Da Ji/Quotes

From Koei Tecmo Wiki

A list of quotes commonly spoken by Da Ji.


  • Goodbye!
  • Enjoy!
  • So exciting!
  • I've seen enough!
  • You can go now!
  • Who wants me?
  • You're simply inferior.
  • I just love the feeling of life running through my hands!
  • I've been waiting a long time for someone like you!
  • I've been waiting a lifetime to see something like this!
  • I was right to stick with you!
  • You're not finished yet, are you?
  • Is that all you have? Surely not...
  • This is really starting to get on my nerves...
  • Can you just round them up and eliminate them, please.
  • About time! Now get rid of them!
  • Are you sure you want to throw your life away?
  • It was fun while it lasted... Bye!
  • ...I thought I was... immortal...
  • This is why I could never leave you!
  • Uh-oh, I think he's angry...
  • Help me my lord, please!
  • Oh, you know you love to do that!
  • Oh, so you do know how to have fun!
  • Wipe this enemy out for me, will you?
  • Go on, admit it. You secretly love destruction, don't you?
  • I thought you were an egghead, but I see you can fight too!
  • If you're so smart, then how come it took you so long?
  • Now this is exciting!
  • Beating you would have been disappointing anyway...
  • I should have never left your side...
  • I'll soon have that porcelain face covered in sweat and tears!
  • You ruin every plan I make...
  • Was it good for you...?
  • It's in your plans to lose here, I hope.
  • I never liked you...
  • A life of lies was unfulfilling...

  • I've just thought of something really fun!
  • Do it!
  • Stay safe!
  • Last chance!
  • Let's make this a little more... enjoyable.
  • Himiko! Are you sure you're not overdoing things?!
  • Himiko! Can't you stay still for even a moment?
  • You shouldn't have come for me - it's dangerous out here. But I'm glad you did.
  • I bet you think you're untouchable now, don't you?
  • Well, at least your boasting's not entirely unjustified.
  • You're saving me? Wonders never cease.
  • There's just something about reincarnated dead guys I don't like.
  • You really are a pain in the neck, aren't you?
  • Not to you... Of all people...
  • So, what is it you plan to do after you get past me?
  • Don't go getting a big head now...
  • Why do you have to wedge yourself between Lord Orochi and me...?
  • Why Master Benkei, what big muscles you have!
  • Excellent, Master Benkei! You've exceeded even my expectations!
  • We can always count on you, Master Benkei.
  • San Zang? You've dragged yourself into this too?
  • Shouldn't you be out chasing that little monkey?
  • You act all high and mighty, but in the end, you're the same as me...

  • I will bring you all pain and suffering to my heart's content.
  • Well, that was fun!
  • I'm looking forward to having some fun out there in this battle!
  • That wasn't very satisfying. I must remember to inflict more pain next time.
  • It was so nice to hear such screams of agony!
  • Do you want this? With it, I'm sure you'll enjoy destruction as much as I do.
  • Wow, that was great!
  • Oh well.
  • That battle the other day sure was fun! I really put a hurting on those enemy soldiers!
  • It's tough not getting to participate in battles... I'm never in a good mood unless I can enjoy hearing people suffering.
  • I've participated in many battles recently, so I feel great! Now, what evil deed should I perform next...
  • It just isn't a party without my favorite pan-baked dish... No? How about fresh snapper? No, none of that either?
  • Ooh, I just love it!
  • Lovely work, Himiko! That was beautiful!
  • Isn't destruction fun, Taigong Wang?
  • That was amazing, Kaguya. Your gentle face belies a truly ferocious nature!
  • That was simply masterful, Lord Orochi!
  • Hey, get off me already!
  • Hey, I'm no masochist!
  • That was great!
  • Ooh, you're good.
  • I'm sorry...
  • Are you ready for your punishment for being late...?
  • You really want to fight me?
  • I grow tired of this.
  • Himiko, I'm glad you're being so active on the battlefield, but...
  • Thank you, Himiko, but I'm fine.
  • You're in fine form, boy.
  • I never thought I'd need your help.
  • Good, Kaguya. Very good.
  • Thank you, Kaguya.
  • Ooh, Lord Orochi, you are absolutely merciless.
  • I've been waiting for you, Lord Orochi. Let us slaughter them all together.
  • That was great! I want to hear them scream even more.
  • Ooh, you're good. I think you and I are going to have lots of fun together.
  • I'm sorry... You couldn't just slaughter them all for me, could you?
  • Are you ready to be punished for being late...?
  • You really want to fight me? I didn't think you were that stupid.
  • I grow tired of this. Do let me enjoy myself more next time, won't you?
  • Himiko, I'm glad you're being so active on the battlefield, but... I worry about you.
  • Thank you, Himiko, but I'm fine. You just take care of yourself, okay?
  • You're in fine form, boy. I guess you're not all talk after all.
  • I never thought I'd see the day when I needed your help, Taigong Wang.
  • Good, Kaguya. Very good. Don't ever let any bad people use you for their own means, okay?
  • Thank you, Kaguya. You're such a good girl!
  • Ooh, Lord Orochi, you are absolutely merciless. I just love it.
  • I've been waiting for you, Lord Orochi. Together, we shall slaughter them all.
  • I just love how cruelly you beat them.
  • Ooh... I just can't let go of you.
  • I'm sorry to be such a burden. Please, don't leave me.
  • You came all this way for me? Ooh, you're so adorable I could die!
  • Just the thought of killing you makes me tremble with excitement!
  • I could get used to losing like this. I wonder what that says about me?
  • Himiko, you're so cute when you go wild like that!
  • I really do appreciate the thought... But I want you to go on living even if I die. Okay?
  • You're doing wonderfully, Taigong Wang. You really are a boy of your word!
  • Do hurry and punish these pests, won't you, Taigong Wang? Don't show off, just get it done.
  • That was incredible, Kaguya! You're becoming more like me every day!
  • I knew you'd come for me, Kaguya. Let's be best friends for ever and ever. Okay?
  • Oh, that was so good... This is why I can't stop working for you!
  • I can't die yet. There's so much fun we still have to have together.
  • Which do you prefer - to be crushed, or to be torn apart?
  • It'll take more than that to beat me! If you apologize right now, I may let you serve me.
  • If you desire death so badly, I will grant you your wish tenfold!
  • Himiko, fear not, I will soon put you out of your misery!
  • Curse you, Himiko! It looks like I'm going to have to bend the rules a bit.
  • Forgive me, Himiko. This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you!
  • I've had enough of listening to your incessant comments!
  • You're starting to irritate me! Fight like a man, not like a sneaky weasel!
  • I refuse to return to the Mystic Realm! Being here with Lord Orochi is much more fun!
  • Kaguya, how about you tie yourself up for me, hmm?
  • Kaguya, would you stop moving for a second? I wish to take all of your power for myself.
  • Ow! You struggle like a wild beast. I'll have to tie you down with brute force!
  • Lord Orochi, I'll be happy to be the one to put an end to you!
  • Such raw power! Lord Orochi, I'd expect nothing less from you!
  • You are so formidable, it thrills me. Lord Orochi, I will give you my all - take it!
  • You miserable wretch! Why don't you vanish for good?
  • But isn't your paradise just an offering to me?
  • You seem to be forgetting my unparalleled beauty?
  • If I am the victor, I will drag you around with me for all eternity!
  • Troublesome little monkey, go swing on a vine!
  • If you died once, you can do it again!
  • Ah! Himiko, please forgive me!
  • This isn't the Lord Orochi I want.
  • Benkei, are you sure about that? I'm not sure you could handle these.
  • Uh-oh, looks like the last person I wanted to see has found me...
  • My word, this little doll can actually talk?
  • I should warn you in advance - when this is over, you'll be my own little plaything.
  • Hyper

    • This Onmyōdō of yours is surprisingly violent...
    • Incredible, Seimei!
    • You're here to help little old me, Seimei?
    • Remarkable indeed. Show me more.
    • You're here to help little old me, Seimei? Very well. Let's punish the enemy together.
    • Such wanton destruction... Oh, Seimei, I've come over all a-quiver.
    • Oh, you're here, Seimei. I was waiting for you before I started tormenting the enemy.
    • I will make you kneel before me, Seimei!
    • All you ever do is play with your shikigami... My guess is that without them, you're powerless.
    • Now you will pay... I said I'll make you kneel and kneel you will!
    • Would you say the same thing to that fox on your shoulder?


    • Lady Tamamo, you're amazing. You refuse to show the enemy even the slightest hint of mercy.
    • Lady Tamamo, you're amazing.
    • Perfect timing, Lady Tamamo!
    • I'm speechless, Lady Tamamo. Although, I hope you're not finished toying with the enemy just yet.
    • Perfect timing, Lady Tamamo! Do you think you could deal with these enemies for me?
    • I could get used to fighting by your side in battle, Lady Tamamo.
    • You came here just in the nick of time... You actually are quite kind at heart, Lady Tamamo.
    • Your sheer power is awe-inspiring, Nezha! How does it come from such a tiny body?
    • You look so cute, Nezha.
    • Huh? You're here to help me, Nezha?
    • You look so cute, Nezha. Use that to your advantage as you cut down the enemy!
    • Huh? You're here to help me, Nezha? You're a bit rude at times, but I guess you've got your good points as well.
    • Simply fascinating, Nezha! It's so exciting to see you punish the enemy like that!
    • Over here, Nezha! I've been waiting here for you so we could fight alongside one another.
    • You possess such strength within your nine tails... The power of us foxes is simply amazing!
    • Aren't you something, you foxy thing!
    • You came right when I needed you the most.
    • Aren't you something, you foxy thing! Let's shred this battlefield to pieces.
    • You came right when I needed you the most. How about driving off these enemies with those tails of yours?
    • I simply love hearing the enemy scream in agony as your tails rip them to pieces!
    • I knew you'd come for me. Let's listen to the enemy beg for mercy.
    • Lady Tamamo, are you saying you wish to fight me?
    • Lady Tamamo, are you hiding something from me?
    • You're definitely hiding something. I suppose it's time I found out what it is.
    • If you say so... I'm not responsible if you wind up getting hurt.
    • Nezha, are you sure you want to face me without your armor?
    • Ow! Will you please stop damaging my lovely skin?
    • Enough! I'm tired of showing you mercy, Nezha!
    • Let's see how you like this!
    • I've had just about enough of you and your attitude!
    • I can match wits with the best of them.
    • Hmm... You seem to be quite tricky. At least it won't be boring to fight you.
    • I'm sick of those tails of yours! I'll cut them off at the base!
    • We'll see about that. Once you let down your guard, victory will be mine.

  • I'm going to take my time picking you apart!
  • I already told you, I'm not interested in things like that!
  • Hehe! What a lovely sentiment, Dong Zhuo. Kill them all!
  • Hehe, I collected flowers from all sorts of different places. Once I turn these into makeup I'll become even more beautiful.
  • Phew, we all had so much fun together! Rivers of wine, platters of meat, a true paradise! That fire performance was great, too!
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