Horror SENSE ~Daruma-san ga Koronda~

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Horror SENSE ~Daruma-san ga Koronda~ (ホラーSENSE ~だるまさんがころんだ~) is a horror-adventure originally made for the Sparkling Blue VR SENSE. The game was added to the PlayStation VR library on 2019.


Urban legends speak of a crazed female teacher who murdered two schoolchildren for playing the eponymous Japanese game after losing her own child from an accident. Overcome with grief and insanity by the act, she then proceeded to take her own life on the spot. The elementary school closed down afterwards and had been in a state of disrepair ever since.

Decades later, a strange video recording was released on the internet depicting a normal couple trying to brave through the abandoned school building only to eerily disappear afterwards. Five graduate students (including the player) decided to investigate out of curiosity only to find themselves trapped by an unseen malicious force.


The objective is to find torn notes that will unveil the truth behind the focal specter of their story in order to unlock the best ending. If the player encounters the specter of their chosen narrative, they may be given a timed-sequence to play Daruma-san ga Koronda; if they move when the specter is looking, they will be pushed back; moving too slow results in an instant game over.

The game has two difficulty settings, with a third one added exclusively for the PlayStation 4 port.

  • First Play (Girl Mode) - Offers the least amount of difficulty. Recommended for beginners.
  • Continuous Play (Boy Mode) - Unlocked by clearing the first mode, it provides a more brisk horror experience. Has two different endings.
  • Repetitive Play (Lunatic Mode) - Unlocked by clearing the second mode, this setting has more frightening challenges and rules for seasoned players.


Icon Name Unlock Method Type
HRS Trophy 1.png Dancing with Ecstasy Clear Lunatic Mode without retrying even once. Gold
HRS Trophy 2.png Dancing with Joy Clear Lunatic Mode. Silver
HRS Trophy 3.png Respite View the best ending of Boy Mode. Silver
HRS Trophy 4.png Dancing with Bliss Clear Lunatic Mode without picking up any diary notes. Silver
HRS Trophy 5.png The First Step Take the first step during Daruma-san ga Koronda. Bronze
HRS Trophy 6.png Fearful Punishment Get caught by a demon. Bronze
HRS Trophy 7.png The Next Demon is... Clear Girl Mode. Bronze
HRS Trophy 8.png Fallen Daruma Clear Girl Mode without being hit once. Bronze
HRS Trophy 9.png Unending Tragedy View the bad ending of Boy Mode. Bronze
HRS Trophy 4.png A Teacher's Diary Find a diary note for the first time in Girl Mode. Bronze
HRS Trophy 11.png A Single Clue Find a diary note for the first time in Boy Mode. Bronze
HRS Trophy 12.png Reason Behind the Tragedy Find all diary notes in Girl Mode. Bronze
HRS Trophy 13.png Overjoyed Clear the girl's stage in Lunatic Mode for the first time. Bronze


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