
From Koei Tecmo Wiki

A list of quotes commonly spoken by Frederick.


Fire Emblem Warriors

  • Any who attack the Ylissean royal family are my enemy.
  • Did you underestimate me?
  • You weren't a challenge.
  • Like clearing away a pebble.
  • I can always do better, for Chrom, and for Lissa.
  • Clearing enemies from the battlefield is a lot like clearing pebbles from the path.
  • I have merely tried to represent the knights of Ylisse to the best of my ability.
  • Chrom? Where are you going? I can't just stay here if you're leaving!
  • I've failed you, Lissa. I'll regret it my entire life.
  • I just witnessed greatness.
  • I expected nothing less, milord. I hope I am still worthy to serve you.
  • Lissa, I could not be prouder of your progress. You inspire me!
  • Outstanding tactics, Robin! I wish I could think as quickly on my feet as you.
  • That was a skillful advance, Cordelia. You have no equal on the battlefield.
  • Enemies tremble at your approach, Tiki! Well done.
  • Well done, Lady Celica. Your wisdom may be our greatest asset.
  • You've shown once again how critical you are to our efforts. Please be careful!
  • You flatter me...but I humbly accept your compliment.
  • But...milord! There are always more enemies and pebbles to clear away!
  • Thank you, Princess Lissa. I will continue to fight for Ylissean honor.
  • What does one have to do with the other, Robin?! Leave bear meat out of this!
  • What's your secret, Cordelia? Is it milk? You've been drinking a lot of milk.
  • Thank you, Tiki. I treasure a compliment like this from you.
  • I've just been doing everything I can to keep our people safe. Thank you.
  • Hard work is easy when you're here by my side. Thank you for everything.
  • I will not be a burden to you.
  • I don't know what's in store for us here. Exercise caution.
  • Having you here puts my mind at ease.
  • I'll take the lead. Leave it to me!
  • Ah, now that you're here, everything is going to be OK.
  • We can't lose you. I'm on my way over!
  • I shall repay this debt, milord. I'm sorry for causing you any trouble.
  • Thank you, Lissa. You've grown into quite a thoughtful young woman.
  • Sorry for the bother, Robin. Shall we team up?
  • Thank you, Cordelia. With you on my side, I fear nothing!
  • Sorry to have troubled you, Lyn, but you were a big help.
  • Whew! That was a tight spot. Thank you for helping me, Anna.
  • I was a hindrance. I'll try harder.
  • Milord... I cannot tell you how proud I am to hear you say that...
  • But of course! My duty is to protect our side from danger.
  • Robin, you're the keystone of our army. And I consider you a friend, too.
  • At some point I hope you'll give me a lesson in spearwork.
  • Well, thank you, Lyn. But your retainers are just as capable as I am.
  • Thank you, Anna. I have trained myself to anticipate a need for my skills.
  • I'm always much obliged to you.
  • I've got your back! Focus on the enemies in front of you.
  • This meets my expectations as a knight.
  • Even I didn't know I could be this strong!
  • I will never surrender.
  • Fight YOU, sire? B-but...WHY? This doesn't make any sense!
  • It almost seems like you're giving up before the fight has even begun!
  • Robin, I will do you the honor of trying my hardest to kill you.
  • I won't go easy on you, Cordelia. Prepare to defend your life!
  • Enough talk! If you're my enemy, let's get down to business.
  • I will not concede defeat. Even to you, Princess Caeda!
  • I accept your challenge.
  • I feel the same way, milord. Please forgive me...
  • Please forgive me, Lissa. But I cannot go easy on you.
  • How so? You already know all of my weak points, don't you?
  • And what makes you think I don't know yours? I won't lose, Cordelia.
  • You're going to have to do better than that against me, Owain.
  • I should expect nothing less, Princess Caeda. Do your worst.
  • Milord, I have no excuse.
  • I'm sorry, Lissa. Let's get a healer over here right away!
  • Robin, that was a good battle. Thank you.
  • You're going to have to keep waiting if you expect to win, Cordelia.
  • I didn't think it would be this close. You've come a long way.
  • I may have trained hard, but your swordsmanship is a lot to overcome.
  • Right. What should I do next?