Fate/Samurai Remnant/Facilities

From Koei Tecmo Wiki

Facilities in Fate/Samurai Remnant are locations the players can use to obtain items or receive beneficial effects.

Facility List

Iori's House

Iori's house serves as the player's main hub. This is where they can acquire new skills from the Magecraft workshop, review the story by using the bookshelf, get some rest, etc. As the story progresses, new functions are gradually added.

Workshop Renovations

  • At Your Beck and Call - Switches between allied Servant anytime outside battle without having to return home.
  • Silver Tongue - Increases the amount of money obtained by selling trade goods.
  • Master of Arms - Unlocks mount upgrading.
  • Eagle Eyes - Makes mounts with powerful perks more likely to drop.
  • Gems in the Rough - Unlocks the ability to craft gems at the workshop.

Food Stall

These stalls sell food that replenish the player's health. Food items bought there may be eaten on the spot or used as emergency rations during battles.

General Store

Players can buy all kinds of items from these stores. The more they purchase from each different area, the more amount of goods become available.

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