
From Koei Tecmo Wiki

A list of quotes commonly spoken by Laegrinna.


Warriors All-Stars

  • Whoever I face, I just have to defeat them.
  • Hah, how pathetic.
  • The Devil's power is unmatched. Don't even try to resist it.
  • This isn't the end! No!
  • The world of darkness... is so far away...
  • This is the end of my fight...
  • Hehehe.
  • You move well.
  • Fighting like that, the enemy will simply destroy you.
  • Looks like I was toying with them too much. I guess I should thank you.
  • Judgment shall be delivered before long. After that, nothing but ruin awaits...
  • I will defeat you, one day.
  • You're ready to take on anything that comes at you!
  • Zhao Yun. Bearer of the dragon's soul. Your bravery brings darkness to your foes.
  • Zhao Yun.
  • Lu Bu. You have long surpassed the bounds of humanity.
  • Lu Bu. Demon on earth. Those who dare attack you get all they deserve.
  • Lu Bu.
  • Such beautiful movements. You fight well for a human, Wang Yuanji.
  • Wang Yuanji. Elegant princess who sees the truth in all things. I have enjoyed watching you in battle.
  • Yuanji.
  • That speed does not look human to me.
  • Zhou Cang. The fastest man in all the world. No one can hope to stop your mad dash.
  • Zhou Cang.
  • Your bold, strong soul... I want it.
  • Yukimura. The greatest soldier in Japan. Is that due to your strong, unwavering conviction?
  • Yukimura.
  • A gentle fan, dancing across the battlefield. How beautiful.
  • Mitsunari. Cool and collected tactical genius. Let your great strength realize your even greater ambitions.
  • Mitsunari.
  • All you do is apologize, and yet you are so strong! What a strange lady.
  • Naotora. Charming head of the Ii Clan. Such strength just makes me want to subdue you.
  • Naotora.
  • What a strong, pure soul. I would love to sacrifice it to my father.
  • Arima. Imperial Soldier who punishes evil. Continue to cut a path with your beautiful sword.
  • Arima.
  • So this is the power of evil from another world. The power of a demon.
  • Darius. Member of the creeping Demon Clan. Show me more of your strong and dangerous power.
  • Darius.
  • Your appearance belays a cold nature. Very interesting.
  • Nobunyaga. Feline who seeks to dominate the world. The souls offered up by you should be high quality indeed.
  • Nobunyaga.
  • A Slayer, destroyer of dark creatures. I need to be careful.
  • Ōka. Slayer who risks her life in battle. The souls who fight you simply scatter into sparks.
  • Ōka.
  • Your inhuman strength is quite the sight to see.
  • Horō. One who has come from beyond. There is nothing that your gun can't shoot down.
  • Horō.
  • I've started to want the soul inside you.
  • Tokitsugu. The soul of a hero in a Machina body. You are the one to defeat all foes.
  • Tokitsugu.
  • How can you fight like this, without weapons or magic?
  • Kasumi. Fated kunoichi. You have been forged by your harsh days of fighting.
  • Kasumi.
  • You fight beautifully, especially for one so small.
  • Marie. Small and beautiful rose. Even our enemies wish to give their souls to you.
  • Marie.
  • You have interesting skills, for a human.
  • Honoka. Girl possessed with strange powers. How can one who does not know the darkness fight so well?
  • Honoka.
  • You have a way with those traps, that's for sure.
  • Millennia. Innocent doll who knows no pain or evil. Nothing but ruin awaits your enemies.
  • Millennia.
  • Such a merciless sword. I like it.
  • Hayabusa. The lonely ninja. Controlling the Dragon Sword with such ease, are you really human?
  • Hayabusa.
  • You look fast enough to escape from any trap.
  • Ayane. Deadly kunoichi. Continue to lead the enemy into the darkness with such grace.
  • Ayane.
  • I sense something eldritch and beautiful from your techniques.
  • William. Samurai who hunts evil. Your free and bold soul appeals to even inhuman hearts.
  • William.
  • So this is an Alchemist. Such incredible power.
  • Sophie. One who makes others happy using alchemy. Your light is too bright for me.
  • Sophie.
  • The way you fight! Were you truly ever human?
  • Plachta. Ancient and almighty Alchemist. You will serve me one day.
  • Plachta.
  • How strong you are. Especially for a knight.
  • Arnice. Such a contradiction, for one who is unhuman. Why do I feel so close to you?
  • Arnice.
  • Impressive, Demon. I see why no human can match you.
  • Chris. Both angel and demon. Let your song of despair ring out louder.
  • Chris.
  • Goddess of Victory. I see why they call you this.
  • Rio. Goddess who calls victory. Your bravery is almost blinding.
  • Rio.
  • Those mirrors function almost like a trap.
  • Tamaki. Like gentle spring sunlight. Your strength is the light that will illuminate this world.
  • Tamaki.
  • That Sacred Weapon, like a sword of punishment.
  • Setsuna. The wind that blows without relent. Change this world with your violence.
  • Setsuna.
  • Your cold fighting style... I like it.
  • Shiki. The cold and chilling moon. Let your resolve change your sad fate.
  • Shiki.
  • Everything I do is to resurrect the Devil...
  • It is time to mete out some punishment.