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A list of quotes commonly spoken by Kasumi.


  • I'm ready for any challenge.
  • This is the strength of the Mugen Tenshin Ninja Clan!
  • Here, I'd like to give this to you. I'm sure you'll find it useful.
  • Thanks. You really helped me out.
  • It's unfortunate, but I guess it can't be helped.
  • It is nice to share a meal with everybody like this. I never thought I'd be able to do it again.
  • I simply keep moving forward, no matter how red my hands may be stained with blood.
  • Is my only purpose for living to fight?
  • I must return to my own world. I can't seem to get comfortable in this place.
  • I simply fight to survive.
  • I can move in only one direction; forward.
  • Victory. I wonder if that is what destiny has in store for me.
  • I'll defeat as many enemies as it takes to reach my goal.
  • I won't let anybody stand in my path.
  • You're so strong... I doubt anybody will ever be able to defeat you.
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms.
  • You may be the greatest ninja this land has ever seen.
  • Ayane... I see you've grown stronger.
  • Nemea, you are a warrior without equal.
  • I still have some fight in me yet.
  • You impostor! I'll take care of you myself!
  • Your strength is impressive.
  • Wow... I never thought you were this strong.
  • Umm... Thank you.
  • I'm sorry to trouble you like this.
  • You're my opponent?
  • This isn't over yet...
  • Lady Diaochan, your grace hides your true strength.
  • I am sorry to impose on you, Lady Diaochan.
  • You are an amazing ninja.
  • Thank you.
  • You've grown stronger, Ayane.
  • You're here to help me, Ayane?
  • You are a brave warrior, Nemea.
  • Forgive me, Nemea.
  • Your strength is impressive. I can see that your destiny also lies on the battlefield.
  • Wow... I never thought you were this strong. I'm glad you're on our side.
  • Umm... Thank you. You really saved me.
  • I'm sorry to trouble you like this. I didn't mean to get in your way.
  • You're my opponent? I don't want to fight you, but I guess I've got no choice!
  • This isn't over yet... I'm sorry, but I must leave for now.
  • Lady Diaochan, your grace hides your true strength. Do you also carry some unseen burden?
  • I am sorry to impose on you, Lady Diaochan. However, I am happy that you're here.
  • You are an amazing ninja. It is a relief to know that you're on our side.
  • Thank you. You're perhaps the kindest ninja I know.
  • You've grown stronger, Ayane. I'm not sure I'll be able to beat you the next time we fight.
  • You're here to help me, Ayane? You needn't worry about me, I'll be fine.
  • You are a brave warrior, Nemea. That is why you're able to fight against your destiny.
  • Forgive me, Nemea. I'm embarrassed to have caused you so much trouble.
  • With you here, I feel as if we can win this battle. I know how devoted you are.
  • I'm happy to fight by your side. I'd forgotten how nice it is to have friends.
  • I want to thank you for coming here. Do you mind if I ask for your assistance?
  • Thank you for coming. Can I ask you to fight alongside me?
  • I don't want to fight you! Please, leave here at once!
  • I've had enough of this... I don't ever want to fight you again.
  • Lady Diaochan, your dance is sad, but lonely. I can sense the strong feelings you have.
  • Lady Diaochan, thank you! With you here, I feel I can overcome any hardship.
  • You are a first rate ninja. I could learn from the way you carry yourself.
  • I had a feeling you'd come to help. What do you say we take on the enemy together?
  • Wow, Ayane. You're truly the greatest member of the Mugen Tenshin Clan.
  • Thank you, Ayane. I'm happy that you're here to help me.
  • You seem ready for anything, Nemea. I need to learn from your courage.
  • Thank you so much, Nemea. Do you mind continuing to fight by my side?
  • It seems I'm once again forced to fight.
  • I've got so many more important things I must be doing.
  • I'm not finished yet!
  • Lady Diaochan, please get out of my way.
  • Lady Diaochan, we must stop this madness.
  • Please! I've had enough... I don't wish to fight you anymore.
  • I don't want to hurt you, but...
  • Please, stay out of my way.
  • I'm sorry... You're not somebody I can show any mercy to.
  • Ayane... I don't want to fight you, but...
  • I don't wish to fight you anymore.
  • You can't defeat me. We come from very different backgrounds.
  • Please stand down, Nemea!
  • You're strong, Nemea. However, I won't back down!
  • Forgive me, but I'm not about to lose this fight.
  • Leave me alone.
  • Do you really wish to fight me?
  • I suppose I have no choice.
  • You can't defeat me.
  • Nemea... Why are you doing this?

  • It is my fate to fight.
  • You can't defeat me.
  • This is Mugen Tenshin Ninjutus Tenjinmon. The unparalleled ninja art!
  • I can still fight.
  • I can't take any more of this.
  • I can't afford to be defeated here.
  • This is how it should be.
  • What strength! Amazing!
  • You're so strong. I'm glad we're on the same side.
  • Can you still fight? Do you need some help?
  • Can you still fight? Don't push yourself too hard.
  • Thank you so much for saving me.
  • I'm sorry. I must have dropped my guard for a moment.
  • I don't want to fight you, but I have no choice!
  • I'm not letting things end like this.
  • Hayabusa. I cannot back down, even against you.
  • I knew you were strong, Hayabusa. I hope we are allies the next time we meet.
  • Ayane. I don't want to have to fight you!
  • I just hope we never have to fight again.
  • I can learn much from your powerful will, Zhao Yun.
  • If I just had strength like you, Zhao Yun, then I could surely defeat even my fate.
  • Zhao Yun!
  • Lu Bu, how can you be so strong?
  • You really are a demon. If we met as enemies, I don't know what I would do!
  • Lu Bu!
  • Wang Yuanji, you clearly aren't afraid to fight.
  • All the determination packed into your small body must be where your strength comes from, Wang Yuanji.
  • Wang Yuanji!
  • You are so reliable, Zhou Cang.
  • No one can stop you, Zhou Cang. I'm not sure even I could keep up!
  • Zhou Cang!
  • Yukimura, can I just say... that was incredible!
  • You are so strong, Yukimura. I'm sure your brother is very proud of you.
  • Yukimura!
  • Mitsunari, you are most impressive.
  • You are so passionate, Mitsunari. I could learn something from your devotion to victory.
  • Mitsunari!
  • Your kicks look so fast and painful, Naotora!
  • You act so reserved and embarrassed the rest of the time, yet you are so bold in battle, Naotora!
  • Naotora!
  • You handle that sword so well, Arima.
  • You cut into the enemy without hesitation. I deeply respect that, Arima.
  • Arima!
  • This is the power of the Demon Clan?
  • I can't believe you are a demon, Darius. You're so reliable and kind!
  • Darius!
  • I can hardly take my eyes off you as you fight.
  • If I had to fight you, I don't think I could overcome your cuteness!
  • Nobunyaga!
  • Ōka, I see why your village relies on you so much.
  • You are simply dazzling to my eyes. As one who fled her own village, I can barely look at you.
  • Ōka!
  • I feel the weight of history behind your attacks, Horō.
  • A bit weird, but so strong. Maybe the truly strong people are all like you.
  • Horō!
  • Tokitsugu, you are a true hero.
  • One fights using their soul. I think you taught me that, Tokitsugu.
  • Tokitsugu!
  • So soft and gentle. A fighting style perfectly suited to you, Marie.
  • Marie, you're amazing! Everyone is captivated by your cuteness!
  • Marie!
  • You incorporate techniques from other styles so easily! Just like--!
  • Honoka, you fight very much like someone else I know. Please, just don't push yourself too hard.
  • Honoka!
  • Incredible! Is this the power of the Devil's daughter?
  • After witnessing such power... I might fall from grace myself.
  • Laegrinna!
  • How can you just scythe through them like that?
  • Defeating your enemy in order to survive. I understand the sentiment, but still...
  • Millennia!
  • Hayabusa, you always look so incredible in action.
  • Seeing you fight, Hayabusa, always makes me think of my brother. I wonder what he is doing now?
  • Hayabusa!
  • You're strong in this world too, Ayane.
  • Let me just say this, Ayane. I'm proud to be your sister.
  • Ayane!
  • Every one of your attacks is so powerful, William.
  • So strong, and so determined. You are a true samurai.
  • William!
  • Sophie, isn't alchemy incredible?
  • You tackle things head on, don't you Sophie. Watching you makes me think I need to make some progress myself.
  • Sophie!
  • Plachta, you're so small and yet so strong.
  • A fight for equality. I agree with your thinking, Plachta.
  • Plachta!
  • Holy Knights certainly have some skills, don't they!
  • You don't fight seeking blood, do you. All you want is happiness for those you love.
  • Arnice!
  • Chris! You fight like a devil!
  • No angel or devil could hope to touch you. Yet you are still a cherished ally.
  • Chris!
  • Rio, you are my goddess of victory too.
  • Strong, cheerful, and such a hard worker. I wonder if I could ever be like you.
  • Rio!
  • I can sense just how devoted you are, Tamaki.
  • Tamaki, you're incredible. Responsibility and determination have made you strong!
  • Tamaki!
  • Setsuna, you are like a different person in battle.
  • You can be a bit much at other times, but you look wonderful in battle, Setsuna.
  • Setsuna!
  • We can always rely on you, Shiki.
  • You're something else, Shiki. So little hesitation in battle. I'm a little jealous.
  • Shiki!
  • Some battles can't be avoided...
  • I choose to fight!