Guo Jia/Quotes

From Koei Tecmo Wiki

A list of quotes commonly spoken by Guo Jia.


Conquest Mode

  • I always look forward to a battle where I can enjoy myself.
  • I suppose I will participate in this fight. I cannot ignore such a generous invitation.
  • I am pleased that you have requested my assistance. I was just thinking how much I wished to fight by your side.
  • It will be my pleasure to accompany you, Lord Cao Cao. I was hoping it would be to a banquet, however...
  • I see we are on the same side this time. I shall assist you, Lord Liu Bei. For now, at least.
  • I shall agree to help you, Lord Zhang Fei. What do you say we have some drinks when we are finished?
  • I used to work for you once, my lord. And for you to request my aid now... You are truly a forgiving soul.
  • you look like you have seen better days. Here, take this to help you feel better.
  • Haha... You really are something. I do not think I have ever enjoyed myself this much with someone.
  • Hello. If it is okay with you, would you mind offering me some assistance?
  • Thank you. To show my gratitude, how about tonight, we go out and... Ah, i guess now is not the best time for that...
  • You say you would like to pass through here? In that case, you will need to force your way past me.
  • Okay, let's give these enemies the surprise of their lives, shall we?
  • I wish to know the extent of your strength. Would you be willing to demonstrate it for me?
  • So, we must oppose one another in this battle... It is strange. i find myself more excited about this encounter than sad...
  • Ahh, Lord Cao Cao. What a coincidence to see you here... How about we have a little test of skills?
  • Hmm hmm hmm hmm. I look forward to this battle. Although I would rather our quarrel be shared over a bottle of wine.
  • We meet again after all this time and now e must be enemies? Oh well. I look forward to once again testing your abilities.
  • Impressive as always, my lord. Although if we were fighting over the affections of a woman, I would emerge the victor.
  • I did not think I could best you in a test of strength. But in a battle of wits, I would win for sure.
  • i will admit that I did not think you to be such a formidable opponent... I find that being wrong is strangely entertaining.
  • Ahh, so you are the person I have been hearing about. You clearly have your reputation. You have piercing eyes that are not so easily forgotten. I look forward to seeing you again someday.
  • I never grow tired of watching you in battle. Even I have trouble predicting what your next move will be. If we have the chance, I would like to fight by your side one day. I am sure that we would both find it amusing.
  • We are having some lovely weather today. What do you say we go do something?
  • Great minds think alike. I had a feeling you would know what I was planning.
  • Hahaha... You sure are a serious one, aren't you? You should try lightening up once in a while.
  • I always thought it was important to live in the moment. However, since I have met you, that has all changed.
  • I am willing to give my life in order to help you fulfill your ambition. It shall be my legacy.
  • i promise to love with every fiber of my being. Every last minute I have left in this world shall be devoted to you...

  • Before, I was always content just to enjoy myself at all times. However, that's changed now that I met you. I would give everything I am in order to love you. For at least as long as I have left in this world.

  • Hahaha! Victory is sweet!
  • I am a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms.
  • Things are looking pretty grim... Although I don't want to imagine it ending here.
  • Ah, I look forward to tonight's celebratory feast.
  • Sometimes things don't go the way you expected...
  • This is the absolute worst time for them to surprise us... It will be difficult to calm the men down now.
  • What a quaint little strategy... I don't think I could fall for this plot if I tried.
  • I suppose that's enough for now. I need to look good while I make my retreat.
  • It looks like my time is up...
  • I guess this place belongs to me now.
  • Let's show the enemy that we are just as ruthless as they are.
  • If we don't defend this location, then we have no chance at victory. Is everybody ready?
  • It looks like somebody's having a little too much fun at our expense. Let's go and pay them a visit.
  • It looks like somebody's having fun without us. We must hurry before it's all over.
  • It's about time we got moving. I think securing that area will prove beneficial to our cause.
  • Most impressive. You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms.
  • You have managed to achieve most impressive results. I hope I have a chance to show what I can do as well.
  • Please forgive me for imposing on you like this. I greatly appreciate your assistance.
  • That's the spirit! You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms.
  • Ahh, that was an impressive effort. I enjoy just watching you out there.
  • You have saved me. After this is finished, I shall be sure to thank you properly.
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Truly great fighting, my lord. I can only dream of obtaining such results.
  • My lord, I am indebted to you. Allow me to repay you at the usual place.
  • I am Guo Jia. I should like to face you in battle.
  • You are either reckless or overly confident in your abilities. Either way, you shall regret coming here alone.
  • I had fun, but it's about time for me to withdraw.
  • It seems some things do not always go as planned...
  • Time to finish things up!
  • I hope you enjoy this!
  • See how you like this... I must be serious!
  • You must be longing to die!
  • I better give it my all!
  • Okay... You want more?
  • Had enough?
  • You almost had me!
  • Interesting!

  • Let's have some fun.
  • Tonight, we raise our glasses in victory!
  • It is my aim to make this battle interesting.
  • That was somewhat enjoyable.
  • The results we achieved were simply amazing.
  • Would you please take this? Consider it a token of our friendship.
  • That was very well done.
  • It looks like I overestimated you.
  • Defeating officers and quickly gaining victory... The previous battle went just as I planned it would.
  • Lately, nobody has desired my services... Why don't things go as I would like them to...?
  • I am pleased to have so many requests to join the battle. I hope to enjoy myself in the next battle as well.
  • This feast is filled with fine food and drink. I plan on sticking around and enjoying myself.
  • Victory is sweet!
  • I am a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms.
  • That's the spirit! You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms.
  • Master Cao Cao, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms.
  • Your skill and beauty are spellbinding... You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms.
  • Such a beautifully masculine fighting style... You are an Unrivaled Warrior!
  • Master Guo Huai, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms. But please, don't strain yourself.
  • The enemy appears to be quite strong. I suppose I might actually have to try for a change.
  • Is that me? ...This should be fun.
  • Splendid results!
  • Most impressive, I must say.
  • Your support is deeply appreciated.
  • You have saved me.
  • Now then, shall we begin?
  • It appears I must take my leave.
  • That was wonderful, Master Cao Cao.
  • I am most grateful for your support, Master Cao Cao.
  • Your strength is surpassed only by your beauty, Lady Xingcai.
  • Thank you, Lady Xingcai.
  • My lady, you are even more beautiful than I could have dreamed.
  • I'm always happy to see a beautiful woman.
  • It seems you are doing well, Master Guo Huai.
  • It's good to see you here, Master Guo Huai.
  • These spoils are most splendid. It makes me wish I had a place on the battlefield myself.
  • Most impressive, I must say. I could stand to learn a thing or two from you.
  • Your support is deeply appreciated. Your kindness is truly exemplary.
  • You have saved me. After this is finished, I shall be sure to thank you properly.
  • Now then, shall we begin? I think this will be fun.
  • Though I hate to see our fun times come to an end, it appears I must take my leave.
  • That was wonderful, Master Cao Cao. I wish I could fight as joyfully as you do.
  • I am most grateful for your support, Master Cao Cao. I shall think long and hard about how to repay this kindness.
  • Your strength is surpassed only by your beauty, Lady Xingcai. I am truly glad to have made your acquaintance.
  • Thank you, Lady Xingcai. It is rare to see such kindness in one so beautiful.
  • My lady, you are even more beautiful than I dreamed. You must forgive me if I am unable to break my gaze from your features.
  • I'm always happy to see a beautiful woman. Even more so at a time like this.
  • It seems you are doing well, Master Guo Huai. If I didn't know you were sick I would never have believed it.
  • It's good to see you here, Master Guo Huai. But do take a moment to catch your breath.
  • You look like you always have so much fun when you are fighting. I suppose I should try and be more serious as well.
  • Haha... You really are something. I do not think I have ever enjoyed myself this much with anyone.
  • I am most reassured to have you here. Though I would be even more reassured if you were to come closer.
  • I knew that you would come. I will have to... reward you for this later.
  • So, we must oppose one another in this battle... It is strange. I find myself more excited about this encounter than sad...
  • There is no one I enjoy dueling more than you. I only wish that we may meet again one day.
  • With your power, Master Cao Cao, victory is all but assured. I can taste the wine at the banquet now.
  • Your consideration is most appreciated, Master Cao Cao.
  • Once we are done I shall take you to a great little place I know to thank you.
  • Your beauty knows no bounds, Lady Xingcai. Would you spend some time with me? No need to tell your father, of course.
  • I am truly glad to see you, Lady Xingcai. We must dine together later, so I can thank you.
  • Strong and beautiful... My perfect woman. You may be Tadakatsu's daughter, but I think I shall have to court you anyway.
  • I'm glad to see you here... But unfortunately, the battlefield is no place for romance.
  • Your way of life is an inspiration, Master Guo Huai. I too must treasure this life I possess.
  • Thank goodness it's you, Master Guo Huai. I would hate to let anyone else see me like this.
  • Would you do me the honor of being my opponent?
  • How nice... I think I shall enjoy this.
  • Alas, the fun never seems to last long enough... It appears that we are nearing the end.
  • I never thought I would face you in battle, Master Cao Cao...
  • What a surprise to see you here, Master Cao Cao. It's things like this that make life worth living.
  • It appears I'm out of options. Too bad. I would have liked to enjoy myself for a little longer...
  • Your beauty is exquisite.
  • You attack without a single hint of mercy. I love it.
  • It's been fun, Xingcai, but I'm afraid we're out of time.
  • Mm, such grace and beauty.
  • Your form is straight and pure. A lovely sight to behold.
  • I wish I could stay and enjoy myself... But this body of mine simply won't cooperate.
  • I must confess, Master Guo Huai, I do not wish to fight you.
  • We never know which of these days will be our last. That's why we should enjoy them all as if they were.
  • Let's have some fun, Master Guo Huai.
  • I gratefully accept your invitation.
  • It's not every day you get a chance like this. I think I shall enjoy myself.
  • Haha, I never thought I would hear that from you.
  • That sounds to me like a lot of fun.

  • Our victory is assured!
  • Glorious combat, followed by the sweet wine of victory...
  • Yes, and then we will drink a toast to our success!
  • It's nice to go out into the town alone, sometimes. I had a fun, fulfilling time.
  • Training alongside everyone else was really great. Having someone to compare and compete against helped me grow so much, both in sparring during the day and drinking at night!
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