Sun Quan/Quotes

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This is a list of commonly heard quotes from Sun Quan.

Dynasty Warriors 2

Dynasty Warriors 3

  • "Those who oppose the Sun family...will die."

Dynasty Warriors 4

  • "You will pay!"
  • "Yield!"
  • "I shall surpass my father and brother!"
  • "I will not just sit in defeat!"
  • "Stop getting in my way!"
  • "This time, it ends!"
  • "All right! Let us begin!"
  • "I must withdraw... for Wu!"
  • "I do not wish to die!"
  • "Father... Brother... forgive me..."
  • "The Sun family lives!"
  • "They are strong, but do not falter!"
  • "The enemy is strong..."
  • "Did you think you could break through our forces?"
  • "Crush them in one blow!"
  • "This does not look good!"
  • "We cannot hold them."
  • "We will not last!"
  • "Where are the reinforcements?"
  • "Please, be cautious."
  • "Enemy officer defeated!"
  • "Impressive."
  • "I bow to your skills."
  • "You are a hero without equal!"
  • "You are a true warrior of the Three Kingdoms!"
  • "I am a true warrior of the Three Kingdoms!"
  • "We must all follow your example!"
  • "We must not fall behind!"
  • "You will not get away with this!"
  • "You're in too deep! Control yourself!"
  • "Father, you're vulnerable! Please fall back!"
  • "Brother, you're in danger! Please fall back!"
  • "Fall back, Shang Xiang! You are vulnerable!"
  • "You did it, Father. You've made us proud."
  • "I knew you could do it, my brother."
  • "I knew you could do it, my sister."
  • "I have been waiting."
  • "Reinforcements. Thank heaven."
  • "I am glad to see you."
  • "I am in your debt."
  • "We must persevere."
  • "We must get through this!"
  • "Our chance will come soon!"
  • "We must continue fighting."
  • "We put our fate in your hands."
  • "Charge!"
  • "Finish this!"
  • "Let us finish this."
  • "We must end this!"
  • "Father, Brother! Glory to the Sun family..."
  • "Father, you have come!"
  • "Thank you, Father."
  • "Brother, you have come!"
  • "Thank you, Brother."
  • "Shang Xiang, you are here!"
  • "So, they sent the tomboy..."
  • "We are safe now that you are here, Father."
  • "Father, we must do something!"
  • "Father, our chance will come!"
  • "We are safe now that you are here, Brother."
  • "Brother, we must do something!"
  • "Brother, our chance will come!"
  • "Shang Xiang, can you handle this?"
  • "Shang Xiang, wait for our chance."
  • "I'm counting on you, Shang Xiang."
  • "Father, let us attack!"
  • "Father, we must finish this!"
  • "Brother, let us attack!"
  • "Brother, we must finish this!"
  • "Attack, Shang Xiang!"
  • "Let us finish this, Shang Xiang!"
  • "I will be your opponent!"
  • "I will defeat you!"
  • "I challenge you!"
  • "Don't get cocky!"
  • "I will stop you!"
  • "You'll go no further!"
  • "Attacking alone? Do you want to die?"
  • "Remarkable confidence!"
  • "My blade shall deal with you!"
  • "I will not falter."
  • "Back off, you fodder!"
  • "You really think you can defeat me?"
  • "You're pretty good!"
  • "I will not lose!"
  • "We outnumber the enemy. Good! Let us finish this quickly!"
  • "We seem well matched. Victory will go to the truly talented!"
  • "We are few, but we will find victory!"
  • "We have taken their stronghold!"
  • "Someone, we need reinforcements!"
  • "Will no one cover our rear flank?!"
  • "This does not look good! Pull back!"
  • "A retreat maybe necessary..."
  • "I'm on my way!"
  • "Someone, protect the stronghold!"
  • "Charge! Destroy the stronghold!"
  • "Come with me! Let's go!"
  • "You guard the stronghold. I'll lead the attack!"
  • "Now's our chance. Begin the counterattack!"
  • "We must aid this fight!"
  • "Let us rest and regroup here."
  • "The enemy is bound to attack us here!"
  • "Let us withdraw for the moment."
  • "You will regret you were ever born!"
  • "Is that all you have to say?"
  • "I shall join you like I promised!"
  • "I do not yet wish to die. All units, retreat!"
  • "Do you really think you could defeat me?"
  • "I will not forget your deeds."
  • "I am relying on all of you! Be careful."

Dynasty Warriors 5

  • "Die!"
  • "I shall show no mercy!"
  • "Now!"
  • "The enemy is formidable!"
  • "Let's run them through in an instant!"
  • "We have fallen right into the enemy's hands!"
  • "The end! So soon?!"
  • "You're isolated! Be more careful!"
  • "Enemy officer defeated!"
  • "The tides of battle have shifted in our favor!"
  • "Father, Brother, witness the strength of our troops!"
  • "I'll deal with this one myself!"
  • "You are a true warrior of the Three Kingdoms!"
  • "I am a true warrior of the Three Kingdoms!"
  • "I leave...the rest to you..."
  • "Engulf them in a sea of flames!"
  • "Please forgive strength was not enough..."
  • "Attack the weak point of the enemy base!"
  • "This base has been occupied by me!"
  • "That base is essential to our plans! You'll pay for that!"
  • "Shang Xiang, restrain yourself!"
  • "My sister is a true warrior of the Three Kingdoms!"
  • "Father! You must take better care of yourself!"
  • "Father, you are a true warrior of the Three Kingdoms!"
  • "Brother, what are you doing?! Be more careful!"
  • "My brother is a true warrior of the Three Kingdoms!"
  • "Zhou Tai, you are too valuable to be so reckless!"
  • "Zhou Tai, you are a true warrior of the Three Kingdoms!"
  • "Ah, reinforcements!"
  • "You're here to help?"
  • "Your strength is quite impressive!"
  • "If you are capable of such feats, then our army shall surely win!"
  • "Crush them where they stand!"
  • "Cut through the enemy camp! There's no turning back!"
  • "Attack at will!"
  • "We cannot win this battle without defense."
  • "The moment of truth is now! We must rise to the occasion!"
  • "Our chance shall present itself before long!"
  • "We must endure the enemy assault!"
  • "Thanks for the help, Shang Xiang!"
  • "That's my sister!"
  • "My sister, victory stands before us!"
  • "Shang Xiang, we must follow the flow of the battle!"
  • "Shang Xiang...I must leave the you..."
  • "Father, thank you for the reinforcements!"
  • "Father, your expliots shall go down in legend!"
  • "Father, let's put an end to this!"
  • "We must wait for an opportunity, right Father?"
  • "A son should not die...before his father... Forgive me..."
  • "Brother, sorry for making you worry."
  • "Brother, you are the pride and joy of the Sun family!"
  • "Time to finish them off, Brother!"
  • "Brother, we shall get through this together!"
  • "Brother...forgive me..."
  • "You're always there for me, Zhou Tai!"
  • "Amazing, Zhou Tai! I knew we could count on you!"
  • "Let us press the attack together, Zhou Tai!"
  • "Zhou Tai, I can always count on you!"
  • "Zhou Tai, thank you...for everything..."
  • "Come and fight me!"
  • "I have found the enemy commander! Prepare yourself!"
  • "We as leaders should settle this between us!"
  • "That was a pretty flashy display!"
  • "Coming to fight alone? How foolish!"
  • "I'll show you the strength of the Sun family!"
  • "We'll see who takes whose head!"
  • "I must approach this calmly. Time to retreat."
  • "I have let my father...and brother down..."
  • "Cao Cao, I shall be your opponent!"
  • "Cao Cao, I shall put an end to your ambition!"
  • "If you are such a great general, then prove it!"
  • "Why you! You dare make a fool out of our forces?!"
  • "You're alone! I mustn't let this opportunity slip away!"
  • "Cao Cao, I'll teach you to underestimate me!"
  • "There's no way I'm going to lose to you!"
  • "I'm not ready to yield to you yet!"
  • "Am I...not worthy...?"
  • "Liu Bei, I won't let you get away!"
  • "Liu Bei, you shall regret coming this far!"
  • "Come and settle this like a leader!"
  • "My men are being decimated, Liu Bei!"
  • "You're alone! What do you take the Sun family for?!"
  • "There isn't room on the battlefield for the two of us!"
  • "I'll never lose to the likes of you!"
  • "Impressive! I'll retreat for now!"
  • "So...the Sun family to end with me..."
  • "We have the advantage. We shall show no mercy."
  • "They match our numbers. Do not let down your guard."
  • "This...will be a difficult fight."
  • "We cannot be defeated here. Pull back."
  • "The battle is not over yet. Fight harder."
  • "We shall be right behind you. Forward!"
  • "Excellent work. I thank you."
  • "Great work. Thank you."
  • "It's too much, send for reinforcements."
  • "We will face them with our tactics."
  • "So you want to die, do you? Don't move, I'll grant you your wish."
  • "Go ahead, howl all you want."
  • "That kind of tactic will not work on me."
  • "I've taken an enemy prisoner."
  • "We control this base now."
  • "I shall entrust you with the blade of my purpose."
  • "Forward. We head for the enemy base."
  • "Attack! Drive apart their ranks!"
  • "There's not enough men at the base, move to the defense."
  • "We move to aid immediately. Come on."
  • "We shall patrol the vicinity of the base."
  • "Prepare for attack, ready the ranks."
  • "Take a rest and then reform."
  • "Press the attack! Do not fear!"
  • "Strengthen our defenses!"
  • "Come here! No one is to go off on their own."
  • "Break up, you're on your own."
  • "Will someone cover my rear flank?"
  • "Ah, I will go immediately."
  • "Right, let's go immediately."
  • "Let us attack the enemy together."
  • "Come with me, we shall attack!"
  • "The defense of the base is yours. I shall attack."
  • "You lead the defense, I attack."
  • "We cannot let them get ahead. Follow me."
  • "Prepare this base for an enemy attack."
  • "Let us pull back for now and wait for an opportunity."
  • "So you'd rather be cut down from behind, is that it?"
  • "Not only are the troops incompetent but their officer is a coward!"
  • "Sun Quan is not afraid of anybody!"

Dynasty Warriors 6

  • "I'll cut you down!"
  • "No forgiveness!"
  • "Here's my best shot!"
  • "I do not lose. Let's go!"
  • "You're just not strong enough!"
  • "This officer bows before the might of the Sun family!"
  • "I have assumed command of this base!"
  • "Excellent! Now is our chance to strike back! Don't let me down!"
  • "The enemy is fierce but that will not stop us!"
  • "We cannot keep this up forever!"
  • "The men of the Sun family refuse to go quietly."
  • "Behold! I am a true warrior of the Three Kingdoms!"
  • "We cannot afford to fall here! Everybody, retreat!"
  • "I had hoped to forge a new era with these hands..."
  • "Press the attack! We'll teach them to cross blades with us!"
  • "We must find a way to hold out! Our determination must be as resolute as stone!"
  • "If we don't deal with that one, this battle will never end! Okay, follow me!"
  • "We cannot achieve victory if we lose strategic pieces such as our bases! Move to defend them at once!"
  • "It is time to put an end to this battle! Everybody, charge the enemy main camp!"
  • "We must resist the enemy's attack! All units, focus on protecting the main camp!"
  • "You would dare to incur my wrath with such cheap tactics?"
  • "Hahahaha! What's this supposed to be? A surprise attack?"
  • "What's the enemy doing here? Everybody, remain calm!"
  • "How did I let myself get so far out? I need to be more careful."
  • "Ahahaha! I can understand your passion. I often do the same thing."
  • "Company, halt! Let us wait here until we can join up with our allies."
  • "The enemy base is ours! Let's go! Show them no mercy!"
  • "Let's go! Carve up the enemy camp and show them our strength!"
  • "Okay. We will defend this area here. Be prepared to keep the enemy from this location!"
  • "The men grow weary. We must return to the base and rest for a bit."
  • "Do you think you can get away from me? Everybody, after him!"
  • "What do you hope to accomplish out there by yourself? Fall back at once!"
  • "I am a true member of the Sun family!"
  • "Father! Brother! Where did I go wrong?"
  • "Oh, well done! I'll have to try and keep up!"
  • "I am grateful. I thank you deeply for your help."
  • "I expect nothing less from one who fights alongside the Sun family!"
  • "See how they come straight to us? We will sweep them aside, you and I."
  • "That went well. A very pleasing outcome to our cooperation."
  • "Excellent! Keep it up!"
  • "Let's advance! The future we hope to win can only lay before us!"
  • "Oh, well done! I see I have to accomplish more as well!"
  • "Ah! Reinforcements are just what we need! I shall repay this debt in a future battle!"
  • "Such gallantry! It is an honor to fight alongside you!"
  • "We should fight these men, I assume! Worry not for I shall live up to your expectations!"
  • "Yes! That was perfect! Our teamwork is second to none!"
  • "Oh! Your bravery is an inspiration!"
  • "Let's make our advance! The further we progress, the closer we come to ending this war!"
  • "Oh, well done, Shang Xiang! I hope you don't expect to beat your brother though!"
  • "Shang Xiang! You have come to my aid! I'm sorry your brother is so weak."
  • "Aha ha ha ha! Well done, Shang Xiang! Alright! Now let me help you fight off these guys!"
  • "Don't take such needless risks, Shang Xiang! I shall cut them down! Bring them here!"
  • "Alright! That went well! These are the results when you and I work together!"
  • "That's it, Shang Xiang! Very well done indeed!"
  • "Let's go, Shang Xiang. We need to create our own opportunities for this generation."
  • "Oh, well struck, Father! I'll catch up to you yet! You just wait!"
  • "Father! Thank you for bringing reinforcements! I feel ashamed for having troubling you."
  • "That is just like you, isn't it, Father. Cutting a path on your own to make way for the future of Wu!"
  • "Father, quickly over here! Together, we will sweep away this horde!"
  • "We did it, Father! There is nobody who can defeat the tiger and his son!"
  • "Oh, Father! You never cease to amaze me!"
  • "Let us go, Father! We shall write the glorious future of Wu by our own hands!"
  • "Good job, Zhou Tai! I won't let you go too far ahead!"
  • "You have saved me again, Zhou Tai! As long as you are around, I will have no fear!"
  • "Excellent work, Zhou Tai! Still, let us see if you are better than me!"
  • "It isn't like you to turn your back to the enemy, Zhou Tai, but if this is some plan I will cut them down!"
  • "We did it, Zhou Tai! How 'bout that? I guess I'm still not half bad!"
  • "Great, Zhou Tai! Keep it up!"
  • "Let's go, Zhou Tai! I'd feel more at ease if you came with us."
  • "You're not the only man in this family, Brother! I'll catch up to you yet!"
  • "Don't worry about me, Brother. I'm more than a match for these enemies!"
  • "Brother, you always fight with such intensity but I will not let you be the only Sun seen fighting today!"
  • "Brother! You run like a fox leading the hounds! It must be a strategy."
  • "Well struck, Brother! No enemy can stand before the might of the men of Sun."
  • "That's just like you, Brother! You fight with blazing intensity!"
  • "Let's go, Brother. We must work to deliver a brilliant future for Wu!"
  • "Come and face me!"
  • "You're by yourself? No. No names. I'll forget you anyway."
  • "You have done enough! This is where you end!"
  • "Halt! You must be stopped for the future of Wu!"
  • "You have defeated many of my men and leaders! Now I shall avenge them!"
  • "What? There's more of them? I had no idea their ranks were so deep!"
  • "Not yet! My vision is not finished!"
  • "This is it? Father, Brother, forgive me..."
  • "Cao Cao! Are you looking for me?"
  • "What? You are alone? You dare to underestimate Wu?"
  • "You have done much on your own, Cao Cao. It would make a nice epithet for you!"
  • "Cao Cao! Until you are gone, the chaos will not end!"
  • "This is the deciding battle? Fine! Cao Cao, let us finish this!"
  • "This is not the end! I shall return to finish this later!"
  • "Is it not youth that will open the age?"
  • "Liu Bei, I shall not be defeated by you!"
  • "You can do nothing alone! You shall fall to my will!"
  • "So, you would prove yourself equal to your brothers! Show me!"
  • "Halt, Liu Bei! Your presence merely increases the chaos in which we live!"
  • "The land will not be yours, you know it to be true. Then let us bring an end to this!"
  • "How can I lose to you?"
  • "The fates have chosen you...of all people..."

Warriors Orochi series

  • "The ties between us are unbreakable!"
  • "For Wu!"
  • "Brace yourself!"


  • "Behold! Observe the strength of Jiang Nan!"
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