
From Koei Tecmo Wiki

A list of quotes commonly spoken by Kyūbi.


  • I enjoy the despair that accompanies a battle.
  • A simple victory in battle is nothing to get excited about.
  • You should take this. I have no use for it myself.
  • I am quite pleased with what you have accomplished!
  • You talentless lout!
  • You wish for me to enjoy this party? Then you had better bring the wine!
  • My enemies fell in despair before me in the last battle. Hehe... Nothing could make me happier!
  • I love seeing war and conflict up close and personal. The next battle cannot come soon enough for my liking.
  • Next time, I will drown the battlefield in a sea of despair and misery!
  • This should definitely be a source of amusement.
  • That was an absurdly easy battle.
  • I proved to everybody the extent of my power!
  • The life of this enemy officer is barely even worth taking.
  • Haha! Witness the extent of the power I possess!
  • So you possess the might of a True Warrior... How interesting.
  • Da Ji, I see your might is without equal. How boring.
  • The might you wield in battle is most frightening.
  • Seimei, you are clearly in possession of magic most powerful.
  • Any battlefield you set foot on turns to utter chaos. Just the way I like it!
  • This cannot be... I refuse to believe I am being put on the defensive against you lot!
  • I think a fight against myself will be most entertaining!
  • You are a brilliant fighter.
  • Your efforts are worthy of praise.
  • Your timing could not be better.
  • Hurry over here and come to my aid already!
  • I refuse to allow you to block my path.
  • I cannot believe I have been defeated!
  • You have impressed me, Da Ji.
  • Thank you, Da Ji.
  • Nothing feels better than annihilating your foes.
  • Hah... I did not expect you to save me.
  • Show me even more, Seimei.
  • Why have you come here, Seimei?
  • Hundun, I suppose you do have your uses.
  • Hundun, hurry and defeat these enemies!
  • You are a brilliant fighter. I delight in the agony of those you have vanquished.
  • Your efforts are worthy of praise. I hope to see even more violence from you.
  • Your timing could not be better. I can see you were attracted by the sheer chaos.
  • Hurry over here and come to my aid already! Or are you trying to embarrass me?
  • I refuse to allow you to block my path. As my opponent, do not expect to receive any mercy.
  • I cannot believe I have been defeated! One day, I shall be sure to have my vengeance.
  • You have impressed me, Da Ji. However, I hope that there is still more destruction to come?
  • Thank you, Da Ji. Feel free to obliterate those enemies before you.
  • Nothing feels better than annihilating your foes. Please continue on your rampage.
  • Hah... I did not expect you to save me. To what do I owe this little surprise?
  • Show me even more, Seimei. I know your hatred of boredom will prove most entertaining.
  • Why have you come here, Seimei? Do not tell me that you are here to help.
  • Hundun, I suppose you do have your uses. I detest your appearance, but I will admit to your strength.
  • Hundun, hurry and defeat these enemies! It should be easy for you, no?
  • You seem to have the blessings of the God of War. It is only natural that I respect you.
  • I appreciate your efforts. You truly are simply adorable.
  • I was waiting for you. Now, let us immerse this land in the throes of battle.
  • Haha... Thank you. It was wise of you not to betray my expectations.
  • This is one battle that cannot be avoided. That is why I must defeat you.
  • Curse you for eternity! I will never forget this grudge I bear against you!
  • Da Ji, you seem to enjoy toying with people's emotions. I really respect that about you.
  • Da Ji, I knew you would come for me. Now, let us indulge in the screams of our enemies.
  • Nothing is better than corrupting another's ideals! I shall realize your wish some day.
  • I see you are unwilling to let me to die. If you wish for your own death, then so be it.
  • Impressive, Seimei. It is as if you have the strength of the fox within you.
  • Your sorcery is quite useful. Now use it to get me out of this predicament.
  • Hundun, I enjoy watching you fight. I am willing to let you stay by my side.
  • Haha... How fascinating. Hundun, I find you to be braver and braver by the day.
  • You are an absolute eyesore... I want you gone from my presence immediately.
  • You are getting on my nerves. It is time I put an end to you.
  • If you are not going to listen to me, then you can die.
  • Da Ji, it is rather amusing that you think you can defeat me.
  • Do you truly believe that your cunning is a match for me in battle?
  • This is unacceptable! It is time I put an end to you!
  • You may have already perished once, God of Destruction, but it is time for you to do so again.
  • What is wrong with you? Do you no longer yearn for your own destruction?
  • Urgh... Your actions seem to be at odds with your words. However, I will bring an end to you now!
  • Seimei, slaying you is guaranteed to make me feel better.
  • My hatred refuses to subside. Not until I defeat you, Seimei.
  • Why am I unable to defeat you?! Is it possible that I am inferior to you?!
  • Allow me to straighten out that slovenly appearance of yours.
  • I can see that your appearance is not just for show. How uncouth!
  • You are a complete mess! Enough! I shall rid myself of your annoying presence for good!
  • You do not even need to speak. This will be over shortly.
  • Fine. Let see which one of us is more cunning.
  • If you wish to perish so badly, then I will be happy to fulfill your desire.
  • Not even your sorcery can hope to contain my powers.
  • Who are you to presume to give me orders?

  • Let us enjoy the despair of battle.
  • Follow me, Guan Suo.
  • Going out and running around as I please was such fun. Who should I turn into next in order to best spread despair?
  • Enjoying feasting with everyone was such fun. But I needed more drink, and more screams. I wish to exist amid a true state of pandemonium.