
From Koei Tecmo Wiki

This page pertains to miscellaneous information found in Aerobiz.


At the end of each turn, events may take place and affect certain aspects of the game for better or worse. Historical events always occur at a set time and have long-lasting effects. Random events, on the other hand, are unpredictable and yield temporary changes.

Command Events
Business Meeting A business meeting between the CEO and their managers. During this time, players may inquire the participants of what their current objective should be in order to fulfill the game's winning conditions.
Ad Success Indicates the success of an airline's advertisement, ensuring that more customers will come. The higher the player's advertisement budget, the more likely this event will occur.
Ad Failure Indicates the failure of an airline's advertisement, resulting in no additional customers and lowered capital. The lower the player's advertisement budget, the more likely this event will occur.
Airport Closed The closure of an airline's hub port. This can only happen if the player is forced to close down an air route that's draining profits or is unable to effectively compete with other airlines.
Random Events
Tourist Boom Target cities become more popular with tourists, increasing demand for air routes leading to them. It is advised to take advantage of this opportunity whenever possible in order to rake in more profits than usual.
Olympic Games A different city becomes host to the Olympic Games every four years, drawing in tourists and visitors from all across the globe. Similar to tourist booms, those with the most affordable and accessible air routes will greatly benefit from this event.
World Fair An international fair that attracts new business opportunities to cities hosting the event. Increases local tourism, which in turn means more customers and exposure for airlines.
Worker Strikes An event where workers go on strike. Strikes done by an airline's labor force severely limits the player's actions temporarily. Those committed by manufacturer employees cause aircraft orders to delay for one turn.
Internal Struggle Internal uprisings that occur within a country, they hinder local business ventures and reduce demand for air travel there. Tends to happen in areas where political instability is commonplace.
Earthquake Natural disaster that leads to damaged city properties and loss of passengers. Hotels owned by an airline end up having less customers as a result.
Bad Weather
Dangerous storms and blizzards delay current flights, keeping passenger levels down. May also lead to aircrafts sustaining damage from the harsh weather.
Plane accidents that occur due to lack of maintenance. Should this event occur, an airline's reputation will be tarnished, causing it to lose more passengers. The best way to prevent this is to set repair budgets at a reasonable level.
Historical Events
Historical War When a historical war occurs, local businesses suffer greatly from severe losses while air routes leading to the warring countries become unpopular.
Soviet Union Gone Signals the dissolution of the Soviet Union, paving the way for peace between Russia and the West. This enables Western airlines to purchase planes from Russian manufacturers and vice versa.
Kenya Rises Indicates Kenya's independence from Britain, resetting its relationships between different countries to more neutral terms. Only happens in the first scenario.
Singapore Rises Indicates Singapore's independence from Britain, resetting its relationships between different countries to more neutral terms. Only happens in the first scenario.
Command Events
Slot Negotiation Sends managers to negotiate with a target city for aircraft slots. Happens if negotiations are a complete success.
Hotel Construction A hotel is constructed right next to an airline's hub. This helps ensure more passengers make use of the player's air routes in their travels.
Ad Campaign Indicates that an airline's advertisement has been released. The public's reception to it is determined by how much money has been put in the advertisement budget.
Ad Success Indicates the success of an airline's advertisement, ensuring that more customers will come. The higher the player's advertisement budget, the more likely this event will occur.
Ad Failure Indicates the failure of an airline's advertisement, resulting in no additional customers and lowered capital. The lower the player's advertisement budget, the more likely this event will occur.
Branch Office Built An airline builds a branch office within another city, enabling them to open up air routes to new destinations. This event is more common for airlines that don't have access to long-distance planes.
Random Events
Travel Boom Target cities become more popular with tourists, increasing demand for air routes leading to them. It is advised to take advantage of this opportunity whenever possible in order to rake in more profits than usual.
The Olympics A different city becomes host to the Olympic Games every four years, drawing in tourists and visitors from all across the globe. Helps increase passenger turnout.
Exposition An international fair that attracts new business opportunities to cities hosting the event. Increases local tourism, which in turn means more customers and exposure for airlines.
Trouble Internal uprisings that occur within a country, they hinder local business ventures and reduce demand for air travel there. Tends to happen in areas where political instability is commonplace.
Accident Plane accidents that occur due to lack of maintenance. Should this event occur, an airline's reputation will be tarnished, causing it to lose more passengers. The best way to prevent this is to set repair budgets at a reasonable level.
Near Miss
Eathquake Natural disaster that leads to damaged city properties and loss of passengers. Hotels owned by an airline end up having less customers as a result.
Bad Weather Dangerous storms and blizzards delay current flights, keeping passenger levels down. May also lead to aircrafts sustaining damage from the harsh weather.
Historical Events
Perestroika A political movement within the Soviet Union calling for economic reformation. Once this event activates, Russia's aircraft market will be open to the West and vice versa.
War When a historical war occurs, local businesses suffer greatly from severe losses while air routes leading to the warring countries become unpopular.
Independence Indicates a nation's own independence, resetting its relationships between different countries to more neutral terms. Only happens in the first scenario.


Used as a form of financial investment for players, charters can be bought entirely if an airline owns 51% of their stock shares. Any planes the purchased charter owns will be added to the player's plane warehouse. This is a convenient method for Moscow to acquire Western bloc aircrafts in the first scenario.

City Information
AIRWING Scenario 1 Scenario 2 CONDOR Scenario 1 Scenario 2
Level 1 1 Level 1 1
Profit 8,400 5,460 Profit 4,390 16,370
Price 23 25 Price 27 28
Airplanes (Scenario 1): DC8 (3x) Airplanes (Scenario 1): B707 (3x)
Airplanes (Scenario 2): DC9 (3x) Airplanes (Scenario 2): A300 (1x), B737 (2x)
STARAIR Scenario 1 Scenario 2 AERICA Scenario 1 Scenario 2
Level 1 2 Level 1 1
Profit 4,800 5,440 Profit 4,770 8,080
Price 23 48 Price 24 23
Airplanes (Scenario 1): B707 (2x), DC8 (1x) Airplanes (Scenario 1): B707 (2x), DC8 (1x)
Airplanes (Scenario 2): B727 (1x), B737 (2x) Airplanes (Scenario 2): B737 (2x), DC8 (1x)
AIR PAN Scenario 1 Scenario 2 ASEANEX Scenario 1 Scenario 2
Level 1 3 Level 1 2
Profit 2,450 4,890 Profit 2,180 3,190
Price 25 75 Price 23 48
Airplanes (Scenario 1): B707 (3x) Airplanes (Scenario 1): B707 (3x)
Airplanes (Scenario 2): B737 (3x) Airplanes (Scenario 2): B707 (2x), DC9 (1x)
PAN EX Scenario 1 Scenario 2 AIR RAJ Scenario 1 Scenario 2
Level 1 1 Level 1 1
Profit 7,330 10,880 Profit 6,920 6,240
Price 22 22 Price 40 40
Airplanes (Scenario 1): DC8 (3x) Airplanes (Scenario 1): B707 (1x), DC8 (2x)
Airplanes (Scenario 2): DC8 (3x) Airplanes (Scenario 2): B737 (2x), DC9 (1x)
AIRANDS Scenario 1 Scenario 2 ASIAAIR Scenario 1 Scenario 2
Level 1 1 Level 1
Profit 2,560 8,670 Profit 3,120
Price 23 25 Price 35
Airplanes (Scenario 1): B707 (3x) Airplanes (Scenario 1): A300 (1x), B737 (2x)
Airplanes (Scenario 2): B707 (2x), DC8 (1x) Airplanes (Scenario 2):
CENTAIR Scenario 1 Scenario 2 BLUESKY Scenario 1 Scenario 2
Level 1 1 Level 1 1
Profit 12,920 28,550 Profit 5,780 7,550
Price 40 41 Price 39 39
Airplanes (Scenario 1): B707 (1x), DC8 (2x) Airplanes (Scenario 1): DC8 (3x)
Airplanes (Scenario 2): A300 (2x), DC9 (1x) Airplanes (Scenario 2): DC9 (1x), L1011 (2x)
LEWORLD Scenario 1 Scenario 2 MEXI EX Scenario 1 Scenario 2
Level 2 1 Level 1 3
Profit 4,870 5,460 Profit 10,630 9,170
Price 104 53 Price 28 87
Airplanes (Scenario 1): DC8 (3x) Airplanes (Scenario 1): DC8 (3x)
Airplanes (Scenario 2): DC9 (2x), DC10 (1x) Airplanes (Scenario 2): DC9 (2x), DC10 (1x)
SWALLOW Scenario 1 Scenario 2 AIRALOH Scenario 1 Scenario 2
Level 2 3 Level 1 1
Profit 2,720 4,520 Profit 3,980 7,940
Price 114 171 Price 36 35
Airplanes (Scenario 1): B707 (3x) Airplanes (Scenario 1): B707 (3x)
Airplanes (Scenario 2): B727 (2x), B737 (1x) Airplanes (Scenario 2): B737 (3x)
AIREAST Scenario 1 Scenario 2 EUROPE Scenario 1 Scenario 2
Level 2 2 Level 2 3
Profit 5,270 13,860 Profit 620 1,710
Price 86 84 Price 102 156
Airplanes (Scenario 1): B707 (2x), DC8 (1x) Airplanes (Scenario 1): B707 (3x)
Airplanes (Scenario 2): B747 (1x), DC9 (1x), DC10 (1x) Airplanes (Scenario 2): B737 (3x)
PEACEEX Scenario 1 Scenario 2 UNI AIR Scenario 1 Scenario 2
Level 2 3 Level 1 1
Profit 360 1,150 Profit 2,850 2,940
Price 108 162 Price 42 43
Airplanes (Scenario 1): B707 (3x) Airplanes (Scenario 1): DC8 (3x)
Airplanes (Scenario 2): A300 (1x), B727 (2x) Airplanes (Scenario 2): DC8 (2x), DC9 (1x)
ATLANTA Scenario 1 Scenario 2 WORLDEX Scenario 1 Scenario 2
Level Level
Profit Profit
Price Price
Airplanes (Scenario 1): Airplanes (Scenario 1):
Airplanes (Scenario 2): Airplanes (Scenario 2):

Remake Charters


As players open more air routes for their business, they need to be mindful of the budget which eats up whatever profits made at the end of a turn. The best airlines are often the result of properly managing the costs of maintenance, advertisement, and salaries, so keeping them balanced is important. Each one can be adjusted accordingly.

  • Max - Raises a budget to its maximum level.
  • Raise - Raises a budget slightly.
  • Maintain - Keeps a budget at its current level.
  • Reduce - Lowers a budget slightly.
  • Stop - Stops the flow of capital from being poured into a budget.
Repair Budget Deals with expenses needed to compensate the repair shop and laborers. Should this budget be kept to a bare minimum, planes will be less safe to fly which in turn lessens revenue.
SNES version PC version Remake version
Advertisement Budget Money spent on advertisements for various media such as commercials or networks. If left unattended, airline promotions will be less likely to attract new customers.
SNES version PC version Remake version
Service Budget Budget used to pay the salaries of airline employees like flight attendants and ticket agents. Neglecting to maintain service costs will cause service quality to suffer.
SNES version PC version Remake version


While not necessarily mandatory, marketing helps players achieve their financial goals by attracting more business for their airlines. Success is determined by how much is spent on the advertisement budget. Three types of marketing options are available to choose from.

  • Route - The most basic marketing option, it attracts new customers by offering special gift incentives. Can be used for up to two routes.
  • Hotel - Showcases the player's own hotels to tourists. Has a 30% chances of succeeding more if two connected hubs have them.
  • Network - Advertises an airline's own prestige. While considered the most effective of the three, it requires the player to establish connections with a certain amount of cities first.


Building a hotel within a city raises passenger count by 5%, though the amount doubles if a route is connected by two hubs that have their own hotels. The number of hotels one can have is limited and a single one takes 2 turns to construct.

NPC Gallery

;Male Employees

Female Employees
Airplane Merchants

Female Employees
Airplane Merchants

;Male Employees

Female Employees
Airplane Merchants

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