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Odysseus is a playable character in Warriors: Legends of Troy. He is the famous Greek general who came up with the Trojan Horse plan. Feeling responsible for causing the war due to his part in the early pledge, he wants his resourcefulness to be used to its fullest.

Role in Game


  • "My advice to King Tyndareos was intended to keep the peace, and instead it unleashed this carnage. I started it and I must finish it."


If certain items are equipped, Odysseus can throw more daggers.


Keys Quick Attack Focused Attacks/Finisher Fury Stun Attack
Square,Triangle: Rising slash from sword.
Square,Square,Triangle: Advances forward for a few paces to slash to the side.
Square,Square,Square,Triangle: Momentarily sheathes his sword and hurls five daggers.
Square,Square,Square,Square,Triangle: Momentarily sheathes his sword to throw seven daggers.
Square,Square,Square,Square,Square,Square: Series of wide horizontal slashes. In between the sequence, Odysseus quickly rotates his wrist for back hand swings. The last slash has him pause a moment to twirl his wrist for a normal slash.
Dashing Square: Crushing downwards slash.
Triangle: Hurls a throwing dagger.
Triangle,Triangle: Hurls daggers twice.
Triangle,Triangle,Triangle: Throws daggers twice individually before hurling three daggers at once.
X,X: Quickly bashes with shield.
Square,X: Smashes targets with his sword.
Square,Square,X: Ducks for a moment to swing shield into opponents.
Square,Square,Square,X: Turning circular kick. Odysseus emits a stunning shockwave, which lowers the guard of foes in its range.
Square,Square,Square,Square,X: Sweeping kick. Odysseus emits a stunning shockwave during the animation.
L2,Triangle: Throws enemy weapon.

Finishers can be performed by weakening a foe's guard or health. When the button for a Focused Attack flashes on a target, approach them from a different angle to see another Finisher.

Front - Pauses a moment before he stabs his sword through a foe's face.
Rear - Slashes enemy's neck.
Downed Enemies - Looms above opponent before slicing their head.
Mid-Range - Quickly sheathes sword to throw a dagger into an opponent's face.
Mid-Range - Aims a dagger into an opponent's foot. Odysseus then hops forward to fling another dagger through his stunned enemy's head.

Fighting Style

Odysseus shares the same attack traits as Paris: he is a speedy attacker with somewhat hampered defenses. His attacks may be quick, but they also tend to be stationary. He doesn't have many attacks to distance between himself from his foes and his shield stunning attacks have shallow range. His lack of maneuverability is what distances him from his agile counterpart. However, he is one of the two characters in the game who has long ranged attacks to deal with multiple foes at once. When all else fails, rely on his daggers for damaging opponents since Odysseus can use them without too much pause. They will not break through an enemy's defenses, but they are powerful when carefully timed after a wounding strike or Parry.

Greek Mythology



  • During the Koei-Tecmo company visit in the Weekly Toro Station's broadcast, Toro and Kuro use their own version of Odysseus's Trojan horse in order to sneak into Shibusawa Kou's office.

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