Dracule Mihawk/Quotes

From Koei Tecmo Wiki

A list of quotes commonly spoken by Dracule Mihawk.


  • Is it your courage or your ignorance that causes you to raise a sword against me?
  • What do you seek beyond the edge of strength?
  • I am merely an observer. I can't get deeply involved.
  • This oughta kill some time. I'll join in here.
  • Try to overcome me.
  • I will never restrain my powers.
  • Enough nonsense. You are making my ears bleed.
  • In range, mmm? What to do...
  • I'll take this land!
  • Defeat as many as you like. It has nothing to do with me.
  • The world is far vaster than you have ever realized.
  • If that makes you happy, you are a weakling indeed.
  • You stopped it... Impressive.
  • Let me see what kind of power you have now.
  • I hope we meet again.
  • This has been fun enough. Time to return home and rest.

  • My name is Dracule Mihawk! You must challenge me if you wish to be considered the strongest!
  • It is impossible to run away from this black blade.
  • This battle should kill some time.
  • If there is something that you want, why not challenge me?
  • I suppose I shall participate.
  • These weaklings are not even good for passing the time.
  • How bothersome. I r you even though you are not shouting.
  • Futile.
  • This power cannot be restrained...
  • I'll take this.
  • I'll be taking this land.
  • I have no use for such useless people.
  • Boring... You are nothing more than a hassle.
  • Time is precious. Allow me to act a little rough.
  • The strongest black blade and the swordsmanship... This is why I am the swordsman with no peer.
  • It is futile... You do not seem to understand the difference in our abilities.
  • Not retreating? ... If that is the case, observe the etiquette of the swordsman. Now be submerged into the Black Blade "Night"!
  • Having such a weak opponent bores me.
  • Well then, now I control this.
  • I'll be wanting to see you once more...
  • Hehe... How fragile.
  • Hehe... Interesting.
  • You need to become stronger if you wish to challenge me again.
  • Hmm... There is no chance that I will lose.
  • I wonder if there is a more worthy opponent?
  • These weaklings are not even good for passing the time.
  • Capture complete... Were they even intending on defending it?
  • A sword without weakness cannot be strong.
  • Victory is mine.
  • Pitiful weaklings. If they realized how powerless they were, they would know it is best to flee.
  • You frogs croaking from within your wells, it would behoove you to know the vastness of the world.
  • Well, I witnessed something very interesting. I have no more use for this battlefield.
  • If you think you can defeat me, I shall have to humble you.
  • I will go home and sleep.

  • This battle should kill some time.
  • If there is something that you want, why not challenge me?
  • I have no interest in the fate of the age, just those who shape it.
  • I shall go... It will kill time.
  • Pathetic... Do they not realize their own weakness?
  • Futile.
  • Get out of my way if you do not wish to die.
  • Having such a weak opponent bores me.
  • I have no use for such useless people.
  • These weaklings are not even good for passing the time.
  • It's quite something for you to resolve to point your sword at me.
  • Don't live recklessly, you're still young...!
  • Defeated, eh... It seems even fate has given up on the chosen child.
  • The distance between he and I... seems to have shrunken a little.
  • A former Warlord of the Sea is, naturally, nothing but talk.
  • The justice of the marines is beyond my control.
  • So you've arrived... I had thought you still further away.
  • Beating you would be meaningless now that you've lost an arm.
  • I'll be taking this land.
  • I'll take this.
  • Capture complete... Were they even intending on defending it?
  • My name is Dracule Mihawk! You must challenge me if you wish to be considered the strongest!
  • The strongest black blade and swordsmanship... This is why I am the swordsman with no peer.
  • Pitiful weaklings. If they realized how powerless they were, they would know it is best to flee.
  • Hmm... It seems you are still not serious.
  • Do as you please. I am a mere bystander.
  • Perhaps you could show me that power of yours.
  • From the start I have merely wished to be a bystander. I have no strong desire to assist.
  • Anyone who attacks here is not guaranteed to leave alive.
  • It's too soon for you to die. Even then, you'll still face me?
  • You wish to make an enemy of me? Fine.
  • Let's measure the true distance between our abilities...
  • Someone worthy has been found.
  • I thought I'd just give them a try... Guess I'll have to get a little serious.
  • I'll be wanting to see you once more...
  • Become stronger if you have an interest to challenge me again.
  • There's no reason why my defenses should fall.
  • It seems the flow of the age has been determined.