Hua Xiong/Quotes

From Koei Tecmo Wiki

A list of quotes commonly spoken by Hua Xiong.


Dynasty Warriors 9

  • Surely, you didn't think you stood a chance against me?
  • Why yes, I am a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Hey, they're more of a challenge than I thought...
  • Well, that was fun.
  • Damn it! Enough of this!
  • Whaaat?! An ambush?! I say come out and fight me directly!
  • What was that supposed to be? That clearly lacked any kind of planning.
  • I'll let them win... for now.
  • So this is the end... It's not so bad...
  • We're now in control of this territory.
  • Let's go! We'll crush their position!
  • There's nowhere else to run. We have to defend this position at all costs!
  • I will put an end to that enemy!
  • The enemy lurks over there as well? Good! I'll destroy them as well!
  • Forward! Show the enemy no mercy!
  • No point in rushing. Let's stop here for a moment.
  • Alright, the time to strike has come!
  • I don't really like defending, but I'll do what needs to be done!
  • What? Everyone's getting tired? Fine, we'll withdraw once.
  • Ahh, another successful mission.
  • Defeat me and this place is yours. Except we both know that's not happening!
  • You wish to pass through here? Well then, you'll have to defeat me first!
  • This shall settle things!
  • Whoa, the enemy's stronger than I thought. Perhaps they'll be able to entertain me!
  • Forward! Hold nothing back and crush the enemy!
  • Come then, face me if you dare! I shall defeat every last enemy!
  • Fear not, Hua Xiong has joined the fray! Now, which insect to squash first...
  • This is quite the pinch, even for me... I should be glad if someone were to help.
  • I believe you are now a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Truly impressive! I won't have any enemies left to defeat!
  • You saved me... I cannot thank you enough.
  • You're a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Wow, now that was some terrific fighting!
  • You're here to help me? I'm grateful!
  • Lu Bu, I knew you were a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Well done, Lu Bu! I will try not to fall behind!
  • Hahaha! I didn't expect you to come save me, Lu Bu! Now I owe you one.
  • I shall bring your end. Prepare to die!
  • You come alone? Ha! You underestimate your enemy!
  • Found you! I'm going to beat you to a pulp!
  • Alright, stop it already! I can't bear this any longer!
  • So I am to suffer an unsightly death...
  • I have a problem I can't deal with alone. Would you please lend me a hand?
  • I wish to borrow some of your strength. What do you say? Can I count on you?
  • Thank you! I'll be expecting results.
  • You get it, I'm glad. Just let me know when you've finished.
  • Gah, too good for me are you? Well, no matter, no matter.
  • You're turning down my. request? Fine. Let me know if you change your mind.
  • Ah, good timing! Will you lend me a hand?
  • Sorry! Will you help me out?
  • Oh, well done! I hope you will accept this.
  • Sorry for the trouble. Maybe this will make up for it.
  • Who's the boss? Who holds the power? That's all everyone ever talks about! Strength, victory, that's all that matters!
  • I normally hate just sitting around. But, for some reason, I don't get bored here. Having a good friend is fun, I guess.
  • It's become more than just not feeling bored. I actually look forward to coming here! I never expected to spend time like this.
  • Sorry, I'm not much of a conversationalist. I don't mind long silences, but very well. If you're bored, I'll make a bigger effort.
  • I normally make friends by fighting people. With you, though, it's all about talking. A new experience for me, but not a bad one.
  • I've found myself looking for things to talk with you about. I want to keep you happy. What? That doesn't sound like me?
  • You're finally back! Ah, no, I don't have any anything specific I need. I was just nearby and so I came to see you.
  • Hey, I let myself in. I suddenly found myself with some time on my hands, so I came to spend it here.
  • Hey, how long have you been keeping me waiting? Sorry, I let myself in, you were taking so long. Just glad you're back.
  • Hey, you took a while to get home! I was starting to get worried. Just glad to see you back safe and sound.
  • I know, you can have this. It's all too much for me. I hope you can use it.
  • Hey, do you want this? It's not doing me any good. I hope you can use it for something.
  • I've got something really great for you today. You can use this, right? We're friends now! No need to hold back.
  • You've been wanting this, right? I mean, I just happened to pick it up. If you can use it, please go ahead.
  • Can we spar a little today? Fighting for your life in battle is one thing, but it can also be nice to just test your skills.
  • I'm impressed with everything you've been doing recently. Step forward, then, and let me test your strength!
  • Heh, there are some nice weapons here. I think I'll try them all and see how they feel.
  • What's with these guys who spend so long thinking about every purchase? If you want something, you buy it!
  • What's with all these people? Is there a fight somewhere that I'm missing out on?
  • Gah, that aroma is just unfair! Very well, I'll eat here today.
  • I was hoping to find a fight here, but I can't find a single thug!
  • Such a beautiful place doesn't really suit me. I'm getting out of here.
  • Just wandering the streets can be fun. That said, I really need a fight about now.
  • I can get all the fights I want at the moment, thanks to the Yellow Turbans. I love it! Fighting is the most fun you can have, right?
  • I thought Master Dong Zhuo taking power would reduce my chances to fight, but I was wrong! There's still lots of fun to be had!
  • Ah, hello there.
  • Hey.
  • I can't understand people who are scared of fighting. There's nothing better than just going wild in battle!
  • Everyone, here, there, all looking so damned happy! Bah! I'm bored out my mind without a battle to fight.
  • Come on, when's the next battle? I'm ready to go! Ready to tear things up!
  • Geh, I can't stand the rain. I guess I'm finished for today.