
From Koei Tecmo Wiki

A list of quotes commonly spoken by Leo.


Fire Emblem Warriors

  • In a contest of style, none can compare.
  • What possessed them to attempt to challenge me?
  • That was an uncommonly enjoyable bout.
  • A savage beating is the best way to introduce oneself to an enemy.
  • I'm winning, yes. But...am I winning in a manner befitting a Nohrian prince?
  • The enemy will rue the day they met me on the battlefield.
  • This can't be real... We swore we would return home together...
  • Sister, no! U-unbelievable... How could she be defeated like this?!
  • Xander...without you, Nohr is nothing... I can't do this alone!
  • Elise! How could they?!
  • Niles... I'm sorry! I owe my retainers better than this...
  • I admit, I'm impressed.
  • Your power is considerable.
  • Having you around is...reassuring, if I'm honest.
  • Nicely done. Don't think your prowess has escaped my notice.
  • Well, look at you. But for the record, between us, there's no contest.
  • Was that all for me, Niles? You make me proud to be your lord.
  • You're as fierce as they say. I hope to be just as strong someday soon.
  • You are a terror to behold, my sister. I couldn't take my eyes off the carnage...
  • Not bad, Elise. But you have a ways to go yet...
  • You're a marvel on the battlefield, Celica. It's a pleasure to watch you work.
  • I'm very glad you're on my side...
  • You never fail to surprise me.
  • That was nothing special. You'll see in our next battle.
  • I am in rare form today.
  • Would that I could fight so well in every battle...
  • That goes without saying, Prince Takumi. You try your best, of course.
  • There's no other way you could phrase that, is there? Thank you for the...praise.
  • If I did well, it was by your example. I hope my performance pleased you.
  • Please do. I strive ever upward when it comes to power in battle.
  • This is average, I'd say. Anyone who's clever can easily do at least as well.
  • Yes, I double-checked before setting out. ...But that has nothing to do with it!
  • Throwing out praise so casually only ends in embarrassment for everyone.
  • No need to proclaim my skill so. I'm aware of my prowess.
  • I'd be glad to assist, if you'll have me.
  • All that's required from us is our best, same as always.
  • If my best efforts are as good as yours, this battle is won already.
  • I'm here to lighten your load a bit.
  • You don't seem very hurt. That's...good, I suppose.
  • It's nice to fight alongside someone I can trust.
  • Should you ever find yourself in danger, don't hesitate to call for me.
  • You're just who I needed to finish this.
  • Never mind me... Shouldn't you be looking after your countrymen?
  • Whenever you're near, I have the strange feeling that the battle is already won.
  • Nothing lifts my spirits like knowing that you're beside me.
  • My overwhelming might is at your disposal.
  • For you, I'd do anything.
  • It would be an honor to fight at your side.
  • Ah, our reinforcements are here. Excellent.
  • I can fight on my own. It's just nice every now and then not to have to.
  • There's nothing like the sight of you to rally me when I'm flagging.
  • Any backup would be appreciated!
  • I'm on my way. We can't lose you, after all.
  • I was afraid of this... Hold on. I'll be there momentarily.
  • Hold fast! I don't want to lose you!
  • I am in your debt.
  • It was very decent of you to help me. Unexpected from a Hoshidan...
  • To win with your help feels like losing. ...But thank you all the same.
  • I can always rely on you when I'm in trouble, can't I?
  • You saved my life, Xander. As always, I'm in awe of your might.
  • You came to my aid... Thank you, Sister.
  • I'm sorry you had to see me in such a pathetic state, Elise.
  • Thank you, Corrin. I had no doubts that you would come for me.
  • Thank you. Yours is the face I hope to see in my darkest hours.
  • I must thank you. I hope you can forgive my inexperience.
  • Our plan would fall to pieces without you.
  • Whatever bad blood existed between us has no place in this world, I suppose.
  • It's odd to hear that from you, Prince Takumi, but not entirely unpleasant.
  • You are my finest retainer, Niles... Even without the flattery.
  • Are you feeling well? It's rare that I see you backed into a corner.
  • I'm not a boy any longer, you know. Though I am glad to prove my worth.
  • You aren't injured, I hope. Didn't I tell you not to do anything rash?
  • Be careful not to take such risks in the future, all right?
  • Don't put yourself in that sort of danger again without calling for me.
  • It's important to me that you survive.
  • The field is so cluttered with foes... Let us tidy it.
  • If you had plans to plead for your life, you may do so now.
  • I hope you take careful notice of how I shine here.
  • Between the two of us, we have little to fear.
  • We are as two hands grasping victory.
  • I draw strength from my royal blood.
  • I grow more fearsome each day.
  • I'm beginning to understand what drives someone like you.
  • If you're this hungry for defeat, I'll make sure you get your fill.
  • I suppose Nohr and Hoshido must ever be at war...
  • You are a true warrior, Prince Takumi... But you now face your betters.
  • Niles, this is one provocation too far. Stop this foolishness at once!
  • I know better than to hold anything in reserve against you, Xander.
  • This will be unpleasant for us both, Camilla--but for you especially.
  • Prepare yourself, Elise. One rash move could be the end of you.
  • As an ally, your sword is remarkable. As an enemy, I find it to be a nuisance.
  • I won't hand over victory so easily.
  • You live down to your reputation.
  • That was my mind-set as well. Why don't you surrender now?
  • A cruel request, but I'll oblige you. Stand and face me, Niles!
  • This is as good a chance as any to cut loose. Don't be mad if I beat you!
  • I don't want to fight, Camilla. But if that's what you're asking, I'll oblige you!
  • I'm not here to coddle you, Elise. You'll have to go all out if you hope to win.
  • Be warned, Navarre. Few swords in this or any world are a match for my magic.
  • You'll be a worthy opponent, Princess. I can hold ntohing back if I intend to win.
  • This has been a day well spent.
  • You? You are powerless before Nohr.
  • Challenge me anytime, Prince Takumi. I'll defeat you without fail.
  • I had to win. It wouldn't do to be seen defeated by my own retainer.
  • I...beat Xander? No... He must have been holding back.
  • A hard-fought battle, but I won. We can try again anytime you like.
  • It seems your best isn't yet good enough to take me on.
  • You're showing promise. But a style of pure offense won't work against me.
  • What is my next step?
  • If you pine for oblivion so, who am I to deny you? In fact, I’ll help you along!
  • Obviously...
  • You cannot escape. In this void, where moon and stars hold no dominion... The light can do nothing. Your fate is sealed.