Johnny Ridden/Quotes

From Koei Tecmo Wiki

A list of quotes commonly spoken by Johnny Ridden.


  • I'm Johnny Ridden, the Crimson Lightning! Remember that name when we meet in hell!
  • I'll be adding to my score today.
  • You wanna play?
  • Move, damn you!
  • My turn for some action? All right, here goes!
  • You took down your prey... Seems congratulations are in order.
  • I guess I'll have to hand over my title as ace...
  • Damn it! They got a lucky hit. I guess it's not my day.
  • I appreciate the support! Now I can get back on track!
  • Thanks for coming all this way!
  • You came to bail me out? Sorry for being a pain in the ass.
  • It's not my forte, but I'm moving to defense!
  • Let's do this! I got your back!
  • I'll have to go this alone... But I've got it under control.
  • We make an invincible team, my friend. I knew you'd make a name for yourself.
  • You should be honored. you get a spot on my kill tally!
  • You want a piece of me? Well, it'll cost you!
  • You really think you can take me on? Well, there's no turning back now!
  • When you're around, the battle gets boring. Not that that's a bad thing, I guess.
  • We can't let our ace die! All units, give it your all!
  • Greetings and salutations, my honored opponents. Oh yes and sayonara!
  • It's not my forte, but I'm moving to defense!
  • Pretty flashy. You must be sure of yourself. Ready for me!?
  • A sad fate... But that's how things are in war.
  • Getting your hopes up is a hard lesson. Especially on the battlefield.
  • So you're my target...? Don't hold it against me!
  • I guess talented types like you and me have no choice but to become enemies, huh?
  • There are some enemies that deserve no mercy... like you!

  • Already on it, Nightmare of Solomon! Crimson Lightning engaging!
  • Thanks for coming all this way!
  • Who cares what you think!? I'm the ultimate Red, anyway!
  • Our point is under fire! Go back them up!
  • Don't push yourself too hard. If we ever lost you, that'd be the end of us.
  • Isn't there anyone here who can put up a real fight?!
  • Check it out! This is the real Red, comin' through!
  • Unfortunately for you, I'm here! Here I go!
  • You okay, everyone? Don't worry, everything's fine now that I'm here.
  • No amount of weaklings can ever best the Crimson Lightning!
  • What I do, I do for the honor of the Chimaira Corps...
  • Johnny Ridden takes this field!
  • Man, I hate fighting with all the odds against us...
  • You want a piece of me? Well, it'll cost you!
  • Don't worry, I won't let you down.
  • The Red Comet's reputation is well deserved. But there's only room for one Red at the top.
  • You took down your prey... Seems congratulations are in order.
  • Don't push yourself too hard. If we ever lost you, that'd be the end of us.
  • They got our allies? Looks like I'll have to take this seriously.
  • Damn! I messed up... Disengaging!
  • ジオンの勝利のため! (Jion no shouri no tame!, For the victory of Zeon)
  • 勇ましいね! 援護する! (Isamashii ne~, Engo suru!, How brave!, I'll back you up~!)"
  • Whoa, whoa... Hang in there, okay? You'll never become a top ace like this!