Daikoukai Jidai V/Legend

From Koei Tecmo Wiki


Level Experience Action
1 10 50
2 35 52
3 77 54
4 130 56
5 190 58
6 261 60
7 345 62
8 476 64
9 630 66
10 814 68
11 1,027 70
12 1,271 72
13 1,543 74
14 1,845 76
15 2,176 78
16 2,536 80
17 2,927 82
18 3,346 84
19 3,796 86
20 4,279 88
21 4,797 90
22 5,349 92
23 5,936 94
24 6,556 96
25 7,212 98
26 7,901 100
27 8,625 102
28 9,384 104
29 10,176 106
30 11,011 108
31 11,887 110
32 12,805 112
33 13,764 114
34 14,765 116
35 15,808 118
36 16,893 120
37 18,020 122
38 19,187 124
39 20,398 126
40 21,656 128
41 22,964 130
42 24,321 132
43 25,727 134
44 27,183 136
45 28,687 138
46 30,240 140
47 31,843 142
48 33,495 144
49 35,196 146
50 36,955 148
51 38,773 150
52 40,651 152
53 42,587 154
54 44,582 156
55 46,636 158
56 48,749 160
57 50,921 162
58 53,152 164
59 55,442 166
60 57,790 168
61 62,644 169
62 67,654 170
63 72,824 171
64 78,150 172
65 83,632 173
66 89,270 174
67 95,066 175
68 101,020 176
69 107,130 177
70 113,398 178
71 119,862 179
72 126,524 180
73 133,380 181
74 140,432 182
75 147,682 183
76 155,128 184
77 162,770 185
78 170,608 186
79 178,642 187
80 186,874 188
81 195,302 189
82 203,924 190
83 212,744 191
84 221,760 192
85 230,974 193
86 240,382 194
87 249,986 195
88 259,788 196
89 269,786 197
90 279,980 198
91 290,398 199
92 301,036 200
93 311,898 201
94 322,982 202
95 334,288 203
96 345,818
97 357,570
98 369,544
99 381,740
100 394,160
Level Lapis Member Action Material
1 None 10 1 1,000
2 250 10 1 2,000
3 500 10 1 3,000
4 750 10 1 4,000
5 1,000 15 2 5,000
6 1,500 15 2 5,000
7 2,000 15 2 5,000
8 2,500 15 2 5,000
9 3,000 15 2 5,000
10 3,500 20 3 10,000
11 4,000 20 3 10,000
12 5,000 20 3 10,000
13 6,000 20 3 10,000
14 7,000 20 3 10,000
15 8,000 25 4 20,000
16 9,000 25 4 20,000
17 10,000 25 4 20,000
18 11,000 25 4 20,000
19 12,000 25 4 20,000
20 13,000 30 5 25,000
21 14,000 30 5 25,000
22 15,000 30 5 25,000
23 16,000 30 5 25,000
24 17,000 30 5 25,000
25 18,000 30 5 25,000
26 19,000 30 5 25,000
27 20,000 30 5 25,000
28 22,500 30 5 25,000
29 25,000 30 5 25,000
30 27,500 35 6 30,000
31 30,000 35 6 30,000
32 32,500 35 6 30,000
33 35,000 35 6 30,000
34 37,500 35 6 30,000
35 40,000 35 6 30,000
36 42,500 35 6 30,000
37 45,000 35 6 30,000
38 47,500 35 6 30,000
39 50,000 35 6 30,000
40 60,000 40 7 35,000
41 72,000 40 7 35,000
42 86,000 40 7 35,000
43 102,000 40 7 35,000
44 120,000 40 7 35,000
45 140,000 40 7 35,000
46 164,000 40 7 35,000
47 192,000 40 7 35,000
48 224,000 40 7 35,000
49 260,000 40 7 35,000
50 30,0000 45 8 40,000
51 346,000 45 8 40,000
52 398,000 45 8 40,000
53 456,000 45 8 40,000
54 520,000 45 8 40,000
55 590,000 45 8 40,000
56 668,000 45 8 40,000
57 754,000 45 8 40,000
58 848,000 45 8 40,000
59 950,000 45 8 40,000
60 1,060,000 50 9 45,000
61 1,180,000 50 9 45,000
62 1,310,000 50 9 45,000
63 1,450,000 50 9 45,000
64 1,600,000 50 9 45,000
65 1,760,000 50 9 45,000
66 1,935,000 50 9 45,000
67 2,125,000 50 9 45,000
68 2,330,000 50 9 45,000
69 2,550,000 50 9 45,000
70 2,785,000 50 10 50,000
71 3,040,000 50 10 50,000
72 3,315,000 50 10 50,000
73 3,610,000 50 10 50,000
74 3,925,000 50 10 50,000
75 4,260,000 50 10 50,000
76 4,625,000 50 10 50,000
77 5,020,000 50 10 50,000
78 5,445,000 50 10 50,000
79 5,900,000 50 10 50,000
80 6,385,000 50 10 50,000
81 6,910,000 50 10 50,000
82 7,475,000 50 10 50,000
83 8,080,000 50 10 50,000
84 8,725,000 50 10 50,000
85 9,410,000 50 10 50,000
86 10,145,000 50 10 50,000
87 10,930,000 50 10 50,000
88 11,765,000 50 10 50,000
89 12,650,000 50 10 50,000
90 13,585,000 50 10 50,000
91 14,620,000 50 10 50,000
92 15,805,000 50 10 50,000
93 17,190,000 50 10 50,000
94 18,825,000 50 10 50,000
95 20,760,000 50 10 50,000
96 23,095,000 50 10 50,000
97 25,930,000 50 10 50,000
98 29,365,000 50 10 50,000
99 33,500,000 50 10 50,000


Effect Correct Choices Required Item
Stranded (座礁)
Fleet stops due to lack of wind. Reduces ship's durability. 一時離艦する Temporarily move ship. Towing Rope
船を逆走させる Reverse ship's direction.
Seaweed (藻)
Fleet's movement is hampered by seaweed. Reduces ship's durability. 藻をよけて進む Remove seaweed. Seaweed Cutter
船側を掃除する Clean ship's hull.
全員で駆除する Clean everything.
Rats (ネズミ)
Rat infestation occurs. Reduces food and edible goods. ネコを放つ Release cat. Rat Poison
全員で駆除する Clean everything.
Scurvy (壊血病発生)
A scurvy outbreak occurs. Reduces crew count and morale. 藻を調理する Cook seaweed. Lime Juice
薬を配る Distribute medicine.
ジャムを配る Distribute jam.
Fire (船上火災)
Fire reduces ship's durability, food, and edible goods. 消火を試みる Attempt to stop fire. Extinguishing Sand
水をかける Put out with water.
Overload (過積載)
Ship is overburdened by cargo. Reduces goods carried on board. 荷を積み直す Unload and reload cargo. Substitute Ballast
転倒をふせぐ Prevent tumble.
Brawl (船員喧嘩)
Infighting reduces ship's durability, food, and crew count. 宴会を催す Throw a banquet. Rum
仲裁を試みる Attempt to mediate.
Riot (船員叛乱)
Crewmen revolt due to lack of food. Reduces ship's durability, morale, and crew count. None None
Storm (嵐)
A storm occurs during travel. Reduces ship's durability. 帆をたたむ Fold up sail. Holy Balm
水を掻き出す Scrape out rain water.
転倒をふせぐ Prevent tumble.
Heavy Storm (大嵐)
A tempest occurs during travel. Greatly reduces ship's durability. 帆をたたむ Fold up sail. Holy Balm
水を掻き出す Scrape out rain water.
転倒をふせぐ Prevent tumble.
High Sea Storm (外洋嵐)
A storm occurs while in the high seas. Greatly reduces entire fleet's durability. None Holy Balm
St. Elmo's Fire (セントエルモの火)
Pale lights appear before the fleet. Slightly reduces ship's durability. None None
Heat (灼熱)
Crewmen are weakened by the hot climate. Reduces ship's morale. None None
Ice Floe (流氷)
Fleet is hindered by drifting ice in the northern seas. Reduces ship's durability. None None

Chance Time List

Beneficial effects that occur exclusively in time-limited campaigns.

Chance Effect
PvP Chances
Merit Chance 勲功チャンス Allows deployed navigators to earn 3 merit points.
NP Chance NPチャンス Raises the amount of NP earned by 50%.
PvP Double Chance 対戦ダブルチャンス Doubles the player's battle score after victory.
Economy Chance エコノミーチャンス Enables the player not to consume participation points.
PvP Strike Chance 対戦ストライクチャンス Raises attack and defense by 20%.
EVP Chances
Double Chance ダブルチャンス Doubles the amount of battle points earned.
EV Economy Chance EVエコノミーチャンス Halves the consumption of EVP.
Skill Chance スキルチャンス Doubles the chances of activating navigator skills.
Astral Chance アストラルチャンス Raises the amount of astral points earned by 50%.
Guild Chance ギルドチャンス Halves the consumption of action points for guild bonuses.
Adventure Chances
Double Chance ダブルチャンス Doubles the amount of treasure found.
Point Chance Doubles the amount of collection points earned.
Economy Chance エコノミーチャンス Halves the consumption of action points for digging.
Battle Chances
Victory Chance ヴィクトリーチャンス Doubles the amount of raid points earned.
Strike Chance ストライクチャンス Raises attack power by 20%.
Recover Chance リカバーチャンス Fully restores damage inflicted on ship's durability and crew.
Color Chance カラーチャンス Changes the color of easy-to-find treasure.
Commerce Chances
Double Chance ダブルチャンス Doubles the amount of investment points earned.
Next Chance ネクストチャンス Allows the next investment card to be visible.
Three Chance スリーチャンス Turns all investment cards into 3.
Zero Chance ゼロチャンス Causes investment cards to start at 0.



Factions Description
Portugal Represents the Kingdom of Portugal.
Spain Represents the Kingdom of Spain.
England Represents the Kingdom of England.
France Represents the Kingdom of France.
Netherlands Represents the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
Pirate Represents various pirate factions.

Hostile Ships

Fleet Description
Affiliated Fleet Fleets owned by a particular nation. May turn hostile depending on the player's affiliation rating.
Pirate Fleet Fleets led by pirates. Often weaker than affiliated ships, they serve as fodder for completing quests.
Major Target Appears after defeating a number of enemies in map quests. More powerful than normal fleets.
Final Target Serves as the final target for map quests. Extremely dangerous and often led by SR characters.



Buried Marks

Icons Description
Treasure Hidden treasure. May contain gold, materials, items, or rare discoveries.
Encounter Fight against hostile treasure hunters. Being defeated will end the search.
Trap Hinders search party by lowering excavation points or removing treasure.

Food Selection

A selection of dishes served in bars. Each country or region has its own unique menu.

Nation Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3 Choice 4
Portugal Bacalhau Sweets Fish Dish Bread
Spain Paella Spicy Food Meat Dish Pork
England Roast Beef Salty Food Egg Dish Pork
France Terrine Delicacy Meat Dish Fruit
Netherlands Hutspot Sweets Stew Dish Fruit
Germany Eisbein Sour Food Vegetable Dish Beef
Ottoman Kebab Cold Treat Fish Dish Lamb
Sweden Husmanskost Sour Food Fish Dish Seafood
Italy Pasta Cold Treat Rice Dish Tomato
Russia Pirozhki Hot Meal Stew Dish Chicken
Austria Schnitzel Hot Meal Vegetable Dish Bread
Poland Pierogi Sweets Vegetable Dish Beef
Scotland Haggis Sweets Egg Dish Seafood
Ireland Scones Delicacy Egg Dish Potato
Persia Abgoosht Spicy Food Stew Dish Lamb
India Naan Spicy Food Stew Dish Chicken
Africa Tajine Delicacy Meat Dish Potato
Southeast Asia Tom Yum Goong Cold Treat Noodle Dish Rice
Japan Miso Soup Salty Food Rice Dish Rice
Ming Meat Bun Sour Food Noodle Dish Fruit
Qing Zongzi Hot Meal Fish Dish Rice
Korea Jjigae Spicy Food Vegetable Dish Pork
Aztec Tortilla Salty Food Meat Dish Corn
Inca Anticucho Hot Meal Meat Dish Tomato
Pirate Roast Beef Sour Food Noodle Dish Beef
Others Scones Delicacy Rice Dish Corn

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