Ark of Time/Items

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Revision as of 18:28, 22 June 2015 by Humble Novice (talk | contribs) (Adding categories)

Items in Ark of Time are essential in order to advance through the story. They are added to the player's inventory by examining objects or talking to NPCs. While some items are expendable, others have continuous uses. Certain items may also be combined to create a new item for a particular purpose.

Image Description Usage
Richard's Press Pass A press pass owned by Richard. Use on air vent in Atlantis to verify identification.
Location: Default
Bottle of Rum Given by the editor at London. Use on Judith after giving Crab to her.
Location: Default
Professor's Notes Notes full of archaeological research on ancient tombs. Unlocks additional conversation with sailor.
Location: Caribbean Island
Pot Full of Dirty Water Given by Judith. Use on window at museum to distract curator. Needs to be cleaned at the fountain.
Location: Caribbean Island
Ancient Letter Letter regarding the pirate chief Mancussin. Unlocks additional conversation with sailor.
Location: Caribbean Island
Mug Dirty mug found in the professor's bungalow. Use on stabbed gum tree to obtain resin.
Location: Caribbean Island
Mexican Coin Mexican coin found in the professor's bungalow. Use on fountain tap to fix it.
Location: Caribbean Island
Empty Pot Stained pot emptied near fountain. Required for carrying clean water.
Location: Caribbean Island
Pot Full of Clean Water Stained pot filled with clean water. Use on Judith to receive her help.
Location: Caribbean Island
Magnet Given by sailor after conversation. Use on compass in museum lobby after the curator is distracted.
Location: Caribbean Island
Piece of Cloth A piece of jacket fabric found in the museum. Combine with Mug Full of Gum Resin to make Sticky Cloth.
Location: Caribbean Island
Ancient Dagger Old dagger found in the museum's secret room. Use on gum tree to release resin.
Location: Caribbean Island
Columbus's Manuscripts Ancient documents found in the museum's secret room. Use on sailor to help find a crab.
Location: Caribbean Island
Parchment 1 Parchment with Mancussin's signature. Use on Tobias, then on Judith to obtain Fake Treasure Map.
Location: Caribbean Island
Crab Bait Crustacean bait. Combine with Mug Full of Gum Resin on flat rock to catch crab.
Location: Caribbean Island
Mug Full of Gum Resin Mug filled with gum tree resin. Combine with Crab Bait on flat rock to catch crab.
Location: Caribbean Island
Crab A live normal crab. Use on Judith in exchange for a White Crab.
Location: Caribbean Island
White Crab A crab painted in white. Used for convincing the sailor to dive underwater.
Location: Caribbean Island
Empty Bottle of Rum An empty rum bottle. Obtained after using Bottle of Rum on Judith.
Location: Caribbean Island
Black Box Found underwater on the wrecked submarine. Use on the editor at London to unlock Church on the map.
Location: Caribbean Island
Broken Mug Broken mug shards with traces of resin. Obtained after creating Sticky Cloth.
Location: Caribbean Island
Bucket with a Hole Has a leak on the bottom. Combine with Sticky Cloth to make Bucket.
Location: Church
Sticky Cloth Cloth dipped in gum tree resin. Used for covering Bucket with a Hole.
Location: Church
Bucket Bucket with covered hole. Use on cow to obtain milk.
Location: Church
Bucket Full of Milk Bucket filled with cow's milk. Use on cat to pick it up.
Location: Church
Cat A cat named Attila. Use on broken window to have Polly Jane put ladder in front of it.
Location: Church
Urn Urn filled with ashes. Use on hieroglyphics to create rubbing for inscriptions.
Location: Church
Large Door Bolt Bolt used for keeping church door shut. Use on the confessional booth.
Location: Church
Copied Inscriptions Tuareg inscriptions rubbed with ashes. Use on holy man to have them translated.
Location: Church
Medallion 1 Atlantean relic. Use on mechanism in hidden cave room to hear recorded transmission.
Location: Church
Strange Object Identified as a "Levitium Locator". Reacts to Levitium. Can later be charged at Stonehenge.
Location: Church
Ring Amir's engagement ring. Use on Lallah to gain entrance to her tent.
Location: Desert Fort
Bread Freshly baked bread made by Lallah. Use on Amir to obtain Lock Pick.
Location: Desert Fort
Lock Pick Given by Amir. Use on hut door to enter worker's residence at Stonehenge.
Location: Desert Fort
Rat Croquettes Croquettes cooked with rat meat. Combine with Jar to make Jar with Croquettes.
Location: Desert Mountain
Shell Necklace Necklace made of shells. Combine with Rubber Tube and Plumb Line to make Fake Snake.
Location: Easter Island
Empty Jar An empty jar. Used for containing other items for various purposes.
Location: Easter Island
Picture of the Island A picture of Easter Island given by Tobias. Use on Judith to obtain Fake Treasure Map.
Location: Easter Island
Rubber Tube A rubber tube found near hut. Combine with Plumb Line and Shell Necklace to make Fake Snake.
Location: Easter Island
Jar with Croquettes Contains rat croquettes. Use on termite hill to obtain Jar of Termites.
Location: Easter Island
Jar of Termites Contains carnivorous termites. Use on dromedary meat at butcher shop to distract owner.
Location: Easter Island
File A metal file found in worker's hut. Use on strange door inside cave to obtain Levitium Filings.
Location: Stonehenge
Plumb Line Cord with weight attached to it. Combine with Rubber Tube and Shell Necklace to make Fake Snake.
Location: Stonehenge
Rubber Tube and Plumb Line Combine with Shell Necklace to make Fake Snake.
Location: Easter Island
Fake Snake Item made to resemble a rattlesnake. Use on dromedary at Desert Fort to scare it away.
Location: Easter Island
Little Dish with Food Taken from one of the open cells. Combine with Narcotic Powder to make Little Dish of Drugged Food.
Location: Desert Fort
Levitium Filings Filings taken from strange door in cave. Use on Mother of Pearl Snuff-Box to win mini-game.
Location: Desert Mountain
Rat Bait A piece of cheese laced with narcotics. Use on rat at Church to capture it.
Location: Desert Mountain
Narcotic Powder Good for tranquilizing animals. Use on Little Dish with Food to drug guard dog.
Location: Desert Mountain
Little Dish An empty platter. Obtained after feeding Little Dish with Food to guard dog.
Location: Desert Fort
Little Dish of Drugged Food Food drugged with narcotics. Use on guard dog to keep it from barring the path.
Location: Desert Fort
Silencer One of several pieces of evidence. Use on Narraboth to convince him of Amir's innocence.
Location: Desert Fort
Cartridge Case Found in turret. Combine with Thin Bronze Tube to make Makeshift Blowpipe.
Location: Desert Fort
Telescope Lens Found in turret. Use on rusty hole in jeep to distract crook momentarily.
Location: Desert Fort
Shoe One of Hakki's own shoes. Use on footprint at turret to obtain evidence.
Location: Desert Fort
Small Safe A portable safe taken from the merchant's shop. Use on Tobias to obtain Duplicate Key.
Location: Desert Fort
Sleeping Rat Sleeping Rat fed with narcotics. Use on snake to sedate it.
Location: Church
Duplicate Key Use on merchant's jeep near the bazaar to obtain Rifle, Drive Belt, and Flares.
Location: Easter Island
Rifle One of several pieces of evidence. Use on Narraboth to convince him of Amir's innocence.
Location: Desert Fort
Drive Belt Found in the merchant's jeep. Use on worker to activate tractor.
Location: Desert Fort
Flares Found in the merchant's jeep. Use on lamp holder to activate lighthouse in Easter Island.
Location: Desert Fort
Contract One of several pieces of evidence. Use on Narraboth to convince him of Amir's innocence.
Location: Desert Fort
Cracked Crystal Cube A broken crystal cube originally used for recharging the Levitium Finder.
Location: Stonehenge
Magnetum Use on hole in mechanism found within the hidden room of the cave.
Location: Stonehenge
Thin Bronze Tube A thin tube made of bronze. Combine with Cartridge Case to make Makeshift Blowpipe.
Location: Stonehenge
Makeshift Blowpipe A quickly-made blowpipe. Use on nest at Yucatan to obtain Egg.
Location: Stonehenge
Fake Treasure Map Map painted by Judith. Use on Tobias to gain access to his hut.
Location: Caribbean Island
Car Jack Found in Tobias's hut. Use on tombstone in Easter Island to obtain Medallion 2.
Location: Easter Island
Chrome Sprayer Found in Tobias's hut. Combine with Broken Glass to make Mirror.
Location: Easter Island
Broken Glass Found in Tobias's hut. Combine with Chrome Sprayer to make Mirror.
Location: Easter Island
Parchment 2 Read it after watching Medallion 2's transmission to unlock Yucatan on the map.
Location: Easter Island
Medallion 2 Atlantean relic. Use on mechanism in hidden cave room to hear recorded transmission.
Location: Easter Island
Mother of Pearl Snuff-Box Taken from dirty cup. Combine with Levitium Filings to make Snuff-Box with Filings.
Location: Desert Mountain
Snuff-Box with Filings Use on dirty cup to win the crook's mini-game and obtain the Sacred Gem.
Location: Desert Mountain
Sacred Gem A sacred relic. Use on holy man to activate the mechanism within the hidden room of the cave.
Location: Desert Mountain
Medallion 3 Atlantean relic. Use on mechanism in hidden cave room to hear recorded transmission.
Location: Desert Mountain
Sleeping Snake A drugged snake. One of four key items needed to obtain Pipe.
Location: Yucatan
White Flower A white-colored flower. Will not be accepted if given to the mystic.
Location: Yucatan
Egg Egg of an Atnamactaz Bird. One of four key items needed to obtain Pipe.
Location: Yucatan
Mirror Glass shard sprayed with chrome paint. Use on sun-drenched rock to turn flowers yellow with sunlight.
Location: Yucatan
Yellow Flower A yellow-colored flower. One of four key items needed to obtain Pipe.
Location: Yucatan
Thigh-Bone Bone of a dromedary cursed by man. One of four key items needed to obtain Pipe.
Location: Desert Mountain
Pipe Use on idol marks to learn secret code needed to operate mechanism behind the pyramid.
Location: Yucatan
Metal Net Taken after convincing sailor to leave pier. Use on crocodile to have mystic find Medallion 4.
Location: Caribbean Island
Stone Cube (Right Smile) Comes in pairs. Combine with other blocks to solve puzzle inside pyramid.
Location: Yucatan
Stone Cube (Left Smile) Comes in pairs. Combine with other blocks to solve puzzle inside pyramid.
Location: Yucatan
Stone Cube (Right Frown) Comes in pairs. Combine with other blocks to solve puzzle inside pyramid.
Location: Yucatan
Stone Cube (Left Frown) Comes in pairs. Combine with other blocks to solve puzzle inside pyramid.
Location: Yucatan
Medallion 4 Atlantean relic. Use on mechanism in hidden cave room to hear recorded transmission.
Location: Yucatan
Crystal Cube Use on affixed finder at Stonehenge to obtain Recharged Levitium Finder.
Location: Yucatan
Recharged Levitium Finder Use on octagon hole inside Yucatan tomb to obtain Metallic Disk.
Location: Stonehenge
Metallic Disk A disk engraved with the image of a dolphin. Use on portal lock to open gate to Atlantis.
Location: Yucatan
Syringe Full of Insulin Insulin given by Helen. Use on the professor to receive his help.
Location: Atlantis
Empty Syringe Obtained after giving insulin to the professor. Use on rubber valve to obtain chlorine.
Location: Atlantis
Filing Cabinet Key Given by the professor. Use on locked filing cabinet to obtain all four schemes.
Location: Atlantis
Scheme 1 Kept in filing cabinet. Contains instructions on how to operate the colored canisters.
Location: Atlantis
Scheme 2 Kept in filing cabinet. Contains instructions on how to open the red door.
Location: Atlantis
Scheme 3 Kept in filing cabinet. Contains instructions on how to open the green door.
Location: Atlantis
Scheme 4 Kept in filing cabinet. Contains instructions on how to open the blue door.
Location: Atlantis
Container Full of Water Container full of distilled water. Used for making Jar of Chlorine and Container with Plumb Line.
Location: Atlantis
Bottle A bottle of alcohol. Combine with Jar of Lime Chloride to make Jar of Chloroform.
Location: Atlantis
Little Bottle A bottle of white powdered lime. Use on beaker to make Jar of Lime Chloride.
Location: Atlantis
Syringe Full of Chlorine Contains chlorine taken from rubber valve. Use on beaker to make Jar of Lime Chloride.
Location: Atlantis
Jar of Lime Chloride Contains lime chloride. Combine with Bottle to make Jar of Chloroform.
Location: Atlantis
Jar of Chloroform A jar full of chloroform. Use on air vent outside the control room.
Location: Atlantis
Handcuffs Key Key to handcuffs. Use on professor to free him.
Location: Atlantis
Weight from the Gyroscope Taken from one of the cabinets in control room. Use on control lever.
Location: Atlantis
Handcuffs Restraining device. Taken after freeing the professor.
Location: Atlantis
Container with Plumb Line A plumb line attached to container filled with water. Use on refrigerator in laboratory.
Location: Atlantis
Frozen Container with Plumb Line Obtained from laboratory fridge after activating airlock door once. Use on control lever.
Location: Atlantis