
From Koei Tecmo Wiki

A list of quotes commonly spoken by Dodomeki.


  • You fight with a monster's ferocity...
  • Mighty skill indeed...
  • Impressive...
  • Well done...
  • Good work...
  • This isn't good...
  • I need assistance...
  • Come here...
  • I'll smash you...
  • I'll crush you...
  • You will be eliminated...
  • I won't forget this....
  • Very well... Have it your way...
  • We are but pawns in our master's grand design...
  • Enough!
  • Begone!
  • Kneel before me!
  • Here we go!
  • The enemy has never faced an opponent like me.
  • Make way!
  • I smash those that get in my way.
  • Know the true strength of Dodomeki...

  • You and I have a very different way of looking at things.
  • Victory...
  • Attack... I must locate and destroy the enemy.
  • Victory is ours... I suppose that is enough.
  • This battle was ours from start to finish.
  • Take this. It's my way of thanking you.
  • Impressive...
  • You failed...
  • I defeated many enemy soldiers in the past battle. Perhaps I have become more than just a supporting role.
  • Recently, I have not gone to battle... I suppose I do not stand out from the crowd.
  • I've fought in many battles recently... It pleases me greatly.
  • A party... How pleasant...
  • I smash those that get in my way.
  • Even I have my pride...
  • A demon of war, no less...
  • I am cornered...
  • He looks... the same as me...? How can such a thing exist...!
  • Such glorious slaughter...
  • Good, good...
  • You have saved me...
  • So slow...
  • I shall crush you...
  • A bitter blow...
  • Such glorious slaughter... Save some for me...!
  • Good, good... Now do better...
  • You have saved me... Let us seize victory together...
  • So slow... hurry and support me...
  • I shall crush you... I know nothing of restraint...
  • A bitter blow... shall turn sweet next time...
  • This is why I follow...
  • Far better than I expected...
  • This kindness shall be repaid...
  • You were worried for me...? My thanks...
  • All my enemies shall be crushed... no matter who they are...
  • Naïve fool... If you get the chance to kill, take it...
  • Your time ends now!
  • Curse you!
  • If I die, I am taking you with me...!
  • You shall regret taking me lightly...!
  • Hyper

    • One thousand victims, woman. Impressive.
    • Impressive, woman.
    • You would help a demon?
    • Good work, woman. Keep going.
    • You would extend the hand of friendship to a demon such as myself? You are a strange woman...
    • You are too magnificent even to look at. I never want you as an enemy.
    • You knew I was in trouble. Your instincts are too honed to be human...
    • I will destroy you...
    • You are strong, woman.
    • No... I won't be defeated!
    • You will be the one kneeling!


    • You are the true commander of the chaos.
    • Impressive, Lord Hundun.
    • Lord Hundun, please forgive me.
    • Impressive, Lord Hundun. The battlefield is drowning in turmoil and despair.
    • Lord Hundun, please forgive me. I will not forget this debt I owe you.
    • I find this chaos most enjoyable. Lord Hundun, your talent for destruction is without equal.
    • Lord Hundun, you are here to help me? I am at a loss for words.
    • Lord Hundun... Prepare yourself.
    • I always knew how strong you were...
    • A world of chaos... I'll emerge from it unscathed.
    • Now, for me to attack with all of my might...

  • You've got a good eye.
  • I will follow you, Himiko.
  • We will show the world that we are more than mere bit parts in this story!
  • I crept off to quietly train on my own. Even we grunts have our honor, you know. A certain position to maintain.
  • We all went training together. It definitely helped, but I also felt really out of place, for like... the entire time.
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