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A list of quotes commonly spoken by Christophorus.


Warriors All-Stars

  • How did you like my song of destruction?
  • Hummm, that was pathetic.
  • The unstoppable demon warrior! That sounds like a good name for me in this world.
  • You're doing well to corner me.
  • You don't hold back, do you! I think it's time to pull out.
  • I can't afford to be eradicated yet. I'm making a run for it.
  • Hummm. Things are going well.
  • Bravo! Most impressive indeed.
  • It looks like you're having a tough time. How about taking a break?
  • You're here to help me? Why thank you.
  • These uncultured swine simply have to be gone.
  • I can't risk breaking my mask with any more fighting. I'm leaving the stage.
  • Hey, Arnice. Fancy meeting you here.
  • You managed to defeat a pureblood demon? ...You can't be so human yourself then, can you...
  • Zhao Yun. So this is the strength of an ancient hero.
  • Impressive, Zhao Yun. Even a dragon couldn't beat you.
  • Zhao Yun!
  • You're idiotically strong, Lu Bu. Are you really human?
  • I'm a demon and even I'm trembling! I guess they call you "demon" too, don't they.
  • Lu Bu!
  • Calm and collected at all times. Most impressive, Wang Yuanji.
  • Wang Yuanji, you look so beautiful in battle. I understand why the enemy keeps coming for you.
  • Wang Yuanji!
  • You just rush on in there, don't you Zhou Cang.
  • Zhou Cang, what an incredible performance. Shall I play something in support? A rousing march?
  • Zhou Cang!
  • What a passionate person. It's almost infectious.
  • Such clear and strong conviction. Your lance could surely pierce the entire world, Yukimura.
  • Yukimura!
  • Strength, born from your noble ideals. Ah! I'm so moved!
  • Mitsunari, you maintain this pace. That's the way to make your ideals come true.
  • Mitsunari!
  • Your bravery is nothing to be worried about.
  • Feel free to be bolder, young lady. You've got a lot you can be proud of.
  • Naotora!
  • The way you move, it's mesmerizing.
  • Your nobility is so fragile. I want to preserve it forever.
  • Arima!
  • I sense a familiar demonic power in you.
  • You're boss, after all. Maybe I'll just leave the rest of this to you.
  • Darius!
  • You've got real skills. Especially for a cat.
  • Impressive, Nobunyaga. You call yourself a Great Devil for a reason.
  • Nobunyaga!
  • I'm honored to fight alongside someone as brave as you, Ōka.
  • A sword that slices Oni. I can imagine you cutting darkness itself, Ōka.
  • Ōka!
  • That was one impressive technique, Horō.
  • Another one down. No one can escape you, can they Horō!
  • Horō!
  • I almost want to turn you into an Ordoll, Tokitsugu!
  • You look so much like a doll, and yet sometimes... You also look like such a brave hero.
  • Tokitsugu!
  • It's almost like you are dancing. Maybe I will join you.
  • Watching you in action makes me feel like I can overcome anything.
  • Kasumi!
  • So happy to see you having fun, Marie.
  • As sweet as a saint and yet strong as a devil. You really are wonderful, Marie.
  • Marie!
  • Your deft skill is what makes you so strong, Honoka.
  • You're so lovely once you get worked up, Honoka! Now, show me all of your hidden strength!
  • Honoka!
  • I suppose I should expect no less from the Devil's daughter.
  • Your cruelty is so gratifying to watch. I think we're actually very similar.
  • Laegrinna!
  • Such intent focus upon your goal. So serious.
  • The screams you orchestrate are so lovely, Millennia. I would love to put on an opera performance with you.
  • Millennia!
  • What a sword. It might even be a match for Yorudo.
  • The secret arts of the east. Even demons cannot hope to withstand your techniques.
  • Hayabusa!
  • Well done. You're a first class shinobi, Ayane.
  • You're just so incredible. Nothing can go wrong with you along, Ayane.
  • Ayane!
  • You're so wild, William, and it feels so good.
  • How lovely, William. You, and the lovely spirit that protects you.
  • William!
  • Amazing. Alchemy is something else.
  • You're making a name for yourself, Sophie. Is there nothing you can't make?
  • Sophie!
  • You're the embodiment of dynamism, Plachta.
  • Such boundless curiosity. That's the secret behind your strength.
  • Plachta!
  • Most impressive. Well done, half-demon knight.
  • Continue on your way, half-blood lady. Right now, you could even defeat the night.
  • Arnice!
  • Rio, lead us on into victory.
  • Rio, you're fighting well today. Such sharp instincts are almost wasted on a human.
  • Rio!
  • A princess who fights her own battles. How lovely!
  • Tamaki, I see how hard you are fighting. Your devotion has struck a chord in my heart.
  • Tamaki!
  • Setsuna. You play such a violent rhythm.
  • Setsuna, what wonderful work. You are the main player on this stage, no doubt.
  • Setsuna!
  • A prince has to also be strong, doesn't he.
  • Shiki, you look so lovely when you are fighting. So cool. It's almost too much.
  • Shiki!
  • Hehe... This is a wonderful stage on which to ply my craft.
  • The concert is about to begin.