Sun Quan/Quotes

From Koei Tecmo Wiki

A list of quotes commonly spoken by Sun Quan.


  • Choose! Surrender... or Die!
  • You'll be sorry you opposed the Sun Family!
  • It is not yet my time to die!
  • You're merely a step on my way to greatness!
  • I shall not forget you!
  • Argh... the shame!
  • Father... I failed you... I'm sorry.

  • I defeated an officer!
  • You thought you could get by us!?
  • Those who oppose the Sun family... will die.
  • I shall show you that I can fight like my father and brother.
  • All that stand against me shall perish.
  • I shall not die here!
  • I've lost. Retreat!
  • Father, am I not strong enough?
  • Father, Brother... For the glory of our family!
  • Bring me that traitor Cao Cao's Head!

  • You will pay!
  • Yield!
  • I shall surpass my father and brother!
  • I will not just sit in defeat!
  • Stop getting in my way!
  • This time, it ends!
  • All right! Let us begin!
  • I must withdraw... for Wu!
  • I do not yet wish to die!
  • Father, brother, forgive me!
  • The Sun Family lives!
  • They are strong, but do not falter!
  • The enemy is strong!
  • Did you think you could break through our forces?
  • Crush them in one blow!
  • This does not look good!
  • We cannot hold them...
  • We will not last...
  • Where are the reinforcements?
  • Please be cautious!
  • Enemy officer defeated!
  • Impressive!
  • I bow to your skills!
  • You are a hero without equal!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • I am a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • We must all follow your example!
  • We must not fall behind!
  • You will not get away with this!
  • You're in too deep! Control yourself!
  • Father, you're vulnerable! Please fall back!
  • You did it, Father! You have made us proud!
  • Brother, you're in danger! Please fall back!
  • I knew you could do it, my brother!
  • Fall back, Shang Xiang! You're vulnerable!
  • I knew you could do it, my sister!
  • I have been waiting!
  • Reinforcements! Thank Heaven!
  • I am glad to see you!
  • I am in your debt!
  • We must persevere!
  • We must get through this!
  • Our chance will come soon!
  • We must continue fighting.
  • We put our fate in your hands!
  • Charge!
  • Finish this!
  • Let us finish this!
  • We must end this!
  • Father, you have come!
  • Thank you, father!
  • We are safe now that you are here, father!
  • Father, we must do something!
  • Father, our chance will come!
  • Father, let us attack!
  • Father, we must finish this!
  • Father, brother... Glory to the Sun Family!
  • Brother, you have come!
  • Thank you, brother!
  • We are safe now that you are here, brother!
  • Brother, we must do something!
  • Brother, our chance will come!
  • Brother, let us attack!
  • Brother, we must finish this!
  • Father, brother... Glory to the Sun Family!
  • Shang Xiang, you are here!
  • So they sent the tomboy!
  • Shang Xiang... Can you handle this?
  • Shang Xiang, wait for our chance.
  • I'm counting on you, Shang Xiang!
  • Attack, Shang Xiang!
  • Let us finish this, Shang Xiang!
  • I will be your opponent!
  • I will defeat you!
  • I challenge you!
  • Don't get cocky!
  • I will stop you!
  • You'll go no further!
  • Attacking alone? Do you want to die?
  • Remarkable confidence...
  • Back off, you fodder!
  • You're pretty good!
  • Do you really think you can defeat me?
  • I will not lose!
  • My blade shall deal with you!
  • I will not falter!
  • Xtreme Mode

    • Very well! This journey can be quite interesting!
    • Is this the limit of my power?
    • What is the matter? You must show more discipline!
    • Let us strive to create a new, powerful kingdom!
    • The two of us shall usher in a new age!
    • It appears the new age... does not require me...
    • My only regret... is leaving your side...
    • Let us go. There are many more who need our help.
    • We shall not speak of this again...
    • If you wish to pass, then you must defeat me!
    • A rescue attempt? I will not allow it!
    • As long as I breathe, you thieves shall leave with nothing!
    • Intruder! I shall cut you down myself!
    • What are you doing?
    • You wish to fight me!?
    • You shall one day become a great threat to Wu!
    • Villains! You shall fall by my blade!
    • Now it is my turn to help you!
    • You there! I am in need of assistance!
    • Thank you!
    • We two can build a new world together!
    • A token of my gratitude.
    • You there!

    Empires Mode

    • We outnumber the enemy... Good, let us finish this quickly.
    • We seem well-matched. Victory will go to the truly talented.
    • We are few, but we will find victory!
    • We've taken their stronghold!
    • Someone! We need reinforcements!
    • Will no one cover our rear flank?
    • This does not look good! Pull back!
    • A retreat may be necessary.
    • I'm on my way!
    • Someone protect the stronghold!
    • Charge! Destroy the stronghold!
    • Come with me! Let's go!
    • You guard this stronghold. I'll move to attack!
    • Now's our chance! Begin the counterattack!
    • We must aid this fight!
    • Let us rest and regroup here.
    • The enemy is bound to attack us here.
    • Let us withdraw for the moment.
    • You will not get away!
    • You will regret you were ever born!
    • Is that all you have to say?
    • I shall join you, like I promised!
    • We must get through this!
    • We must end this!
    • I will not lose!
    • I do not yet wish to die! All units, retreat!
    • Do you really think you can defeat me?
    • I will not forget your deeds.
    • I am relying on all of you! Be careful!
    • The Emperor wants the Yellow Turbans eliminated? I, Sun Quan shall be happy to do so!
    • The great leaders are all gathering at the capital. Did they truly come to destroy Dong Zhuo?
    • I feel that their true intentions remain hidden.
    • We'll get nowhere if we stay here and watch... We must move to conquer the land!
    • Time flows by and a vast land awaits... Let us head to the Central plains!
    • Their numbers mean nothing! We are still superior!
    • Show the enemy our strength!
    • Let us swear. We shall put an end to this world of chaos!
    • We can make our empire even greater.
    • We have nothing to fear! Go! Show them our might!
    • The soldiers can all go home soon... For peace will soon come!
    • Yes, leave it to me!
    • I feel the two of us should be allies. What do you think?
    • The alliance is official. I feel the two of us will get along just fine.
    • I've made such a grave error to have offered an alliance to the likes of you.
    • I shall prove myself to you. I am just as capable as my father and brother.
    • I have a proposal. It's not a bad deal is it?
    • I'm glad we could come to an agreement. We shall soon see each other again.
    • You fail to see the big picture. You've wasted enough of my time.
    • Infidels have made their way to our border. I ask for your assistance.
    • I wish you to be at my side in battle. Will you join our attack?
    • You saved us. Please accept this as a token of my gratitude.
    • Thank you for your help. Let us both enjoy this victory.
    • We've destroyed the Yellow Turbans! May this be my first step in ruling all the land!
    • We've defeated Dong Zhuo! May our feat here be known throughout the land!
    • We've won! We can never forget what this feels like!
    • I shall not forget this moment. I don't wish to taste the bitterness of defeat again.
    • I have been living in this chaos for so long I've forgotten what peace is like.
    • I feel the darkness in me growing... I can no longer even hear the cries of the people.
    • I was thinking only to please the people. I never thought their affection would make me so happy.
    • My days of using the sword to govern are over. From now on, I shall dedicate my efforts to politics.
    • Why do you always choose others? Please, give me a chance!
    • My plans keep being ignored... When will my plans ever be realized?

  • Behold the power of the Sun clan!
  • They are strong, but do not falter!
  • The enemy is strong!
  • Crush them in one blow!
  • This does not look good!
  • We will not last...
  • I have eliminated (Officer)!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • I am a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • You are a hero without equal!
  • Impressive!
  • I bow to your skills!
  • We've taken their area!
  • You did it, Father! You have made us proud!
  • I knew you could do it, my brother!
  • I knew you could do it, my sister!
  • We must get through this!
  • Our chance will come soon!
  • Charge!
  • I will stop you!
  • I will not falter!

  • Die!
  • I shall show no mercy!
  • Now!
  • Sun Quan is not afraid of anybody!
  • The enemy is formidable...
  • Crush them where they stand!
  • We have fallen right into the enemy's hands...
  • The end... so soon...?
  • Enemy officer defeated!
  • I am a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • I'll deal with this one myself!
  • The tides of battle have shifted in our favor!
  • This base has been occupied by me!
  • Father, brother, witness the strength of our troops!
  • We cannot win this battle without defense!
  • The moment of truth is now! We must rise to the occasion!
  • Cut through the enemy camp! There is no turning back!
  • Attack the weak point of the enemy base!
  • Engulf them in a sea of flames!
  • That base is essential to our plans... You'll pay for that!
  • You're isolated! Be more careful!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Your strength is quite impressive!
  • If you are capable of such feats, then our army shall surely win!
  • I leave the rest to you...
  • Please forgive me. My strength was not enough...
  • Shang Xiang! Restrain yourself!
  • My sister is a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • That's my sister!
  • Shang Xiang, I must leave the rest to you...
  • Father, you must take better care of yourself!
  • Father, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Father, your exploits shall go down in legend!
  • A son should not die before his father... Forgive me...
  • Brother, what are you doing?! Be more careful!
  • My brother is a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Brother! You are the pride and joy of the Sun Family!
  • Brother, forgive me...
  • Zhou Tai, you are too valuable to be so reckless!
  • Zhou Tai, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Amazing, Zhou Tai! I knew we could count on you...
  • Zhou Tai, thank you for everything...
  • Ah, reinforcements!
  • You're here to help?!
  • Our chance shall present itself before long!
  • We must endure the enemy assault!
  • Attack at will!
  • Let's run them through in an instant!
  • Thanks for the help, Shang Xiang!
  • Shang Xiang, we must follow the flow of the battle!
  • My sister, victory stands before us!
  • Father! Thank you for the reinforcements!
  • We must wait for an opportunity. Right, father?!
  • Father, let's put an end to this!
  • Brother! Sorry for making you worry!
  • Brother, we shall get through this together!
  • Time to finish them off, brother!
  • You're always there for me, Zhou Tai!
  • Zhou Tai, I can always count on you!
  • Let us press the attack together, Zhou Tai!
  • Come and fight me!
  • I have found the enemy commander! Prepare yourself!
  • We, as leaders, should settle this between us.
  • That was a pretty flashy display!
  • Coming to fight alone... How foolish!
  • I'll show you the strength of the Sun Family!
  • We'll see who takes whose head!
  • I must approach this calmly... Time to retreat!
  • I have let my father and brother down...
  • Cao Cao, I shall be your opponent!
  • Cao Cao, I shall put an end to your ambition!
  • If you are such a great general, then prove it!
  • Why you! You dare make a fool out of our forces?!
  • You're alone?! I mustn't let this opportunity slip away!
  • Cao Cao, I'll teach you to underestimate me!
  • There's no way I'm going to lose to you!
  • I'm not ready to yield to you yet!
  • Am I not worthy...
  • Liu Bei, I won't let you get away!
  • Liu Bei, you shall regret coming this far!
  • Come and settle this like a leader!
  • My men are being decimated... Liu Bei!
  • You're alone?! What do you take the Sun Family for?!
  • There isn't room on the battlefield for the two of us!
  • I'll never lose to the likes of you!
  • Impressive... I'll retreat... for now.
  • So the Sun Family line is to end with me...
  • Xtreme Mode

    • We can build a new world together!
    • Let go of me! I'm not going to run!
    • With our combined strength, let us build a grand new country!
    • Let us go! The land will soon be ours!
    • I cannot continue to lie to myself!
    • You must defeat me to pass here!
    • There will be no theft... Not while I am here!
    • So we meet again. I am ready.
    • I always repay my debts. Allow me to help!
    • I shall destroy all rebels!
    • Excuse me!
    • Excuse me! I would appreciate your help!
    • I am most grateful!
    • Accept this as a token of my gratitude!
    • If I'm going to leave, it must be soon.
    • However, I have not yet finished what I have set out to do...
    • Are you that much better than I?
    • I see no other way. I shall follow you.
    • Let's go! There are others who are in just as much need.
    • I will say nothing. And I don't want to hear anything from you either.
    • It's gonna take a lot of hard work if the two of us want to built a strong, robust nation. If you will, I'd be honored to have your company for the rest of this great journey.
    • It's gonna take a lot of hard work if the two of us want to built a strong, robust nation. But I'll never run out of strength as long as your smiling face is by my side. That's all I ask.
    • Let us celebrate this territory with all our hearts. You've done a fantastic job.
    • Ha, ha, ha! I gotta tell you, it feels good to be close friends with such a great hero!

    Destiny Mode

    • Forward! We shall crush the enemy forces!
    • Alright! Our allies are in need of our help!
    • If you value your life, stay within the unit.
    • Don't let them get away! We have them right where we want them!
    • Do you think you can break through our defenses?!
    • The battle is far from over. We must fall back and regroup our forces.
    • We must rest or else we won't get through this.
    • That should be good enough. Let's go on to the next one!
    • Alright! We just need to keep up this pace.
    • We can't... hold out much longer.
    • Our friends are in need of our assistance.
    • A tiger lying in wait of its prey is a most dangerous foe!
    • Did you think you could just stroll through our camp?!
    • This is the last place I would've expected for an ambush!
    • I've seen through your pathetic little ambush!
    • Get back here! You can't accomplish anything if you're dead!
    • Damn you! You shall pay for this treachery!
    • Are you okay? Looks like you owe me one!
    • Wait! Don't forget this.
    • Oh, it's you! I thank you for helping me!
    • My blade drips with disdain for you and your treachery!
    • I have another mission for you. Don't let me down.
    • That's the spirit! Now, let's drive the enemy back!
    • It appears that the enemy is not without some skill...
    • What?! What's the enemy doing there?!
    • Okay! We've found our next target!
    • So you're our latest recruit. As a member of this army, I expect you to prove your mettle to the land. Now go, and do not let me down.
    • Welcome to our army! With one as strong as you on our side, the day of a land united under Wu is close at hand!
    • Our army shall go and deal with the enemy base. We can't afford to let it continue to function. The sooner it falls, the better for our forces!
    • I want you to go and take out the enemy officer! If we combine our strength, an officer is nothing to be afraid of! I have high expectations for each one of you.
    • We must go and rescue an allied unit in need of assistance. We can't let any who reside beneath the Wu banner come to harm! There is not a moment to lose!
    • We must take up a defensive position around our base and protect it from attack. The enemy is sure to lay siege to us, but we must not let them succeed.
    • We are to go and eliminate the enemy commander, thereby bringing a swift end to this battle. It will not be easy, but I have faith in your abilities.
    • Word from our scouts indicates that a number of ambush troops are hidden throughout the battlefield. Be careful to not get surrounded during your advance.
    • The enemy seems to be creating a supply base to aid in their resistance against us. Although a dangerous task, destroying that base will help our side tremendously.
    • Perhaps the enemy fears us, but they have brought a large battalion of their best troops. We must meet this threat with an equally fierce response.
    • Our scouts bring news that the enemy camp is increasing patrols around its perimeter, hindering our scouts in the area. This should prove to be interesting.
    • Alright, let's go! We are to lead the vanguard and rally our troops to victory. I want you to do what you can to increase morale for our forces!
    • This should prove to be an excellent chance for you to test your abilities. Now go forth and prove to me that you are capable of doing the impossible!
    • A fire attack could bring an abrupt end to this battle. I want you to use your knowledge of tactics and engulf the enemy in a sea of flames!
    • You have shown both tireless effort and loyalty. If we can win this battle, the land will belong to Wu. Let's move! I look forward to toasting to our victory!
    • Nice work out there. Your talents are wasted on being just a simple soldier. I'll promote you for the next battle, so I expect even greater things from you.
    • What else can I say about your performance?! I hope that you'll continue to serve Wu faithfully and serve as a shining example for the rest of us.
    • It seems that your strategies were critical in our victory today. When it comes to tactics, it's entirely possible that you know even more than I do.
    • A most impressive victory! Your fire attack and the bravery of the Wu Army proved too much for the enemy. Surely they will speak of us for years to come!
    • I am pleased that we were victorious. But you let me down with your performance today. This army has no room for those who do not give their all.
    • Why you...! What was that?! Ignoring orders like that is enough to anger any commanding officer! If you value your life, this won't happen again! Understood?
    • What do you say we sit down and have a little chat? I'd really like to discuss matters of warfare and strategy together with you.
    • This sword was made especially for me, but I would like you to have it. One of your ability should be able to master it in no time at all.
    • So you were tricking me the whole time?! An enemy spy... Are you sure you can swear allegiance to the Sun Family from now on?
    • For your lack of loyalty, you are hereby demoted in rank! I hope that you will be able to overcome this humiliation and eventually turn into a fine servant of Wu!

    Empires Mode

    • We have the advantage. We will show no mercy!
    • They match our numbers. Do not let down your guard!
    • This... will be a difficult fight!
    • We cannot be defeated here! Pull back!
    • The battle is not over yet! Fight harder!
    • We shall be right behind you! Forward!
    • Excellent work! I thank you!
    • Great work! Thank you!
    • It's too much! Send for reinforcements!
    • We will face them with our tactics!
    • So you want to die, do you?! Don't move. I'll grant you your wish!
    • Go ahead. Howl all you want!
    • That kind of tactic will not work on me!
    • I've taken an enemy prisoner!
    • We control this base now!
    • I shall entrust you with the blade of my purpose!
    • Forward! We head for the enemy base!
    • Attack! Drive apart their ranks!
    • There is not enough men at the base! Move to the defense!
    • We move to aid immediately! Come on!
    • We shall patrol the vicinity of the base!
    • Prepare for attack, Ready the ranks.
    • Take a rest and then reform!
    • Press the attack! Do not fear!
    • Strengthen our defenses.
    • Come here! No one is to go off on their own!
    • Break up! You're on your own!
    • Will someone cover my rear flank?!
    • I will go immediately!
    • Right! Let's go immediately!
    • Let us attack the enemy together!
    • Come with me! We shall attack!
    • The defense of the base is yours. I will attack!
    • You lead the defense! I attack!
    • We cannot let them get ahead! Follow me!
    • Prepare this base for an enemy attack!
    • Let us pull back for now and wait for another opportunity!
    • So you'd rather be cut down from behind, is that it?
    • Not only are the troops incompetent, but their officer is a coward!
    • So the fates have chosen another to rule the land...
    • I shall fulfill your expectations.
    • My strength was not enough...
    • I have been given control of this force! It is I who will become the Conqueror of Chaos!
    • I will not put up with any more.
    • I shall remove everything that stands in the way of a rich country and a peaceful people!
    • As you command!
    • Leave it to me!
    • Understood.
    • No and no.
    • I offer my thanks.
    • I thank you!
    • Strength comes from overcoming difficulties such as this.
    • It is over. I've done all I could.
    • With our combined might, there is nothing we need fear. Let us strike our enemies down together.
    • We've won our first battle. However, the war is just beginning.
    • Victory is ours. We must prepare for the next battle.
    • Urgh... We've lost. My strength was not enough to overcome this foe.
    • I can only look at the people's despair with apathy. Somebody... Please stop me!
    • Look at the content in the people's faces. It is that happiness that enables me to continue on.

  • Your enemy is tough! Keep your wits about you!
  • They are... strong.
  • Defeat them in one stroke!
  • Did we fall into our enemy's trap?
  • Can we make it no further?
  • I have disposed of (Officer)!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • I guess I too am unrivaled in the Three Kingdoms!
  • You are a hero among heroes!
  • I place great trust in your strength!
  • With a warrior like that, our army would be peaceful, too!
  • We've taken the enemy's territory!
  • We must take the enemy's supply depot immediately!
  • Take the enemy's supply depot immediately!
  • We will crush (Officer)!
  • Can nobody topple (Officer)?!
  • (Officer)! Curses!
  • This will settle the unrest of the soldiers.
  • Wonderful, (Officer)! An outstanding display!
  • My name shall bleed through the battlefield!
  • Shang Xiang is a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Shang Xiang is a hero among heroes!
  • That is my sister!
  • Shang Xiang! I will never forgive you!
  • Father is a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Father is a hero among heroes!
  • I knew you could do it father! I am proud of you!
  • Father! Curses!
  • My brother is a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • My brother is a hero among heroes!
  • My brother! I knew you could do it!
  • My brother! Curses!
  • I will not lose!
  • I will defend this land!

  • I'll cut you down!
  • No forgiveness!
  • Here's my best shot!
  • I do not lose. Let's go!
  • You're just not strong enough!
  • This officer bows before the might of the Sun family!
  • I have assumed command of this base!
  • Excellent! Now is our chance to strike back! Don't let me down!
  • The enemy is fierce but that will not stop us!
  • We cannot keep this up forever!
  • The men of the Sun family refuse to go quietly.
  • Behold! I am a true warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • We cannot afford to fall here! Everybody, retreat!
  • I had hoped to forge a new era with these hands...
  • Press the attack! We'll teach them to cross blades with us!
  • We must find a way to hold out! Our determination must be as resolute as stone!
  • If we don't deal with that one, this battle will never end! Okay, follow me!
  • We cannot achieve victory if we lose strategic pieces such as our bases! Move to defend them at once!
  • It is time to put an end to this battle! Everybody, charge the enemy main camp!
  • We must resist the enemy's attack! All units, focus on protecting the main camp!
  • You would dare to incur my wrath with such cheap tactics?
  • Hahahaha! What's this supposed to be? A surprise attack?
  • What's the enemy doing here? Everybody, remain calm!
  • How did I let myself get so far out? I need to be more careful.
  • Ahahaha! I can understand your passion. I often do the same thing.
  • Company, halt! Let us wait here until we can join up with our allies.
  • The enemy base is ours! Let's go! Show them no mercy!
  • Let's go! Carve up the enemy camp and show them our strength!
  • Okay. We will defend this area here. Be prepared to keep the enemy from this location!
  • The men grow weary. We must return to the base and rest for a bit.
  • Do you think you can get away from me? Everybody, after him!
  • What do you hope to accomplish out there by yourself? Fall back at once!
  • I am a true member of the Sun family!
  • Father! Brother! Where did I go wrong?
  • Oh, well done! I'll have to try and keep up!
  • I am grateful. I thank you deeply for your help.
  • I expect nothing less from one who fights alongside the Sun family!
  • See how they come straight to us? We will sweep them aside, you and I.
  • That went well. A very pleasing outcome to our cooperation.
  • Excellent! Keep it up!
  • Let's advance! The future we hope to win can only lay before us!
  • Oh, well done! I see I have to accomplish more as well!
  • Ah! Reinforcements are just what we need! I shall repay this debt in a future battle!
  • Such gallantry! It is an honor to fight alongside you!
  • We should fight these men, I assume! Worry not for I shall live up to your expectations!
  • Yes! That was perfect! Our teamwork is second to none!
  • Oh! Your bravery is an inspiration!
  • Let's make our advance! The further we progress, the closer we come to ending this war!
  • Oh, well done, Shang Xiang! I hope you don't expect to beat your brother though!
  • Shang Xiang! You have come to my aid! I'm sorry your brother is so weak.
  • Aha ha ha ha! Well done, Shang Xiang! Alright! Now let me help you fight off these guys!
  • Don't take such needless risks, Shang Xiang! I shall cut them down! Bring them here!
  • Alright! That went well! These are the results when you and I work together!
  • That's it, Shang Xiang! Very well done indeed!
  • Let's go, Shang Xiang. We need to create our own opportunities for this generation.
  • Oh, well struck, Father! I'll catch up to you yet! You just wait!
  • Father! Thank you for bringing reinforcements! I feel ashamed for having troubling you.
  • That is just like you, isn't it, Father. Cutting a path on your own to make way for the future of Wu!
  • Father, quickly over here! Together, we will sweep away this horde!
  • We did it, Father! There is nobody who can defeat the tiger and his son!
  • Oh, Father! You never cease to amaze me!
  • Let us go, Father! We shall write the glorious future of Wu by our own hands!
  • Good job, Zhou Tai! I won't let you go too far ahead!
  • You have saved me again, Zhou Tai! As long as you are around, I will have no fear!
  • Excellent work, Zhou Tai! Still, let us see if you are better than me!
  • It isn't like you to turn your back to the enemy, Zhou Tai, but if this is some plan I will cut them down!
  • We did it, Zhou Tai! How 'bout that? I guess I'm still not half bad!
  • Great, Zhou Tai! Keep it up!
  • Let's go, Zhou Tai! I'd feel more at ease if you came with us.
  • You're not the only man in this family, Brother! I'll catch up to you yet!
  • Don't worry about me, Brother. I'm more than a match for these enemies!
  • Brother, you always fight with such intensity but I will not let you be the only Sun seen fighting today!
  • Brother! You run like a fox leading the hounds! It must be a strategy.
  • Well struck, Brother! No enemy can stand before the might of the men of Sun.
  • That's just like you, Brother! You fight with blazing intensity!
  • Let's go, Brother. We must work to deliver a brilliant future for Wu!
  • Come and face me!
  • You're by yourself? No. No names. I'll forget you anyway.
  • You have done enough! This is where you end!
  • Halt! You must be stopped for the future of Wu!
  • You have defeated many of my men and leaders! Now I shall avenge them!
  • What? There's more of them? I had no idea their ranks were so deep!
  • Not yet! My vision is not finished!
  • This is it? Father, Brother, forgive me...
  • Cao Cao! Are you looking for me?
  • What? You are alone? You dare to underestimate Wu?
  • You have done much on your own, Cao Cao. It would make a nice epithet for you!
  • Cao Cao! Until you are gone, the chaos will not end!
  • This is the deciding battle? Fine! Cao Cao, let us finish this!
  • This is not the end! I shall return to finish this later!
  • Is it not youth that will open the age?
  • Liu Bei, I shall not be defeated by you!
  • You can do nothing alone! You shall fall to my will!
  • So, you would prove yourself equal to your brothers! Show me!
  • Halt, Liu Bei! Your presence merely increases the chaos in which we live!
  • The land will not be yours, you know it to be true. Then let us bring an end to this!
  • How can I lose to you?
  • The fates have chosen you...of all people...

  • This officer bows before the might of the Sun family!
  • I have assumed command of this area!
  • Excellent! Now is our time to strike back! Don't let me down!
  • The enemy is fierce... but that will not stop us!
  • We cannot keep this up forever...
  • The men of the Sun family refuse to go quietly!
  • Every enemy slain is yet another victory for the kingdom of Wu!
  • We cannot afford to fall here... Everybody, retreat!
  • I had hoped to forge a new era with these hands...
  • Press the attack! We'll teach them to cross blades with us!
  • We must find a way to hold out! Our determination must be as resolute as stone!
  • If we don't deal with that one, this battle will never end... Okay, follow me!
  • We cannot achieve victory if we lose any of our strategic areas! Move to defend them at once!
  • It is time to put an end to this battle! Everybody, charge the enemy main camp!
  • We must resist the enemy's attack! All units, focus on protecting the main camp!
  • You would dare incur my wrath with such cheap tactics?!
  • You didn't think you would frighten my troops with that, did you?
  • What's the enemy doing here? Everyone, remain calm!
  • What?! There's more of them? I had no idea their ranks were so deep...
  • How did I let myself get so far out?! I need to be more careful.
  • Hahaha! I can understand your passion. I often do the same thing.
  • Company, halt! Let us wait here for a moment.
  • We will capture this area! Let's go! Show them no mercy!
  • Let's go! Carve up the enemy camp and show them our strength!
  • It seems some units have already engaged the enemy... So let us join them!
  • Okay! We will defend this area here! Be prepared to keep the enemy from this location!
  • The men grow weary... We must fall back and rest for a bit.
  • Do you really think you can get away from me?! Everybody, after 'em!
  • We must move swiftly and silently, attacking the enemy like a tiger!
  • You're out too far! Fall back at once!
  • Where are the reinforcements?
  • Witness the true ability of the Tiger!
  • We mustn't let the enemy gain any momentum! Stop them at once!
  • We must do everything we can to secure that area!
  • Forward, march! We are to rendezvous with our allies!
  • Stay alert, men! The enemy could be lurking anywhere!
  • We must be prepared at all times. Everyone make sure you have what you need!
  • We shall use this momentum to crush the enemy, once and for all!
  • Now is our chance to attack! Destroy the enemy!
  • We cannot give up this position. Even if it means we must die in doing so!
  • I expect nothing but the best from you. Attack!
  • This battle will be over soon. Stay focused!
  • We shall follow their lead!
  • I've heard enough whining! Just follow me and fight to the end!
  • Remember your training! You are better in every way compared to the enemy!
  • Always stay together with your unit!
  • Let's work together and finish this fight!
  • As a proud member of the Sun family, I cannot lose!
  • You'll have to do much more than that to scare me.
  • I will do whatever it takes to start a new era...
  • Well done! I'll have to try and keep up.
  • The enemy is defending this position well. I am grateful for your help.
  • I expect nothing less from one who fights alongside the Sun family!
  • They followed you all the way here? Then let's deal with them together.
  • That went well! A very pleasing outcome to our cooperation.
  • Excellent! Keep it up!
  • Let's advance. The future we hope to win lies before us for the taking!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Uh-huh!
  • Understood!
  • Well done! I must lead with the same strength and diligence.
  • Ahh! Reinforcements are just what we need. I shall repay this debt in a future battle.
  • Such gallantry! It is an honor to fight beside you.
  • We should fight these men, I assume? Worry not, for I shall live up to your expectations.
  • Yes! That was perfect! Our teamwork is second to none.
  • Oh! Your bravery is an inspiration.
  • Let's make our advance. The further we progress, the closer we come to ending this war.
  • You possess the might of a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • At once!
  • Leave it to me!
  • Ohh! Well done, my sister! I hope you don't expect to beat me though.
  • You have come to my aid? Forgive me. I should be the one protecting you.
  • Hahaha! Well done, my sister! Alright, now let me help you fight off these enemies.
  • You shouldn't be so reckless! I'll take care of your pursuers.
  • Alright! That went well. These are the results when you and I work together.
  • That's it, my sister! Very well done indeed!
  • Let's go. We need to create our own opportunities for this generation.
  • My sister is a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Okay!
  • Leave it to me, Sister!
  • You galvanize us all Father! One day, I will do the same.
  • Father! Thank you for bringing reinforcements. I feel ashamed for having troubled you.
  • That is just like you isn't it, Father. Cutting a path on your own to make way for the future of Wu!
  • Father! Quickly, over here! Together we will sweep away this horde.
  • We did it, Father! There is nobody who can defeat the Tiger and his son!
  • Ohh! Father! You never cease to amaze me.
  • Let us go, Father. We shall write the glorious future of Wu by our own hands.
  • Father, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Yes, Father!
  • Leave it to me, Father!
  • Good job, Zhou Tai! I'm right behind you!
  • You have saved me again, Zhou Tai! As long as you are around, I will have no fear.
  • Excellent work, Zhou Tai. Now let's press the attack together!
  • It isn't like you to turn your back on the enemy, Zhou Tai. But if this is some plan, then I'm not worried.
  • We did it, Zhou Tai! How about that? I guess I'm still not half bad.
  • Great, Zhou Tai! Keep it up!
  • Let's go, Zhou Tai. I'd feel more at ease if you came with us.
  • Zhou Tai, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Sure, Zhou Tai!
  • Understood, Zhou Tai!
  • You're not the only man in this family, Brother! I'll catch up to you yet!
  • Don't worry about me, Brother. I am more than a match for these enemies!
  • Brother, you always fight with such intensity. But I won't let you be the only man of Sun seen fighting today!
  • Brother, you run like a man possessed! It must be some sort of strategy...
  • Well done, Brother! No enemy can stand before the might of the men of Sun!
  • That's just like you, Brother. You fight with a blazing intensity.
  • Let's go, Brother. We must work to secure a brilliant future for Wu.
  • Brother, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • I understand, Brother!
  • Leave it to me, Brother!
  • Excellent work, Lian Shi. Your efforts inspire me to try even harder!
  • Lian Shi, forgive me. You're always helping me when I'm in trouble.
  • It's not like you to go off on your own like this. But, don't worry. I'm here to back you up!
  • Lian Shi, did you bring these guys for me to deal with? Well then, I guess I can't let you down!
  • I always thought we worked well together, Lian Shi!
  • You are most impressive as always!
  • Lian Shi, I want you by my side. Together, I believe we can make it through this chaos.
  • Lian Shi, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Understood, Lian Shi!
  • You can count on me, Lian Shi!
  • Come and face me!
  • You're by yourself? No matter. That won't stop me from killing you!
  • You have done enough. This is where your rampage ends!
  • Halt! You must be stopped for the future of Wu!
  • You have defeated many of my men. Now I shall avenge them!
  • My vision for the land has not yet been realized...
  • This is it? Father, Brother, forgive me...
  • Cao Cao, are you looking for me?
  • What? You are alone? You dare to underestimate the strength of Wu?
  • You have achieved much, Cao Cao. You may boast about it in the afterlife!
  • Cao Cao! Until you are gone, the chaos will not end!
  • This is the deciding battle? Fine. Cao Cao! Let us finish this!
  • This is not the end! I shall return to finish this later.
  • Is it not youth that will open the door to a new age...?
  • Liu Bei! I shall not be defeated by you!
  • You can do nothing alone! You shall fall to my will!
  • So you would prove yourself equal to your brothers? Show me!
  • Halt, Liu Bei! Your presence merely increases the chaos in which we live!
  • The land will not be yours! You know it to be true. So let us bring an end to this!
  • How can I lose to you?
  • The fates have chosen you of all people?
  • Conquest Mode

    • I shall claim this battlefield in the name of the Sun family!
    • Okay, let's move out! This is one battle we can't afford to lose!
    • Let's go! There is not an enemy alive that can stand against the both of us!
    • I'm with you, Sister. Worry not and focus on the battle at hand.
    • Father, I am here to help! Let's go!
    • Zhou Tai, I'm happy to help! Allow me to protect you for a change!
    • Let's go, Brother! The future of the Sun family depends on us!
    • Lian Shi, you're always looking after us. It's time I repaid the favor.
    • To think the mighty Cao Cao would come to rely on me! This should be interesting!
    • I'm here, Liu Bei! Feel free to assign me wherever I'm needed!
    • I am here to offer my support, Ding Feng. Now is the time for me to return your loyalty!
    • You look like you're having some trouble. Here, you should take this.
    • Impressive! It sure is fun watching you do your thing out there!
    • Excuse me. Would you be willing to help me out?
    • Thank you! You were a great help!
    • You want to go this way? Then you'll have to defeat me first!
    • This is the opportunity I've been waiting for!
    • It is going to take all the strength you can muster to defeat me!
    • It saddens me to have to fight you... However, I shall show no hesitation!
    • You really are a girl to watch, aren't you?
    • How can I face my own father... Perhaps if I give it my all, then I might have a chance...
    • Zhou Tai, you and I are enemies now. I will show no mercy, so I expect you to do the same!
    • Brother, allow us to test our skills against one another!
    • This will be difficult for me, Lian Shi... And none know my weaknesses better than you...
    • Come, Liu Bei! Let us see which of us is truly fit to unite the land!
    • I cannot let word of my defeat get out... Please, keep this between us.
    • To think that the gap between Father and me is still so wide...
    • Impressive, Zhou Tai. I expect nothing less from you.
    • It looks like I'm still stuck in your shadow, Brother.
    • I give up, Lian Shi. Of all my weaknesses, you are by far the greatest.
    • So the land has chosen you... If only I had more experience.
    • Word of your prowess rings throughout the land. I just had to meet you.
    • Hmm. You have a strong look about you. I hope I never have to fight against you.
    • I am no match for you... Your accomplishments just pile up, battle after battle.
    • I would like to know where your strength comes from. I hope to have a chance to fight at your side.
    • Answer me truthfully. Is there anything at which I am better than my father and brother?
    • Hah... That hurts. And yet, it may be true.
    • Okay... I'm sorry for putting you on the spot like that.
    • We've walked far together looking for a new age. Things are at last beginning to change.
    • But our bond is eternal, from now until the end of time.
    • But my feelings for you will never change. Let us continue on to build a better tomorrow.

    Empires Mode

    • I need to go to cool off... Time to leave this battle for now!

  • We have fought alongside each other in search of a new age for the land. Much about us has changed over time. However, my feelings for you will never change. Let us work together to make a new future for the both of us.

  • Now!
  • Brace yourself!
  • Die!
  • I shall show no mercy!
  • For Wu!
  • For the pride of the Sun family!
  • I am the greatest in this or any kingdom!
  • I have rarely witnessed such might.
  • Worthy of the Sun family itself!
  • If you are capable of such feats, then our army shall surely win!
  • You are the pride of our army!
  • The tides of battle have shifted in our favor!
  • The end... so soon...?
  • You're here to help?!
  • Ah, reinforcements!
  • I'll show you the strength of the Sun family!
  • I must be prudent... Time to retreat!
  • I have let my family down...
  • True greatness lies within the Sun family!
  • Impressive, little sister!
  • Our trust remains strong!
  • There is surely none greater than you, Father!
  • Father, your exploits shall go down in legend!
  • Father, I apologize for burdening you so.
  • Your greatness brings joy to us all!
  • Brother! You are the pride and joy of the Sun family!
  • I owe you my life once more!
  • There is none other to whom I would entrust my life.
  • Amazing, Zhou Tai! I knew I could count on you...
  • I owe you my life once more!
  • It's like a one-man show out there!
  • Show no mercy!
  • The Sun family never forgets a favor.
  • Consistency and reliability - the hallmarks of the truly great!
  • Steady as she goes, I like it.
  • You have come through for me just when I needed it.
  • Such speed and deadliness... You make me feel safe.
  • If I can't have Zhou Tai, then you're a handy replacement.
  • I see the nobility in your soul.
  • Cao Cao, I'll teach you to underestimate me!
  • I'm not beaten yet...
  • I have to admit... I am no match for you...
  • You and I are like oil and water.
  • My weakness sickens me...
  • The Sun family... ends with me...?
  • All the learning in the world won't teach you how to defeat me.
  • This one is yours...
  • But with no allies... How can you do anything...?
  • I have no choice but to take you down.
  • Such resilience... I cannot match it...
  • I know the burden you must bear...

  • The bonds between us are unbreakable!
  • I've come to help!
  • Out of my way!
  • I will not budge!
  • Now you will see the spirit of Wu!
  • What overwhelming force... It's unreal.
  • I couldn't defeat you today... but rest assured, someday I will.
  • You are surely a man to be feared...

  • For the glory of the Sun family!
  • Take pride in our victory!
  • I am ready for battle!
  • That went well.
  • That went better than even I expected!
  • I impose on you so much. I want you to have this as a sign of my gratitude.
  • Impressive!
  • It appears I was wrong to trust you.
  • I defeated a large number of enemy officers in the last battle. It is important that I do not bring shame to the Sun family.
  • Recently, I have been called upon for battle numerous times. I hope I can continue to live up to everybody's expectations.
  • I am not satisfied with my results from the last battle. I must keep up my training and make up for my poor showing!
  • Why is everybody keeping their distance? I'm not drinking much tonight. Or at least I don't plan to...
  • This officer bows before the might of the Sun family!
  • Every enemy slain is yet another victory for the kingdom of Wu!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • The Sun family is known for being True Warriors of the Three Kingdoms... I, too, must live up to this name.
  • My sister is a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Zhou Tai, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Lianshi, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • We cannot keep this up forever...
  • There is another me? How odd...
  • An incredible display of skill!
  • Impressive!
  • Thank you for the reinforcements!
  • You have really saved the day.
  • I will not be defeated so easily!
  • I cannot allow myself to die here.
  • This is the true power of the Sun family!
  • Your support is much appreciated!
  • Keep it up, Shangxiang!
  • Shangxiang, you came!
  • Very impressive, Zhou Tai!
  • Zhou Tai, are you here to aid me?
  • Very nice, Lianshi!
  • Lianshi? I appreciate your support.
  • An impressive display, indeed! Now I will show you what I can do.
  • Hmph, mighty impressive! Let's keep it up!
  • Your aid is much appreciated! I shall do my best to repay you for your kindness.
  • Ah, you came! I will remember the good deed you have done here today.
  • I will not fall with ease. If you are my opponent, I shall hold nothing back.
  • I cannot let myself die here... I must retreat for now. I hope that we will one day meet again in battle!
  • So this is the true power of the Sun family! I must train harder for the glory of my family.
  • Thank you for bringing reinforcements. I feel ashamed for having troubled you.
  • That's it, keep it up, Shangxiang! I have never been so proud of you, sister!
  • Shangxiang, thank you for your support. I apologize for the trouble.
  • Great work, Zhou Tai! I will follow your lead!
  • Zhou Tai, you're here to help! Your loyalty will surely be rewarded.
  • Good, Lianshi! I will do my best as well.
  • Lianshi! Thank you. I am indebted to you once again.
  • A brave warrior, indeed! I am honored to fight by your side.
  • Very impressive! I am lucky to have an ally like you.
  • Reinforcements? What a blessing! If we work together, we can surely get out of this mess.
  • Are you here as reinforcements? I feel much better with you on my side.
  • The fact that we are here facing each other is fate. Let us decide victory once and for all!
  • I am impressed. I have no regrets in losing to you.
  • Your achievements in battle are the pride of the Sun family! Let us join together to finish this battle!
  • The bonds between family can never be broken!
  • Shangxiang, you are doing great! Let us fight for our future!
  • I am lucky to have a sister like you. Some would only abandon a pathetic warrior like myself.
  • Wonderful as always, Zhou Tai! Our forces can rest easy knowing that you are on the battlefield with them.
  • Zhou Tai, I knew you would always be there for me!
  • Lianshi, fighting together with you can only make me stronger.
  • Lianshi, I am nothing without you. I hope that you shall never leave my side.
  • If it is glory that you seek, then face me as your opponent!
  • A proud member of the Sun family like myself will not go down easily!
  • I have the soul of a warrior within me. I will not yield!
  • This will not be easy, but I shall prevail!
  • What ambition! Could this be a challenge too great for even me?
  • The blood of my father runs through me. I cannot bring shame to the honor of the Sun family.
  • Shangxiang, how about having a duel against your brother?
  • You look like you're having fun. You have no idea how much your enthusiasm has encouraged us.
  • I can't always count on you to support me. Sometimes, I need to live up to my role as your older brother.
  • Let me feel just how strong you are.
  • An impressive display of swordsmanship. I cannot count the number of times I have been rescued by that blade.
  • Impressive, Zhou Tai. I truly appreciate your loyal service.
  • Lianshi, take your best shot at my weakened heart!
  • Lianshi! That was a little excessive... But I do feel a bit better now.
  • I can feel great strength running through me! Lianshi, thank you for your never-ending support!
  • Running away now would only bring shame to my family!
  • I suppose I have no choice but to face this challenge...
  • I do not want you to feel that you have to go easy on me! Give me your best!
  • Don't look at me like that. You're making things difficult...

  • I will bring change to this world!
  • I will. And I will entrust you with my back, Nobuyuki.
  • We'll seize victory and raise a cup in celebration!
  • I honed my skills, alone, and sought to further enhance myself. I am a man of the Sun family. I can't afford to bring shame to my father and brother, after all.
  • The harmony of people, the bonds between people, that is our strength. And the way to get people to open up, is with drinking and feasting! Spending our nights in revelry is also important training, trust me!

  • Behold! Observe the strength of Jiang Nan!
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