
From Koei Tecmo Wiki

A list of quotes commonly spoken by Jimbei.


  • This is where I choose to die!
  • An impressive foe... We must not waver here!
  • I fight for the sake of justice!
  • Here goes! I'll never lose!
  • This place is mine now! That ought to make things easier.
  • I did it! Let's keep going, everyone!
  • Ngh... A strong foe. But I can't afford to lose!
  • This is our territory! We'll never let you have it!
  • How d'ya like my fishman karate?!
  • There're some strong guys here. Brace yourself, guys!
  • I don't care who you are; I will never lose!
  • And you call yourself a Warlord?!
  • Victory is ours!

  • A record of the Straw Hat Pirates' adventure!
  • Choose whatever adventure you want!
  • I don't know what'll happen! Prepare yourself!
  • Why not search for a crew to help you?
  • Being unprepared will be the death of you.
  • Those who create memories are the ones who grow!
  • Maybe you'll find the treasure you're looking for?
  • I fight for justice!
  • Now is the time to endure! We must defend!
  • Let's go! there is still time! Chase them!
  • Prepare yourselves! This battle will decide everything!
  • Allow me to be your strength! One of the Seven Warlords of the Sea shall surely be helpful.
  • Talk is cheap... However, I also know no regret!
  • I shall fight alongside you. Let's go.
  • Hm... My first battle is with a weakling!
  • I will acknowledge your spirit, but you are no match for me.
  • Worry not, I am here!
  • See? I won't retreat until justice prevails!
  • There are some tough ones in here. Everyone be on your guard!
  • I have return that which I borrowed in prison!
  • In the eyes of the Government, I'm the pirate who hates pirates.
  • I don't care if I'm up against the Marines even. I'm not one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea anymore.
  • Although we both admire him, I am stronger.
  • What ability you have. No wonder you are in Luffy's crew.
  • Moria, I think you're too dependent on the power of others.
  • Just stay quiet, Luffy!
  • He may be one of my old mates, but I can't condone his wild behavior...!
  • I know not how you obtained your power, but do not think you can defeat me!
  • Are you satisfied? Must you fight? Though it's not like you to stop...
  • I never thought that I would defeat you, however...
  • This plane is mine! Things should get better now...
  • This is our land! We won't give it up to anyone!
  • We were allowed to stop them. This is the island of the "First Son of the Sea"!
  • Did you see? I am unparalleled across land and sea!
  • I shall not stop as long as justice resides within me!
  • Controlling water is the essence of Fishman Karate! No one can match it!
  • Aren't you strong. That power should be used for justice.
  • Well, well. I'll be going too!
  • For now we endure! All we can do is endure and fight on...!
  • Well done! I'd expect no less from you.
  • One of Luffy's crew, huh? Looks like I'll be able to rely on you.
  • Be careful, Hachi! You're strong, but something's missing.
  • I will defend this place for justice!
  • Look at you... You're almost on par with the seven Warlords of the Sea...!
  • What! Were you hiding that strength? No wonder you are one of Luffy's crew!
  • There is no time to grieve...!
  • I'll show you my true ability!
  • We're not running away yet! I will protect this even if it costs me my life!
  • I despise pirates. Ready yourself and come forth!
  • We once fought together, but.... It can't be helped if you want to fight!
  • I don't know what you're planning, but I'll beat you with my own two hands.
  • So you are my opponent. Pops...! How far can my power go...!
  • Marine or no, I will defeat you if you get in my way!
  • In the end, you are young. I will be your opponent. Come!
  • I will take responsibility for Arlong's actions. So, remove yourself from here.
  • I am no longer one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. I need not hold back...!
  • Luffy's crew, eh... Please allow me to pass...
  • You and I are not compatible.
  • Ugh... I must ready myself again.
  • Defeat... I must retreat for now.
  • Everyone, my apologies...! I was defeated!
  • I should have neen able to... but I failed!
  • Justice has prevailed... Hopefully this can end the battle.
  • Did we get away? Such carelessness is unforgivable...
  • They're gone! No one's taking anything while I'm here!
  • Victory is ours!
  • That went well. Let's celebrate our victory!
  • That's enough. Well done, everyone!
  • And now the problem is solved!