my lady.
  • Please leave it to me, my lady.
  • We believe in you, my lord. Each and every one of us are happy to be watched over by you.
  • You came for me, my lord. It pleases me greatly to know you care.
  • My lord, your might in battle serves to embolden us all.
  • Are you hurt, my lord? Please do not try too hard out there.
  • That went very well. It was all thanks to you, my lord.
  • My lord, your might is like that of a tiger on the battlefield.
  • Would you be willing to accompany me? I would like to be by your side and protect you from harm.
  • My lord... You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms.
  • Yes, my lord.
  • I understand, my lord.
  • Hehe... Please take it easy on me, okay?
  • My my, you're out here all alone? Whatever are we going to do with you?
  • Do you know how much trouble you're causing us? Can I ask you to ease up a little at least?
  • Hehe... I caught up with you at last! Now, would you mind giving up so we can all go home?
  • I have people that I must look after. So I cannot afford to be defeated here.
  • You sure are strong... I know when I'm beaten.
  • It looks like I might have been in a little over my head...

Conquest Mode

  • I shall fight on behalf of all of those that I must protect...
  • Hehe... I'm here to help.
  • You are very important to me. I will protect you, no matter what.
  • No harm shall come to you under my watch, my lady.
  • Please do not try too hard out there. I must be the one to watch over you.
  • You fight on behalf of those that are important to you. I understand that completely.
  • I am here for you, Lord Sun Jian. For I wouldn't even be here at all if it wasn't for your kindness.
  • You and I are protecting the same person. How about we work together?
  • I'll handle your protection, my lord. For that is the best way I can repay the Sun family the debt I owe.
  • You mustn't try too hard out there. Take this to feel better.
  • I'm impressed. I think you might not even need my protection.
  • Would you be willing to assist me for a moment?
  • Thank you. That was very kind of you. I would've been in trouble if not for you.
  • I shall guard this spot with my life.
  • Hehe... Now's my chance.
  • I am here to test the extent of your strength.
  • So I have to face you too now? Okay, but don't expect me to take it easy on you.
  • How can I face the one I'm supposed to protect? Although a difficult choice, this is the path I have chosen.
  • My lord... I can no longer be by your side.
  • We both must protect those under our charge. Which means we have no choice but to face each other.
  • Even though I owe you, we are enemies now. I cannot show you any mercy.
  • I am sorry our paths led us down this route... For we are both charged with protecting the same person.
  • Even if it means betraying the ones who saved me; I shall defeat you, my lord.
  • I'm impressed. I should've known better than to think I could beat you, my lady.
  • I cannot bear to face you anymore, my lord.
  • I shall never forget the strength of your will and sheer determination.
  • As the patriarch of the Sun family, you truly do deserve the name of Tiger.
  • I admit defeat, Lord Zhou Tai. I hope you will use that strength to protect our common friend.
  • Most impressive! I expect nothing less from a member of the Sun family!
  • Aren't you the one people are talking about? You're even more wonderful than I imagined.
  • I am so happy to meet you. I had hoped to have a chance to talk to you.
  • I can see that you are truly talented. I've enjoyed watching you.
  • But... I do think that you may be pushing yourself too hard. I think I had better keep an eye on you.
  • You appear to be a little tired. If you would like, I will make you something to eat.
  • I am happy you accepted my invitation. I shall do my best to make something you like.
  • Oh? I had no idea you felt that way. Ah, how unfortunate.
  • You have always worked too hard. You don't know how much I worry about you.
  • Still... I wouldn't change you for the world. I shall be at your side forever.
  • I don't want my most important friend to be hurt. Please remember that.

  • You have always been somewhat reckless... It's been hard on me, constantly worrying about your well-being. However, I still love you anyway. So I hope you continue to allow me by your side.

  • Might I be of service?
  • It looks like victory is ours. What a relief...
  • Hmm... I suppose I should probably get out there and fight.
  • Looks like it's all over... What a relief...
  • That went surprisingly well.
  • Here, this is for you. I cannot use it effectively.
  • You truly are as good as everybody says.
  • Well, maybe you'll have better luck next time.
  • I had a good time at that recent battle. There were numerous enemy officers who played with me.
  • Recently, many people have invited me to battles. I wish they would invite me to banquets instead though...
  • I seem to have become somewhat rusty. I hope you will not get angry with me, even if I prove to be useless.
  • Let's have some fun. I think it will be a most enjoyable time.
  • I will slay any who threaten those under my care.
  • Dedicated service is its own reward, but this is pretty nice too!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms.
  • My lady, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms.
  • My lord... You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms.
  • There is no finer dancer than you, Okuni.
  • Your love is strong and pure, Lady Aya.
  • We're being pushed back... Everyone, try to stay focused.
  • Wait, I'm my own enemy? Now what do I do?
  • You're good.
  • You're really good.
  • You came for me?
  • You're here to help me?
  • You're my opponent?
  • You sure are strong.
  • I am so proud of you, my lady.
  • Princess... You came.
  • Your actions have inspired me, Lord Sun Quan.
  • Good to see you here, Lord Sun Quan.
  • I'm learning so much by watching you fight, Okuni.
  • I'm so glad you came, Okuni.
  • Seeing you fight is truly educational, Lady Aya.
  • It's good of you to come, Lady Aya.
  • Your strength gives me the courage to go on fighting.
  • You're really good. Maybe it's time I applied myself a little more.
  • You came for me? That sure was kind of you.
  • You're here to help me? Thank you, I am grateful.
  • You're my opponent? Hehe... Be gentle.
  • You sure are strong... I know when I'm beaten.
  • I am so proud of you, my lady. I hope you will continue to allow me to serve by your side.
  • Princess... You came. Your kindness fills me with gratitude.
  • Your actions have inspired me, Lord Sun Quan. It is truly an honor to be by your side.
  • Good to see you here, Lord Sun Quan. Your kindness is an inspiration to us all.
  • I'm learning so much by watching you fight, Okuni. It's amazing what you can do in battle even with household objects.
  • I'm so glad you came, Okuni. With your dance moves we should be able to waltz right out of here.
  • Seeing you fight is truly educational, Lady Aya. I too must learn how to be both strict and kind.
  • It's good of you to come, Lady Aya. Let us find a way out of here together.
  • What a brilliant show of skill. It's hard to look away.
  • I'm impressed. I think you might not even need my protection.
  • It makes my heart sing to have you protect me.
  • I'm so sorry. I never wanted to put you in danger... But, I am glad you came.
  • So I have to face you too now? Okay, but don't expect me to take it easy on you.
  • I guess it was inevitable I would lose to you. I hope our next meeting can be more civil...
  • No one can match you now, Princess. You should be proud.
  • It's dangerous here, Princess! If anything were to happen to you, I...
  • It is mesmerizing to see you fight, Lord Sun Quan. It is an honor to watch over you.
  • You seem... bigger somehow, Lord Sun Quan. I can't believe how much you've grown...
  • That was excellent, Okuni. Those men won't be able to take their eyes off you.
  • I'm relieved to see you here, Okuni. I know you can help us win this battle.
  • You're my idol, Lady Aya. Do you... think you could share your tough love with me too?
  • So you did come, Lady Aya. We are all grateful for your help.
  • Perhaps you'll be able to put up a decent fight.
  • I can see that you are quite strong. It appears I must approach this fight seriously.
  • This isn't good... How can I recover the advantage...?
  • It seems your skills have grown rusty, Princess.
  • Impressive, Princess. It appears you have been diligent in your training...
  • Defeat is not an option. Are you ready to face me, Princess?
  • Lord Sun Quan, you are the last person I wish to harm...
  • Though slight, there is hesitation in your blade. Thank you for your kindness, Lord Sun Quan...
  • Holding back will only make things more difficult for the both of us. Forgive me, Lord Sun Quan...
  • Could you teach me how to dance?
  • It's no good. I can't keep up with your movements.
  • I wish to improve so that I may one day dance with Lord Sun Quan. Won't you stay just a bit longer?
  • Please share your tough love with me.
  • Could there be love at the end of this ordeal...?
  • I think I'm beginning to understand. So that's what it means...
  • Oh, very well. I'll keep you company.
  • Okay, Princess... I promise to hold nothing back.
  • Lord Sun Quan... I suppose I am left with no other choice.
  • What on earth are you talking about?
  • Overflowing? I'm sure I don't know what you mean...
  • Hyper

    • The unparalleled form of a true hunter... A beautiful sight to behold.
    • No enemy, fiend or otherwise, stands a chance against you.
    • You've come to help me?
    • The fiends would stand no chance against such strength... But why do I also sense sadness within you?
    • You've come to help me? I could learn a lot from your strength and serenity.
    • You are more than just a hunter of fiends. You are a protector of people.
    • I knew you would come. There is compassion deep within your soul.
    • Show me the power with which you defeat fiends.
    • Both strength and beauty... So this is the power which lies within you.
    • For the sake of those dear to me, I cannot withdraw. I'm sure you understand this.
    • Compassion is strength... This I will prove to you.

  • Some things can only be protected by fighting.
  • I am so happy to be fighting alongside you, Lady Naotora.
  • Yes. Just please don't take any unnecessary risks.
  • It can be nice to gather your own ingredients, once in a while. It means you eat fresh things, and it's also a great workout. I can't wait to feed the results to everyone.
  • It was fun, searching for ingredients with everyone. I learned some new cooking methods, too, meaning I'll be able to make even more dishes in the future!
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