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This is a list of commonly heard quotes from Diao Chan.

Dynasty Warriors

  • "Doushitemo to iu desu ne." - "It's seems there's no talking out of this."
  • "Hai!" - "There!"
  • "Honto ga, tatakao takunai no." - "I really don't want to fight."

Dynasty Warriors 2

  • "Ow!"
  • "Prepare yourself."
  • "Do to Dong Zhuo as you did to me..."

Dynasty Warriors 3

  • "I have defeated an officer!"
  • "Father please....forgive...me..."

Dynasty Warriors 4

  • "Stay back!"
  • "This ends now!"
  • "I am ready!"
  • "Can you survive my dance of death?"
  • "I cannot lose again!"
  • "You still seek battle?"
  • "It appears this needs to be settled."
  • "Very well. I accept!"
  • "Let us meet again!"
  • "With such power, perhaps you could..."
  • "Freed... from the chaos..."
  • "I shall go."
  • "They are strong! Be careful!"
  • "The enemy is strong!"
  • "Please, yield! You do not stand a chance!"
  • "Push them back!"
  • "This does not bode well!"
  • "We cannot hold!"
  • "We will not last!"
  • "Where are the reinforcements?!"
  • "Please, be careful!"
  • "Enemy officer defeated!"
  • "Such power!"
  • "I bow to your skills!"
  • "You are a hero without equal!"
  • "You are a true hero of the Three Kingdoms!"
  • "I am a true hero of the Three Kingdoms!"
  • "We must not fall behind!"
  • "Let us fight bravely as well!"
  • "Do not get carried away!"
  • "You have gone out too far! Control yourself!"
  • "Lord Lu Bu! Please fall back!"
  • "Such incredible might!"
  • "I have been waiting!"
  • "Reinforcements! Thank heaven!"
  • "I am glad to see you."
  • "I am in your debt!"
  • "We must find a way out of this!"
  • "We must hold!"
  • "We must prevail!"
  • "We must continue fighting!"
  • "We put our fate in your hands!"
  • "Begin the attack!"
  • "Finish them!"
  • "Let us attack!"
  • "We must finish this!"
  • "Lord Lu Bu, please be safe..."
  • "Lord Lu Bu, for you to have come for me..."
  • "Lord Lu Bu! I have been waiting!"
  • "Lord Lu Bu! You have come!"
  • "Our chance will come, Lord Lu Bu!"
  • "I'm depending on you, Lord Lu Bu."
  • "Lord Lu Bu, we must attack!"
  • "Lord Lu Bu, we must end it here!"
  • "I will fight you!"
  • "Prepare yourself!"
  • "Let us settle this!"
  • "You are too powerful..."
  • "I must stop you!"
  • "You must be stopped!"
  • "Why do endanger your life needlessly?"
  • "Such confidence!"
  • "All are equal on the field of battle!"
  • "I shall show you my skill!"
  • "Please, you must yield!"
  • "I will give you a chance. Leave now."
  • "Am I strong enough?"
  • "I will see just how strong you really are."
  • "This is too easy. I feel sorry for them!"
  • "Don't underestimate the enemy's strength!"
  • "They are strong, but we cannot give up hope!"
  • "We have taken over the enemy stronghold!"
  • "Someone, please help us!"
  • "I request aid! Someone, please watch behind us!"
  • "We must pull back and recover!"
  • "We have no choice. We can do no more..."
  • "Understood. I will be there shortly!"
  • "We will guard this stronghold!"
  • "Everyone, follow my lead!"
  • "We can finish this by working together!"
  • "We will advance! You stay here."
  • "Charge. Push them back!"
  • "We shall join the attack as well!"
  • "We will take a short break here."
  • "I have a feeling... we will wait for the enemy here."
  • "We cannot hold! Retreat!"
  • "I will not let you get away!"
  • "Your insults will not be forgiven!"
  • "Your words mean nothing!"
  • "It is time to carry out my promise!"
  • "I shall protect all of you."
  • "Come, let us take down the enemy!"
  • "I cannot be defeated here!"
  • "I was totally powerless!"
  • "I must make up for my earlier defeat!"
  • "Words are not enough to express my gratitude!"
  • "Will you not come with me?"

Dynasty Warriors 5

  • "You will not escape!"
  • "This is the end!"
  • "Now!"
  • "They're strong, can we stop them?"
  • "Force your way through them!"
  • "We can't hold them!"
  • "Somebody save us!"
  • "We still have time, fall back!"
  • "Enemy officer defeated!"
  • "Let us push on towards victory!"
  • "We can't just sit here and take this!"
  • "That wasn't very nice."
  • "You truly are a hero with out equal!"
  • "I am a true warrior of the Three Kingdoms!"
  • "It looks like my dancing days are over."
  • "We have no other choice. Use the fire attack! "
  • "Please forgive me..."
  • "Set your sights on the enemy base."
  • "I have captured this base!"
  • "How could we lose such a valuable base?"
  • "Lord Lu Bu, please be careful!"
  • "Lord Lu Bu is the greatest hero the land has seen!"
  • "Reinforcements? I'm so happy!"
  • "Thank you so much for coming!"
  • "Wow! That was impressive!"
  • "We sure can count on you!"
  • "We need to press the attack!"
  • "Dance like the wind and approach the enemy camp!"
  • "The battle is changing in our favor!"
  • "Battle is about facing adversity!"
  • "I need the help of each and every one of you!"
  • "Believe in our victory!"
  • "Don't let them join up!"
  • "Lord Lu Bu is here to rescue me? I'm so lucky!"
  • "The might of Lord Lu Bu is a frightening thing, indeed."
  • "Lord Lu Bu, victory is near."
  • "We must believe in our victory, Lord Lu Bu."
  • "Lord Lu Bu...you must go on without me..."
  • "Come and give me a try!"
  • "You're not getting away! Prepare yourself!"
  • "Let's end this quickly."
  • "I shall stop you."
  • "You are alone, I won't be taking an easy on you."
  • "Would you like to dance?"
  • "I'm not giving up just yet."
  • "I must fulfill my mission."
  • "I would have liked to dance in a time of peace..."
  • "We have the advantage, there is no need for fear."
  • "I cannot say who will win this battle."
  • "It appears our chances of winning are very slim."
  • "We must live so as to fight again. Let us retreat."
  • "Please, allow us to be your shield."
  • "Let us attack! We shall win victory side by side."
  • "I shall never forget this aid."
  • "If you had not been there, I'd..."
  • "Uh...Please help me."
  • "I hope that this plan goes well."
  • "You know, I can get angry too!"
  • "Don't you feel just a little bit embarrassed saying that?"
  • "As I thought! I thought there would be something here."
  • "An enemy has been captured."
  • "We have taken this base."
  • "As I promised, I will take your side."
  • "Let us attack the enemy base and gain an advantage in this fight."
  • "Feel the power of our attack."
  • "Defense is an important part of battle!"
  • "It is time I went and saved someone else."
  • "Let us keep an eye on the area around that base."
  • "Prepare well for battle."
  • "We have to rest."
  • "Move to the attack!"
  • "Strengthen the guard!"
  • "Pull together!"
  • "Follow your leaders."
  • "Will someone please guard my rear flank?"
  • "Understood."
  • "If I may be of aid, I will be glad to help."
  • "It would please me greatly if you were at my side."
  • "Come and fight with me."
  • "You can watch how I fight from here."
  • "I will the defense of the base to you."
  • "We will also move to the attack."
  • "I shall here. Leave the defense here to me."
  • "We cannot take anymore! Let us pull back!"
  • "I will not let an enemy escape!"
  • "You fear one such as I? Oh, you poor thing."
  • "I am Diao Chan. Would you like to dance?"
  • "Look the enemy has appeared.....let us send them home."
  • "Dance like the wind into the enemies main camp"
  • "Charge!!!"

Dynasty Warriors 6

  • "Here it goes!"
  • "Prepare yourself!"
  • "I glide like the wind"
  • "I will deal with you now!"
  • "Is that all?"
  • "See? I'm more than just a pretty face!"
  • "This is one more step towards victory!"
  • "The momentum has shifted in our favor! We must keep moving!"
  • "This looks unsettling. However, worrying about it is not going to help matters!"
  • "Things have taken the turn for the worse! I wonder if I can pull through this!"
  • "I cannot go any further! Is there anybody that can assist me?"
  • "I am a true warrior of the Three Kingdoms!"
  • "I can see that I was ill performed for this performance! I must train harder!"
  • "So this is to be my destiny..."
  • "Charge! If our minds and wills are as one, we cannot be defeated!"
  • "We must focus on defense. I know it is difficult but hang in there!"
  • "This strength of that one is clearly evident, which is why we must give chase immediately!"
  • "If we lose our bases then we will have no where to go home to! Need reinforcements immediately"
  • "Put aside your fears and charge the enemy ranks!"
  • "We must steel ourselves and stand as one in a common defense!"
  • "I considered myself an expert in tactics. I guess have much to learn."
  • "Were you trying to hide yourselves? Even a child can do better than that!"
  • "A surprise attack here? It is like they are merely toying with us!"
  • "Where am I? I lost track of where I was going!"
  • "My, aren't we the ambitious one? However, this is as far as you will go!"
  • "We cannot just go on ahead! We must stop and wait for our allies!"
  • "Out target is the enemy base. Everybody, prepare to march."
  • "Forward! It is up to us to take down the enemy formation!"
  • "Please, stop for a moment! We must protect this area from the enemy!"
  • "I can see the fatigue in everyone's faces. Let us return to base for now."
  • "Halt! I shall serve as your opponent!"
  • "It's too dangerous out there alone! You need to learn to trust those around you!"
  • "I shall honor my father's will!"
  • "How could this be?"
  • "Excellent job! I will also fight as hard as I can!"
  • "Thank you for coming! I don't think I could last much longer!"
  • "You are a brilliant solo fighter but please let me fight along with you."
  • "You couldn't beat them all alone, could you? I offer you my assistance."
  • "That was wonderful teamwork! Let's do it again sometime."
  • "Fantastic work! You are as strong as I suspected!"
  • "We will advance to the next position! You are welcome to join us!"
  • "I know we can depend on you! You inspire us all to courage!"
  • "I thank you for your concern. You have gained my admiration."
  • "No matter how strong you are, you cannot win this battle alone. Please, allow me to fight at your side!"
  • "You mean for me to defeat those men. Leave them to me!"
  • "That felt as if we were of one body and one mind. We work wonderfully together!"
  • "I can only stare in admiration of your spectacular bravery!"
  • "I am going to move on ahead. I would be happy if you would escort me."
  • "Master Lu Bu, you cut such a striking figure! You inspire me to even greater heights!"
  • "Oh! Master Lu Bu, I trusted that you would come for me!"
  • "Indeed it is as they say, Master Lu Bu! You possess the strength of a demon! Show me more!"
  • "Master Lu Bu, who are those men?" I understand. I will fight alongside you!
  • "What a great sense of belonging! I have truly found my place with you, Master Lu Bu!"
  • "Only Master Lu Bu could hold off so many!"
  • "I feel safe with you, Master Lu Bu! Let us advance together!"
  • "I shall face you! Prepare yourself!"
  • "You have come alone? I pity you!"
  • "You are tired from your efforts, are you not? Then allow me to stop you here!"
  • "Wait! You cannot be allowed to go any further!"
  • "I cannot lose, there are too many depending on me!"
  • "Such cowardice! Their attacks just keep coming from left and right!"
  • "I must not die here! I shall withdraw."
  • "Oh, I feel my strength seeping away. I can dance no longer..."
  • "Ah, Master Dong Zhuo! I had hoped to avoid you but..."
  • "Master Dong Zhuo, you are in danger alone! There are many who seek your life like me!"
  • "Master Dong Zhuo, once again you are behaving like a spoiled child! Now you must be punished!"
  • "Give up already, Master Dong Zhuo! I shall make your last moments memorable!"
  • "Master Dong Zhuo, you are my worst nightmare but no longer!"
  • "I see your corpulence has not diminished your skill. Next time I will be prepared."
  • "The world is falling into darkness..."

Warriors Orochi series

  • "It is my time to dance."
  • "Now!"
  • "Raise the curtains!"
  • "You're mine!"
  • "The Battlefield is destined to be my stage."
  • " I should have killed you when I had the chance "
  • " Lu bu how could you obey the likes of Da Ji "
  • " We have been emboldened by the will of the people "
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