Fire Emblem Warriors/Crests

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Crests and the subset Skills in Fire Emblem Warriors are upgrades to the different playable characters. They are functionally similar to the badges from Hyrule Warriors. These crests are unlocked in the camp, earned through both gold and materials. Each character has a unique set of materials to obtain for acquiring their own crests.


To see the required materials for each character, refer to their character pages.

Combo Crest I
Gold: 100
Effects: Enables a sixth regular attack (Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y).
Combo Crest II
Gold: 500
Effects: Enables a fifth strong attack (Y,Y,Y,Y,X).
Combo Crest III
Gold: 1,000
Effects: Enables a seventh regular attack (Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y).
Combo Crest IV
Gold: 3,000
Effects: Enables a sixth strong attack (Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,X).

Fang Crest I
Gold: 2,000
Effects: Deals a little damage to guarding foes.
Fang Crest II
Gold: 3,000
Effects: Deals some damage to guarding foes.
Fang Crest III
Gold: 5,000
Effects: Deals a lot damage to guarding foes.

War God Crest I
Gold: 500
Effects: Displays the Stun Gauge for slightly longer.
War God Crest II
Gold: 1,000
Effects: Displays the Stun Gauge for somewhat longer.
War God Crest III
Gold: 3,000
Effects: Displays the Stun Gauge for much longer.

Serenity Crest I
Gold: 1,000
Effects: Fills the Awakening Gauge slightly faster.
Serenity Crest II
Gold: 2,000
Effects: Fills the Awakening Gauge somewhat faster.
Serenity Crest III
Gold: 5,000
Effects: Fills the Awakening Gauge much faster.

Awaken Crest I
Gold: 500
Effects: Awakening lasts slightly longer.
Awaken Crest II
Gold: 1,000
Effects: Awakening lasts somewhat longer.
Awaken Crest III
Gold: 3,000
Effects: Awakening lasts much longer.

Fury Crest I
Gold: 500
Effects: Fills the Warrior Gauge slightly faster.
Fury Crest II
Gold: 1,000
Effects: Fills the Warrior Gauge somewhat faster.
Fury Crest III
Gold: 3,000
Effects: Fills the Warrior Gauge much faster.

Special Crest I
Gold: 2,000
Effects: Grants a second Warrior Gauge.
Special Crest II
Gold: 3,000
Effects: Grants a third Warrior Gauge.

Medicinal Crest I
Gold: 100
Effects: Enables vulneraries, concoctions, and elixirs to be used three times.
Medicinal Crest II
Gold: 1,000
Effects: Enables vulneraries, concoctions, and elixirs to be used four times.
Medicinal Crest III
Gold: 3,000
Effects: Enables vulneraries, concoctions, and elixirs to be used five times.

Remedy Crest I
Gold: 500
Effects: Slighty increases recovery via staves, medicines, and tonics.
Remedy Crest II
Gold: 1,000
Effects: Moderately increases recovery via staves, medicines, and tonics.
Remedy Crest III
Gold: 3,000
Effects: Greatly increases recovery via staves, medicines, and tonics.

Relief Crest I
Gold: 500
Effects: Slightly increases HP recovery while in allied forts.
Relief Crest II
Gold: 1,000
Effects: Moderately increases HP recovery while in allied forts.
Relief Crest III
Gold: 2,000
Effects: Greatly increases HP recovery while in allied forts.

Prayer Crest I
Gold: 1,000
Effects: Survive one mortal blow with 1 HP remaining.
Prayer Crest II
Gold: 2,000
Effects: Survive two mortal blow with 1 HP remaining.
Prayer Crest III
Gold: 5,000
Effects: Survive three mortal blow with 1 HP remaining.

Blade Crest I
Gold: 1,000
Effects: Slightly decreases damage received from swords.
Blade Crest II
Gold: 2,000
Effects: Partially decreases damage received from swords.
Blade Crest III
Gold: 3,000
Effects: Moderately decreases damage received from swords.
Blade Crest IV
Gold: 4,000
Effects: Substantially decreases damage received from swords.
Blade Crest V
Gold: 5,000
Effects: Greatly decreases damage received from swords.

Lance Crest I
Gold: 1,000
Effects: Slightly decreases damage received from lances.
Lance Crest II
Gold: 2,000
Effects: Partially decreases damage received from lances.
Lance Crest III
Gold: 3,000
Effects: Moderately decreases damage received from lances.
Lance Crest IV
Gold: 4,000
Effects: Substantially decreases damage received from lances.
Lance Crest V
Gold: 5,000
Effects: Greatly decreases damage received from lances.

Axe Crest I
Gold: 1,000
Effects: Slightly decreases damage received from axes.
Axe Crest II
Gold: 2,000
Effects: Partially decreases damage received from axes.
Axe Crest III
Gold: 3,000
Effects: Moderately decreases damage received from axes.
Axe Crest IV
Gold: 4,000
Effects: Substantially decreases damage received from axes.
Axe Crest V
Gold: 5,000
Effects: Greatly decreases damage received from axes.

Bow Crest I
Gold: 1,000
Effects: Slightly decreases damage received from bows.
Bow Crest II
Gold: 2,000
Effects: Partially decreases damage received from bows.
Bow Crest III
Gold: 3,000
Effects: Moderately decreases damage received from bows.
Bow Crest IV
Gold: 4,000
Effects: Substantially decreases damage received from bows.
Bow Crest V
Gold: 5,000
Effects: Greatly decreases damage received from bows.

Tome Crest I
Gold: 1,000
Effects: Slightly decreases damage received from tomes.
Tome Crest II
Gold: 2,000
Effects: Partially decreases damage received from tomes.
Tome Crest III
Gold: 3,000
Effects: Moderately decreases damage received from tomes.
Tome Crest IV
Gold: 4,000
Effects: Substantially decreases damage received from tomes.
Tome Crest V
Gold: 5,000
Effects: Greatly decreases damage received from tomes.

Dragon Crest I
Gold: 1,000
Effects: Slightly decreases damage received from dragons.
Dragon Crest II
Gold: 2,000
Effects: Partially decreases damage received from dragons.
Dragon Crest III
Gold: 3,000
Effects: Moderately decreases damage received from dragons.
Dragon Crest IV
Gold: 4,000
Effects: Substantially decreases damage received from dragons.
Dragon Crest V
Gold: 5,000
Effects: Greatly decreases damage received from dragons.

Claw Crest I
Gold: 1,000
Effects: Slightly decreases damage received from claws.
Claw Crest II
Gold: 2,000
Effects: Partially decreases damage received from claws.
Claw Crest III
Gold: 3,000
Effects: Moderately decreases damage received from claws.
Claw Crest IV
Gold: 4,000
Effects: Substantially decreases damage received from claws.
Claw Crest V
Gold: 5,000
Effects: Greatly decreases damage received from claws.

Surge Crest
Gold: 5,000
Effects: Promotes a base class at Lv. 15 or higher to an advanced class.

Skill Crest I
Gold: 1,000
Effects: Allows the use of Rank D weapons.
Skill Crest II
Gold: 2,000
Effects: Allows the use of Rank C weapons.
Skill Crest III
Gold: 3,000
Effects: Allows the use of Rank B weapons.
Skill Crest IV
Gold: 4,000
Effects: Allows the use of Rank A weapons.
Skill Crest V
Gold: 5,000
Effects: Allows the use of Rank S weapons.

Mastery Crest
Gold: 5,000
Effects: Releases the true power of this warrior's unique weapon.
Sanctuary Crest
Gold: 10,000
Effects: The Goddess's protection sleeps within this warrior's unique weapon.

Talent Crest I
Gold: 1,000
Effects: Increases the number of skill slots to four.
Talent Crest II
Gold: 2,000
Effects: Increases the number of skill slots to five.
Talent Crest III
Gold: 5,000
Effects: Increases the number of skill slots to six.


Skills are a subset of crests found within the boost category of crests. Each character possesses their own unique skill, which no other character can access until initially unlocked by the character who it originally belonged. Each character initially earns their skill with three of their own silver class material, while any other character require the original character’s essence to unlock the skill (which are earned through a max level bond between characters). Every character can have up to three skills equipped at a time, with the ability to unlock three more slots through the Talent Crest

Image Name Original Owner Effect
Potent Potion Rowan Using a recovery item heals nearby allies by the same amount.
Live to Serve Lianna Using a staff heals yourself by the same amount.
Luna Chrom Lower enemy's Def and Res on a hit. Increases with Lck.
Str +10 Lissa Increases Str by 10.
Pavice Frederick Reduce damage from swords, axes, and spears. Increases with Lck.
Sol Cordelia May recover HP by slaying strong enemies. Increases with Lck.
Solidarity Robin Increases Vanguard's damage when paired up as a Support unit.
Awakening Lucina Increases Vanguard's damage when paired up as a Support unit.
Astra Ryoma Increases the speed of regular and combo attacks.
Def +10 Hinoka Increases Def by 10.
Skl +10 Takumi Increases Skl by 10.
Max HP +50 Sakura Increases Max HP by 50.
Aegis Xander Reduce damage from bows, tomes, and stones. Increases with Lck.
Trample Camilla Increases damage dealt to foot soldiers.
Mag +10 Leo Increases Mag by 10.
Res +10 Elise Increases Res by 10.
Dracoshield Corrin Decreases damage the Vanguard receives while in Pair Up.
Paragon Marth Grants more experience from defeating enemies.
Sp +10 Caeda Increases Sp by 10.
Armored Blow Tiki Prevents enemy attacks from interrupting your attacks.
Pass Lyn Prevents enemy attacks from interrupting your movement.
Lck +20 Celica Increases Lck by 20.
Payday Anna Receive more gold. Increases with Lck.
Amaterasu Azura Slowly heals the partner while in Pair Up.
Counter Oboro Makes blocking powerful attacks sometimes emit shockwaves.
Lethality Niles May raise power of critical hits and combos. Increases with Lck.
Lone Wolf Navarre Increases damage when not paired up with another unit.
Iote's Shield Minerva Nullifies enemy effectiveness.
Quick Wit Linde Critical hits fill Awakening gauge regardless of weapon advantage.
Resonating Power Owain Boosts damage dealt based on how close the unit's Str and Mag are.
Vengeance Tharja HP slowly drains; normal damage rises in proportion to remaining HP.
Galeforce Olivia Warrior and Awakening Gauges fill when defeating strong enemies.