Daikoukai Jidai V/Trading Post

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Trading Posts are a new feature added to Daikoukai Jidai V. Constructing one on a chosen city enables the player to set up a foothold against hostile nations and reap additional benefits during their absence. Once a post has been established, a capable navigator must be appointed as director with other members serving as assistants. The assisting members can engage in minor trading, reduce the presence of pirates, or explore specified ruins. Although it is possible to relocate the trading post, doing so takes up heavy resources and time depending on the post's current level.

Relocation Costs

Level Gold Material Lapis Build Time
1 1,000 200 1 12 min.
2 4,500 900 4 54 min.
3 27,000 2,700 9 1 hr. and 48 min.
4 72,000 5,400 22 5 hrs. and 24 min.
5 140,000 70,000 42 9 hrs. and 36 min.
6 350,000 10,500 70 19 hrs. and 12 min.
7 700,000 17,500 105 28 hrs. and 48 min.
8 1,000,000 20,000 125 33 hrs. and 36 min.
9 2,000,000 22,500 185 50 hrs. and 24 min.
10 3,750,000 25,000 250 84 hrs.

Trade Item Recipes

Below is a list of recipes used to create items needed to level up different facilities.

Recipe Materials
Cash Book Parchment (30x)
Feather (1x)
Studio Level: 3
Port Level: 21 Craft Time: 1 hr.
Detailed Cash Book Paper (50x)
Leather (1x)
Hide Strap (10x)
Studio Level: 7
Port Level: 30 Craft Time: 2 hrs.
Soothing Vase Porcelain Ware (1x)
Lily of the Valley (30x)
Studio Level: 1
Port Level: 24 Craft Time: 1 hr. & 20 min.
Fancy Desk Luxurious Furniture (5x)
Turkish Carpet (5x)
Saffron (30x)
Studio Level: 5
Port Level: 15 Craft Time: 20 min.
Director's Hat Leather (20x)
Wool Cloth (5x)
Studio Level: 2
Port Level: 18 Craft Time: 40 min.
Skilled Director's Hat Leather (40x)
Cotton Cloth (5x)
Feather (1x)
Studio Level: 6
Port Level: 27 Craft Time: 1 hr. & 40 min.

Trading Post Effects

Establishing a well-leveled trading post in certain ports will invoke unique bonus effects.

Trade Post Level Bonus Effect
Level 5 Ally Morale Bonus 5%
Level 8 Ally Morale Bonus 10%
Level 10 Ally Morale Bonus 15%
Level 5 Trade Discount 10% Up
Level 8 Trade Discount 15% Up
Level 10 Trade Discount 20% Up
Level 4 Manpower Bonus 5%
Level 6 Manpower Bonus 10%
Level 10 Manpower Bonus 15%
Level 4 Firepower Bonus 5%
Level 6 Firepower Bonus 10%
Level 10 Firepower Bonus 15%
Level 8 Trade Premium 5% Up
Level 10 Trade Premium 10% Up
Level 2 Trade Discount 5% Up
Level 5 Trade Discount 10% Up
Level 8 Trade Discount 15% Up
Level 10 Trade Discount 20% Up


Introduced in early 2016, facilities can be constructed within the trading post for varying sums of gold, materials, and other goods. Each one offers a different function such as storage or item creation.

Level Cost Gold Material Lapis Jewel Build Time
1 3 None None None None None
2 6 5,000 1,000 5 5 1 hr.
3 9 30,000 3,000 10 10 2 hrs.
4 12 80,000 6,000 25 30 6 hrs.
5 18 200,000 10,000 60 60 12 hrs.
6 24 500,000 16,000 100 120 24 hrs.
7 30 1,000,000 25,000 150 180 36 hrs.
8 40 2,000,000 40,000 250 240 48 hrs.
9 50 4,000,000 45,000 370 360 72 hrs.
10 60 7,500,000 50,000 500 600 120 hrs.
Level Yield Cost Gold Material Lapis Goods Jewel Build Time
1 10,000 1 1,000 160 1 None 5 5 min.
2 50,000 2 5,000 800 4 Lead (10x) 5 30 min.
3 80,000 3 20,000 1,600 5 Copper (10x) 5 1 hr.
4 100,000 4 50,000 3,200 13 Iron (10x) 15 3 hrs.
5 300,000 6 150,000 6,000 36 Brass (25x) 40 7 hrs. and 12 min.
6 500,000 7 300,000 7,200 48 Steel (25x) 75 14 hrs. and 24 min.
7 1,000,000 8 500,000 10,000 60 Silver (25x) 110 21 hrs. and 36 min.
8 2,000,000 13 1,000,000 16,000 100 Steel (50x) 33 hrs. and 36 min.
9 3,000,000 16 2,000,000 20,000 164 Silver (50x) 50 hrs. and 24 min.
10 5,000,000 20 4,000,000 24,000 240 Tin (50x) 84 hrs.
Level Yield Cost Gold Material Lapis Goods Jewel Build Time
1 5,000 1 1,200 200 1 None 5 5 min.
2 8,000 2 6,000 1,000 6 Leather (10x) 5 30 min.
3 10,000 3 24,000 2,000 9 Flax (10x) 5 1 hr.
4 15,000 4 60,000 4,000 21 Marble (10x) 15 3 hrs.
5 20,000 6 180,000 7,500 54 Cuenca Tile (15x) 40 7 hrs. and 12 min.
6 30,000 8 360,000 9,000 72 Stone (25x) 75 14 hrs. and 24 min.
7 35,000 10 600,000 12,500 90 Log (25x) 110 21 hrs. and 36 min.
8 40,000 13 1,200,000 20,000 150 Stone (50x) 33 hrs. and 36 min.
9 45,000 16 2,400,000 25,000 248 Log (50x) 50 hrs. and 24 min.
10 50,000 20 4,800,000 30,000 360 Sandalwood (50x) 84 hrs.
Level Yield Cost Gold Material Lapis Goods Jewel Build Time
1 5,000 1 800 240 1 None 5 5 min.
2 8,000 2 4,000 1,200 5 Raisins (10x) 5 30 min.
3 10,000 3 16,000 2,400 7 Ham (10x) 5 1 hr.
4 15,000 4 40,000 4,800 17 Whisky (10x) 15 3 hrs.
5 20,000 6 150,000 9,000 45 Sausage (25x) 40 7 hrs. and 12 min.
6 30,000 8 240,000 10,800 60 Coffee (25x) 75 14 hrs. and 24 min.
7 35,000 10 400,000 15,000 75 Corn (25x) 110 21 hrs. and 36 min.
8 40,000 13 800,000 24,000 125 Coffee (50x) 33 hrs. and 36 min.
9 45,000 16 1,600,000 30,000 206 Cacao (50x) 50 hrs. and 24 min.
10 50,000 20 3,200,000 36,000 300 Black Tea (50x) 84 hrs.
Level Yield Cost Gold Material Goods Jewel Build Time
1 -1% 1 1,200 160 Lapis Lazuli (1x) 5 5 min.
2 -3% 2 6,000 800 Director's Hat (1x) 5 30 min.
3 -5% 3 24,000 1,600 Director's Hat (2x) 5 1 hr.
4 -7% 4 60,000 3,200 Director's Hat (2x) 15 3 hrs.
5 -9% 6 180,000 6,000 Director's Hat (3x) 40 7 hrs. and 12 min.
6 -12% 8 360,000 7,200 Director's Hat (3x)
Skilled Director's Hat (1x)
75 14 hrs. and 24 min.
7 -15% 10 600,000 10,000 Director's Hat (4x)
Skilled Director's Hat (1x)
110 21 hrs. and 36 min.
8 -18% 13 1,200,000 16,000 Director's Hat (6x)
Skilled Director's Hat (2x)
33 hrs. and 36 min.
9 -21% 16 2,400,000 20,000 Director's Hat (8x)
Skilled Director's Hat (2x)
50 hrs. and 24 min.
10 -25% 20 4,800,000 24,000 Director's Hat (10x)
Skilled Director's Hat (3x)
84 hrs.
Level Yield Cost Gold Material Goods Jewel Build Time
1 -1% 1 800 240 Lapis Lazuli (1x) 5 5 min.
2 -3% 2 4,000 1,200 Cash Book (1x) 5 30 min.
3 -5% 3 16,000 2,400 Cash Book (2x) 5 1 hr.
4 -7% 4 40,000 4,800 Cash Book (2x) 15 3 hrs.
5 -9% 6 150,000 9,000 Cash Book (3x) 40 7 hrs. and 12 min.
6 -12% 8 240,000 10,800 Cash Book (3x)
Detailed Cash Book (1x)
75 14 hrs. and 24 min.
7 -15% 10 400,000 15,000 Cash Book (4x)
Detailed Cash Book (1x)
110 21 hrs. and 36 min.
8 -18% 13 800,000 24,000 Cash Book (6x)
Detailed Cash Book (2x)
33 hrs. and 36 min.
9 -21% 16 1,600,000 30,000 Cash Book (8x)
Detailed Cash Book (2x)
50 hrs. and 24 min.
10 -25% 20 3,200,000 36,000 Cash Book (10x)
Detailed Cash Book (3x)
84 hrs.
Level Cost Gold Material Lapis Jewel Build Time
1 1 800 240 1 5 5 min.
2 2 4,000 1,200 6 5 30 min.
3 3 16,000 2,400 9 5 1 hr.
4 4 40,000 4,800 21 15 3 hrs.
5 6 120,000 9,000 54 40 7 hrs. and 12 min.
6 8 240,000 10,800 72 75 14 hrs. and 24 min.
7 10 400,000 15,000 90 110 21 hrs. and 36 min.
8 13 800,000 24,000 150 33 hrs. and 36 min.
9 16 1,600,000 30,000 248 50 hrs. and 24 min.
10 20 3,200,000 36,000 360 84 hrs.
Level Cost Gold Material Goods Jewel Build Time
1 1 1,200 160 Lapis Lazuli (1x) 5 5 min.
2 2 6,000 800 Fancy Desk (1x) 5 30 min.
3 3 24,000 1,600 Fancy Desk (2x) 5 1 hr.
4 4 60,000 3,200 Fancy Desk (2x) 15 3 hrs.
5 6 180,000 6,000 Fancy Desk (3x) 40 7 hrs. and 12 min.
6 8 360,000 7,200 Fancy Desk (3x)
Soothing Vase (1x)
75 14 hrs. and 24 min.
7 10 600,000 10,000 Fancy Desk (4x)
Soothing Vase (1x)
110 21 hrs. and 36 min.
8 13 1,200,000 16,000 Fancy Desk (6x)
Soothing Vase (2x)
33 hrs. and 36 min.
9 16 2,400,000 20,000 Fancy Desk (8x)
Soothing Vase (2x)
50 hrs. and 24 min.
10 20 4,800,000 24,000 Fancy Desk (10x)
Soothing Vase (3x)
84 hrs.
Level Effect Cost Gold Material Lapis Jewel Build Time
1 3 2,000 500 2 5 10 min.
2 6 5,000 1,000 5 5 45 min.
3 9 25,000 2,500 8 10 1 hr. and 30 min.
4 12 65,000 5,000 21 25 4 hrs. and 30 min.
5 18 175,000 8,750 52 50 9 hrs. and 36 min.
6 24 400,000 12,000 80 100 19 hrs. and 12 min.
7 30 750,000 18,750 112 145 28 hrs. and 48 min.
8 40 1,500,000 30,000 187 205 40 hrs. and 48 min.
9 50 3,000,000 35,000 288 310 61 hrs. and 12 min.
10 60 5,750,000 40,000 400 102 hrs.

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