Bistro China ENCORE Menu

From Koei Tecmo Wiki
Picture of various dishes in Bistro China ENCORE.

This page contains numerous dishes prepared by Hotel REI's in-house restaurant Bistro China ENCORE. It also includes time-limited items made to commemorate holiday events or collaborations with certain companies like Koei Tecmo.

The restaurant accepts the following cards for payment: VISA, MasterCard, JCB, American Express, and Diners Club. English language menus are available for customers who trouble understanding Japanese.[1]

The displayed menu price includes a 10% service charge as well as a 10% consumption tax. Not only does the menu vary based on ingredient availability, food allergies are taken in consideration if the staff is informed in advance. Also, alcohol will not be served to drivers and anyone under the age of 20.[2]


Below is a list of dishes available for reasonable prices with some deals providing free drinks.

Breakfast menu made available from 6:30 AM to 10:00 AM. For this particular time of the meal, the restaurant uses the English catchphrase "Breakfast Makes You Smile" to attract customers. Entry fee varies based on age.

  • Adults (13 Years Old and Above) - ¥2,600
  • Children (6~12 Years Old) - ¥1,300
  • Toddlers (4~5 Years Old) - ¥650
  • Infants (Under 3 Years Old) - Free

Menu Dishes

Other Dishes
  • Boiled Gyoza (水餃子)
  • Scrambled Eggs (スクランブルエッグ)
  • Minestrone Soup (ミネストローネ)
  • Focaccia (フォカッチャ)
  • Black Sesame Bread (黒ゴマパン)
  • Petit Bread (プチパン)
  • Sausage (ソーセージ)
  • Bacon (ベーコン)
  • Potato with Skin (皮付きポテト)
Salad & Toppings
  • Mélange Salad (メランジェサラダ)
  • Broccoli (ブロッコリー)
  • Asparagus Fritters (アスパラガスのフリット)
  • Potato Salad (ポテトサラダ)
  • Cherry Tomatoes with Olive Oil (プチトマトのオリーブオイル和え)
  • Cucumber Genovese (キュウリのジェノベーゼ)
  • Seaweed Marinated in Kelp (ワカメの昆布マリネ)
  • Carrot and Radish Rapé (人参と大根のラペ)
  • Seasoned Chow Mein (シーズニングチャーメン)
  • Crispy Bacon Bits (クリスピーベーコン)
  • Croutons (クルトン)
  • Onion Fritters (オニオンフリット)
  • Dressing (ドレッシング)
  • Apple Juice (アップルジュース)
  • Coffee (コーヒー)
  • Iced Tea (アイスティー)
  • Milk (牛乳)
  • Vinegar Drink (ビネガードリンク)
  • Yogurt (ヨーグルト)
  • Fruit Punch (フルーツポンチ)

Kids Menu

Kids Plate

Only offered to children within a certain age range.[3]

  • Hamburg Steak (ハンバーグ)
  • Bread or Rice (パン or ライス)
  • Soup (スープ)
  • French Fries (フレンチフライ)
  • Beverage (ドリンク)
Salad Bar

Price varies depending on child's age.[3]

  • Salad (サラダ)
  • Minestrone Soup (ミネストローネ)
  • Pork Soup (豚汁)
  • Drink Bar (ドリンクBAR)

Lunch menu made available by 11:30 AM to 2:30 PM.

Menu Dishes

All of the food items below include miscellaneous salad bar items, dessert, and drink bar beverages.

Standard Lunch

Two-Week Lunch Menu

Meat Lunch
Fish Lunch
China Lunch
Pasta Lunch

Lunch Sets

Encore Bento

Vegan Dishes

  • Basil-Flavored Spaghetti Pomodoro (スパゲッティ ポモドーロバジルの香り) - ¥1,980[4]
  • Spicy Thai Veggie Curry and Rice (ベジスパイシータイカレー&ライス) - ¥1,980[4]
  • Mung Bean Curry and Rice (ムングダルカレー&ライス) - ¥2,000; Discontinued[5]

Drink Menu

Original Drink

Offered only after buying a lunch set or course.[3] Each drink costs ¥550.

  • Glass Beer (グラスビール)
  • Sparkling Wine (スパークリングワイン)
  • White Wine (白ワイン)
  • Red Wine (赤ワイン)
  • Cream Soda (クリームソーダ)

Kids Menu

Kids Plate

Only offered to children within a certain age range.[3]

  • Fried Rice (炒飯)
  • Hamburg Steak (ハンバーグ)
  • Meat Sauce Pasta (ミートソースパスタ)
  • Soup (スープ)
  • French Fries (フレンチフライ)
  • Dessert (デザート)
  • Juice (ジュース)
Salad Bar

Price varies depending on child's age.[3]

  • Salad (サラダ)
  • Soup (スープ)
  • Bread (パン)
  • Rice (ライス)
  • Drink Bar

Dinner menu made available by 5:30 PM to 10:00 PM. Some dishes may vary based on season.

Menu Dishes

Other Dishes
  • French Fries (フライドポテト) - ¥1,100
  • Ham Cutlet Topped with Ratatouille (ハムカツ ラタトゥイユのせ) - ¥1,340
  • 4 Types of Shumai (4種の点心) - ¥1,820
  • Iberico Pork Sausage and Chorizo (イベリコ豚ソーセージ&チョリソー) - ¥1,870
  • 3 Types of Today's Tapas (本日のタパス3種) - ¥1,940
  • Rice (ライス) - ¥310
  • Flower Rolls (花巻パン) - ¥310
Power Dishes
Other Power Dishes
  • Fish of the Day Encore Bouillabaisse (本日の魚のアンコールブイヤベース) - ¥2,420
  • Black Vinegar Sweet and Sour Pork with Berry Fragrance (黒酢の酢豚 ベリーの香り) - ¥2,530
Rice & Noodles
Other Noodles
  • Prosciutto Dandan Noodles (生ハム担々麺) - ¥1,940
Dinner Courses
Encore Bento
  • Melting Apricot Tofu and Mango Pudding ~Illustrated by the Season~ (とろける杏仁豆腐とマンゴープリン ~季節のイラスト入り~) - ¥970
  • Lychee Bavarois with Coconut in Exotic Sauce (ココナッツを纏ったライチのババロア エキゾチックソース) - ¥850
  • Vanilla Ice Cream (バニラ アイス) - ¥730
  • Pistachio Ice Cream (ピスタチオ アイス) - ¥730

Drink Menu

Picture of various beverages for lunch.
  • Encore Sour (アンコールサワー) - ¥850
  • Cocaglia Punch (コカグリア・パンチ) - ¥850
  • China Spritzer (チャイナスプリッツァー) - ¥850
  • Berry Berry Sparkling (ベリーベリースパークリング) - ¥850
  • Apple Vinegar Sparkling (アップルビネガースパークリング) - ¥850
  • Lemon Sour (レモンサワー) - ¥850
  • Plum Dobon Sour (梅ドボンサワー) - ¥850
  • Tomatoma Sour (トマトマサワー) - ¥850
  • Kirin Ichiban Shibori (キリン 一番搾り) - ¥880
  • Asahi Bottled Beer (アサヒ ボトルビール) - ¥880
  • Sapporo Bottled Beer (サッポロ ボトルビール) - ¥880
  • Suntory Bottled Beer (サントリー ボトルビール) - ¥880
  • Yokohama XPA (YOKOHAMA XPA) - ¥880
  • Asahi Beery (アサヒ ビアリー) - ¥715
  • Suntory All-Free (サントリー オールフリー) - ¥770
  • Sparkling Glass (スパークリンググラス) - ¥850; 120 m
  • White Glass (白グラス) - ¥850; 120 m
  • Red Glass (赤グラス) - ¥850; 120 m
  • White Decanter (白デカンタ) - ¥3,000; 500 ml
  • Red Decanter (赤デカンタ) - ¥3,000; 500 ml
  • Highball (ハイボール) - ¥850
  • Dragon Highball (ドラゴンハイボール) - ¥850
  • Hustle Highball (ハッスルハイボール) - ¥850
  • Canadian Club (カナディアンクラブ) - ¥850
  • Jim Beam (ジムビーム) - ¥850
  • Chivas Regal (シーバスリーガル) - ¥850
  • Yamazaki (山崎) - ¥1,100
Asian Alcohols
  • Shaoxing Wine (紹興酒) - ¥850; 90 ml
  • Osmanthus Wine (桂花陳酒) - ¥850; 60 ml
  • Apricot Wine (杏露酒) - ¥850; 60 ml
  • Kichizo (吉蔵) - ¥850; 60 ml
  • Kaeda (加江田) - ¥850; 60 ml
  • Tamura (田むら) - ¥850; 90 ml
  • Ume Makkoi (梅まっこい) - ¥850; 60 ml
Non-Alcoholic Cocktails
  • Cranberry Moon (クランベリームーン) - ¥800
  • Plum Dobon Ginger (梅ドボンジンジャー) - ¥800
  • Ginger Osmanthus Mocktail (ジンジャーキンモクテル) - ¥800
  • Virgin Mojito (ヴァージンモヒート) - ¥800
  • Virgin Sangria (ヴァージンサングリア) - ¥800
Soft Drinks
  • Orange Juice (オレンジジュース) - ¥450
  • Grapefruit Juice (グレープフルーツジュース) - ¥450
  • Apple Juice (アップルジュース) - ¥450
  • Coca Cola (コカ・コーラ) - ¥450
  • Ginger Ale (ジンジャーエール) - ¥450
  • Real Gold (リアルゴールド) - ¥450
  • Oolong Tea (ウーロン茶) - ¥450
  • Perrier (ペリエ) - ¥850
Coffee Drinks
Other Coffee Drinks
  • Coffee (コーヒー) - ¥730
  • Espresso (エスプレッソ) - ¥730
  • Ice Cafe au Lait (アイス カフェオレ) - ¥730
  • Iced Coffee (アイスコーヒー) - ¥730
  • Matcha Latte (抹茶ラテ) - ¥730
Tea Drinks
  • Earl Gray Tea (アールグレイティー) - ¥730
  • Iced Tea (アイスティー) - ¥730
  • Pu'er Tea (プーアル茶) - ¥730
  • Darjeeling Tea (ダージリンティー) - ¥730
  • Rooibos Tea (ルイボスティー) - ¥730
  • Jasmine Tea (ジャスミンティー) - ¥730

Wine Options

Picture of various wine bottles in Bistro China ENCORE.
  • Louis Bouvier Brut (ルイ・ブーヴィエ・ブリュット) - ¥10,000
  • Barons de Rothschild Brut (バロン・ド・ロスチャイルド・ブリュット) - ¥18,000
Sparkling Wines
  • Pol Messer Brut (ポール・メッサー・ブリュット) - ¥4,250
  • Cold Wine 9.5 WHITE (コールドワイン 9.5 ホワイト) - ¥6,000
  • Cold Wine 9.5 BLACK (コールドワイン 9.5 ブラック) - ¥6,000
  • Cold Wine 9.5 PINK (コールドワイン 9.5 ピンク) - ¥6,000
  • Cold Wine 9.5 Alcohol Free (コールドワイン 9.5 アルコール フリー) - ¥6,000
  • Valli Brut (ヴァッリ・ブリュット) - ¥4,000; Discontinued
  • Codorniu Barcelona 1872 White (コドーニュ・バルセロナ1872 白) - ¥5,000; Discontinued
  • Codorniu Barcelona 1872 Rose Organic (コドーニュ・バルセロナ1872 ロゼ オーガニック) - ¥5,000; Discontinued
Orange Wines
  • Qvevri Giuaani Rkatsiteli Qvevri (ギウアーニ・ルカツィテリ クヴェヴリ) - ¥8,000
Rose Wines
  • Michel Chapoutier Pays d'Oc Rose (M.シャプティエ・ペイ・ドック・ロゼ) - ¥4,500
White Wines
  • Bodega Cien y Cerro Chardonnay (ボデガ・シエン・イ・セロ・シャルドネ) - ¥3,500
  • Parra Jimenez Chardonnay Organic (パラヒメネス・シャルドネ) - ¥4,250
  • Langguth Erben Spatlese (ラングート・エルベン・シュペトレーゼ) - ¥4,500
  • Boutinot Cape Heights Chenin Blanc (ブティノ・ケープ・ハイツ・シュナン・ブラン) - ¥5,000
  • Corte Adami Soave (コルテ・アダミ・ソアーヴェ) - ¥5,500
  • Nicolas PerrinViognier Maison Les Alexandrins (ニコラ・ペラン・ヴィオニエ・メゾン・レ・アレキサンドラン) - ¥5,500
  • Château Ste Michelle Columbia Valley Riesling (シャトー・サン・ミッシェル・コロンビア・ヴァレー・リースリング) - ¥6,000
  • Katsunuma Koushu (ティエラ 甲州シュール・リー) - ¥6,500
  • Sherwood Estate Stratum Sauvignon Blanc (シャーウッド・エステート・ストラタム・ソーヴィニヨン・ブラン) - ¥7,000
  • Chablis Domaine Alain Pautre (シャブリ ドメーヌ・アラン・ポートレ) - ¥8,500
  • Bodegas Fontana Mesta Verdejo Organic (ボデガス・フォンタナ・メスタ・ベルデホ・オーガニック) - ¥2,800; Discontinued
  • Albert Bichot Chablis La Cuvee Depaquit (アルベール・ビショー・シャブリ・ラ・キュヴェ・デパキ) - ¥7,000; Discontinued
Red Wines
  • Bodega Cien y Cerro Cabernet Sauvignon (ボデガ ・シエン・イ・セロ・カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン) - ¥3,500
  • Parra Jimenez Cabernet Sauvignon Organic (パラヒメネス・カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン) - ¥4,250
  • Portia Valley Organic Wine Producers Shiraz (ポルティア・ヴァレー・オーガニックワイン・プロデューサーズ・シラーズ) - ¥4,500
  • Man Vintners Okha Pinotage (マン・ヴィントナーズ・オーカ・ピノタージュ) - ¥5,000
  • El Esteco Don David Malbec Reserve (エル・エステコ・ドン・ダビ・マルベック・レゼルバ) - ¥5,500
  • Contri Conte di Campiano Appassimento Negroamaro (コントリ・コンテ・デ・カンピアーノ・アパッシメント ネグロアマーロ) - ¥6,000
  • Motto Cabernet Sauvignon St. Michelle Wine Estates (モットー・カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン・サン・ミッシェル・エステーツ) - ¥6,500
  • Muscut Bailey A NSN PB Shirayuri Winery (マスカットベーリーA NSN PB 白百合醸造) - ¥7,000
  • Sherwood Estate Stratum Pinot Noir (シャーウッド・エステート・ストラタム・ピノ・ノワール) - ¥7,500
  • Château Poitevin Rouge (シャトー・ポワトヴァン ルージュ) - ¥8,500
  • Bodegas Fontana Mesta Tempranillo Organic (ボデガス・フォンタナ・メスタ・テンプラニーリョ・オーガニック) - ¥2,800; Discontinued
  • Nicolas Perrin Crozes-Hermitage Rouge Maison Les Alexandrins (ニコラ・ペラン・クローズ・エルミタージュ・メゾン・レ・アレキサンドラン) - ¥8,000; Discontinued

Specialized time-limited menus.

Kakigōri Day

Offers kakigōri as a summer treat for dinner time customers on July 25, 2020.

Nostalgic Taste Ginza Japonais Steak Fair

Offers an old-time dish to commemorate the 60th anniversary of Tokyu Hotel.

Autumn Taste Fair

Offers seasonal dishes using ingredients found in the autumn season.

Winter Taste Fair

Offers seasonal dishes inspired by the winter season.

2021 Summer Limited Cool Lunch

Offers seasonal dishes inspired by the summer season.

Hello! Project Summer Events Menu 1

First collaboration event involving Hello! Project. Available from August 1, 2021 to August 31, 2021.

Shiseido S/PARK Beauty Regimen Menu

Offers exclusive meals for people who've signed up to partake in Shiseido's S/PARK beauty treatment method. Only available on August 27, 2021.

Special October 2021 Queen Lunch

Offers an exclusive dish for customers who've paid for the Queen Lunch plan. Available from October 11, 2021 to October 17, 2021.

October Sweets

Offers exclusive desserts for the month of October.

2021 Christmas Dinner Course

Available from December 24, 2021 to December 25, 2021.

New Year's Day Accommodation Plan with ENCORE Osechi

Offers an osechi set to celebrate the new year. Available for customers staying in Hotel REI on December 31, 2021. Reservations are available starting on November 1.

Special January 2022 Queen Lunch

Offers an exclusive dish for customers who've paid for the Queen Lunch plan.

Kagoshima Fair Menu

Offers exclusive dishes using high-quality ingredients from Kagoshima. Available from February 18, 2022 to March 31, 2022.

Kiniro no Corda Starlight Orchestra Menu

Collaboration event involving Kiniro no Corda Starlight Orchestra. Available from February 19, 2022 to March 27, 2022.

Adult and Child's Lunch

Offers an exclusive dish for both adults and children to enjoy. Available from April 29, 2022 to May 8, 2022.

2022 Summer Limited Cool Lunch

Offers seasonal dishes inspired by the summer season. Brings back the dandan noodle dish from last year's summer event while introducing a brand new kakigōri dessert.

Hello! Project Summer Events Menu 2

Second collaboration event involving Hello! Project. Available from July 31, 2022 to August 31, 2022.

Gifts from the Full Moon

Offers an exclusive dish to celebrate the coming of the full moon on certain dates.

Batten Girls Great Year-End Menu

Collaboration event involving Batten Girls. Available from December 27, 2022 to December 29, 2022.

Early 2023 Encore Feast Dinner

Available on January 7, 2023 to celebrate the full moon. Also includes a viewing voucher for Planetaria YOKOHAMA.

Craft Beer Pairing Dinner

Collaboration event involving Yokohama Beer. Available only on February 19, 2023.

Momoiro Clover Z's Reni Takagi Menu 1

First collaboration event involving Reni Takagi of Momoiro Clover Z. Available from March 8, 2023 to March 12, 2023. The establishment is briefly renamed Yokohama Tokyu RENI Hotel for the duration of the campaign.

Spring Dessert Offer

Offers an exclusive dessert to commemorate the spring season.

Momoiro Clover Z's Reni Takagi Menu 2

Second collaboration event involving Reni Takagi of Momoiro Clover Z. Available from June 21, 2023 to July 2, 2023. The establishment is briefly renamed Yokohama Tokyu RENI Hotel for the duration of the campaign.

2023 Summer Limited Cool Lunch

Offers seasonal dishes inspired by the summer season. Brings back the dandan noodle dish from last year's summer event while introducing a brand new dessert.

November Seasonal Lunch

Reintroduces a dish that originated from Yokohama Excel Hotel Tokyu before its closure in 2011. Available from November 1, 2023 to November 30, 2023.

All-You-Can Drink Menu Plan

Allows customers to enjoy all-you-can-drink beverages for 2 hours. Comes with three different meal plans. Available from December 1, 2023 to February 29, 2024.

Christmas Special Lunch

Available from December 16, 2023 to December 25, 2023.

2023 Christmas Dinner Course

Available from December 22, 2023 to December 24, 2023.

Late 2023 Encore Feast Dinner

Reprises the previous steak dinner offer in January. Available on December 27, 2023. Also includes a viewing voucher for Planetaria YOKOHAMA.


  1. September 7, 2021. "Bistro China ENCORE Yokohama Tokyu REI Hotel". Gurunavi.
  2. "Bistro China ENCORE Index Page". Tokyu Hotels.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 February 2023. "Bistro China ENCORE Yokohama Tokyu REI Hotel Menu Information". Rakuten Gurunavi.
  4. 4.0 4.1 "Vegan Menu". Tokyu Hotels.
  5. Tokyu Hotels. Archived from the original on September 26, 2021.