Kiyomori Taira/Quotes

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A list of quotes commonly spoken by Kiyomori Taira.


  • The netherworld cannot contain me!
  • Ha ha ha!
  • Not worthy!
  • All must die!
  • Observe!
  • Feast your eyes!
  • Soon, you will all beg me for mercy.
  • I return.
  • Bow before me, mortals.
  • None can stop me.
  • I have found a truly worthy ally.
  • It is fortunate that I do not find you in the enemy ranks.
  • The enemy is like dust scattered to the winds.
  • Destroy as you see fit.
  • Maintain this momentum.
  • Even the mightiest must eventually fall.
  • I will see this world made a hell on earth after all.
  • Ha... I have no need of your help.
  • You are right to fear me.
  • You have promise, warrior. I will see it snuffed out next time.
  • Kill me if you must... I will return...
  • One thousand mortals are no match for you, my lord.
  • My apologies, my lord. The enemy is too feeble to satisfy you.
  • My lord, you grace me with your presence.
  • Bury them all. This world is naught but a dream anyway.
  • Your loyalty to our Serpent King is beyond doubt.
  • You are tardy, fox.
  • Neither the heavens nor the earth have an enemy to match you.
  • Does this amuse you, monkey?
  • I leave this situation to you.
  • You are this land's darkest nightmare.
  • You carve through the enemy like lightning through the sky.
  • Fūma... How did you get here?
  • My lord, this is where our alliance must end.
  • I remain unworthy...
  • I await you in the netherworld...
  • Surely you are aware of my strength.
  • I have not the energy to waste running after you.
  • An embarrassment to my kind...
  • Join me. You shall not regret it.
  • If you change your mind, I will be waiting.
  • Ended by my greatest rival... How fitting.
  • Come, God of War, show me how divine you really are.
  • Ha... He thinks he can exorcise me...
  • Sweet release...
  • It's going to take more than you to defeat me, little girl.
  • Perhaps you are the one who can match Lord Orochi's might...
  • For one of my immense strength to be felled by such a little girl...
  • Do you really think that I will fall to some lowly servant?
  • Benkei, your talents are wasted in your current station...
  • Yoshitsune... I see you possess men of ability...

  • In this life, nothing is permanent. Except for me, of course.
  • The path to enlightenment is uncertain, especially with me in the way!
  • No mercy... All shall be destroyed before my wrath!
  • What a most pathetic opponent that was...
  • My immortality was a gift from Lord Orochi. Which is why I must repay him in chaos!
  • I would like for you to have this. Treat it with the respect a gift from me deserves.
  • Surprisingly effective.
  • How could you fail? Truly pathetic.
  • I managed to defeat numerous enemy soldiers in the last battle. They are nothing when faced with my immortality!
  • This invincible vessel given to me by Lord Orochi... I must utilize it in battle or it will go to waste!
  • Lately, I have been called to many battles. It must be nice to have an invulnerable warrior like myself on your side.
  • Parties like these remind me of the sights and sounds of when I was alive... They never fail to bring a tear to my eye.
  • Bow before me, mortals.
  • The heavens tremble at my might!
  • Your might makes the very heavens tremble!
  • Such a feat is nothing for Lord Orochi! He requires no praise for this simple act.
  • So, she proves herself in battle. All that prospers will eventually fall... Enjoy it while you can, vixen.
  • Wukong! Your deeds in combat are peerless!
  • Yoshitsune, you have proven yourself in battle again. My assessment of your potential was accurate.
  • Must I return to those depths again...?
  • I can imagine nothing more tiresome than facing my own might.
  • Impressive!
  • That's the way!
  • Hahaha, my thanks!
  • You've kept me waiting!
  • Allow me to face you in battle.
  • I presume you wish to continue living. I shall retreat.
  • You are invincible, Lord Orochi!
  • To be saved by you, my Lord Orochi...
  • Da Ji, do not curtail your rampage!
  • Da Ji, drawn by the smell of blood.
  • Perfect, Wukong!
  • I have been waiting for you, Wukong.
  • I would expect no less from you.
  • You saving me is only possible in this place.
  • Most impressive! Before you our foes are no more than dust and twigs!
  • I'm glad you are with us! You make me enjoy myself more, too!
  • Hahaha, my thanks for your assistance! Now, let's give these dogs a little something to see them off!
  • I've been waiting for you! Now smash and pummel as you please!
  • It shall be my pleasure to face you in battle. Take this as a mark of a warrior's respect.
  • Allow me to retreat, out of respect to your continued health. We shall resume this at a later date.
  • You are invincible, Lord Orochi! Show me the warrior who can hope to oppose you!
  • To be saved by you, my Lord Orochi... I can hardly express my gratitude.
  • Da Ji, that vixen, is on a rampage! Those poison fangs are all very well, so long as they are on our side.
  • Da Ji, has the smell of blood attracted you? Then please, turn all you see into a living hell.
  • I would expect no less, Wukong. None can stand beside you.
  • You have kept me waiting, Wukong. I require you by my side for a path as treacherous as this.
  • I would expect no less from a Minamoto. I am blessed to have joined forces with you.
  • A young warrior of the Minamoto saving a leader of the Taira... What would those back in our world make of this?
  • Such power, such might! You have proven yourself worthy of my support.
  • Such an excellent minion you make! Overwhelm all who oppose us!
  • I thought that you would come. The bond between us is eternal.
  • Ah, there you are. I shall leave these insects to you.
  • Do not expect any mercy from me.
  • I shall win next time, brave warrior. Don't get yourself killed until then!
  • Your skill in battle is unrivaled, Lord Orochi! I pledge my allegiance to you anew!
  • My Lord Orochi, I have been patiently awaiting you. I have found a strong warrior you might enjoy fighting.
  • Impressive, Da Ji. Dust before the wind, the enemy before you.
  • Da Ji, are you perhaps worried about me? This may make me a believer in miracles.
  • Most impressive, Wukong. With your funny monkey face, who could ever hate you?
  • So you have come, Wukong. I know I can trust you with my back.
  • An unrivaled eye for strategy and the skills to support it in battle. I could only hope for a successor like you.
  • Good of you to come, upstart. Now prove your skills to me again.
  • You wish to challenge me? This should be amusing.
  • Hmm, I feel something. A mild irritation, a tickle perhaps.
  • I'm not ready to return to the underworld yet. Feel the wrath of my forbidden power!
  • I am here for your head, Lord Orochi.
  • Even my invincible body is struggling to keep up. The name "Orochi the Destroyer" suits you well...!
  • My body contains secrets that even you do not know, Lord Orochi. Now, I will show you what they are!
  • Hmph... Go away, Da Ji. You're not needed here!
  • Such poor technique... You have no chance against this mighty body gifted to me by Lord Orochi.
  • Your attacks are beginning to annoy me. Time to end this!
  • Well well, Wukong. It's been too long since we last played.
  • Well done. My muscles can no longer keep up. But you have far to go before you can snap my bones.
  • Your blows have helped loosen up my muscles. Now, I shall repay you by using them to destroy you.
  • You will obey me, boy, whether you like it or not.
  • Your agility and precision only make me want your power more, boy.
  • I didn't want to hurt you, but it seems I may no longer have a choice...
  • Now, I shall crush you...
  • Are you quite sure, Lord Orochi?
  • You'd best not underestimate me, Wukong!
  • I wish nothing more than to challenge your true form, Lord Orochi!

  • All worldly things are transitory. The only permanent thing, is me!
  • I need your help. Come, Motonari!
  • Ah, that was most worthwhile meditation. Many new strategies have taken root in my brain.
  • Training to hone each other actually isn't bad. The passion, and the singlemindedness of it. It reminded me of the glorious gatherings of warriors from long ago.
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