Fate/Samurai Remnant/Logbook

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The Logbook in Fate/Samurai Remnant contains a list of information concerning the game's overall plot. More content is unlocked as story progresses, with different routes requiring repeated playthroughs in order to view everything.

Lunar Chronicles

This section contains written summaries concerning the story. Some chapters have variations depending on the player's choices.


The year was 1651. Miyamoto Iori, a young man living in Asakusa, Edo who had devoted himself to mastering the sword, was suddenly caught up in a mortal struggle between seven pairs of Masters and Servants called the Waxing Moon Ritual. Bearing witness to the inhuman strength and battle prowess of the ebony-armored Rider, the dual-spear wielding Lancer, and Saber, the gallant sword fighter that Iori himself had summoned, Iori resolved himself to fight for the peace and protection of Edo.

By daybreak, the city seemed to have regained its usual peace and tranquility. Iori headed to Yoshiwara to earn his daily bread, but was attacked by a courtesan known as Takao Dayu and the massive Servant that accompanied her. In the midst of their battle, a warrior with the same fighting style and name as his teacher and adoptive father, Miyamoto Musashi, appeared... but was in fact a female.

Chapter I: Demonic Revelry 1

After being guided to Miura-ya, a brothel in Yoshiwara's pleasure district, Iori and Saber learned that the female Miyamoto Musashi was a Berserker-class Servant with Takao Dayu as her Master. Partly out of sympathy for Musashi's pupil, the two women explained the details of the Waxing Moon Ritual to Iori and Saber. In return, however, they were tasked with finding and reporting information regarding the other participants within a specific time frame.

Chapter I: Demonic Revelry 2

Iori and Saber decided to search for Rider's Master, Yui Shousetsu. After searching for Shousetsu's stronghold in Okachimachi, Ueno, and Suidobashi, they discovered that Shousetsu was the head of a famous military academy called Choukou Hall. The two then headed to Kanda, where the academy was located. However, Iori and Saber found their way forward impeded by ambushes, monsters, and an impenetrable bounded field. They were thus forced to try and search for a different route.

Chapter I: Demonic Revelry 3

Iori and Saber arrived in Koishikawa only to discover that it was the base of Lancer's Master, Chiemon. In the middle of Saber and Lancer's battle, both were attacked by a Servant clad in gray who controlled snakes. The battlefield soon grew even more chaotic when more intruders appeared, including a flying louchuan warship. Forcefully captured by its owner, Iori and Saber escaped from Koishikawa.

Chapter II: Surging Waves 1

The ones who had saved Iori and Saber were Zheng Chenggong, a Chinese general, and his Servant, Archer. After welcoming Iori and Saber to their base in Akasaka, the two proposed forming an alliance, even going so far as to reveal Archer's True Name. The two sides then agreed to temporarily join hands in standing against Assassin's party.

Iori gained a means of communicating with Zheng Chenggong all the way from Asakusa to Akasaka via a gifted Mystic Code. After some discussion, it was agreed that the two parties would split up and search for more information in the southern part of Edo.

Chapter II: Surging Waves 2

Iori and Saber encountered a suspicious group of sailors from a foreign ship when visiting Nihonbashi. After a brief skirmish, Iori and Saber gave chase to the fleeing sailors. However, their path became blocked by a large number of enemies, causing them to lose sight of the sailors in Shinagawa. Instead, they ended up meeting an elegant, young foreign woman at the port. Having lost sight of their quarry, Iori decided they should head back to Asakusa.

After using the Mystic Code to exchange information with Zheng Chenggong, and then making a report in Yoshiwara, Iori and Saber decided to search even farther south of Shinagawa.

Chapter II: Surging Waves 3

Iori and Saber searched for Assassin's party using information obtained from the foreign sailors, as well as from Rogue Archer, who they had encountered during their travels. When they arrived in Yokosuka, which had been determined to be the party's base, the same foreign woman they had met in Shinagawa appeared before them. The woman, named Dorothea Coyett, turned out to be Assassin's Master.

A chaotic battle ensued, with Archer's party and Berserker also participating. After Rider joined the fray and took control of Assassin's giant snake, Dorothea's party retreated. Enduring the agonizing snake venom from Assassin's parting blow, Iori finally permitted Saber to use the Noble Phantasm. A crashing blow from Saber brought the giant snake down. Iori took to bed upon returning home, sick from the snake venom. But he began to recover under the ministrations of Ogasawara Kaya, who had come to help nurse him back to health. Saber watched Kaya's actions intently from the shadows.

Chapter III: Hidden Influences 1

After recovering, Iori reflected upon the battles he had fought up to that point in the Waxing Moon Ritual. Channeling the fervent desire to push his swordsmanship even further, as well as to protect what he held dear, Iori practiced and broke new ground with the forms of Niten Ichiryu.

Directly afterwards, however, his house erupted in flames. Iori and Saber rushed to the scene in a panic, which created an opening for Chiemon and Lancer to grab Ogasawara Kaya and vanish, leaving the pair wracked with grief and frustration.

Chapter III: Hidden Influences 2 (Todoroki)

Iori and Saber, striving to rescue Kaya, chased after Chiemon and Lancer. After making their way through Koishikawa, they encountered Rogue Saber in Todoroki. Fresh from his fight with Lancer, Rogue Saber informed them that Chiemon's party had headed for Kanagawa Port. Iori and Saber arrived there to finally face off against Lancer and take back Kaya.

However, a number of Rogue Servants who had lost their sanity then blocked their path. Archer and Berserker, who had both been acting independently, arrived at the scene and engaged in battle with Rogue Berserker. After an arduous struggle, though Kanagawa Port had been devastated, the situation was ultimately resolved.

Chapter III: Hidden Influences 2 (Kawasaki)

Iori and Saber, striving to rescue Kaya, chased after Chiemon and Lancer. After making their way through Koishikawa, they encountered Dorothea Coyett in Kawasaki. She informed them of a powerful magecraft radiating from the west, so they headed to Kanagawa Port to finally face off against Lancer and take back Kaya. However, a number of Rogue Servants who had lost their sanity then blocked their path.

Archer and Berserker, who had both been acting independently, arrived at the scene and engaged in battle with Rogue Berserker. After an arduous struggle, though Kanagawa Port had been devastated, the situation was ultimately resolved.

Chapter III: Hidden Influences 3

Iori and Saber began to look into the magecraft that had taken control of the Rogue Servants. However, as if to mock their efforts, Saber too fell under the influence of the spell and turned against Iori. With the assistance of the Crimson Codex, Iori dove deep into Saber's mind, managing to both break the magecraft's control and learn Saber's True Name in the process.

Meanwhile, the spell had also begun affecting other Servants. Assassin disappeared from Dorothea, Rider attacked Yui Shousetsu, and Archer, wracked with guilt over causing harm to Zheng Chenggong, chose to vanish on his own accord.

Chapter IV: The Gods Stir 1

With many Servants under someone else's control, Iori unexpectedly ended up working together with Dorothea Coyett and Yui Shousetsu. They discovered that the culprit who had cast the powerful magecraft was none other than the Ritual's observer, Tsuchimikado Yasuhiro.

Iori and the others made for the enemy's Ueno stronghold, Kan'ei-ji. Defeating the controlled Servants blocking their path, they eventually came across the rampaging Rogue Berserker, who was being pursued by Takao Dayu and Berserker. After an intense battle, with one final, resigned swing from Takao Dayu, Rogue Berserker faded away.

Chapter IV: The Gods Stir 2 (Rat)

As the assaults from the controlled Servants continued unabated, Assassin activated his Noble Phantasm, putting all of Edo in terrible danger. However, Dorothea managed to attract Assassin's attention and led him off to the south. Iori and the others then decided to continue onwards to Kan'ei-ji, vowing to defeat Tsuchimikado. During the course of the event, Rogue Saber, who had been aiding the party, got temporarily taken over, but in the end, Saber's quick wit managed to turn the tide and put Tsuchimikado's back against the wall. The ones to deal the final blow, however, were Chiemon and Lancer, who had been observing the fight until then.

Chapter IV: The Gods Stir 2 (Snake)

As the assaults from the controlled Servants continued unabated, Assassin activated his Noble Phantasm, putting all of Edo in terrible danger. However, Dorothea managed to attract Assassin's attention and led him off to the south. Iori and the others decided to follow after them, vowing to protect Edo by helping take down Assassin. Their pursuit of Assassin led them once again to Yokosuka, where they added their strength to Dorothea's. In the end, Saber's Noble Phantasm won the day. They then headed to Kan'ei-ji, only to find that Tsuchimikado had already perished.

Chapter V: Divide the Sky 1

Even with the mastermind dead, the Ritual was not yet over. When Yui Shousetsu took possession of the Waxing Moon's Vessel following Tsuchimikado Yasuhiro's death, Iori and Saber made for Kanda in order to prevent its activation. But by the time they broke through the substantial bounded field and dealt with Rogue Assassin's surprise attack, Shousetsu had already left Kanda for Senso-ji in order to prepare for the Ritual's final act. In those temple grounds, Iori and Shousetsu came to savage blows.

Chapter V: Divide the Sky 2 (Rat)

Rider's true identity came to light as Iori and Shousetsu fought. Her True Name, which she had kept hidden even from Shousetsu, was Ushi Gozen — the terror of the Heian period who was said to have been killed by Minamoto—no-Raikou. After summoning the divine being, Rider began working to bring about the entire world's destruction, failing to heed even Shousetsu's Command Spells. Iori fought against the divine being alongside Shousetsu, Berserker, Lancer, and Chiemon. Even Rogue Saber came to offer his aid. The decisive blow was dealt by Saber's Noble Phantasm.

With the end of the Ritual close at hand, Berserker sought to cut away her last lingering regret by challenging the male Musashi's beloved pupil, Iori, to a duel.

Chapter V: Divide the Sky 2 (Snake)

Rider's true identity came to light as Iori and Shousetsu fought. Her True Name, which she had kept hidden even from Shousetsu, was Ushi Gozen — the terror of the Heian period who was said to have been killed by Minamoto-no-Raikou. After summoning the divine being, Rider began working to bring about the entire world's destruction, failing to heed even Shousetsu's Command Spells. Iori fought against the divine being alongside Shousetsu, Berserker, Lancer, and Chiemon. Even Dorothea Coyett came to offer her aid. The decisive blow was dealt by Saber's Noble Phantasm.

With the end of the Ritual close at hand, Berserker decided to cut away her last lingering regret by challenging the male Musashi's beloved pupil, Iori, to a duel.

Final Chapter: Flames of Resentment

With most of the participants eliminated, the Ritual had at last entered its final stage. Iori and Saber found themselves standing before the Waxing Moon's Vessel in Senso-ji, but then Chiemon and Lancer, who had once again kidnapped Ogasawara Kaya, appeared before them.

With Kaya taken hostage and the Vessel stolen away, Iori and Saber made for Edo Castle, which Chiemon had occupied, in order to settle things once and for all. In possession of both Kaya and the Waxing Moon's Vessel, Chiemon transformed into the Waxing Moon Monster. At the end of an arduous mortal struggle, Iori and Saber shattered the wish that Chiemon had risked his life for with Saber's Noble Phantasm.

With the Ritual concluded, Saber disappeared. Iori held Kaya in his arms as they returned to Edo and to the peaceful days they had once enjoyed.

Final Chapter: A Ray of Light

With most of the participants eliminated, the Ritual had at last entered its final stage. Iori and Saber found themselves standing before the Waxing Moon's Vessel in Senso-ji, but then Chiemon appeared before them. Though he plotted to steal the Vessel, his attempts were thwarted when Yui Shousetsu risked everything to stop him. He perished unceremoniously soon after.

Iori brought Shousetsu back to his house, but they would not find even a moment's rest. Their final adversary, Zheng Chenggong, who had formed a new contract with Caster, ambushed them and managed to steal the Waxing Moon's Vessel.

In Akasaka, Iori took up arms against his former ally. At the end of that mortal struggle, the fearsome demigod Yasomagatsuhi, which Caster had summoned, was destroyed along with the Waxing Moon's Vessel.

With the Ritual concluded, Saber disappeared. Shousetsu, in her final moments, gazed at the dazzling light that shined down upon Iori as he stood alone.

Final Chapter: Entreat the Darkness


Contains a list of character biographies. Some sections may vary depending on which story route the player takes.

Miyamoto Iori

The Gentle Swordsman

As the adopted son and disciple of Miyamoto Musashi, the originator of Niten Ichiryu, Iori had trained with the sword from infancy. But the world had moved on from its war-torn era to a time of peace - a time without the need of swords. Moreover, his teacher had passed away before imparting the school's deepest mysteries.

Unable to name himself the true successor of Niten Ichiryu, Iori decided not to seek out employment under a lord. He instead eventually made his way to Edo, where he spent his days in assiduous study of swordsmanship.

Peaceful Days Disrupted

Under the piercing gleam of the full moon, a mysterious armored warrior assaulted Iori's house. The situation was looking grim when an unknown savior, Saber, came to the rescue. According to Saber, Iori had been chosen to participate in the Waxing Moon Ritual, a mortal struggle to lay claim to an omnipotent wish granter known as the Waxing Moon. In order to protect Kaya and the other citizens of Edo, Iori agreed to work with Saber and bring an end to the Ritual.

Eliminate Any Excess

Following the battle with Assassin, Iori spent all day training in deep reflection. The answer he arrived at was to cut away any excesses within himself - to devote himself entirely to the battlefield.

He would do anything to surpass the sword technique he saw that day, far in the past...

Teacher and Student Rivalry

As a tribute to his adoptive father, and to maintain his pride as a swordsman, Iori challenged the female Musashi to a duel. During this battle, which was only made possible through the Waxing Moon Ritual, Iori unleashed the special technique learned from his father's rival, ending the bout with Hidden Sword: Soaring Swallow Reversal - a technique originally meant to be used for a single sword, but altered into a dual-sword technique.

He watched silently as his teacher departed with a bright smile.

A Return to Normalcy (Flames of Resentment)

With both Ogasawara Kaya and the Waxing Moon's Vessel in the hands of Lancer's party, Iori and Saber gave chase, finally confronting them at the Edo Castle Tower. After defeating the monster that Chiemon had become by fusing with the Waxing Moon, Saber's Noble Phantasm destroyed both the monster and the Vessel together.

Thus, the Waxing Moon Ritual had come to a close. Iori held Kaya as they made their way back to their neighborhood in Edo.

He had protected his beloved sister and won back his peaceful life... so what could there be to regret?

A Return to Normalcy (A Ray of Light)

With the Waxing Moon's Vessel stolen by Zheng Chenggong and Caster, Iori and Saber gave chase along with Yui Shousetsu, who had requested their aid. They faced off in Akasaka. After defeating Yasomagatsuhi, which had been summoned by Caster, Saber's Noble Phantasm destroyed both the false god and the Vessel together.

Thus, the Waxing Moon Ritual had come to a close. Having seen Shousetsu's death with his own eyes, Iori returned alone to his neighborhood in Edo.

He had protected his beloved sister and won back his peaceful life... so what could there be to regret?

Zheng Chenggong

Commander of a Fallen Country

Pronounced locally as 'Tei Seikou.' Courtesy name Mingyan, and art name Damu, he was a child of mixed blood, born to Zheng Zhilong and the daughter of the Japanese warrior Tagawa. Because his family had helped raise Zhu Yujian, the Prince of Tang, to the throne of emperor of the Southern Ming dynasty, he was given the imperial surname "Zhu" and was thereafter referred to as Koxinga, literally meaning the 'Lord of the Imperial Surname.' He was both a military commander and a mage. As Archer's Master, he proposed a temporary alliance with Iori and Saber.

Impetus to Participate

When requesting reinforcements from Japan, he was made aware of the Waxing Moon Ritual by the Kii daimyo, Tokugawa Yorinobu. Though he was unable to secure military support from the shogunate, he used his connections with Yorinobu to arrange lodgings in Akasaka after summoning Archer and decided to participate in the Ritual.

The Defeated General's Fate

He had built a bond of friendship and trust with his comrade, Archer. But that was precisely why Archer was devastated when he turned on his Master due to a mind-control spell; so devastated that he took his own life. Having lost his Servant, Zheng withdrew from the Ritual.

With no reason to stay any longer, he decided to leave Edo and return to his own country, to the battlefield where he belonged.

Grave Determination

Just before leaving Edo, he encountered and formed a new contract with Caster, who had lost his own Master, Tsuchimikado Yasuhiro. To save those who cried out in anguish, and to honor all the lives he had been responsible for, he would even take advantage of a Heroic Spirit to seize victory.

Unyielding Heart

He joined with Caster to stand against Iori and Saber, and usurp the Waxing Moon's Vessel. Though he fought with all his might, using both his Command Spells and magical powers, he was ultimately defeated when Saber's Noble Phantasm, Sword of Heaven: Amenomurakumo-no-Tsurugi, rent the Waxing Moon's Vessel to pieces.

Beaten and wounded, Zheng Chenggong was visited by Dorothea Coyett, who had previously withdrawn from the Ritual. Upon hearing her words, he recalled and reaffirmed his vow to his friend. Reaching out to the heavens, he began walking forward once again.


Melancholy Man

He appeared to be a ronin covered in bandages. He and his servant, Lancer, intervened in the battle between Saber and Rider.

Remnants of Shimabara

Apparently, he managed to survive the arrival of the Shogun's forces when they quelled the tumultuous rebellion at Amakusa-Shimabara. He confronted Miyamoto Iori's party at his base in Koishikawa. When a Rogue Servant intervened in the conflict, he allowed Lancer to unleash her Noble Phantasm. An ecstatic look spread across his face as the area went up in flames.


He attacked Iori's house and kidnapped Kaya. His intention for doing so is unknown.

A Warped Alliance

Not long after the Ritual began, he formed an alliance with Rider's party. He did not, however, place any trust in the serious and dutiful Shousetsu. He simply wanted a pawn that could be used to achieve his own goals.

Waxing Moon Monster

His true objective was not to take revenge on the Tokugawa family for razing his homeland, but to open this world to hell, thereby allowing him to reunite with his dead family.

He used Lancer and Kaya to transform himself into the Waxing Moon Monster and attempt to open the gates of hell, but was destroyed along with the Waxing Moon's Vessel by Saber's Noble Phantasm.

This fallen man willingly walked a bloody path in pursuit of his long-held desire. No one knows what he realized in his final moments; he did not take the hand that was offered to him.

An Unceremonious End

To Chiemon's eyes, Iori was a cold-blooded beast in the guise of a man, a demon much like himself. But because Iori conducted himself as though he were a man of virtue, Chiemon found him repugnant.

That same hatred drove him to attack Iori when he reached for the Waxing Moon, but Shousetsu stood in his way. While caught off guard, a single sword stroke ended his life.

Yui Shousetsu

Unstained Will

Rider's Master is a fierce, young warrior with tied-back hair. Because Iori had become a Master, Shousetsu thought it best to eliminate him at once, but instead departed with Rider upon judging that Iori's life was not worth taking because he knew nothing of the Waxing Moon Ritual.

A Light for Ronin

Hailing from Suruga, Shousetsu served the shogunate as a military scholar. Though over thirty years old, this young samurai could easily be confused as being under twenty. As Shousetsu's renown spread throughout Edo, many ronin came to study at Choukou Hall, the military academy in Kanda.

Though Shousetsu is often referred to as "Grandmaster" and idolized by many students, there are still those who are less than impressed.

A Warped Alliance

Not long after the Ritual began, an alliance was formed with Lancer's party. Shousetsu did not, however, place any trust in this man who had veered so far off the path of righteousness. Chiemon would simply be used as a pawn to achieve Shousetsu's own goals.

Blade of Insurrection

Shousetsu was attacked and grievously wounded by Rider. Though saved from death by Iori and Saber, losing Rider meant Shousetsu no longer had a means to fight in the Ritual.

Ingenious Stratagem

Shousetsu left Iori's side and reunited with Rider. This sequence of betrayals had all been an act to outwit Tsuchimikado Yasuhiro and obtain the Waxing Moon's Vessel.

As planned, the two managed to secure the Waxing Moon's Vessel inside Tsuchimikado's residence. After dissolving the alliance with Chiemon, Shousetsu departed with the Vessel in hand.

Setting Things Aright

Shousetsu is actually a homunculus, a man-made being of inborn innocence created as a result of Mori Souiken's forays into Western magecraft. Unable to accept the iniquitous nature of the world of man, she chose to join the Ritual in order to right those wrongs.

Though she challenged Iori to battle, there was a sudden change In Rider during the fight. Her true nature was revealed along with a True Name unfamiliar to Shousetsu. Though she tried to reign in the disobedient Rider, she ended up using all of her Command Spells to no avail. This time, her defeat in the Ritual was certain.

Mystic Concealment

After Rider's defeat, Shousetsu was captured by the Coyett family. Realizing the error of her ways, she allowed herself to be taken without resistance.


Seeing in Iori's actions a light that could lead to the creation of a righteous world, Shousetsu broke free of Coyett's restraints and rushed to Senso-ji. Though she sustained terrible wounds after making the sudden decision to shield Iori from Chiemon's attack, her face did not show an ounce of regret.

Afterward, she cooperated with Iori to recover the Waxing Moon's Vessel from Caster and Zheng Chenggong. After putting her life on the line in battle to see an end to the Ritual, she peacefully closed her eyes.

Tsuchimikado Yasuhiro

The Ritual's Observer

He is the current head of the Tsuchimikado house and an onmyouji descended from Abe-no-Seimei. According to Yui Shousetsu, he organized the Waxing Moon Ritual and presides over it as an observer. Referring to the Waxing Moon as the "omnipotent wish granter," he curried favor with the Shogun's council of elders to earn their endorsement of his using the whole of Edo as the stage for the Ritual. The particulars of what this entailed, however, are unknown.

Consequence of Conspiracy

While acting as host and observer of the Waxing Moon Ritual, Tsuchimikado Yasuhiro was also a participant in it, holding Command Spells as Caster's Master. Though he used the Waxing Moon's Vessel to interfere with Edo's leylines and managed to bring nearly all the Servants under his control, he was killed by Lancer at Kan'ei-ji. He called out to Rider as he lay dying, but Rider never responded.

The Waxing Moon was created by his own hands. It is thought that he used some special ability to foresee a certain magical ritual that would take place far in the future and used its structure as the basis for his Waxing Moon Ritual.

The Schemer's Fate

While acting as host and observer of the Waxing Moon Ritual, Tsuchimikado Yasuhiro was also a participant in it, holding Command Spells as Caster's Master. Though he used the Waxing Moon's Vessel to interfere with Edo's leylines and managed to bring nearly all the Servants under his control, according to Shousetsu, he was killed at Kan'ei-ji.

It was an altogether surprising and abrupt end for the one who had machinated so much behind the scenes throughout the Ritual.

The Waxing Moon's Limit

The Waxing Moon had been endowed with the mystical power to control Servants. Though this power made use of both leylines and the Waxing Moon itself, Servants with particularly high divinity had the potential to resist its influence. Possessing just such a trait, Rider did not heed Tsuchimikado's call because she was never under his control from the outset.

A Wish

Though a very talented mage, Yasuhiro's father, Yasushige, lost his status as leader of the onmyouji. He passed away filled with remorse, entrusting his two sons, Yasuhiro and Takatoshi, with carrying out his wish to see their family name restored.

According to Takatoshi, Yasuhiro had planned to use the Waxing Moon to become head of the onmyouji. Yasuhiro worked tirelessly to fulfill his father's dying wish, to restore his family's honor, and to protect his younger brother who would live on after him.

Dorothea Coyett

The Foreign Merchant

A woman thought to be the owner of the Western ship that arrived in Shinagawa Port. Accompanied by a mysterious mendicant monk, she claimed to have a business meeting in Shinagawa.

The Ship's Manager

After being chased down and questioned, the sailors of the foreign ship mentioned the name Dorothea Coyett. The name alone suggests the person is of foreign descent.

Assassin's Master

A mage who appears to be Assassin's Master. This mysterious figure is believed to have crossed the sea to Japan in order to participate in the Waxing Moon Ritual. They have apparently set up a base in Yokosuka and are preparing for battle.

Merchant and Mage

The daughter of the Swedish noble Fredrik Coyett, she is a mage affiliated with the prestigious scholarly institution known as the Clock Tower, as well as a participant in the Waxing Moon Ritual as Assassin's Master. She was the very person Iori met in Shinagawa, and who later attacked Iori and Saber with Assassin. However, when Rider suddenly appeared and usurped control over Great Orochi, she retreated, leaving Iori with a venomous snake bite as a parting gift. Dorothea arrived in Japan ahead of her father Fredrik, who had been offered a position as the next head of a Dutch trading company in Dejima.

A Trial

Due to the large-scale magecraft perpetrated by an unknown actor in an attempt to control the Heroic Spirits, Dorothea lost control of Assassin. While giving chase to try and regain control over him, she ran into Iori and Saber. Though she was loathe to be indebted to an enemy, Dorothea decided to form a temporary alliance with them in light of the bitter truth that she would be powerless to fight without a Servant.

A Noble's Pride (Rat)

Dorothea left Iori and Saber after having attracted the attention of Assassin, who had used his Noble Phantasm to transform into a giant creature. She chose to settle things alone out of her pride as a Master. According to her attendant, Giovanni, Dorothea faced Assassin alone, sacrificing her life in order to sink him to the bottom of the ocean.

"As a noble who stands above the masses, I cannot allow harm to come to innocent bystanders." Dorothea had been a rather peculiar mage, seeming to value her pride as a noble above all else.

A Noble's Pride (Snake)

Dorothea left Iori and Saber after having attracted the attention of Assassin, who had used his Noble Phantasm to transform into a giant creature. She chose to settle things alone out of her pride as a Master. Because of the danger Kouga Saburou would pose to the innocent civilians once he loses control after using his Noble Phantasm, Dorothea had used a Command Spell in advance to make him target his Master if he did ever run amok. That is why he could not help but to chase after her.

Dorothea had resolved herself to stop Kouga Saburou even at the cost of her own Dorothea had resolved herself to stop Kouga Saburou even at the cost of her own life, but Iori and Saber arrived to aid in his subjugation. Though successful in vanquishing him, this sealed Dorothea's defeat in the Ritual.


"I leave no debts unpaid."

A flurry of cannon balls rained down upon the great divine being controlled by Ushi Gozen from a galleon floating on Sumidagawa. Dorothea, in command of the ship, wore a smile as she remarked to herself that even the defeated have their part to play.

Takao Dayu

The Flower of Yoshiwara

A Yoshiwara courtesan of the multi-storied Miura-ya brothel. She frequently ranks as one of the top beauties of Edo, capturing the hearts of commoner and lord alike. Dayu, also pronounced as Tayu in some cases, is a title given to courtesans who possess both surpassing beauty and ability. Retaining the services of one requires a considerable amount of coin. In Edo's Yoshiwara, there are three extremely famous Dayu, namely Takao Dayu, Yugiri Tayu, and Yoshino Tayu, each of whom are head and shoulders above all other courtesans.

A Master Among Masters

The dazzlingly dressed Takao Dayu accompanied the foreign giant, Rogue Berserker, to obstruct Miyamoto Iori's path. She turned out to be another one of the Waxing Moon Ritual's participants, the Master of Berserker. Commanding both Miyamoto Iori's teacher, Miyamoto Musashi, and the Rogue Berserker, she watches over the Ritual from the Spirit Font in Yoshiwara.

To Live in the Red Lights

Takao Dayu had a connection with Tsuchimikado Yasuhiro, the organizer of the Ritual. It seemed to be a cooperative relationship in exchange for some kind of promise.

Lesser Master

Though she possessed magical circuits, Takao Dayu had no knowledge or experience with magecraft, nor did she have many magic paths with Miyamoto Musashi. In other words, she was an incomplete Master. That they were able to form a Master and Servant relationship at all must have been the hands of fate at work. Wishing to fulfill her duty as a Master despite her shortcomings, Takao Dayu used all three of her Command Spells in order to allow Musashi to live freely. Takao Dayu resolved to protect Yoshiwara through her own strength, not that of the Waxing Moon.

A Fated Encounter
There may well be a world in which Takao Dayu was cut down by a samurai when attempting to protect the life of a young helper girl, a world where her tragic tale would have been passed down to future generations. This Takao Dayu, however, was saved by the hand of Miyamoto Musashi, a being whose existence itself should have been impossible.

Saber (Yamato Takeru)

Warrior in White

A Heroic Spirit wielding a blade enveloped in water who formed a contract with Miyamoto Iori. Declaring Iori to be weak, the sword fighter showed no signs of trusting him. Saber's True Name is yet unknown. Being summoned by the Waxing Moon indicates that there was a wish to be fulfilled, but Saber cannot remember what it was.

A Blood-Stained Path

Face to face with Assassin's. minion, Great Orochi, Saber unleashed the Noble Phantasm, Eight-Current Raging Storm. Seemingly satisfied with Iori's decision to use the Noble Phantasm, the two started to get along with each other. According to the dream that Iori saw of Saber's former life, this hero was lauded for butchering many a man, but was in truth isolated and forlorn.

Amidst the Battle

During their battles throughout the Waxing Moon Ritual, Saber began to recognize Iori as a formidable swordsman. When Saber was manipulated by an enemy spell, Iori entered his Servant's mind to render aid. After briefly crossing swords, Iori finally learned Saber's True Name.

The Tragic Prince

Saber's true identity is Yamato Takeru, the legendary hero, tragic prince, and conqueror of many lands throughout ancient Japan. Outcast by his family, friendless, and bereft of his beloved wife, Takeru slaughtered people, kings, and even gods as he continued along his path. After his long journey of conquest, his loneliness growing with each battle, Yamato Takeru's spirit became a white swan, soaring through the heavens.

As a Heroic Spirit, Yamato Takeru was granted the protection of water, and controls watery torrents. He also wields the Noble Phantasm, Sword of Heaven: Amenomurakumo-no-Tsurugi, an aspect of the divine sword that emerged from a great serpent's tail. After fighting in a multitude of battles, he became determined to destroy the Waxing Moon.

Shattering a Wish (Flames of Resentment)

Saber felt terrible shame at allowing Ogasawara Kaya, within whom dwelled Takeru's beloved wife Ototachibana-hime, to be kidnapped a second time. After felling Chiemon, who had used the Waxing Moon's Vessel to transform into a giant monster, Saber used the divine blade to destroy the Vessel at Iori's urging. With the Ritual over, Saber returned to the Throne of Heroes. This time, Yamato Takeru had been able to protect Ototachibana from the abominable calamity that threatened her.

Shattering a Wish (A Ray of Light)

Though Saber and Iori had momentarily thought themselves the victors of the Ritual, the two were forced to battle the once defeated Zheng Chenggong, who had allied with Caster. After felling the false god Yasomagatsuhi, which had been summoned by Caster using the Waxing Moon's Vessel, Saber used the divine blade to cleave the Vessel in two at Iori's urging. With the Ritual over, Saber returned to the Throne of Heroes. Saber never faltered on the path to the very end, and achieved true justice.

Archer (Zhou Yu)

The Red Archer

An Archer-class Servant who saved Miyamoto Iori and Saber at Koishikawa. As Iori had formed a pact to fight together with his Master, Zheng Chenggong, Archer revealed his true identity.

His True Name is Zhou Yu, the great general from the Later Han Dynasty. He was a loyal vassal to the Sun family for three generations and was notably close to his brother-in-law Sun Ce, known as the "Little Conqueror." At the Battle of Red Cliffs, Zhou Yu led Sun's forces to victory against Cao Cao's naval fleet. However, he died young of an illness, unable to see the establishment of the Wu Empire.

The fire arrows and sky-faring louchuan warship that materialized from his legends are supposedly only a small fraction of the true power of his Noble Phantasm.

Wish of a Lord's Aide

He had only one wish for which to battle for the Waxing Moon - to serve his lord, and this time lead him to victory.

However, when questioned about his true wish, he is said to have exclaimed in response, "Perhaps to have the Romance of the Three Kingdoms rewritten."

A Final Smile

Losing control over his own mind due to a powerful spell, Archer turned his arrows against the people of Akasaka, Iori, Saber, and even his own Master, Zheng Chenggong. For Archer, those actions could never be forgiven.

As such, he elected to destroy his own damaged Spirit Core. He encouraged his friend, who would go on living in the world of man, to accomplish his goals through his own strength.

Lancer (Jeanne d'Arc)

Woman Clad in Shadow

A Heroic Spirit in black garments who wields two spears. Accompanying her Master, she interfered in the battle between Saber and Rider. Due to her impassive, somber appearance, Saber labeled her a "gloomy woman."

Cohort of the Evil Ogre

Lancer again fought with Miyamoto Iori and Saber at the Koishikawa stronghold. When Rogue Saber intruded on their battle, she unleashed her Noble Phantasm, Flamme Pays Étranger, but was unable to defeat him.

That Face

The Crimson Codex mentioned that he had seen Lancer's face somewhere before, but he seemed unable to recall the details of where or when.

The Maid of Orleans?

The Crimson Codex revealed Lancer's True Name to be Jeanne d'Arc. She was born in a French farming village and joined the battle against England as "the girl who heard the voice of God." Though she achieved many great things in the course of only two years, she was ultimately arrested, tried, and burned at the stake.

The Crimson Codex claims that she is currently somewhat different than the girl he once knew.

Become the Sacrifice

On Chiemon's orders, Lancer kidnapped Ogasawara Kaya once again and brought her to the Edo Castle.

Though Chiemon's actions strayed further and further from the path of righteousness, she continued to follow his orders both out of a sense of pity and because she had resolved herself to follow him to the depths of hell if need be.

She was to become the sacrifice to open the gates of hell. Lancer accepted Chiemon's final order without a flicker of emotion as she disappeared into the mud.

Stained by Hatred

The original Jeanne d'Arc has no "alternative side" to her. When summoned in Edo, it was not some sort of mysterious power that drew out a new side of her, but rather the hatred residing in the heart of her summoner that stained Jeanne d'Arc's mind.

Because of this mental defilement, and the forceful way in which she was summoned, her abilities were severely weakened. That, however, was precisely why a second-rate Master like Chiemon was able to bind her and make her follow his orders.

Rider (Minamoto-no-Raikou)

The Dark Warrior

A warrior clad in black armor wielding an elongated sword who has formed a contract with Yui Shousetsu. The two attacked Miyamoto Iori after he was acknowledged as a Master, but were stopped by the summoned Saber.

Sudden Treason

Perhaps due to being under someone's control, Rider turned against Shousetsu, who was unable to hide how shocking the Servant's sudden betrayal was.

Evil Ogre

Rider is being pursued by Rogue Saber for being an Evil Ogre that bears a grudge against the world. However, this does not seem to worry Rider in the slightest.

Performance of a Lifetime

It turned out that Rider turning against Shousetsu was merely a ploy to outwit Tsuchimikado and steal the Waxing Moon's Vessel. Rider was an exception capable of resisting Tsuchimikado's spell, much like the boss of Babyloni-ya and Circe.

Rider (Ushi Gozen)

Avatar of Destruction

At the height of a harrowing battle with Saber, Rider's shattered armor revealed the figure of a young female individual. With a callous smile, she proclaimed her True Name to be Ushi Gozen, child of Gozu-Tenno.

Minamoto-no-Raikou was a demon child born in the city of Heian. Her demonic aspect has detached and become an independent entity. Wishing to fulfill Shousetsu's desire to set this crooked world aright, Ushi Gozen summoned the divine messenger in Asakusa. Letting her wild instincts rise to the surface, she began to rampage across Edo in the name of righting the world.

The Edge of Destruction (Rat)

Ushi Gozen rampaged alongside the divine being, turning her back on Shousetsu's commands and threatening to engulf all the provinces of Kanto in a sea of flames. But by severing the leylines, and with the assistance of Rogue Saber, she was stopped before she could wreak widespread devastation.

At the end of the fierce battle, she was defeated by Saber's Noble Phantasm, Sword of Heaven: Amenomurakumo-no-Tsurugi.

Ushi Gozen enjoyed one final, peaceful reprise in the divine light of Saber's blade before fading away.

The Edge of Destruction (Snake)

Ushi Gozen rampaged alongside the divine being, turning her back on Shousetsu's commands and threatening to engulf all the provinces of Kanto in a sea of flames. But by severing the leylines, and with the assistance of Dorothea, she was stopped before she could wreak widespread devastation.

At the end of the fierce battle, she was defeated by Saber's Noble Phantasm, Sword of Heaven: Amenomurakumo-no-Tsurugi.

Ushi Gozen enjoyed one final, peaceful reprise in the divine light of Saber's blade before fading away.

Caster (Hieda-no-Are)

Mysterious Heroic Spirit

A mysterious Servant encountered in Okachimachi. He was accompanied by a masked onmyouji and seemed to be preparing some manner of spell, but the details are yet unknown.

Tsuchimikado's Servant?

His class is Caster, and he was seen at Tsuchimikado Yasuhiro's side. Speaking sarcastically to Tsuchimikado, he showed no signs of obeying him, treating him instead as nothing more than a simple collaborator. It seems his abilities are somehow related to the creation of the Waxing Moon Ritual.

A Second Contract

After Tsuchimikado's death, Caster encountered Zheng Chenggong, who has lost Archer, and urged Zheng to form a contract with him. Caster was on the verge of disintegration, and Zheng Chenggong would do anything to attain victory. Even without Caster suggesting it, the aligning interests of the two parties meant that their contract was a foregone conclusion.

Daybreak's Recorder

Caster's True Name is Hieda-no-Are. He was said to have helped compile the ancient Japanese record called the Kojiki. Due to his extraordinary memory, he was tasked by O-no-Yasumaro to memorize various literary texts. He is, however, a figure largely shrouded in mystery. It is not known for certain whether he was a man or woman, or even if he really existed at all.

He engaged in a mortal conflict with Saber and Iori, perishing at its culmination. His obsession with recording various phenomena, as well as his preoccupation with memory, may have been born out of a desire to find proof of his own unsubstantiated existence.

Assassin (Kouga Saburou)

Gray-Clad Phantom

A masked, Assassin-class Heroic Spirit who can control snakes. He has a giant frame and spindly arms and legs. He often appears unexpectedly and even has a spell that can hold humans in thrall. Though his Master's name was revealed to be Dorothea Coyett, and their base was determined to be in Yokosuka, his true identity remains unknown.

Venomous Snake

Assassin, along with his Master Dorothea, engaged in battle with Miyamoto Iori and Saber at Yokosuka. Though he fought using several snakes of varying sizes. When Rider suddenly appeared and stole control of Great Orochi from him, Assassin and Dorothea readily fell back. As the two retreated, Assassin transformed his arm into a snake to leave Iori with a venomous bite as a parting gift.

A Test

Though hit with powerful magecraft that attempted to control him, Assassin is a Heroic Spirit associated with an ancient god. No simple spell would have been enough to control him.

The reason he allowed himself to be controlled, then, was perhaps to test the caliber of his Master, Dorothea. Whatever the case, Assassin disappeared from view with a smile on his face.

True Form

Assassin transformed into a giant snake through his Noble Phantasm, Incarnation: Omen of the Great God Ibuki. Running on pure instinct, he attempted to devour the nearby residents, but Dorothea somehow managed to grab his attention. Assassin took the bait and gave chase.

Knowing that Assassin could potentially run rampant and damage the city when using his Noble Phantasm, Dorothea had devised a countermeasure. Specifically, she had used a Command Spell to make Assassin automatically target her if he ever lost control. As such, Assassin was compelled to follow after her.


Even at the end, Miyamoto Iori never learned Assassin's true identity. According to Dorothea's attendant, Giovanni, Dorothea gave her life in order to vanquish the Servant.

Returned from the Underworld

Assassin's true identity was Kouga Saburou, the man cursed by the god Ibuki. A descendant of the Kouga clan, he was a mysterious man possessed of several strange abilities. He once traveled to the underworld beneath Mt. Ibuki and returned as a demon.

He was summoned by Dorothea, who put confidence in his monstrous strength. Even so, he ultimately fell to a combination of Dorothea's magecraft, Iori's support, and Saber's Noble Phantasm.

Berserker (Miyamoto Musashi)


A Berserker-class Servant who works with her Master, Takao Dayu, from their base of Yoshiwara.

Her True Name is Miyamoto Musashi, which is a shortened form of Shinmen Musashi-no-Kami Fujiwara-no-Harunobu. She is Miyamoto Iori's teacher and the founder of the Niten Ichiryu style. As opposed to the Musashi that Iori knew, however, this Musashi is a woman. Her sharp swordsmanship and wild nature, though, are just as Iori remembers.

The Next Journey

She was a drifter who continually traveled through parallel worlds, each bounding with possibility. Her love for foreign culture stemmed from these journeys across realities. Through some strange twist of fate, she was called to Edo as a Servant in the Waxing Moon Ritual. In actuality, Musashi had not formed an official Servant contract with Takao Dayu. It was instead a kind of makeshift arrangement that could barely be called a contract at all. Even still, Musashi fought to achieve Takao Dayu's wish. And when Dayu desired to withdraw from the Waxing Moon Ritual, Musashi requested a duel with Iori.

Miyamoto Iori was the last remnant of the male Musashi in this world, and one to whom she had a duty to fulfill. Their final duel was decided by Iori's special technique, Hidden Sword: Soaring Swallow Reversal. Looking up to the sky with a smile on her face, Musashi began her journey to the next world.

Rogue Saber (Kiso Yoshinaka)

Sheathed in White Armor

An armored Rogue Servant who appeared in Koishikawa riding a gray horse. By Lancer's estimation, he is a Saber.

Pursuing the Evil Ogre

Rogue Saber is chasing after Rider and Lancer, calling them the "Evil Ogre" and the "Cohort of the Evil Ogre" respectively. Exactly why he is after the two of them remains a mystery.

As Fate Wills

Rogue Saber fought alongside Miyamoto Iori and Saber at Todoroki. Unlike other Rogue Servants, he has a tendency to appear in unexpected places. And like Rogue Berserker, he possesses the strength to move freely, without being bound to a leyline.

Though he has not learned Rider's True Name, he has declared Rider's supposed unholy aura to be that of an evil ogre who bears a grudge against the world, and therefore intends to vanquish the malevolent Servant.

Unclouded Blade

When the powerful spell had taken control of many of the Servants, Rogue Saber retained his sanity and met up with Iori and Saber. Though he himself did not understand why he was unaffected. he pledged to lend Iori his aid.

Destroying the Evil Ogre

Rogue Saber came to assist Iori and Saber, who were struggling in combat against the divine being controlled by Ushi Gozen. His Noble Phantasm, On Arorikya Sowaka, gave Iori and Saber the chance to turn the tide. Ushi Gozen ultimately fell to Saber's blade. Having continued to fight for so long while separated from his Spirit Font, Rogue Saber finally became unable to maintain his Spirit Origin. After seeing Ushi Gozen's defeat with his own eyes, he faded from sight.

Asahi Shogun

Rogue Saber's True Name is Kiso Yoshinaka, the hero who defeated the Taira clan's forces at the Battle of Kurikara and the conqueror of the Hokuriku region. He did well in climbing the ranks, even being asked by the former emperor to guard the capital, but was ultimately defeated by Minamoto Noriyori and Minamoto Yoshitsune, who were under orders from their brother, Minamoto Yoritomo. After fighting in countless battles with his wife, Tomoe Gozen, by his side, he had her removed from his forces at the end so that she might survive, and he then died at the Battle of Awazu.

Tomoe Gozen had ogre blood in her veins, though not the savage kind. Rather, she was descended from good ogres who revered peace and harmony. It was precisely because of his love for his wife's good nature that he detested and sought to slay the "Evil Ogre" who was operating from the shadows in Edo.

Rogue Archer (Arjuna)

Protector of the Port

A Rogue Servant tied to Kanagawa Port. Upset with the countless monSter attacks on his stronghold, he saw Miyamoto Iori and Saber as a threat and attacked them on first sight. He then agreed to ally with them after recognizing the good nature of their hearts and the existence of a mutual enemy.

A Cruel Arrow

Due to the powerful spell controlling Rogue Servants, he and Tamamo Aria confronted Iori and Saber at Kanagawa Port. He fired his arrows without hesitation at the very people with whom he had formed an alliance.

Hero of the Endowed

After fighting countless battles alongside Iori - and even against him - Rogue Archer perceived a change in Iori's swords. Wanting to experience that strengthened and refined swordsmanship, he asked Iori to fight him again. After an arduous battle, he once again recognized Iori's strength before telling him his True Name.

His True Name is Arjuna, the great hero written about in the ancient Indian epic poem known as the Mahabharata. He was an archer of unparalleled skill, who received the divine bow Gandiva from the fire god Agni, and used this to leave his mark on the battlefield.

Rogue Lancer (Cú Chulainn)

Zojo-ji's Watchdog

A Rogue Servant encountered in Zojo-ji. Though he attacked Miyamoto Iori and Saber due to a misunderstanding, this was cleared up after the battle. Starved for an opponent with some bite, he requested an all-out duel against Iori and Saber.

An Unpleasant Fellow

Though it should have been his first time meeting Babyloni-ya's boss, he took an immediate dislike to him. When he saw that Iori was associated with him, he gave a stern scowl of disapproval.

Emotionless Spear

Due to the powerful spell controlling Rogue Servants, he attacked Iori and Saber as they were facing off against Lancer at Kanagawa Port. Though he fought with a vacant expression, his skills with the spear were as sharp as ever.

Hound of Culann

His true name is Cú Chulainn, a great hero in Celtic mythology and wielder of the magical _ spear Gae Bolg, which boasts frightening power and accuracy.

He asked Iori and Saber for a serious bout, and he seemed very satisfied with the result. After revealing his True Name, he promised his total cooperation and assistance going forward.

Rogue Rider (Tamamo Aria)

In Search of Beauty

A Rogue Servant bound to Ueno who calls herself Tamamo Aria. It would seem her delicate charm and quirky mannerisms have captured the hearts of many men in town. She claims to be in search of "the most beautiful thing."

Aria's Plea

After the incident in Ueno, Aria seems to have taken a liking to Iori for some reason. She has begun asking Iori to lend his eyes and judgment in her search for beautiful things, but all her requests are more like riddles.


Due to the powerful spell controlling Rogue Servants, Aria confronted Iori and Saber at Kanagawa Port. Though she possessed no combat abilities, her support magic gave Iori and Saber no end of trouble.

Close Friends

At some point, Tamamo Aria and Ogasawara Kaya became close friends. It also seems that Kaya has a good grasp on what it is that she wants. It might be that, since both are in the blossom of their youth, they are very in tune with one another.

Rogue Caster (Circe)

The Falcon Witch

The Falcon Witch featured in Western myths from areas around the Mediterranean Sea. According to a certain poet, though she greeted a group of sailors who landed on her island with a smile, she turned those who ate the porridge she offered them into beasts with a wave of her wand... but that's a story for another day!

Hi there, dear piglet! Incidentally, though the magic and customs of this land are quite intriguing, there is one crucial thing that it lacks. Do you know what that might be? Hehe, you should very well know the answer by now! Yes, that's right! It's kykeon! Ah, kykeon, the food of the gods that can both heal and harm. One bite will give you boundless vigor, and the second will heal wounds and disease! It truly is an extraordinary porridge! When you think of it that way, becoming a little piggy really isn't such a big deal, is it? After all, you even get to receive the affections of the Great Witch Circe! It'll be fine. You won't have to worry about a thing.

...What's that? You want to polish your fighting skills? You want to fight your way through this sham Ritual? How very heroic of you. But isn't it important to let go of everything and just worry about having fun every once in a while? So come on, forget about all that complicated stuff. You can enjoy a new life as my beloved little piglets starting right now. You'll get three square meals a day, nap time, and snacks (*compensation negotiable)! Sounds like the perfect workplace to me!

Rogue Assassin (Li Shuwen)

Aged Warrior

An elderly man who attacked Iori and Saber at Tamanawa, pressuring them with his deadly fists. Both his identity and motive are shrouded in mystery.

Veteran Mystic Fist

His True Name is Li Shuwen, a legendary master of the martial art Bajiquan who lived in a time several hundred years after the Waxing Moon Ritual. During matches he fought in his former life, no matter how small the blow he managed to land on his opponent, they would wind up dead. This led to him being heralded as a martial artist who never had to strike the same man twice.

Not long after materializing in this world, he was ordered to await Iori and Saber's arrival to Kanda by the "girl who hired him, Yui Shousetsu. After their second fight, he recognized Iori and Saber's resolve and pointed them in the direction of Senso-ji, where Shousetsu was waiting.

A Needy Child

Seeing something in the way Shousetsu strived to realize their goal, he hoped to see that destination reached. As such, even when Shousetsu withdrew from the Ritual, he could not help but to lend a hand when implored.

Rogue Berserker (Samson)

A Foreign Fighter

A Rogue Servant bound to the Spirit Font of Yoshiwara, this long-haired warrior of imposing physique had lost all reason when summoned as a Berserker. Somehow quieted by Takao Dayu, he became the guardian of Yoshiwara. To that purpose, he violently confronted the visiting Miyamoto Iori and Saber.

Incongruous Blade

Following the battle with Rogue Berserker, Iori found a gorgeous wakizashi. It seemed strange that a foreign warrior would be carrying a Japanese sword. If it were indeed his, then how did he procure it?

Run Berserk

Under the control of some entity's powerful magecraft that only affected Rogues, he harried off to the south where he confronted Iori at Kanagawa Port. The conflict was then further ignited with the arrival of Archer and Musashi.

Consecrated Hero

His True Name is Samson, the hero of Israel spoken of in the Old Testament. He was the redoubtable judge who slayed lions and felled opponents in droves. Consecrated at birth, he would remain invincible so long as he never drank alcohol or cut his hair. And yet, after revealing the secret of his invulnerability to his love Delilah, he was betrayed. With his hair shorn, he was apprehended in a temple by the Philistines. Summoning the last reserves of his strength, he brought the temple down upon the heads of his captors and breathed his last beneath the rubble.

For reasons unclear, he was taken with Takao Dayu and allowed her to cut his hair. His first - and last - words were a simple, "Thank you."

Layers of Expression

The first person to notice his materialization was Takao Dayu's Servant, Miyamoto Musashi. When news of the two Servants rampaging through Yoshiwara reached her ears, Dayu herself rushed to the scene. This was when Samson laid eyes on her for the first time. For him, she bore the same presence as the person he loved, resented, and longed to forgive.

Boss (Gilgamesh)

The Boss of Babyloni-ya

A Rogue Servant and arbiter of the Waxing Moon Ritual. Proprietor of the textile wholesaler, Babyloni-ya, he casually alludes to his regal station without the slightest slip in his arrogant attitude. He has no interest whatsoever in pursuing the Waxing Moon, preferring instead to devote his time to collecting rare items and making candy. Perhaps this is why so many children in Asakusa have grown so fond of him.

After Iori and Saber rescued one of those cherished children, he praised their efforts and enlisted them as royal servants.

Unparalleled Beauty

Showing interest in Iori's penchant for wood carving, he ordered a statue made in his own likeness. It seems that he would be willing to purchase such a statue.

Uncommon Heroic Spirit

When many Servants were dominated by a powerful spell, he somehow maintained his sanity and composure. And even though he did not show up for the turmoil at Kanagawa Port in person, he was aware of what had occurred and offered Iori advice on how to tackle the predicament.

Serve Me

Highly valuing Iori's undaunted endeavors, he urged Iori to enter his service. After being refused, he pressed harder, only for Iori to narrowly escape his clutches.

Had Iori accepted his proposal, would the boss truly have lead him on a journey to conquer the world...?


Unforeseen Reunion

A woman with an ethereal smile of mercy who looks just like Ogasawara Kaya. She healed Iori of his fever after he had been contaminated with Assassin's poison. Saber seems somehow acquainted with her.

Someone I Want to Protect

In truth, she had been Yamato Takeru's bride in life, Ototachibana-hime. joining him on his military campaign to the east, she broke through his self-imposed solitude with her boundless love. But to appease the wrath of the sea god as they crossed Hashirimizu, she threw herself into the ocean, leaving Takeru a prisoner of his own misery.

Perhaps due to the unusual nature of the summoning, this fifteenth participant materialized not by herself but by possessing Kaya. Through Kaya's eyes, she watched over Saber's struggles during the Ritual. Kaya herself, however, seems to be unaware of the other woman lurking within her.

Ogasawara Kaya

A Dutiful Sister

Miyamoto Iori's younger foster sister. After Miyamoto Musashi's death, she was adopted by the Ogasawara family. Worried about her brother, she often stays at his house in Asakusa to look after him.

I Can Help

As the proud daughter of a warrior family, Kaya can be fairly obstinate in her spirited watchfulness. Insisting that she cannot just stand idly by, she was finally tasked by Iori with guarding the workshop.

During the Abduction

When Chiemon attacked the house and kidnapped her, Iori and Saber worked tirelessly to bring her back safe. She apparently slept the entire duration of the abduction and had no memory of Chiemon or Lancer.

Crimson Codex

Loquacious Spell Book

An ancient, Western spell book with a mind of its own. It was one of the items that Iori inherited from Miyamoto Musashi. After Musashi's passing, the book took on the role of Iori's magic teacher and (self-proclaimed) father figure.

The Wisdom of Age

After the house was ravaged by a monster attack, he suggested renovating the magecraft workshop. By connecting to the leyline and funneling a sufficient amount of magical energy through himself, he was able to put everything aright.

At the End of the Journey

In order to destroy the Waxing Moon's Vessel, he suggested assimilating it into himself as a way to render it harmless. Even though the act was akin to suicide, that warm, fatherly look never left his eyes.


Friendly Constable

A peacekeeper employed by the magistrate. His full name is Arai Sukenoshin. As an old acquaintance of Miyamoto Iori, he enlists his help with small jobs in exchange for money.

A Constable's Duty...?

Sukenoshin could often be found reveling in the pleasures of Yoshiwara, even when he should have been on patrol.

"I-I'm just here to maintain public decency," he would claim, as his ogling eyes continued to wander.


Lady of Pleasure

A courtesan of Miura-ya in Yoshiwara, ranked second only to the Dayu. When customers were trying to welch on her fee, she called on a moneylender to help.

Madam Takao

She idolizes Takao Dayu, referring to her as Madam.

Acting as an intermediary for Yoshiwara residents, she presents various commissions to Iori. As she herself cannot leave Yoshiwara, she is eager to hear stories from Iori about other parts of Edo.

Cai Yulian

The General's Right Hand

A female monk who has sworn fealty to Zheng Chenggong. While acting as an advisor to Zheng in the Waxing Moon Ritual, she also helps unite the efforts of other private soldiers and monks. In Akasaka, she acts as an intermediary, introducing various commissions to Iori.


To help the people of Akasaka, who had suffered so much as a result of the Ritual, she continues to introduce new commissions to Iori even after her lord's withdrawal. It is said there are many under Zheng Chenggong who were chased out of their hometowns. She may be one such person, which is perhaps why she appears to have strong sympathy for the Akasaka residents.


A Loyal Gentleman

An attendant of the Coyett house who is practiced in magic and works to support the Coyetts from the shadows. Currently, however, he is more loyal to Dorothea herself than the Coyett house as a whole, faithfully following her every order.

Tsuchimikado Takatoshi

The Masked Onmyouji

A masked onmyouji that Iori and Saber encountered at Yanagiwara Embankment. His identity is unknown, but he is using his subordinates to look into the participants of the Waxing Moon Ritual.

Submitted to a Heroic Spirit

When Iori and Saber encountered this mysterious onmyouji again at Okachimachi, he was accompanying an unknown Servant and preparing for some kind of rite. After asking the Servant to report the situation to his brother, he challenged Iori and Saber to battle.

The Tsuchimikado Brothers

His name is Takatoshi, younger brother of the Ritual's observer, Tsuchimikado Yasuhiro. Though he openly claims his magical abilities do not hold a candle to his brother's, he faithfully supports him from the shadows. Yasuhiro seems to place a great deal of trust in him. With all his heart, Takatoshi wishes to see his brother's long-held ambition fulfilled and his clan revitalized.

The One Left Behind

After the death of his brother Yasuhiro, Takatoshi took over as the Waxing Moon Ritual's overseer. He works tirelessly alongside his underlings to shield the people's eyes from the supernatural battles between mages and the traces of monsters that appear without warning. Although he can be a bit reckless at times, his resourcefulness can be seen in the way he manages to keep the Ritual hidden from the people of Edo. He and his brother may not have been much alike, but one thing they shared was their love for one another.

Mori Souiken

Mage of Manifold Mysteries

The late confidant of Amakusa Shirou, who was the leader of the Shimabara Rebellion. He became versed in many styles of magecraft during his studies in mainland China, and was able to use Alchemy and the body of a certain female warrior to create a homunculus, Yui Shousetsu. For that reason, he could be considered as something like a father to her.

Sasaki Kojirou

The Second Teacher

The swordsman hailed as the rival of Miyamoto Musashi, one of Japan's most revered masters of the sword. He devised and mastered his own sword style, Ganryu, which boasted unmatched power. However, it is said that he never managed to best Musashi in a duel. The male Musashi may once have stated that whenever he and Sasaki Kojirou met, they would inevitably clash.

In this world, after the male Musashi's death, Kojirou appeared in a cave called Reigandou. Though the elderly warrior could not meet Musashi in death, he took a liking to Miyamoto Iori, who he found there, and passed down his secret technique to him.


Features a list of terms mentioned or referenced throughout the story.


The Shogun's Territory

Rivaling Kyoto and Osaka in size, this metropolis is known for having numerous neighborhoods nestled within it. Though Edo was once a large patch of wild wetlands with few inhabitants, the area began undergoing gradual development after Ota Doukan constructed the Edo Castle there. After emerging victorious from the decisive battle of Sekigahara, Tokugawa Ieyasu chose to establish the shogunate in Edo, turning it into the center of Japan's new government.

Japan's Great Leylines

As Tokugawa Ieyasu was establishing the Edo area, it is said he received much help from the Tendai monk called Nankoubou Tenkai.

The city of Edo is in fact one giant Spirit Font. Above ground, temples such as Kan'ei-ji and Zojo-ji serve as protection from the arrival of evil spirits from unlucky directions. Underground lies a veritable mesh of leylines. Though its topography has led to the area being called the city of water, as it was meticulously designed by preeminent mages, it could also be called a city of magic.

This rich history was taken into account when selecting it as the stage to hold the Waxing Moon Ritual.


The town surrounding Senso-ji. Worshipers from Edo and elsewhere who visit the temple describe the town as being very lively. Though many travel here and there from the outlying residential neighborhoods, it pales in comparison to the hustle and bustle of a true city.

Miyamoto Iori lives in a particularly secluded corner of one of these neighborhoods.


A government-sanctioned pleasure district lined with many tall buildings. The name Yoshiwara is said to have been derived from the fields of weeds called "yoshi" that dominated the area before it was turned into a pleasure quarter. The Daimon Gate, the only entrance to the town, overlooks the comings and goings of the courtesans' eager male patrons at all times of day.

Berserker's Master, Takao Dayu, uses Miura-ya, the brothel where she works, as her base.


An entertainment district located in the northeastern part of Edo. Its name is said to derive from the many low-ranking soldiers, referred to as "Okachi," that live there. The town also features various circus tents that are filled daily by people, both young and old, who are in search of novel diversions.


A plateau relatively close to Asakusa. When viewed from the Edo Castle, Ueno lies to the northeast, a direction from which ogres and evil spirits are thought to arrive. As such, Kan'ei-ji was erected in the area for the protection of the shogunate and the town of Edo as a whole. The large number of lotus flowers that bloom in summer at the Shinobazu Pond make the area resemble Sukhavati, the Buddhist pure land, and draws crowds of people who want a chance to appreciate the scenery.


One of Edo's most prominent mansion districts, and where the Tokugawa family and other hereditary daimyo live. It is said that the water conduits which were installed in the nearby Kanda River inspired the name Suidobashi, meaning the 'waterway bridge.'

Torikoe Shrine

A historical shrine located on the outskirts of Asakusa, along Sumidagawa. Overgrown with trees, the shrine grounds have a peaceful, solemn ambience.

It was once called Shiratori Shrine, the 'white birds shrine'. The name originated from the story of a military group that was struggling to find their way across the river, and were shown a path to do so by a pair of white birds that appeared before them. The current name Torikoe, 'birds-passing,' also comes from this story.


Emanating Purity

A town located in the northeastern part of Edo. It is said that Kanda Shrine, much like Ueno's Kan'ei-ji and Asakusa's Senso-ji, was built to protect the Edo Castle from the encroachment of evil spirits. The market opened by the town official draws many residents looking to buy fresh, seasonal produce.

Yui Shousetsu's Stronghold?

When Iori and Saber visited Kanda in search of Choukou Hall, their path was blocked by a group of people thought to be Yui Shousetsu's subordinates. It would seem that Choukou Hall may actually be Shousetsu's base after all.

Yanagiwara Embankment

The southern bank of the Kanda River. The area is tightly packed with small booths selling goods such as used clothing. Yanagiwara Embankment's many willow trees were planted in order to protect Edo Castle from evil influences. Inside the grounds of the Yanagimori Shrine, energetic youths gather for stone lifting competitions in order to show off their strength.


River of Small Stones

A desolate area in the northern part of Edo. Though there were farming villages near the Denzu-in temple grounds, few people live there now. Literally meaning 'river of small stones,' its name is thought to be derived from the many small stones that are found within the narrow river that flows through the area.

It seems that Chiemon, Lancer's Master, is using an abandoned village in Koishikawa as his base.

Chiemon and Lancer were apparently using an abandoned village in Koishikawa as their base, but by the time Iori and Saber set foot into the village, they had already deserted it.

The Witch's Abode

Circe, the Rogue Caster, has taken up residence in Koishikawa. It would seem that she was summoned to the area even before Lancer's faction set up their base. She is likely the one who wrote the note that was left behind at Chiemon's stronghold after he deserted it.


A peaceful town where daimyo of high status, such as the Kishu Tokugawa family, reside. The area is also particularly favorable as a Spirit Font. Near the residential district lies Zojo-ji, the Tokugawa family temple. Archer's Master, Zheng Chenggong, uses one of the residences in this area as his base.


Though originally just a bridge to connect the outer moat of the Edo Castle and Sumidagawa, merchants and artisans that began gathering around the bridge helped transform it into one of Edo's most prominent shopping areas. It is the starting point of all five major highways that stretch throughout Japan. Uogashi fish market, a major supplier of food for Edo's many kitchens, is packed with hauls of fresh fish. The hour bell located on the town's bell tower is rung several times a day, helping to give accurate notifications of the time to all the people of Edo.


A temple located in Akasaka. Though originally built elsewhere, it was moved to its current location after being selected as the Tokugawa family temple. One theory says it was transferred there to protect against the coming of evil spirits, as it lies directly on the other side of Edo Castle from Kan'ei-ji, placing them both in unlucky directions.

The Sangedatsumon Gates, also known as the purification gates, are said to purge worldly desires from those who pass through them, as well as set the person on the path to reach Sukhavati, the Buddhist Land of Bliss.


A port town with a post station that lies along the Tokaido Highway, a major thoroughfare that connects eastern and western Japan. The Shinagawa Inns here serve as a major way station that facilitates travel to and from Edo along with the Nakasendo's Itabashi Inns, as well as the Senju Inns, which lie on the intersection of the Nikkokaido Highway and Oshukaido Highway. The Shinagawa Inns in particular, being near the port, receive plenty of merchant traffic. The nori produced by the port's. fishermen is one of the area's most famous products. Gotenyama, located along the river, draws many eager spectators during cherry blossom season.


An area in the southern part of Musashi Province, containing both the town built around Heiken-ji and a post station town built alongside the Tokaido Highway. Heiken-ji, also known as Kawasaki Daishi, is believed by many to keep misfortune at bay and to help ensure good health. The Rokugo Ohashi Bridge built over Tamagawa, which runs through the northern part of the town, is an important location connecting the lodging area to the rest of Edo.

Kanagawa Port

A fishing port sprawling out before the city of Edo. Lodging areas have been built near the Tokaido, making it a vital transport point that sees a lot of traffic. Gongenyama, which sits beside the post station, has a mountain castle that currently lies in ruins.


The region within Sagami Province that centers on Tamanawa Village. It seems to have become a popular destination in recent years, boasting famous places such as Kotoku-in, a temple known for having the Kamakura Great Buddha. Tamanawa Castle, built on top of a hill, was abandoned due to the shogunate's decree, though it continues to be maintained by Tamanawa's daimyo, the Matsudaira family.


A port town located in the southern part of Kanagawa. As an important stopover for the Kanto shipping industry, ships from all over Japan constantly pass through. The Tomyodo Lighthouse built at the entrance to the port guides ships coming to port and keeps them safe.

The stronghold of Dorothea Coyett, one of the Ritual's Masters. Many devices and magical furnaces meant to intercept intruders are scattered throughout the town.


An area with abundant natural beauty nestled within a valley. The Fudo Falls that lie within the grounds of Todoroki Fudoson, as well as the Jinben Cavern found along Tamagawa, have been hailed since antiquity as spiritual spots that are perfect for ascetic practices. Even today, monks from all over Japan go to train there.


A plateau located in the southern part of Edo. The area is made up of several villages, and boasts an abundance of natural beauty that produces a peaceful atmosphere not found among the bustle of more urban locations. The grave of an ancient king lies along Tamagawa, the river that flows near the area.


A farming area facing Tamagawa, located in the southern part of Todoroki. The ferry boats along the river act as a vital means of transport for those in Futago, as there are no bridges. The crossing points for these boats have to be rebuilt often because they are washed away each time the river floods.


A temple located in Ueno. It was constructed there for the protection of both Edo and the shogunate, as Ueno is located to the unlucky northeastern direction from the Edo Castle. Since its construction, it has been heavily guarded and maintained by the shogunate as the Tokugawa family temple.

The Ueno Great Buddha, said to have been made in the likeness of the original in Kyoto, is one of the many famous landmarks in its sprawling grounds.

According to Yui Shousetsu, Tsuchimikado Yasuhiro, the Ritual's observer and participating Master, uses Kan'ei-ji as his base.


A historic temple located in Asakusa. After the shogunate was established, the temple gained great patronage and protection as the government's official place of worship.

The main temple hall and the pagoda beside it have burned down many times, but were swiftly ordered to be rebuilt each time by the previous Shogun, Tokugawa Iemitsu.

Edo Castle

The Heart of Edo

The center of Japan's government and residence of the Tokugawa family. It stands majestically in the heart of Edo, asserting the authority of both the daimyo and the Shogun's family.

Once nothing more than a small castle built by Ota Doukan, it underwent additional construction and outfitting over the course of a few decades after Tokugawa Ieyasu made it his home.

Hell's Gates Thrown Wide Open

After stealing the Waxing Moon's Vessel, Chiemon chose Edo Castle as the place where he would bring hell to earth. Now that it has been swallowed by the corruption released by the Waxing Moon and become a hotbed for monsters, the shogunate's imperial majesty can no longer be felt radiating from the castle.

Iori's House

A Haunted House?

A tenement house where Iori lives, located on the outskirts of Asakusa. Surrounded by vacant houses, it has a lonely, eerie atmosphere.

Due to the lack of people there, the residents of Asakusa refer to it as a haunted house, and spread all manner of rumors about it. But Iori, who lives there, apparently pays them no mind.

A Mage Needs a Magecraft Workshop

The house was halfway destroyed after an attack by Rider. Witnessing the sorry state of it, the Crimson Codex suggested that the house be repaired, and the empty apartment next door reconstructed into a magecraft workshop.


A textile wholesale shop that opened abruptly in Asakusa. It is run by a mysterious Ruler-class Heroic Spirit who proclaims himself a king.

None of the countless gaudy, rare goods the owner has gathered there seem appropriate for sale at a textile wholesaler. However, perhaps due to those very rare goods or possibly the shopkeeper's own unique charm, the shop somehow manages to draw a steady stream of customers.


A brothel in Yoshiwara. It is home to many famous courtesans, including Takao Dayu, one of the three great Dayu of Edo.

Even among the numerous brothels in Yoshiwara, Miura-ya's prices for time with a courtesan are quite high. Consequently, patrons of the establishment tend to be high-status individuals, such as daimyo or shogunate retainers.

Choukou Hall

The military academy that Yui Shousetsu opened in Kanda. It has an excellent reputation, and there is no shortage of ronin wishing to enroll there. Its name, Choukou, is said to have been derived from combining the name of the Han Dynasty vassal Zhang Liang, pronounced locally as 'Chou Ryou,' and the name of the famous Shu Han general Zhuge Liang, pronounced locally as 'Shokatsu Koumei.'


A field located near Nihonbashi. The sight of the golden pampas grass covering the area imparts onlookers with a curious sense of nostalgia.

Chinese Residence

From a "Benefactor"

A mansion in Akasaka that Zheng Chenggong uses as his base. Zheng claims to have been lent it by a benefactor for use during his participation in the Ritual, and apparently thinks of it as more of a dwelling than a magecraft workshop. Having this manner of residence in Edo, especially one occupied by a foreigner, is unthinkable under normal circumstances.

Aid of the Southern Dragon

The benefactor who presented Zheng Chenggong with the mansion is none other than the Southern Dragon of Kii, Tokugawa Yorinobu.

It is said that a foreigner once resided here during a visit before Japan adopted an isolationist policy. The reason this old, foreign mansion still stands among the surrounding samurai residences may be due to Yorinobu's influence as the head of the Kishu, one of the three branches of the Tokugawa family.

Shinagawa Inns

A lodging area located in Shinagawa. The term Shinagawa Inn is a collective name for the North Shinagawa Inns and South Shinagawa Inns, which are built on either side of the Meguro River. As it is the closest post station to Edo, it is said that daimyo from western Japan stay at designated inns here in order to tidy up their appearance before entering the capital.


An elevated plain located in northern Shinagawa. One theory suggests that the area's name, literally meaning 'palace mountain,' derived from the previous Shogun, Tokugawa Iemitsu, being so taken with the picturesque scenery there that he had a palace built for practicing falconry.

In recent years, Gotenyama has become a popular spot for viewing cherry blossoms. When the season comes, many Edo residents, as well as travelers from afar, journey there to drink and make merry amidst the backdrop of blooming sakura trees.


A temple located in Kawasaki, commonly called Kawasaki Daishi. The name Heiken-ji is said to have been derived from the last name of a fisherman who worked in Kawasaki long ago. Many people come each day seeking the protection against evil and misfortune by performing a Buddhist rite, the homa, at the temple.

Gongenyama Castle

A castle that was located on Gongenyama, near Kanagawa Port. Currently abandoned, the castle is gradually growing more dilapidated with time. It is thought that the castle was abandoned after it fell during a failed insurrection led by its former owner, but the truth remains unknown. These days none of the townspeople will go close, as there are rumors the castle has become a hideout for bandits.


A temple located in Tamanawa. The Kamakura Great Buddha located within, a seated statue depicting Amitabha Buddha, is just as well known as the statues in Nara and Kyoto. When Kotoku-in was first established, the Great Buddha was kept in the Great Buddha Hall, but the hall collapsed due to wind damage and earthquakes. Because the hall was not rebuilt afterwards, only the sitting Buddha statue remains.

Tamanawa Castle

A mountain castle located in Tamanawa. Even though it was once famous for having impregnable defenses, it was ordered abandoned by the shogunate. The road leading to the castle is one of Kamakura's Seven Entrances, which long ago connected Kamakura and the surrounding areas.


Sea of a Wrathful God

A fishing village located in the northeastern part of Yokosuka. Legends speak of a terrible sea deity that obstructed a great hero from crossing the water.

Parting at Hashirimizu

Making for Kazusa Province during a military expedition to the east, Yamato Takeru took sail from Hashirimizu with his wife, Ototachibana. However, their path forward was blocked by Hashirimizu's sea deity, who was angered by the ship's departure. In the face of this rampaging god, Ototachibana smiled softly and said, "If this could calm the seas, then..."

"My beloved, you must live on."

With the sacrifice of his cherished wife, Yamato Takeru was able to cross the soothed sea and reach Kazusa. Sometime later, he happened upon a single comb along the shore. It was the very item that he had gifted his wife and that she had held so dear.

Todoroki Fudoson

A branch temple of Mangan-ji located in Todoroki. Fudo Myo-o, the incarnation of the Buddha Dainichi Nyorai, is the principal object of worship here. The people living in the area have long been fond of the shrine and reverently praise "Lord Fudo."


Basic Information

A melee combatant considered to be the preeminent class of the seven Servants. Applicable Heroic Spirits must possess exceptional abilities. This class is referred to as one of the Three Knights, alongside Archer and Lancer.

Class Skills

Possesses Anti-Magic, which offers resistance against magecraft, and Riding, a skill that enables the use of mounts such as horses.


Basic Information

A Servant that makes use of powerful long-ranged weapons or skills. This class is referred to as one of the Three Knights, alongside Saber and Lancer.

Class Skills

Possessing Anti-Magic and the Independent Action skill, which allows a Servant to act alone without a Master, this class is well suited for reconnaissance.


Basic Information

Applicable Heroic Spirits must anecdotally use spears or other long-handled weapons, and also possess excellent attributes, particularly agility. This class is referred to as one of the Three Knights, alongside Saber and Archer.

Class Skills

Possesses Anti-Magic, offering resistance against magecraft.


Basic Information

This class is suitable for Heroic Spirits capable of controlling a mount. Although required stats are lower than those of the Three Knights classes, these Servants materialize with a variety of Noble Phantasms at their disposal.

Class Skills

Other than Anti-Magic, which the Three Knights also possess, this class has an extremely high-level Riding skill.


Basic Information

Applicable Heroic Spirits possess exceptionally strong magecraft and are usually spellcasters of some type. As a result, physical combat capabilities are often lacking.

Class Skills

Possesses the Territory Creation skill, enabling the formation of powerful workshops, as well as Item Construction, which allows for the creation of magical tools.


Basic Information

Tales about these Servants often involve assassinations and poisonings. Though required attributes are low, there is no better class for killing enemy Masters.

Class Skills

Possesses the skill Presence Concealment, allowing them to hide from not only enemy mages but other Servants as well.


Basic Information

Applicable Heroic Spirits are those who are known to have gone berserk in battle. Though hard to control, they have unwavering determination.

Class Skills

Possesses the Madness Enhancement skill, which allows a Heroic Spirit to surpass their normal limits - gaining overwhelming strength in exchange for their sanity. As such, this class can strengthen Heroic Spirits with low stats. But when used by an inherently powerful Heroic Spirit, the result is a fearsome foe indeed.


This Servant of arbitration stands outside of the basic seven-class framework, and even apart from the fifteen competitors summoned for the Waxing Moon Ritual. Further details are unknown.

The Waxing Moon Ritual

The Mortal Struggle of Seven Pairs

Seven pairs of contestants will do battle to claim the wish-granting Waxing Moon. The Heroic Spirits summoned to serve as weapons are referred to as Servants, while their wielders are referred to as Masters.

Withdrawal from the Ritual

Generally, there are only three ways to resign from the Ritual: losing one's Heroic Spirit, losing one's life, or claiming victory. After being chosen as a Master in the Waxing Moon Ritual, there is no choice but to fight to the bitter end.

A Warped Ritual

According to Rogue Caster, the Waxing Moon Ritual is very peculiar indeed. It is a pale imitation of a magical ritual that should not exist in this time. However, perhaps because the structure of that magical ritual had been successfully reproduced, the Waxing Moon does possess a measure of effectiveness as a wish granter.

The Waxing Moon

The Waxing Moon Ritual is a large-scale magical rite concocted by the Tsuchimikado family. The souls of a number of Heroic Spirits are required for the Waxing Moon to fulfill its role as a wish granter. However, the Waxing Moon's true purpose can only be served by offering up to it the fifteenth Servant. Interestingly, in the original rite from which the Waxing Moon Ritual was inspired, Rogue Servants are not summoned.

Tsuchimikado's Plots

Tsuchimikado Yasuhiro first curried favor with high-ranking members of the shogunate in order to hold the Ritual. With their backing, Tsuchimikado used the leylines beneath Edo to make preparations and installed himself as the Ritual's Observer.

The Waxing Moon

The Ritual's Prize

The victors of the Waxing Moon Ritual will secure a wish granter capable of fulfilling any request.

The Heroic Spirits were summoned to this world to fight alongside their Masters by the power of this Waxing Moon.

The Fruits of Tenacity

The Waxing Moon is a kind of magical reservoir that can store vast amounts of energy, and even has the ability to grant wishes. According to Tsuchimikado, however, it was not created to serve as an omnipotent wish granter.

Wish Granter

Servants who fall during the course of the Ritual have their souls absorbed into the Waxing Moon's Vessel. Using such powerful sources of magical energy, the Vessel will supposedly gain the power to act as a wish granter.

Corrupted Vessel (Flames of Resentment)

The Holy Grail, a sacred vessel spoken of in Western legends capable of granting any wish. The Waxing Moon is an imitation of it, after a fashion.

Using his peerless abilities of prescience alongside the power of the Heroic Spirit he summoned by his own hand, Tsuchimikado Yasuhiro sought to recreate a magic ritual that was developed in a different era. However, the recreation was imperfect. The collected souls of Servants filled the Grail of the Moon not as pure magical energy, but as corruption. The fifteenth Servant was perhaps the key to making a true wish granter out of the flawed replica.

Over the course of the Ritual, the Edo Castle was destroyed by the corruption flowing from the Waxing Moon.

Corrupted Vessel (A Ray of Light)

The Holy Grail, a sacred vessel spoken of in Western legends capable of granting any wish. The Waxing Moon is an imitation of it, after a fashion.

Using his peerless abilities of prescience alongside the power of the Heroic Spirit he summoned by his own hand, Tsuchimikado Yasuhiro sought to recreate a magic ritual that was developed in a different era. However, the recreation was imperfect. The collected souls of Servants filled the Grail of the Moon not as pure magical energy, but as corruption. The fifteenth Servant was perhaps the key to making a true wish granter out of the flawed replica.

Over the course of the Ritual, the residential quarters of Akasaka were destroyed by the corruption flowing from the Waxing Moon.

Master (Summoner)

Those who have been selected by the Waxing Moon and have then summoned a Servant. Becoming a Master allows for participation in the Waxing Moon Ritual.

Masters act as necessary anchors that tether Servants to the era in which they have been summoned.

Servant (Heroic Spirit)

According to Saber, Servants are the souls of great heroes who have temporarily returned from death to the present day.

Servants are so-called Heroic Spirits, those who have left their mark on history and joined the company of legendary heroes.

Heroic Spirits are those who have left their mark on history and joined the company of legendary heroes. They become Servants when their souls are temporarily summoned to this world and granted a physical form via a magical ritual. Supposedly, it is not the heroes themselves that are summoned, but their shadows.

As Servants are not biological entities, they do not require food or sleep. However, there are some among them who enjoy such things as luxuries. Saber is a prime example of this, though it is unclear whether or not Iori realizes it.


The vessels necessary to summon Heroic Spirits to this world. They consist of seven types: Saber, Archer, Lancer, Rider, Caster, Assassin, and Berserker. Some exceptions apparently exist.

True Name

The true identity of a summoned Servant. According to Miyamoto Musashi, revealing one's True Name only makes it easier to lose. For Heroic Spirits, revealing their true identity means having their weaknesses known as well. For that reason, the contestants in the Waxing Moon Ritual must be careful not to expose their true natures carelessly.

Noble Phantasm

A Heroic Spirit's trump card. The techniques themselves symbolize certain aspects of that Heroic Spirit's legend. Each one is unimaginably powerful.

In order to manifest the true power of a Noble Phantasm, Servants must say their True Name when using it. Because Noble Phantasms are so intimately connected to their Servant, using one carelessly poses the threat of revealing a Servant's true identity.

Command Spell

A Master's ability to give an absolute order to their Servant. By the magical energy of the Waxing Moon, these Command Spells are imprinted onto the body of each Master as three marks. A stroke will disappear each time one is used. Servants cannot defy orders given by Command Spells. With this power, it is even possible to manifest vigor in a Servant that far exceeds their usual faculties.

Rogue Servant


Servants who have no Master. They are instead anchored to leylines, from which they draw the necessary magical energy to materialize. Compared to those Servants who do have Masters, their magical energy output is thought to be somewhat weaker. Generally, they are unable to stray from the area in which they were summoned, and even if they managed to do so, they would have great difficulty fighting in drawn-out engagements. There are, however, exceptions to this rule, with Rogue Berserker appearing to be one of them.

Fellowship with a "Rogue"

By borrowing the power of the Crimson Codex, Iori can utilize leylines under his control to temporarily summon Rogue Servants to fight alongside him. However, for a summoning to work, the Rogue Servants themselves must consent to it. It is therefore a technique that can only be used once he has befriended them.

The Tsuchimikado Family

A noble family descended from Abe-no-Seimei. It is said that they manage the Waxing Moon Ritual and serve as its Observer.

A noble family descended from Abe-no-Seimei. The Tsuchimikado are tasked with managing the Waxing Moon Ritual and seeing it successfully concluded.

The Tsuchimikado are a distinguished family who are known for leading the onmyouji and having long acted as protectors of Japan. However, under Yasuhiro and Takatoshi's father, Yasushige, the family lost its position following a series of blunders. The role of onmyouji leader was then passed to the Koutokui, another family that claims lineage with Abe-no-Seimei. From that moment forward, reclaiming their former position has been the most fervent wish of the Tsuchimikado family.

Holy Grail

A miraculous object spoken of in legends from foreign lands. It is said to have the power to grant any wish.


Those who possess magical circuits and are therefore able to use magecraft.

Magecraft Workshop

The stronghold of a mage, used for research and study. They are often fervently protected, so as to prevent others from discovering the results of research done there.

Spell Book

Books in which the secrets of magecraft are recorded. Also referred to as grimoires. They serve as records of the lives and careers of their authors. Normally, they do not talk.


Rapid streams of magical energy that run underground. They are also referred to as spirit veins, meridians, or dragon meridians.

Spirit Font

Lands through which leylines flow. In Edo, many Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples are built on Spirit Fonts.

Spirit Core

The nucleus of a Servant. When Heroic Spirits materialize in this world, they are first granted a Spirit Core, which clothes them in a physical form derived from the magical energy within. Spirit Cores are weakened through the expenditure of magical energy and damage inflicted on the Servant's body. If even more magical energy is used while the Core is weakened, or if the Servant is hit with a powerful spell or Noble Phantasm, the Core will shatter, rendering the Servant incapable of remaining in this world. In other words, to defeat a Servant is to destroy their Spirit Core.

The heart and head are considered a Servant's weak points because of their direct link to the Spirit Core. Harm to either of these two areas will weaken the Core substantially.


Inhuman creatures created by the influence of the Ritual. They take the form of demons, spirits, or ghouls. Western magecraft also classifies them as ghosts or phantasms. Some of these creatures are under the control of mages.

Telepathy Mystic Code

One half of a two-part Mystic Code, given by Zheng Chenggong. They allow two parties to speak with one another even when far apart. They are also referred to as "moon blocks" in reference to the divination tool they were based on.

Bounded Field Charm

Zheng Chenggong's handmade Mystic Code that is able to create a bounded field. Though it appears similar to the talismans used in Taoism, it is, strictly speaking, a type of magecraft constructed with Taoist influence.


Medicines produced through magecraft. They have all manner of uses and effects, ranging from those that increase one's physical capabilities to those that can drive people mad with love. Legends speak of some that can even reverse aging.

Magical Furnace

A mechanism that produces magical energy. Ones such as those set up by Dorothea Coyett in Yokosuka, which produce considerable output, are extremely rare and valuable. Incidentally, the magical circuits in the bodies of mages are a type of magical furnace.

Clock Tower

A London-based organization composed of mages. It is the center of Western magecraft. Mages from all over the world gather there, devoting themselves day and night to the study of magecraft. However, the organization is by no means a monolith. It is composed of various factions, each vying against the others for power, control, and allocation of the organization's budget.

Agreement with Takao

Takao Dayu asked for information as an apology for carelessly entering her base, starting fights, and causing a commotion in Yoshiwara. It is now necessary to determine the names and locations of the other Masters.


A type of medicinal herb that grows on a foreign continent. For whatever reason, it also grows along Edo's roadsides. It is said that when Odysseus visited Circe's island, he was given this herb for protection against her magic by Hermes, the god of travelers. In the hands of the Great Witch Circe, it can quickly be concocted into an anti-curse elixir.

Divine Water

User: Yamato Takeru
Rank: C
Class: Anti-Personnel Noble Phantasm
Range: -
Maximum Targets: 1 Person
Detailed Information

A suppressed Noble Phantasm in which Saber's sword is covered and concealed by aqueous magical energy, transforming it into a kind of serpentine blade. When the ability is unveiled, the magical energy can be seen vanishing for a brief moment (Iori described this phenomenon as the "water sheath"). This Noble Phantasm also works as an enhancer for Mana Burst (Water).

Consuming the necessary magical energy to unleash this Noble Phantasm enables the use of powerful streams of water for long-range attacks.

Special Technique: Eight-Current Raging Storm

User: Yamato Takeru
Rank: B
Class: Anti-Personnel/Anti-Army Technique
Range: 0-10
Maximum Targets: 1-50 People
Detailed Information

A special technique that unleashes eight slashes at once. This ability's fearsome power brings to mind the massive eight-headed serpent - the Dragon of Destruction, Yamata-no-Orochi. While it is an Anti-Personnel technique, it is so powerful if that the surrounding area gets caught in the blast. (Naturally, its strength lessens when used as an Anti-Army technique.)

Sword of Heaven: Amenomurakumo-no-Tsurugi

User: Yamato Takeru
Rank: EX
Class: Anti-World Noble Phantasm
Range: 1-99
Maximum Targets: 900 People
Detailed Information

A divine sword created in the myth of Susanoo and wielded by the legendary Yamato Takeru. It was brought forth from the tail of the eight-headed, red-eyed beast - Japan's most fearsome Dragon of Destruction, Yamata-no-Orochi. That is to say, it is an embodiment of the various powers, both of heaven and earth, that were contained within the Dragon's body. To use this Noble Phantasm is to momentarily become a god or, in other words, to become one with the world. This is where its True Name, Sword of Heaven: Amenomurakumo-no-Tsurugi, is derived. It is a type of Divine Construct.

Detailed Information 2

By revealing their True Name, Saber instantly gains access to godly power, the effect of which is up to Saber to decide. Were Saber to choose destruction, many would surely suffer all-enveloping devastation. Alternatively, the blade could be swung to move the wind, just as in Yamato Takeru's myth, and put out the great fire that threatens to engulf all of Edo and its innocent inhabitants.

The name Amenomurakumo, literally meaning 'heavenly clouds,' is derived from the strange mist that encircled Orochi's body. It was originally linked with the ancient legend of the serpent-slaying blade from the "Records of the Grand Historian." Other names for the sword include Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi and Kusanagi-no-Tachi. It is one of Japan's three sacred treasures.

Fireship Afloat

User: Zhou Yu
Rank: D
Class: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm
Range: 1-50
Maximum Targets: 100 People
Detailed Information

Hellfire Ship Roaring Across Yangtze River.

A Noble Phantasm composed of a small louchuan warship and the bow that Archer carries. The ship, however, is a by-product of the Noble Phantasm; the bow is the linchpin. The arrows it releases explode on impact. In the Battle of Red Cliffs, fire ships played an important role as weapons. Rather than a materialization of the event, this Noble Phantasm sees that historical fact weaponized.

Red Cliff Calamity: Cradle of Fire

User: Zhou Yu
Rank: A
Class: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm
Range: 1-50
Maximum Targets: l,000 People
Detailed Information

The embodiment of the Battle of Red Cliffs. Similar to a Reality Marble, powerful magecraft is utilized to change the surroundings into a blazing ship. It creates hell on earth, raining down fire and explosions until either the enemy's life or the user's magical energy burns out. When activated, it can remove all people who are unrelated to the fight from the area. Its activation requirements are a bit demanding, requiring the target to somehow be held in one place for a certain amount of time. For this reason, it is necessary to first make clever use of traps, ambushes, and psychological warfare to force the target into a corner.

Tristesse de la Vierge

User: Jeanne d'Arc
Rank: D
Class: Anti-Personnel, Anti-Army Noble Phantasm
Range: 1-5
Maximum Targets: 1-50 People
Detailed Information

Our Lady of Sorrows.

All of the death and grief that stains the battlefield is gathered into Lancer's spear. It is then swung down with a sound akin to a human scream to unleash a vicious blow that draws its power from deeply held resentment. It is an extremely degraded, inverted version of Jeanne d'Arc's proper Noble Phantasm, Luminosité Eternelle.

Flamme Pays Étranger

User: Jeanne d'Arc
Rank: D
Class: Anti-Personnel Noble Phantasm
Range: 1-5
Maximum Targets: 100 People
Detailed Information

Fallen Foreign Flames.

The sweltering flames that claimed the life of Jeanne d'Arc as she was burned at the stake. With Lancer as the epicenter, it sets ablaze humans within a certain distance while also causing damage to Lancer herself. If Lancer's injuries are of no concern, however, it is a guaranteed way to cause large-scale destruction. Lancer staunchly forbids the use of this Noble Phantasm. As such, her Master, Chiemon, must spend a Command Spell every time he wants it used.

Doujigiri Yasutsuna

User: Ushi Gozen
Rank: B
Class: Anti-Mystic Noble Phantasm
Range: -
Maximum Targets: 1 Person
Detailed Information

The long sword that is said to have been used to defeat Shuten-Douji on Mount Ooe. This Noble Phantasm is constantly active.

Ox-King Reversal: Frenzied Tempest

User: Ushi Gozen
Rank: A
Class: Anti-Fortress Noble Phantasm
Range: 0-20
Maximum Targets: 500 People
Detailed Information

Resembling both a Tsuchigumo spider demon and an Ox-Ogre, the divine being that serves as Ushi Gozen's mount has its power momentarily amplified by Gozu-Tenno's strength and performs a vicious strike. Everything in its path is pulverized by its enormous mass, thunderbolts, and raging tempest winds.

Puppet Playground

User: Hieda-no-Are
Rank: EX
Class: Anti-Personnel Noble Phantasm
Range: 1-5
Maximum Targets: 3 People
Detailed Information

A Reality Marble activated by Hieda-no-Are with his eidetic memory. By using his own reality as an outer shell to cover the Reality Marble, he is able to interfere with the mystical Spirit Origins of Heroic Spirits, thereby considerably weakening their capabilities.

Invoke the Demigod: Yasomagatsuhi

User: Hieda-no-Are
Rank: EX
Class: Creation Noble Phantasm
Range: None
Maximum Targets: None
Detailed Information

Yasomagatsuhi, the god of calamity recorded in the Kojiki, as summoned by a Servant. An incomplete summoning of a Divine Spirit.

It is such a powerful Noble Phantasm that it requires a great deal of control to use properly. If even the slightest thing were to - go wrong, Yasomagatsuhi would begin to run wild. If Puppet Playground can be considered a trump card, then this is a forbidden art to be used only when victory must be achieved at any cost.

Incarnation: Omen of the Great God Ibuki

User: Kouga Saburou
Rank: A+
Class: Transfiguration Noble Phantasm
Range: -
Maximum Targets: 1 Person
Detailed Information

By revealing his True Name, Assassin is able to transform into a monstrous fusion of human and giant serpent. Using the curse cast by the Great God lbuki, who is also known by the name Yamata-no-Orochi, Assassin is bestowed the power to mutate his body into one optimized for battle.

This Noble Phantasm greatly increases physical capabilities, granting immense strength, agility, and stamina with which to pulverize opponents. This form also gains advantages against humans and humanoid beings. The scales of Yamata-no-Orochi which cover its body will not only nullify any attacks without divinity, but also possess enough defensive strength to easily shrug off attacks from Heroic Spirits of the Three Knights classes.

However, remaining in this form for too long will cause the curse to run rampant. Kouga Saburou will then lose all self-awareness and transform into a true monster that instinctively seeks to inflict death and destruction.

Six Paths, Five Rings: Kurikara Divine Blade

User: Miyamoto Musashi
Rank: A
Class: Anti-Personnel Noble Phantasm
Range: 2-20
Maximum Targets: 1 Person
Detailed Information

The thunderous blades are drawn! Musashi stands ready with dual katana in hand. The two Deva Kings - the Nioh - appear behind her, releasing crushing waves of earth, water, fire, and wind. Finally, from the concept of the void that even she has yet to master, Musashi unleashes a devastating slash with the sword of zero. Although it is considered as Anti-Personnel, it is at its core an Anti-Causality Noble Phantasm - a divine blade of the Buddha that can sever all manner of ill fate, negative karma, and bad luck. "After one's existence has been pared down to its furthest extremity, this is the 'something' that yet remains."

The ultimate singularity of which no other can be found. That Zero which lies even further beyond... the revelation of (blank) substantiated. The flower at the apex of heaven continues striving to one day reach that place.

Press the Attack: Kurikara Pass

User: Kiso Yoshinaka
Rank: B
Class: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm
Range: 1-70
Maximum Targets: 500 People
Detailed Information

An Anti-Army Noble Phantasm inspired by the story of the great Taira army's defeat. Numerous raging bulls with lit torches attached to their horns rush in from all directions, trampling enemy forces. The sounds of war horns, drums, and the cries of the bulls cause the very air to tremble. The area is instantly transformed into a hellish land of darkness and existential confusion.

Yoshinaka claims this power is the divine protection of the god Hachiman, but it is functionally a Reality Marble.

On Arorikya Sowaka

User: Kiso Yoshinaka
Rank: B+
Class: Anti-Personnel Noble Phantasm
Range: 1-20
Maximum Targets: 1 Person
Detailed Information

Asahi Shogun.

The mantra of the bodhisattva, Avalokiteśvara - the principal deity of Gichu-ji, the temple where Kiso Yoshinaka himself was buried - is chanted as a slash of gleaming sunlight blazes forth. It is also known as the Avalokiteśvara Sun Sword.

In the Tale of Heike, Kiso Yoshinaka was called the "Shogun of the Rising Sun," but there is no evidence of him using power similar to that of this Noble Phantasm. It could possibly be a special technique that he obtained after becoming a Servant.

Agni Gandiva

User: Arjuna
Rank: A
Class: Anti-Personnel Noble Phantasm
Range: 1-50
Maximum Targets: 1 Person
Detailed Information

Roar of the Fire God.

Granted to Arjuna by the fire god Agni, this burning bow should rightfully be impossible for a mortal to wield. Though normally just a regular bow, it becomes a powerful cannon wreathed in flame when Arjuna invokes his True Name.


User: Arjuna
Rank: A+
Class: Anti-Personnel Noble Phantasm
Range: 1-100
Maximum Targets: 1,000 People
Detailed Information

Raised Hand of the Destruction God.

A weapon given by Shiva, the member of the three great Hindu gods who governs creation and destruction. Though it is an. Anti-Personnel Noble Phantasm, it does not simply exterminate the people within its range. Instead, it passes judgment on all those within its reach, releasing those who fail from the cycle of death and rebirth. For all intents and purposes, this is essentially instant death. The higher one's divinity, the more likely they are to receive this judgment. On the other hand, those Servants that are referred to as Anti-Heroes are less likely to receive it.

Gáe Bolg (Affinity Technique)

User: Cú Chulainn
Rank: B
Class: Anti-Personnel Noble Phantasm
Range: 2-4
Maximum Targets: 1 Person
Detailed Information

Barbed Spear that Pierces with Death.

A Noble Phantasm granted when summoned as a Lancer-class Servant. It is an Anti-Personnel thrusting technique that he developed for his own use. As a result of the causality-reversing curse of his spear, invoking his True Name allows him to create the result of "the spear pierced the target's heart," which will then actualize the cause of "throwing the spear." He can thus bring about an assuredly fatal attack that cannot miss.

Gáe Bolg (Noble Phantasm)

User: Cú Chulainn
Rank: B+
Class: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm
Range: 5-40
Maximum Targets: 50 People
Detailed Information

Soaring Spear that Strikes with Death.

A Noble Phantasm granted when summoned as a Lancer-class Servant. This spear of destruction was possessed by a hero who never once tasted defeat in his lifetime.

This is how the magic spear was intended to be used. It is a rather unique Noble Phantasm in which Lancer pours all of his might and magical energy into the spear, bringing out the maximum potential of its cursed powers before throwing it at the enemy. If the other way of using Gáe Bolg focuses on accuracy, then this method focuses on destructive capability. Rather than piercing through each one of its targets, the spear creates a violent explosion that blows enemies away.

Metabole Piglets

User: Circe
Rank: C
Class: Anti-Personnel Noble Phantasm
Range: 1
Maximum Targets: 1 Person
Detailed Information

Forbidden Banquet of Chaos.

A summoned Reality Marble. The uncouth boor is brought to a lavish banquet hall where he is trampled by the beloved piglets of the witch Circe. It is a dreadfully joyful and boisterous magical feast that fills its victim to the point of bursting. Those who taste of its ecstasy will be left wishing with all their heart to be transformed into one of Circe's piglets.

No Second Strike

User: Li Shuwen
Rank: None
Class: Anti-Personnel Noble Phantasm
Range: 1
Maximum Targets: 1 Person
Detailed Information

Wu Er Da.

A single one of Li Shuwen's fierce blows, even one simply meant to check an opponent, was sufficient to take their life. It was therefore said that Li Shuwen needed no 'second strike. This ability is the realization of that notion. To be precise, it is not a Noble Phantasm, but rather the quintessence of martial arts.

According to one theory, Li Shuwen did not defeat his opponents with his fists alone. Those who died by his hand did not die from destruction of their internal organs, but from what would later become recognized as shock.

Samson Agonistes

User: Samson
Rank: EX
Class: Enhancement Noble Phantasm
Range: -
Maximum Targets: 1 Person
Detailed Information

I Am the Champion of Contrition.

A blessing from God. This Noble Phantasm is constantly active, granting Samson unparalleled strength, limitless stamina, and unfathomable vitality.

His only weakness is his hair. By having his hair cut by a woman, the retelling of his legend would be complete. Without his hair, his monstrous strength would vanish, and his once seemingly infinite stamina and vitality would decrease substantially.


User: Samson
Rank: B
Class: Anti-Fortress Noble Phantasm
Range: 0-1
Maximum Targets: 500 People
Detailed Information

Whither My Love.

An anguished strike comprised of all his strength. Samson's body turns red hot as he swings his fist. Though it certainly boasts considerable power as an Anti-Fortress Noble Phantasm, it cannot be used in quick succession. Samson must recuperate for a period of time after using it, during which he becomes unable to move. Though still able to make other attacks or defend, Samson becomes fairly sluggish during this period.

Gate of Babylon

User: Boss
Rank: E-A++
Class: Anti-Personnel Noble Phantasm
Range: -
Detailed Information

Treasury of the King.

A key-shaped sword that connects to the Golden Capital. Once the connection is made, it is possible to take out any tool that lies within the treasure vault. The greater the user's wealth, the more powerful the attack becomes.

4th Year of Keian (1651)

It has been forty-eight years since the establishment of the Edo shogunate and thirty-six years since the last military campaign, the Siege of Osaka. According to the Western calendar, the current year is 1651. The peace and tranquility brought by Tokugawa rule has made the turmoil of the Sengoku period a fading memory for many. With the death of the third Shogun, Tokugawa Iemitsu, the reign of his successor, Tokugawa Ietsuna, has begun.

Niten Ichiryu

The martial techniques that Miyamoto Musashi was said to have completed during his final years spent in a cave called Reigandou. Developing on the principles of Touriryu, the fighting style founded by his adoptive father Shinmen Muni, this dual-katana style of swordplay utilizes a long sword in the right hand and a short sword in the left. These concepts were collected in Musashi's Book of Five Rings.

The Book of Five Rings

The Book of Earth

Miyamoto Musashi regarded the Book of Earth, the first section of the Book of Five Rings, as necessary groundwork to undertake when in pursuit of the essence of the art of combat.

The Book of Earth therefore acts as a sort of beginner's guide, outlining all the arts of combat that Musashi himself mastered as well as explanations of how they should be put into practice.

The Book of Water

In order to study and master Niten Ichiryu, Miyamoto Musashi believed that one must be as pure and shapeless as clear water.

His extended thoughts on the matter can be found in the Book of Water, the section of the Book of Five Rings, where he details the art of using the long sword in the two-sword style.

The Book of Fire

Miyamoto Musashi saw in all flames, both big and small, a fierceness that reflects how one must fight when using Niten Ichiryu. This concept is expounded upon in the Book of Fire section of his Book of Five Rings, where he details practical techniques that can be used to seize victory in battle. In the preface of the Book of Fire, Musashi states that learning to fight while staring death in the face, knowing the boundary between life and death, and knowing the fighting style of the enemy will lead to certain victory.

The Book of Wind

In the fourth section of his Book of Five Rings, known as the Book of Wind, Miyamoto Musashi analyzes and candidly reviews other schools of swordsmanship. Differing from other similar guides, Musashi advocates in his book that studying the styles of other schools leads to a deeper understanding of Niten Ichiryu and helps one avoid the common pitfall of becoming stuck in one way of thinking.

...Incidentally, a certain spell book that purports to have traveled with Musashi for over half of his lifetime asserts to this day that it was his keen insights that prompted Musashi to write the Book of Wind.

The Book of the Void

In the final chapter of the Book of Five Rings, the Book of the Void, Miyamoto Musashi concisely summarizes the road to mastering Niten Ichiryu using the concept of the Void. Unlike the other books, the Book of the Void consists solely of a brief introduction. Though short, the Book of the Void reflects Musashi's state of mind in his later years. Miyamoto Iori poured over it countless times in his early childhood, attempting to glean knowledge from between its lines.

Earth Stance

Razor-Sharp Eyes

Even after the death of his teacher, Miyamoto Iori remained diligent in his training. What he gained in the absence of his mentor are "razor-sharp eyes," allowing him to perceive the openings in an enemy's defenses and predict the direction of their attacks.

The Crimson Codex is of the opinion that this sharpness of vision may be what sets Iori's swordsmanship apart from that of others.

Crimson Codex's Notes - Earth Stance

"Here do I record the fundamentals of combat as developed by Miyamoto Iori, adopted son of my friend Musashi. May these notes serve to aid in his pursuit of the way of the sword.

The Earth Stance is a defensive posture that makes use of Iori's razor-sharp eyes to read and defend against the strikes of his enemies. Against strong opponents, it would be prudent to first adopt the Earth Stance and await an opening.

However, a sturdy defense cannot be preserved without steadfast concentration. A keen and agile mind must be maintained at all times."

Crimson Codex's Notes - Lingering Glow

"The Earth Stance endows an unyielding spirit. For a time after switching stances, one will not falter from an enemy's blows."

Water Stance

Against a Sea of Enemies

Much like Musashi's famous battle with the Yoshioka Clan at Sagarimatsu, so long as Miyamoto Iori scrapes out a living with the edge of his sword, many a time will he find himself surrounded by swarms of thieves, ronin, or other ne'er-do-wells.

In the section of the Book of Water entitled "Against a Sea of Enemies," Musashi explains that in such situations you must not believe yourself ensnared. Instead, you should focus on gathering enemies together, "as though tying a line of fish," before striking them down.

Crimson Codex's Notes - Water Stance

"Designed to combat multiple foes at once, the high-speed, two-sword style of the Water Stance embodies the teachings of Musashi's 'Against a Sea of Enemies.' By adopting this stance, any number of encircling attackers can be driven back as one.

Even enemies at a distance will feel the whirling fury of the dual katana as they clear the battlefield of all opponents like a great, surging wave."

Crimson Codex's Notes - Lingering Glow

"The Water Stance exemplifies a tempestuous resolve. For a time after switching stances, one's sword will still flow as swift as a coursing river."

Fire Stance

Eliminating the Excess

Every Heroic Spirit that Miyamoto Iori faces in the Waxing Moon Ritual far outclasses him in terms of raw strength. But as mighty as the Heroic Spirits may be, he must still defeat them to claim victory. For that purpose, Iori has cast off all that was unnecessary.

He now remains in a state of constant battle readiness, his mind like an all-consuming flame.

Crimson Codex's Notes - Fire Stance

"The user wagers their very life when using the Fire Stance. Much as a candle burns hotter and brighter so as not to be extinguished, so too does the sword grow swifter and fiercer the closer death approaches. By channeling one's own life force into the blade, it may even be possible to pierce through the shell of magical energy surrounding monsters and Heroic Spirits. After all, Iori's Niten Ichiryu style itself borders on the power of the mystic.

But never forget that in the Ritual, those who die will claim no reward. Use up your life as kindling for the flames, and all that awaits you is an eternal darkness that fire's light will never reach. Should you use the Fire Stance, do not forget your own limitations."

Crimson Codex's Notes - Lingering Glow

"The Fire Stance harbors a smoldering tenacity. For a time after switching stances, one's fighting spirit will burn on, endowing their sword with fierce desperation."

Wind Stance

Thus Spake the Spell Book

After Musashi's death, his talking spell book, the Crimson Codex, passed into the hands of Miyamoto Iori. Due to his open-mindedness, which Musashi himself had lauded him for, Iori was able to learn and incorporate the foreign magics of Jewel Magecraft that the Crimson Codex taught him into his own swordsmanship.

Afterwards, the fencing stance that integrated this magecraft into its movements would even become powerful enough to serve alongside his other sword forms in the ever-intensifying Waxing Moon Ritual.

Crimson Codex's Notes - Wind Stance

"Utilizing a combination of swordplay and magecraft, the Wind Stance overwhelms enemies with a myriad of attacks. Mystic creatures, such as monsters and Heroic Spirits, are best dealt with through mystic means.

Magical energy flows outwards from the meridians within one's body. The more magecraft you use, and the more mystic beings you cross swords with, the more energy these meridians become capable of conducting. But grow not overconfident in your power - use up your magical energy, and a mystic blade will quickly lose its luster."

Crimson Codex's Notes - Lingering Glow

"The Wind Stance exploits the wonders of magic. For a time after switching stances, each stroke of the sword will cause a mystic flame to erupt."

Void Stance

Opposing the Mighty

Iori stands against Saber, a master of battle from ancient times. This is the most burdensome, most difficult... and most (blank) moment of the Waxing Moon Ritual. Iori tightly grasps his dual katana in both hands...

Crimson Codex's Notes - Void Stance

"Standing apart from other forms, the Void Stance is the pinnacle of sword mastery that Iori attained following mortal combat with a fencer from the distant past. With heart and mind as tranquil as a clear sky, his sword swings with an unparalleled might beyond ordinary human means.

However, the appearance of a single cloud in that sky would surely dim the blade's edge as well. In order to wield the Void Stance to its full potential, one must be a peerless warrior who sustains not even the slightest of wounds."

Crimson Codex's Notes - Lingering Glow

"The Void Stance is made manifest through a serene mind. For a time after switching stances, that blade of inner tranquility will reach as far as the clear heavens."


The lands east of the hills of Mount Ashigara. Also called Kanto. It refers to the eight provinces of Musashi, Sagami, Kozuke, Shimotsuke, Kazusa, Shimosa, Awa, and Hitachi. Long ago, Yamato Takeru was said to have traveled these lands at the command of his father.

Ogasawara Family

The hereditary daimyo who preside over the Akashi Domain in Harima Province. Long renowned for establishing the famous Ogasawara-ryu school of etiquette for samurai families, this respected clan also holds governance over Shinano.

Because Miyamoto Musashi had been a close friend to the family, they sought to take his adopted son Iori into their service.


Standing above all samurai families, the Shogun was entrusted by the Imperial Court of Kyoto with the governance of Japan. The current shogunate was established several decades ago when Tokugawa Ieyasu made Edo his stronghold.

The Crimson Codex has evidently told Saber that the Imperial Court and the shogunate are essentially the same thing. As far as the Crimson Codex is concerned, the differences between them must seem rather trivial.

Shogunate Retainers

Vassals serving the Tokugawa family whose stipends are under l0,000 koku of rice. Warriors who receive more than l0,000 koku are referred to as daimyo, a much higher rank. Of the shogunate retainers, only the members of the caste are permitted an audience with the Shogun. Those of lower status are called "gokenin."

According to Yui Shousetsu, the blank-faced vassals that frequently appeared were all under Tsuchimikado Yasuhiro's magical control.


Low-ranked government officials who receive their orders from local magistrates. Many constables inherit their position, so it is not uncommon for father and son to serve the same office.

Sukenoshin followed in his father's footsteps by working for the Kitamachi magistrate in northern Edo. Those who knew his father say he takes after his old man, having a shrewd personality and sloppy workmanship.


Agents under orders from lords or the Shogun to gather information and perform reconnaissance.

The previous Shogun, Tokugawa Iemitsu, sent out members of the Osobashu, a spy agency made up of shinobi clan descendants, all across Japan, paving the way for the shogunate's embrace of espionage.

If Yui Shousetsu was truly working with the shogunate, then the suspicious people following Iori since the beginning of the Ritual might have been government spies.


Warriors with nothing to their names, not even a lord to serve.

In recent years, the shogunate removed daimyo families and enacted reforms, causing a marked increase in the number of ronin who have gathered in Edo. Without a new post or any other way to feed themselves, ronin often engage in theft and arson to express their grievances against the shogunate. Even now, there is no end to the violence of the ronin, and officials of the magistrate, such as Sukenoshin, are hard-pressed to deal with the problems they pose.


Idle ruffians found throughout Edo. They subsist on money and goods taken from the townspeople through extortion or theft.


Spellcasters who use a form of magic called onmyoudo to perform divinations and astrological readings, revise the calendar, and employ curses and their countermeasures. Onmyouji once held great influence over the Imperial Court, but their power has waned with the passage of time.

The Tsuchimikado family that manages the Waxing Moon Ritual are the descendants of Abe-no-Seimei, the ancient founder of the onmyouji.


Edo merchants who are contracted to act on behalf of the vassal samurai, whose salaries are paid in rice, to exchange rice for money. In recent times, there are rice brokers who have also started to lend money by taking rice as collateral. However, these loans come with fairly high interest rates, so some samurai have difficulty repaying them. The back and forth between greedy rice brokers seeking to collect their money and sneaky samurai evading debt collectors might just become a new thing Edo is famous for.


The elegant beauties of the pleasure district of Yoshiwara. Draped in resplendent finery, they beguile the male guests who come to visit. The highest ranking courtesans are referred to as Dayu.

In contrast to their dazzling appearances, the job itself is quite harsh and demanding. Whether seeking to pay off debts or having been given up by families who could not feed them, most courtesans in Yoshiwara left impoverishment in the countryside and have no choice but to continue in this line of work.

Helper Girls

Young girls who tend to the needs of Yoshiwara's courtesans. Also called "kamuro," which is the name of the short, straight haircut they are given.

These girls observe their assigned courtesans well, studying their manners and skills. When they grow up, they become new courtesans who are then sent to entertain guests.


Men working in the pleasure district of Yoshiwara.

They perform many roles, from working as barkers in front of establishments, to bodyguards who deal with unruly customers and courtesans who try to escape, and even hairdressers who set the courtesans' coiffure.

General Stores

Stores that mainly carry miscellaneous daily goods and sundries. True to their unspecialized nature, these stores may carry food, toys, luxury goods, and almost anything else imaginable.

Food Stalls

Temporary portable eateries established to serve travelers on the go. From soba to sushi and sweets to sake, and even goldfish, if it can be hauled and sold, anything goes. Shops carried on the purveyor's shoulders are called "Katsugi Yatai," while stalls set on the roadside are called "Tachi-uri."

Dorothea's Followers

The people working for Dorothea Coyett range from mages employed by the Coyett family to sailors of the Dutch East India Company who were sent by her father, the future head of the organization. These disparate members are still able to work quite well together.

Very few Westerners had set foot in Edo in the more than ten years since the shogunate had closed Japan's borders. That explains why the townspeople in Yokosuka froze with disbelief when they first saw Dorothea and her swaggering followers - foreigners whose existence they had only heard of in rumors.

Zheng's Followers

The people working for Zheng Chenggong range from veterans who served his father, Zheng Zhilong, to those Zheng Chenggong personally won over himself. As the main force is currently waging a campaign in their homeland, those who followed Zheng to Japan are small teams of skilled Taoist monks and mages.

Marked One

The swordsman that Miyamoto Iori encountered in Asakusa used this term to refer to Iori after seeing his hand. What was little more than a darkening bruise later became a pronounced symbol on the back of Iori's hand after Saber was summoned. According to Saber, it was proof that Iori had been chosen as a Master who would take part in the Waxing Moon Ritual. If Iori had lost that battle, perhaps Saber's Master would have been someone else entirely...

The Suidobashi Tsujigiri

Moonlit Tragedy

An unknown tsujigiri murderer has appeared in Suidobashi. Sources say a retainer and his vassals were found slaughtered near a samurai residence. Following the incident, the shogunate declared the culprit to be the lord of that house and sent soldiers to capture him. However, according to those who were present at the scene, the perpetrator was a warrior clad in old-fashioned armor.

The Tsujigiri's True Identity

The tsujigiri who appeared in Suidobashi was none other than Rogue Saber. Upon arriving in Suidobashi, he evidently happened across soldiers who were being controlled and cut them down. Assuming this to be true, someone must have framed the lord of that samurai residence in order to keep the fact that the murders had been committed by a Servant from becoming common knowledge.

Kanda Waterworks

A water supply system that uses the Inokashira Pond as its source. By utilizing the water conduit built atop the Kanda River, it is able to supply water to a large area, which plays a major role in supporting the lives of the people of Edo.

Shimabara Rebellion

A rebellion that occurred in the Shimabara Domain of Hizen Province during the rule of the Edo shogunate.

It began around ten years ago, when Shimabara farmers who had long endured the tyrannical rule of the daimyo murdered the local magistrate. The force of the farmers' uprising, led by Amakusa Shirou and his confidant, Mori Souiken, was so powerful that they were able to occupy a section of the castle in Amakusa. Before long, however, the shogunate sent soldiers who would slaughter nearly every man, woman, and child of the rebellion. It was such an appalling scene that Shimabara was said to have looked like the very picture of hell. Through this extreme judgment, the rebellion that had disturbed the peace was finally put down.


Voyager of the Seven Seas

A type of sailing vessel used during the Age of Exploration. Boasting several masts and lined with batteries of cannons, these ships were often ostentatiously ornamented. The specific ships primarily used by the Dutch East India Company around this period were flat-bottomed vessels known as fluyts. Perhaps Dorothea Coyett arrived on a galleon because she liked the majestic adornments, or maybe it was simply a used ship she had bought on sale.

Dorothea's Cannons

The munitions that Dorothea fires from her ship's cannons are not cannonballs in the strictest sense. In order to combat Servants and Noble Phantasms, which are all but impervious to physical attacks that have no mystic power, she has outfitted her guns with a Mystic Code that transforms their contents into fire-based magical attacks. While these attacks cannot inflict serious wounds on those with high ranks of Anti-Magic, they can be quite effective depending on affinity.

Dutch East India Co.

The official name of this organization is United East India Company. "Dutch" was added to differentiate itself from its British counterpart.

The company stepped in to take control of foreign trade in Nagasaki after the previous Shogun, Tokugawa Iemitsu, banned foreign trade and expelled Portugal from Japan. They are making a fortune importing goods such as raw silk thread.


The fish market opened near Nihonbashi in Edo. From as far away as Suruga to the west and Shimosa to the east, the marine products gathered here keep the bellies of Edo's residents full.

Textile Wholesaler

This shop deals in silk goods that have a peculiarly uneven surface called "chirimen," which is often used in wrapping cloths and kimono.

Ruler's Babyloni-ya is supposedly a textile wholesaler, but according to frequent guests, it has never sold even a single bolt of fabric.

Piglet Sakura Mochi

A handmade confection made by Circe. Considering the attention to detail put into this item, the artisan's adorable personality and heartfelt affection can readily be surmised. Heehee, I'm sure you'll love it.

What's inside, you ask? You're the type that has to know what a gift is before opening it, huh? Well, you get the joy of finding out after taking a bite! Don't worry, you won't suddenly turn into a pig or anything.

Although, to be honest, you might become so addicted to it that you simply couldn't survive without me. Still, that's what sweet things do, isn't it? Since ancient times, gods and heroes alike have fallen captive to it.

...Hm? It's more like mochi than kykeon? Listen here, piglet: all paths lead to kykeon, which means all sweets are kykeon as well. Don't you know anything?

Sword Maintenance

Maintenance performed by a warrior on their sword to prevent it from rusting or losing its luster.

The first step is to remove old oil by tapping the blade with a cloth that is sprinkled with a cleaning powder. The powder is then removed with a wiping paper. Lastly, the blade is carefully coated with new layer of oil. This process restores the blade's original brilliance. It is considered proper to hold folded paper in one's mouth to prevent any saliva from falling onto the blade and unintentionally causing rust to form.

Buddha Carving

The act of creating a statue of Buddha by carving it out of materials such as rock or wood.

This is one of the very few hobbies Miyamoto Iori enjoys in his free time. He began by copying his teacher Miyamoto Musashi, who would make carvings as a meditative practice. Although he practices carving whenever he has time and suitable lumber at hand, Iori has yet to create any statues that would surpass Musashi's works.


There are many hot-blooded people in Edo who like to start loud quarrels. Like the spectacular scenes of firemen putting out fires, these altercations could perhaps be considered one of Edo's most notable features.

Spirit Font Conflict

A crucial strategy in the Waxing Moon Ritual, whereby stealing leylines from other Masters gives magical power that can be used to enhance the abilities of one's own Servant. If fights between Heroic Spirits can be described as battles of magical power, then fights between Masters would be battles to control Spirit Fonts.

Leyline Connection

Some kind of catalyst must be used in order to connect one's own magical circuits to the leylines. By doing this, it becomes possible to interact with Spirit Fonts, as well as draw forth magical energy. The catalysts used by mages vary from person to person. In Iori's case, he uses the Crimson Codex.

Leyline Link

Underneath Edo runs a network of leylines that resembles a mesh. Similarly to how the water in a river will dry up if it were dammed, it is also possible to dam the magical energy that flows through leylines. If that were to happen, the monsters and mages who were drawing magic from Spirit Fonts would immediately lose their powers.

Leyline Release

This refers to terminating one's connection to a leyline. Connecting one's magical circuits to the leylines runs the risk of making one's location detectable. But because it would be impossible to fight in the Ritual without connecting to leylines, it is best to keep the amount of time connected to a bare minimum. When returning to base, it is absolutely paramount to terminate the connection.

Telluric Energy

The large amounts of magical energy welling up from Spirit Fonts. The Crimson Codex suggested to use this specific term for convenience's sake.

Bounded Field

Barriers that create a boundary between different areas. They have several different potential uses, including concealing a person's presence, blocking sound, and interfering with other spells. They can even be used to allow the spellcaster to detect enemy intrusions into the area, or to grant powerful magical effects while inside the bounded field.

Support Mystic Code

Simple Mystic Codes used by the mages participating in the Waxing Moon Ritual and their subordinates. They contain spells that interact with leylines.

Sea Route

Even if the leylines that run underground are connected, there is no guarantee that there will be a traversable path aboveground. Often called the city of water, Edo also contains many sea routes and waterways. Some manner of ship would likely be necessary to move freely throughout them.

Mechanical Doll

A mechanical child possessed by a spirit. It resembles a tea-serving doll, which uses a string or coil to move on its own. However, what this puppet serves to people is not hot tea, but cold death.

Demon-Faced Puppet

A mechanical courtesan possessed by a spirit. It normally has a serene face and closed eyes, but when its prey is sighted, the face contorts into a terrifying hannya rictus. After drawing one of its countless weapons from a sleeve, it lays into its victim with ghastly ferocity.


A starved and thirsty lesser oni. The protruding belly bulges out from the rest of its skinny body. Whatever food it tries to eat turns to ash in its mouth, causing it to suffer endless hunger. Perhaps that is why the gaki that appeared in Edo come rushing in with bloodshot eyes - they are salivating at the thought of even one bite of these beings that contain so much magical energy.

Red Oni

A bloodthirsty one-horned ogre. Wielding a spiked club with monstrous strength, it crushes everything in sight. Its bright scarlet skin appears to burn with the seething rage of violent spirits, or perhaps it was stained that color after bathing so often in spattered blood.

One-Eyed Oni

A monstrous, one-eyed giant. It is said that it is the husk of a former monk who succumbed to depravity, or perhaps a fallen god of the mountains. It sends its enemies to the afterlife with hulking arms, killing without hesitation. With the prayer beads held in the left hand, it prays for the eternal ruination of those it intends to slaughter.

Phantom Snake

Swarms of preternatural serpents. They slither to-and-fro as they carry out Assassin's bidding. Though they move with agility, they are not very intelligent. Perhaps they always move in a swarm to avoid being mistaken for prey.

Giant Phantom Snake

A three-headed serpent with glinting eyes. It is also an underling of Assassin but possesses more intelligence than phantom snakes. Including its tail, it deftly uses all four ends to corner its enemies. The venom dripping from its fangs is powerful enough to kill within a matter of moments.

Fox Spirit

A fox yokai used by onmyouji as Shikigami familiars. It acts without hesitation to fulfill the desires of its controller, whether it be for good or ill. Behind that cute exterior lies a slavering glutton that would never lend its aid to anyone without a sufficiently large offering of food.


Multiple fox spirits merged into a single being through an onmyouji spell. It unleashes curses far more powerful than those of the fox spirits it arose from. The way it glides through the air while scattering fox fire resembles giant lilies blooming on the battlefield.

Skeletal Warrior

A being formed from the regrets of a common soldier that died in battle. It roams throughout Edo with a bloody sword in hand, seeking to take the head of the enemy it could not kill in life.

Phantom Ogre Warrior

A being formed from the regrets of a commander that died in battle. Seeking revenge for the humiliation it suffered in life, it cuts down those who approach with a fury. One can surmise that it held a high rank in life by the pitch-black armor it wears.


A being formed from the souls of the dead that crowd Edo. Wearing fluttering white clothing, it attacks the living. Its violence could be driven by jealousy of those who have a future, or perhaps it simply enjoys inviting others to the underworld.


A fire spirit said to arise from the desires of the dead. It does not possess a strong will to fight and often drifts aimlessly through the air during battle. Once angered, however, it will send enemies scattering in all directions.

Cursed Lantern

A paper lantern that was carelessly tossed away and then possessed by mischievous spirits. It fights by spitting demonic fire from its large mouth. The sight of one chasing after someone with its bright, round eyes could even be considered cute... depending on the person.

Soul Eater

A demonic beast that looks somewhat like a Chinese lion or a Shinto lion-dog. As its name implies, it roams Edo every night devouring the spirits of humans and beasts alike. Having no visible eyes or nose, it must use its mane and tail like feelers to locate souls.


Nue are pitch-black beasts with the head of a monkey, the body of a tiger, and a snake for a tail. The dark mane is slick with oil, but it still releases an ominous light even on moonless nights. It is said that an ancient emperor who heard the cry of a Nue fell ill, so a fair number of those in the Imperial Court still fear the Nue as a sign of an impending disaster.

Giant Spider

A spider that has been transformed into a giant monster by the magical energy wafting through Edo. Attacking their victims by spitting sticky webbing, these spiders now hunt humans instead of insects.

In recent times, the race to see which spider hunts down flies the fastest had become a popular game in the gambling dens of Edo. However, rumors about the appearance of these giant monsters have apparently caused gamblers to become afraid of spiders, so they were all returned to the wild.

Phantom Spider

A spider monster with what appears to be a warrior's body on its head. After severing its victim's windpipe with scythe-like arms, it pours out acid that can dissolve even steel, rendering living beings into dead meat.

Giant Joro Spider

A spider monster with what appears to be a woman's body on its head. It craves the blood and flesh of young men above all else. Rumors say it turns into an irresistible beauty every night and spins a trap at the riverside, where it then drains every drop of blood from any man foolish enough to be lured by its appearance.

Sea Fiend

An otherworldly fiend that began appearing in the sea near Edo from the start of the Ritual. While most will capture nearby aquatic creatures with their tentacles to devour them, there are supposedly fearsome ones that prefer eating fishermen over fish.

Giant Bat

A bat that has been transformed into a giant monster by the magical energy wafting through Edo. It soars through the sky on massive wings and unleashes deafening waves of sound. In China, bats are revered as auspicious animals that bring good fortune to those who see them. However, these beasts must instead be exterminated as the dangerous demons they have become.

Unnatural Creation

A synthetic, soulless infant. Their inhuman movements and robotic appearance induces a primordial fear within those who face them.

Great Orochi

The giant monster summoned by Assassin in Yokosuka. Its eight heads are reminiscent of the evil serpent spoken of in Japanese mythology, Yamata-no-Orochi.

Great Divine Being

The giant monster that Rider summoned in Edo to serve as her mount. It resembles a headless bull, but its identity is indiscernible. Manifesting as a result of the vast amounts of magical energy acquired from the leylines of Edo, it rained down bolts of judgment befitting of its name.

Waxing Moon Monster

The god that Chiemon became by merging with the Waxing Moon when trying to bring hell to Edo. The screams reverberating from beyond those dreadful gates appear to belong to the men and women, young and old, who lost their lives in the Shimabara Rebellion. There is nothing divine about this creature, with its burnt and puckered guise born from the corruption of the Waxing Moon.

False God Yasomagatsuhi

The evil dragon summoned by Caster's Noble Phantasm, Invoke the Demigod: Yasomagatsuhi. The balls of light it releases from its preponderant body possess enough power to level entire districts of Edo.

The Kojiki tells of one Omagatsuhi, another being born from the corruption of the underworld that, like Yasomagatsuhi, became calamity incarnate.

Issue I: Asakusa

Try the Ise Special, Honeyed Rice Cakes!

With the delicious aroma of rice, a hardy crunch, and a sweetness that fills the mouth, the Honeyed Rice Cake is available now in Asakusa for the first time ever!

Said to have been first sold in the town outside of Ise Shrine by an official of Kinoshita, this snack has a light flavor that will appeal to people of all ages and really sticks to the ribs.

Could something that good truly exist, you ask? If you don't believe it, come line up at a food stall in Asakusa and see for yourself. But beware, you may find yourself drawn to Senso-ji every day for another bite!

Issue II: Asakusa

Who Dwells in the Haunted House?

Set on a back street in the residential area of Asakusa, this "haunted house" doesn't have a single ghost inside. But it's so shabby that the house itself might turn into a ghost!

Rumors say that a young man started living in this ramshackle, old house not too long ago, so I asked around to see just what kind of weirdo this guy is. Inside, there's apparently a book that can fly, the laughing voice of a girl who shouldn't be there, and the sounds of swinging swords night after night...

Maybe I shouldn't have asked in the first place! Well, I certainly won't be going near that spooky place again.

Issue III: Yoshiwara

Takao Dayu the 2nd, a Femme Fatale?

Though not spoken of outside the gates, rumors stirring in Yoshiwara say a lord drew his sword on Takao Dayu for not bending to his will.

True or not, there is certainly no shortage of jealous fools who would spread lies about the number one courtesan of Yoshiwara. On the other hand, some lords are so obsessed with Dayu that they'd happily empty their coffers for her.

With news of another family scandal involving the pleasure quarter recently making the rounds in Edo, it might be best to take drinking and women in moderation - fly too close to the sun and you might get burned.

Issue IV: Okachimachi

Soldiers on the Road to Success

Do you ever wonder when the area south of Kan'ei-ji, situated to the northeast of Edo Castle, earned the name Okachimachi, 'Soldier Town'? The origin of the name is clear enough - it refers to the many residences in the area for low-ranking samurai foot soldiers. But did you know other people live there as well?

There's the Osakite-gumi, in charge of Edo Castle's security and keeping the peace around town (and who are hated for their rough attitudes and eagerness to draw their swords), and the mounted Goshoinban-gumi, who act as guards for the Shogun and are galloping full speed towards promotion.

It might not be obvious based on their dress, but you'll surely be able to tell which group they belong to by the look on their faces. I'd avoid going near the Osakite-gumi if I were you.

Issue V: Ueno

Shinobazu Pond, Originally Shinobi Pond?

As Kan'ei-ji was founded by the monk Tenkai, it wouldn't be a reach to say he plotted out the nearby Shinobazu Pond as well.

Modeled after Awaumi, the pond even has Benten Island set in the middle to represent Chikubu Island. A lot of dedication can also be seen with the lotus flowers that bloom on one side.

But all the conflicting stories about how it came to be named make the truth unclear. Some say the area used to be called Shinobi Hill, while others insist it's a corruption of the name Shinowazu, which referred to all the bamboo in the area. Others speculate it was a popular meeting place for lovers who snuck out like shinobi to rendezvous. Maybe the Buddhist monk prepared this lovely area just so people wouldn't have to sneak around anymore. What a thoughtful guy.

Issue VI: Suidobashi

Clean Water Thanks to the Waterworks

Our thirsts are quenched by virtue of the Kanda Waterworks, which draws water from Inokashira Pond and brings it straight to Edo.

It evidently used to be called Koishikawa Waterworks long ago when they drew water from the Koishikawa River. In any case, water shortages continue to grow as the number of people living in Edo increases. Every resident in Edo must have wondered at least once what would happen if a big fire broke out...

Fortunately, the authorities have plans for a new waterworks. It seems they intend to draw water from the Tamagawa in the west and send it all the way to Okido in Yotsuya. Construction could get started as early as next year, and that would certainly take a load off many minds.

Issue VII: Torikoe

A Prince Enshrined

South of Asakusa stands the Torikoe Shrine. The principal deity is the ancient hero Yamato Takeru no Mikoto, after whom the shrine's old name, Shiratori, 'White Birds,' was apparently taken.

This is just between you and me, but before the illustrious Ieyasu began his rule in Edo, the entirety of Asakusa running along Sumidagawa belonged to the shrine. Afterwards, Mount Torikoe was leveled, and all the ponds were filled in to build the Asakusa rice granaries. And of the three shrines that used to be here, this last remaining one is said to have only been spared due to the desperate pleas of the head priest. The government might have needed the land, but there's still something sad about it all.

It'd be nice if they held a big festival like Kanda Shrine does. We'd need a flashy portable shrine to match that Edo spirit!

Issue VIII: Kanda

Big Turnouts at Choukou Hall

Have you heard about that popular school in Kanda? It's an academy for the military arts of all things, and it's named after the Chinese military strategists Chou Ryou and Koumei. Based on my scant knowledge of the Three Kingdoms, I'm pretty sure Koumei is just Zhuge Liang's courtesy name.

Anyway, they say ronin are showing up to the academy in droves to become students. Furthermore, the teacher is evidently a handsome, young samurai, so the girls are always crowding around trying to catch a glimpse. There are so many people, you'd think the Kanda Festival was on.

Watch out for pickpockets and be careful not to get caught up in a fight when visiting Kanda!

Issue IX: Yanagiwara

Yanagiwara Protects Edo from Ogres

Did you know there's a place full of willows along the Kanda River called Yanagiwara Embankment? Apparently, those willows were planted around two hundred years ago. That's all the way back to when Ota Doukan had the old Edo Castle built!

Looking from the castle, that embankment would be to the northeast - an unlucky direction of evil spirits. Yanagimori Shrine was supposedly built there to welcome the Fushimi Inari deity all the way from Kyoto, and the willow trees were planted to ward off evil.

Willows don't break under the wind, so we humans should also learn to bend like the willow tree.

Issue X: Koishikawa

Ghosts at Large in Koishikawa?!

The area belonging to Denzu-ln Temple in northern Edo is called Koishikawa. But did you know there was a small village there up until a few years ago? It now lies abandoned, with the fields and houses left untended.

At some point, people began to talk about a light appearing in that abandoned village night after night. Afterwards, there were sightings of a black flame flying across the sky and some figure wrapped in. bandages. Evidently, some youngster who went to check it out never returned...

I'm certainly not encouraging anyone to go. Old wisdom tells us to let sleeping dogs lie.

Issue XI: Akasaka

Look Who's Strutting Around Akasaka

In Akasaka, the famed Kii Tokugawa family owns a spare residence in one of the best housing areas in Edo. Those of you in the know might have heard this already, but a group of Chinese are staying there. Even more, there seems to be some bigwig named Koxinga among them. He's apparently called that because he was permitted to use the same family name as the Ming emperor. Of course, Koxinga isn't actually the emperor's name; the word means something, like 'Lord of the Imperial Surname.'

I don't know if this has anything to do with this particular gentleman, but there are rumors in Akasaka that a flute can be heard playing in the Chinese residence on nights when the moon is beautiful. They say the flutist must be a strikingly beautiful woman or man. If it's true, I'd like to take a look for myself...

Issue XII: Nihonbashi

Whitebait or Kudzutai?

Have you ever visited Uogashi in Nihonbashi? Fish, fish, and more fish line the stores from front to back. Just one look will have you smacking your lips.

What draws the most eyes, though, is either the beautifully translucent whitebait or the sea bream with its shiny scales. Both used to be luxury items that us commoners could never eat.

When the great Ieyasu was still around, catching whitebait for any other purpose than presenting them as offerings to the Shogun was forbidden. Sea bream caught using special fishing nets made in Futtsu were called Kudzutai and became offerings to the Shogun as well.

Now that such delicacies have become available to folks like us, I'd say things have changed for the better.

Issue XIII: Akasaka

Three Thousand Monks Gather at Zojo-ji

Though famous for Lord Hidetada's grave, Zojo-ji is reportedly more important amongst trainee monks for its status as the first entry on a list of eighteen temples, called Kanto Danrin, where they can train. That would make Zojo-ji the most important temple in eastern Japan.

You should go see for yourself sometime, but Zojo-ji is surrounded by small wood- shingled dwellings that the monks use for their dormitories. There's said to be over a hundred cabins and around the same number of temples. I hired a bored fellow to count the number of monks there, but he gave up after going past three thousand.

Issue XIV: Shinagawa

Shinagawa, Lovely in Every Season

If Nihonbashi is the beginning of the Tokaido Highway, then Shinagawa is its first post station. Many travelers visit the sprawling town that stretches in both directions from the road, and daimyo on their way to and from Edo customarily stay at the Shinagawa Inns. Moreover, the scenery can be enjoyed across all four seasons, so Edo's citizens also have fond memoires of the town.

Spring brings us the cherry blossoms of Gotenyama. In the summer, people gather on the night of July 26th to watch the moon for Tenno Festival. Kaian-ji becomes a vibrant sea of red leaves in the fall. And in the winter, you can enjoy the bounties of the sea. I think you, dear reader, must have been to Shinagawa several times already, yes?

That reminds me, execution grounds have been built nearby at Suzugamori. It still hasn't been used yet, but I wonder who will be the first to lose their life there...

Issue XV: Kawasaki

What's the "Heiken" in Heiken-ji?

The temple at the widely popular Kawasaki Daishi is called Heiken-ji, but there are various origin stories behind that name.

One explanation states that a man named Hirama Kanenori, whose family name could also be read as "Heiken" when you look at the kanji, was fishing when he caught a statue of Koubou Daishi in his net... but I don't buy it. Would an important monk name a temple after some random fellow? He certainly would not. This second story is much more convincing, though.

There was a temple in the village of Shimo-Hirama in Sagami Province. They changed sects and tossed the idol they no longer needed into the Tamagawa River. A fisherman at the mouth of the river found the idol and borrowed the name of the village it was originally from to come up with Heiken-ji. Don't you think that's the more convincing story?

Issue XVI: Rokugo

What Fate for the Third Rokugo Ohashi?

Do you know when the bridge in Rokugo that connects the Tokaido and Tamagawa was built? It was actually constructed in 1600, the same year as the Battle of Sekigahara. A grand bridge that spanned over eighteen hundred meters, it was considered the longest in Japan at the time it was built. But even such an impressive bridge could not withstand the might of the Tamagawa River, and was washed away.

The second bridge was finished, years later in 1613, and it stretched twenty-one hundred meters. To give you an impression of the sheer size, it was more than twice as long as Nihonbashi Bridge! The second bridge lasted comparatively longer than the first one, as it didn't collapse for thirty years.

It did finally reach its limits, however, and the third bridge, the Rokugo Ohashi we know, was built ten years ago in 1643. I wonder how long this third bridge will last? It might be fun to make a bet on it.

Issue XVII: Kanagawa

Sea Views in Kanagawa Can't Be Beat

If you travel about ten kilometers west from Nihonbashi on the Tokaido, you'll come upon the large post station town of Kanagawa Port. As you would imagine, the area is lined with docks. But Kanagawa also can't be beat when it comes to sea views, the volume of goods unloaded, and the deliciousness of the fish. At least that's my humble opinion. And it seems the annual rice tax from the northern regions have been going around Awa and unloading in Kanagawa as well.

The open sea is rough and ships often sink out there, so it might be nice to visit the Sumiyoshi Shrine on Tsukudajima to pray for sailors' safety.

Issue XVIII: Tamanawa

Great Buddha in Kamakura is a Must-See

Kamakura is so amazing that the famed Takuan Souhou visited the five temples known as Kamakura Gozan and recorded his experiences in his pilgrimage diaries. There are many more remarkable sights as well, including the warrior's temple, Tsurugaoka Hachimangu, the first pilgrimage site of the Thirty-three Bando Kannon, Sugimotodera, and the eleven-headed Kannon statue in Hasedera. But I recommend the Great Buddha in Kotoku-in above all others.

The most impressive part is how it sits so still outside even in the gusting wind. In that respect, it outdoes even the Great Buddhas in Kyoto and Nara, don't you think? And after you get tired from walking around to see everything, you can find a nice inn to stay at and enjoy some sake with Kamakura shrimps to snack on.

Issue XIX: Yokosuka

The Huge Western Ship in Yokosuka

I'm sure Edo's gossipmongers have already been blown away by the news, but let's talk about the Western ship that has anchored in Yokosuka. That thing is more than twice the size of the cargo ships we usually see. When that flood of foreigners disembarked, even stolid samurai must have been in shock.

From what I've heard, the ship has come on a special trade dispensation. But I never thought I'd see the day a Western ship could openly dock somewhere other than Dejima.

The ship's name is "Schattenjager" or I something like that. It supposedly means 'treasure hunter' in their tongue, so I can't help but wonder what kind of treasure they came here to find...

Issue XX: Todoroki

Todoroki's Sacred Waterfall

When discussing Shingon Buddhism, everyone's first thought is likely of Koubou Daishi Kuukai. But has anyone heard of Kougyou Daishi Kakuban?

This illustrious figure established the sacred site in Todoroki after receiving a revelation from Lord Fudo. Legends say that he would even transform into Fudo Myo-o when his life was in danger. During a visit to Todoroki, he climbed the mountain with a statue of Lord Fudo on his back and, finding a waterfall overflowing with spiritual power, planted it there to establish the sacred grounds. Isn't that an amazing story?

Trainee monks gather to meditate under that frigid downpour. If there were something to be gained from doing so, I'd risk catching a cold to try it out.

Issue XXI: Setagaya

The Ancient Kings of Setagaya

Just west of Edo in Setagaya lies an area dotted all over with hills. I'm no expert, but these are evidently the burial sites of ancient rulers of Tohoku.

Long before the emperor held sway over all of Japan, this region was fought over by tribal warlords. After subduing the area, the emperor allowed grand tombs to be built for those former kings, which resulted in these mounds.

The fact that the imperial burial mounds in western Japan are so much larger is supposed proof of these claims. They certainly don't convey the same sense of majesty as the Daisenryo Kofun in Sakai or Kawachi Province's Ojin Seamount, if you happened to have visited them.

Issue XXII: Futago

Ferries - A New Business Opportunity?

Our mighty river Tamagawa is far from placid, so any bridges built over it are inevitably swept away by the following year, seriously binding up road traffic.

Travelers coming out of Akasaka on the Oyamakaido must cross Tamagawa, so ferry operators have evidently started putting their backs into it. The amount of traffic might even grow to rival that of the Tokaido or Nakaharakaido highways.

However, with Futago Village to the west and Seta Village to the east, I heard there's an argument over whether to name it the Futago Ferry or the Seta Ferry. I couldn't care less what they call it, just so long as we can safely get across the river!

Issue XXIII: Ueno

Kyoto's Mt. Hiei is Ueno's Kan'ei-ji

Have you already read my article about the Yanagiwara Embankment? If you haven't, please do; it's about the willow trees that protect Edo Castle from the unlucky northeasterly direction.

So, does anyone happen to know what lies to the northeast of Kyoto? That's right, the Tendai sect's head temple, Enryaku-ji, is situated on Mount Hiei. It has protected Kyoto for over eight hundred years, and although it was burned down before, it has been rebuilt quite splendidly.

The reconstruction efforts were actually led by the monk Tenkai, the same person who had a Tendai temple built to the northeast of Edo Castle as well - our very own Kan'ei-ji in Ueno.

Edo's northeast is completely protected, so not even one single evil spirit should be able to get in, right?

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