Wang Yi/Movesets

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Revision as of 04:06, 22 May 2023 by MortarJean (talk | contribs) (Her trigger attack in DW9 bears no resemblance to the attack from DW8)


Keys: Square Normal Attack • Triangle Charge Attack Circle Musou X Jump/Mount

Base Game

Wang Yi is affiliated with the trishula in this title. When equipped with it, Wang Yi can perform the following unique attacks listed below.

EX Attack: Square Triangle Triangle: Rushes forward with a chain of quick slashes done back and forth. It ends with Wang Yi performing a sweeping strike that disperses the enemy in various directions.
Musou Attack - Mordant Fang (斬牙; lit. "Slicing Fangs"): Circle: Rushes forward and somersault kicks opponents into the air while producing a misty blue pillar in her wake, then delivers an outward cross slash to cast them down afterwards.
Aerial Musou Attack - Deadly Fang (襲牙; lit. "Advancing Fangs"): X Circle: Dives down and aims both trishulas at a diagonal angle. If Wang Yi successfully connects with an opponent, she will stab them with one of her trishulas and twirls herself into a kneeling position. She then gloats while stabbing her victim with the other trishula. Cannot be blocked against.
Notable Skills
  • Attack Up +: Increases attack by a medium amount.
  • Attack Range Up: Increases attack range.
  • Trishula Master: Gains expertise at wielding the trishula.
  • Officer Assassin: Increases attack and defense when fighting officers.
Lieutenant General (偏将軍) - Slightly increases Legend Mode rewards.
Defense General (典軍校尉) - Slightly increases damage inflicted on enemies when using EX weapons.
River General (横江将軍) - Marginally increases attack and defense against officers when using speed-type weapons.
Campaign General (討逆将軍) - Marginally absorbs health from enemies when damaging them using speed-type weapons.
Front General (前将軍) - Moderately increases defense against projectile and shockwave attacks when using power-type weapons.
Minister of the Interior (侍中) - Improves the quality of sword and shield power-ups dropped by enemies.
Grand Commander (太尉) - Moderately increases damage inflicted on enemies when using speed-type weapons.
Empress (渭陽君) - Moderately decreases damage taken from enemies when using speed-type weapons.

Dynasty Warriors 7: Empires

Officer Skills
  • Fame Type: Wise
  • Subordinate Special Command 1 - Slander: Advises a ruler with a very high friendship rating to banish an officer from their service. Increases wise fame by 1,500 and evil fame by 1,000 when used.
  • Subordinate Special Command 2 - Alienate: Creates distrust between the ruler of another kingdom and its officers. Increases wise fame by 3,000 when used. Also available as a special command for rulers.

Dynasty Warriors Next

Wang Yi is affiliated with the trishula in this title.

Unique Attacks
EX Attack: Square Triangle Triangle: Serves the same function like in the base game.
Musou Attack: Circle: Wang Yi performs Mordant Fang as their main Musou attack with the game classifying it as a Throw type.
Speed Musou Attack - Blast: Tap Both Sides of Screen: Wang Yi charges at the opponent at medium speed while surrounded by blue-colored energy. She then ends the attack with an ascending criss-cross slash.
Direct Breaks
Direct Break (Default) - Swordsmen: Commands a group of swordsmen to perform a joint melee assault.
Direct Break (Alternate) - Tigers: Summons several tigers that emit a shockwave-inducing howl.
Direct Break (Downloadable) - Sorcerers: Conjures a wall of lightning around the player, shocking nearby foes.
Stratagem Card (Default) - Blade of Vengeance (復讐の妖刃; lit. "Demonic Blade of Revenge"): Greatly increases player's attack speed.
Stratagem Card (Alternate) - Crazed Determination (狂おしき思い; lit. "Insane Feelings"): Greatly increases player's attack, but greatly decreases defense in turn.
Stratagem Card (Downloadable) - Dance of Emotion (情念の舞踏; lit. "Passionate Dance"): Greatly increases allied officers' attack.
Allied Stratagem: If deployed as a playable officer, Wang Yi will bring more wine to make it appear at an increased rate during battle. Has a chance of happening from time to time.

Shin Sangoku Musou Online Z

Made playable via spirit item, Wang Yi's moveset uses many of the same attacks offered by the trishula moveset albeit with some differences.

Modified Attacks
Charge Attack 1: Performs a backflip kick followed by a frontal kick. Later updates add a flaming trail to the second kick.
Charge Attack 3: Similar to what the trishula moveset has access to, but adds an extension in which the user runs forward and unleashes several criss-crossing slashes trailing with blue streaks. The attack ends with one last diagonal slash.
Charge Attack 4: Similar to what the trishula moveset has access to, but produces a more eruptive orange fissure instead. Later updates tone down the effects to make it more viewable.
Charge Attack 5: Similar to what the trishula moveset has access to, but the animation producing the whirlwind is a backflip attack. More recent updates replace the tornado with a round fiery slash sent to the left.
Charge Attack 6: This move is identical to the eclipse charge attack, though later updates give it a fiery effect to differentiate it from what player avatars normally gain access to.
Musou Attack: Releases an energy burst that burns and dazes foes before performing Wang Yi's Mordant Fang Musou attack from Dynasty Warriors 7: Xtreme Legends.
Special Abilities
Domestic Bonus: +10 to Technology
Battle Bonus: +7 to Attack
Best Formation 1 - Snake Formation: 3 to 5 Units, Defense Type
Best Formation 2 - Radial Formation: 1 to 5 Units, Balanced Type
Best Formation 3 - Crescent Formation: 3 to 5 Units, Offense Type
Support Skill - Vengeful Blade (復讐の刃): Attacks all enemy units.

Dynasty Warriors: Overlords

Main Attacks
Strong Attack 1 (Dash): Launches a sweeping slash while spinning at a low angle, then ends the move with a cross swipe. Inflicts 200% attack damage to foes caught in Wang Yi's path. Its bonus effect enables the first hit to deal 44% attack damage to elite enemies while inflicting them with a debuff that increases the amount of damage they take by 18% for 8 seconds.
Strong Attack 1 (Break): Does a somersault kick that produces blue fissures on the ground, then follows up with a forward kick to pierce through the opponent. Deals a total of 240% attack damage. Its bonus effect allows it to deal an additional 380% attack damage on hit and greatly reduces their super armor bar. The effect itself triggers every 30 seconds.
Strong Attack 1 (Armor): Hits foes with a sweeping roundhouse kick followed by a back kick. Inflicts a total of 190% attack damage. Its bonus effect grants nearby friendly units a shield that adds a 9% bonus to their health, a 30% damage reduction, and a minor super armor effect. It lasts for 8 seconds and triggers every 40 seconds.
Strong Attack 1 (Gather): Performs two low spin slashes with the first one done clockwise and the second one counterclockwise, dealing a total of 200% attack damage in the process. Its bonus effect deals an additional 18% damage to all enemy troops within range and pulls them closer to the user. The effect itself triggers every 10 seconds.
Strong Attack 2: Flings nearby foes into the air by brandishing trishulas horizontally and vertically, dealing 180% attack damage.
Strong Attack 3: Performs a butterfly kick followed by a forceful slash to the lower left while crouching. Deals a total of 180% attack damage.
Strong Attack 4: Somersaults into the air and stabs the ground with both trishulas upon landing, inflicting 220% attack damage on enemies.
Strong Attack 5: Generates a blue whirlwind while doing a somersault kick to launch foes into the air at a higher altitude. Deals 170% attack damage.
Strong Attack 6: Tosses both trishulas like boomerangs and manipulates them to symmetrically orbit around Wang Yi, inflicting a total of 230% attack damage to surrounding foes.
Normal Attack 1: Does a twirling leftward swipe that deals 70% attack damage to foes in front.
Normal Attack 2: Uses left trishula to strike at enemies horizontally, dealing 80% attack damage.
Normal Attack 3: Wields right trishula towards the left to prolong the combo while inflicting 100% attack damage.
Normal Attack 4: Performs a slanted spinning swipe using right trishula, dealing 120% attack damage to enemies.
Normal Attack 5: Brandishes both trishulas sideways in circles to inflict 140% attack damage.
Normal Attack 6: Lands a thrusting cross slash that deals 190% attack damage to foes caught within range.
Special Attacks
EX Attack: Moves forth quickly and continuously hacks at foes in rapid succession, ending the barrage with a cross swipe. Deals a total of 430% attack damage while slowing targets down momentarily.
Musou Attack: Performing a rendition of her Mordant Fang Musou attack, Wang Yi delivers an overhead kick to knock enemies into the air before devastating them with a fierce cross slash. If the attack fails to connect, Wang Yi will simply somersault into the air while leaving behind three fissure lines traveling outward in front of her. Deals a total of 910% attack damage.
Auxiliary Attacks
Dash Attack: Launches a cross slash with both trishulas while sliding briefly.
Switch Attack: Repels nearby enemies with a crouching cross swipe upon landing down. Only used in certain competitive modes.
Counter Attack: Dazes foes the moment they hit while blocking.
Evasion: Flips quickly at a low altitude to avoid enemy attacks instantly.
Horse Attacks
Horse Normal Attack: Swings both trishulas to the right side repeatedly.
Horse Kick Attack: Has horse unleash powerful kicks with its forelegs. Has a cooldown time of 8 seconds.
Horse Stomp Attack: Has horse stomp the ground hard. Has a cooldown time of 6 seconds.
Horse Musou Attack: Commands horse to charge forward at high speed for a short duration of time.
General Tactics
Thrust: Increases penetration in battle by 4%. Effects increase the higher Wang Yi's star ranking becomes.
Freezing Frost: Causes EX attack to inflict the biting cold ailment on foes, reducing their mobility by 2% for 2 seconds. Can be stacked up to 8 times for additional effect, though normal hits deduct each stack in exchange for dealing 58% more damage. If a target with 8 stacks of biting cold loses all of them, they will instantly be frozen for 1 second.
Combat Soul Skills
Heaven Combat Soul Skill: Turns dash attacks into critical hits every 10 seconds while dealing 60% more critical damage. Bonus increases the higher the combat soul's ranking rises.
Earth Combat Soul Skill: Gains a 5% attack boost per 2 seconds of dashing forth, lasting for a duration of 6 seconds. Can be stacked up to 5 times. Bonus increases the higher the combat soul's ranking rises.
Human Combat Soul Skill: Causes charge attacks to deal 21% more damage within 10 seconds of Wang Yi being hit by an enemy. Bonus increases the higher the combat soul's ranking rises.
Skin Skills
Suit Skill: Causes normal attacks, charge attacks, and dash attack to deal 6% more damage.
Ornament Skill: Gains a 5% defense boost while imbuing dash attack with the ability to immobilize foes so long as Wang Yi's maximum health is below 50%.
Horse Skills
Golden Scale: Causes EX attack to deal 36% more damage to frozen and slowed enemies for 10 seconds.
Bachong: Causes EX attack to deal 54% more damage to frozen and slowed enemies for 10 seconds.
Purple Sun: Increases damage dealt in battle by 10%.
Team Combination
Nightmare Blossom
Required Characters: Wang Yi, Ma Chao
Bonus: +10,111 Health, +802 Attack
Joint Skill: Wang Yi performs a special coordinated attack with Ma Chao in which the two warriors fervently duel one another while inflicting collateral damage to nearby foes. The duel begins with Wang Yi delivering two advancing swipes before somersaulting away from Ma Chao's counterattack and blocking his overhead strike. She then tosses several ice picks that Ma Chao rebounds to several enemies surrounding him. After ducking one of his attacks, she twirls around before delivering a powerful high kick that sends him airborne. As he points his spear at her in retaliation, Wang Yi leaps up and points both of her trishulas at him. Their final clash triggers bursts of blue and green energy waves that coalesce into an explosive ball of light to devastate remaining targets.
Wine Under the Moon
Required Characters:
Bonus: +6,889 Health, +547 Attack
Required Characters: Zhang Liao, Cai Wenji, Wang Yi
Bonus: +16,778 Health, +1,332 Attack
Special Skill: Gives attacks a 14% chance of summoning extremely cold ice to strike the enemy, dealing 240% attack as extra damage and freezing them for 3 seconds. Has a 4 second cooldown time.
Joy of Delusion
Required Characters: Cai Wenji, Wang Yi, Guo Jia
Bonus: +16,778 Health, +1,332 Attack

Warriors Orochi 3

Wang Yi retains her weapon moveset from Dynasty Warriors 7: Xtreme Legends albeit with some changes and additions.

Changed Attacks
Jump Charge: X Triangle: Lands a powerful kick on the earth, producing a small tremor beneath feet.
Team Abilities
Ability 1 - Efficacy: Increases damage inflicted upon enemy officers for all team members.
Ability 2 - Speed: Increases abilities of Speed-type warriors. Only available in Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate.
Special Attacks
Musou Attack: Circle: Wang Yi performs Mordant Fang as their ground Musou attack.
Counter Attack: Counter + L1 + Square: Quickly swats away an enemy's attack, causing them to stagger briefly.
Assist Attack: Counter + L1 or R1: Wang Yi performs the fourth charge attack to assist a teammate while surrounded within an updraft of wind for extra coverage.
Grounded Type Action: R1: Leaps forward and quickly slashes the enemy horizontally three times in a row. Works effectively in clearing away weaker crowds.
Midair Type Action: X R1: Throws both weapons forward downward while somersaulting back in mid-air. Razor wind rings briefly form around Wang Yi's weapons as they get tossed in diverging directions.
Aerial Thrust: X X: Flips in mid-air to lengthen own jumping prowess while evading more foes.
Normal Strategy Card: Fangs of Retribution (報復の牙): Fires a dart that produces a blue pillar of energy upon hitting the opponent. Becomes more effective if the target is currently afflicted with a status ailment. Due to its narrow aim, players must ensure they are directly facing their target before activating this card.
Golden Strategy Card: Blade of Enmity (怨嗟の刃): Sends out a single dart to damage the opponent and immobilize them momentarily. Like with the Fangs of Retribution, this attack must be carefully aimed first due to its limited range.
Team Attacks
Triple Rush 1: Does an upward strike that unleashes a mobile shockwave traveling on the ground.
Triple Rush 2: Lands several short swings done back and forth.
Triple Rush 3: Sends down a massive energy wave by twirling both weapons in an outward manner.
Unique Triple Rush: Wang Yi is able to unleash a unique triple rush attack if she happens to be paired up with Oichi and Nō. When her turn to attack comes, Wang Yi caresses one of her trishulas before unleashing a swift strike to land a clean hit against the enemies surrounding her.

Fighting Style

Keys: Square Normal Attack • Triangle Charge Attack Circle Musou X Jump/Mount

Base Game

Wang Yi is affiliated with the trishula in this title. When equipped with it, Wang Yi can perform the following unique attacks listed below.

EX Attack 1: Square Triangle Triangle: Rushes forward with a chain of quick slashes done back and forth. It ends with Wang Yi performing a sweeping strike that disperses the enemy in various directions.
EX Attack 2: Square Square Square Square Square Triangle Triangle: Runs towards a nearby foe and slashes at them while crouching, continuing the assault by quickly performing a reverse spinning kick. Introduced in Xtreme Legends.
Musou Attack - Slicing Fangs (斬牙): Circle: Rushes forward and somersault kicks opponents into the air while producing a misty blue pillar in her wake, then delivers an outward cross slash to cast them down afterwards. If Wang Yi is unable to connect the attack with an enemy, she will instead leap up high while releasing three fissures that emit violet blue flames in their wake. This move had a bug that made parts of it do no damage, though it has since been fixed in the 1.02 version patch.
Alternate Musou Attack - Destructive Fangs (滅牙): R1 + Circle: Somersaults far behind the enemy ranks and knocks them away with a single dashing strike while facing the other way afterwards. A bug made this attack less effective in terms of damage output, though the 1.02 version update fixes that problem.
Aerial Musou Attack - Striking Fangs (襲牙; lit. "Advancing Fangs"): X Circle: Dives down and aims both trishulas at a diagonal angle. If Wang Yi successfully connects with an opponent, she will stab them with one of her trishulas and twirls herself into a kneeling position. She then gloats while stabbing her victim with the other trishula. Cannot be blocked against. Has an innate cyclone element for the hits that come after the attack successfully connects.
Rage Attack: Repeatedly slashes crosswise with both weapons at the same time while sprinting forward. Right after pausing for a brief moment, Wang Yi does a ground stab with one trishula that releases a radial burst of energy in all directions.
True Rage Attack: Upon accumulating 100 hits in the middle of a rage attack, the normal attack pattern used by Wang Yi is replaced by continuous sliding spin slashes accompanied by several swings from left to right after standing still near the end of the combo.

Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends

Bodyguard Skills
Battle Skill - Assist Main Unit: Moves immediately to the allied commander. If there is no allied commander present, the user will move to the player's position instead.
Assistance Skill - Growth: Causes enemies to occasionally drop growth items when defeated.
Rouse Skill - Protect: Increases the defense power of bodyguards when they are near death.

Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires

Wang Yi is affiliated with the emei piercers in this title. When equipped with it, Wang Yi can perform the following unique attacks listed below.

EX Attack 1: Square Square Square Triangle Triangle: Wang Yi launches herself and her opponent into the air via somersault kick, then does a double outward slash wide enough to knock away surrounding enemies. Takes cues from her old Slicing Fangs Musou attack.
EX Attack 2: Square Triangle Triangle: Performs a somersault kick to send an enemy airborne, then swiftly stabs them to the ground. The motions are partially inspired from Wang Yi's old Striking Fangs Musou attack.
Musou Attack - Mad Dash (冥来; lit. "Underworld Arrival"): Circle: Wang Yi skids forward in a zigzag motion and impales her enemies with multiple needles of energy. Once done with moving, she causes them to disperse into streaks of light aimed at different directions, devastating the affected opponents while covering her position for a brief moment.
Alternate Musou Attack - Heart Stopper (滅心堕獄; lit. "Destroying Heart Hellbound"): R1 + Circle: Stabs an enemy with one piercer, then uses the other to slash upward. The resulting slash causes an aftershock effect that causes surrounding foes to lose their footing and fall down.
Aerial Musou Attack - Clutch of Despair (殲望; lit. "Killing Hope"): X Circle: Dives unto an enemy target and slashes them fiercely from behind, knocking away any nearby opponents in the process. Wang Yi knocks them down a second time by leaping into the air afterwards.
Rage Attack: Wang Yi twirls both piercers back and forth rapidly several times while moving about, ending the attack by stabbing her weapons on the ground to produce both massive tremors and a sizable burst of energy around her.
True Rage Attack: Performing 100 hits during a Rage attack will have Wang Yi run even faster while twirling her piercers at both sides repeatedly, generating a loop of electricity around her. Upon stopping, she then repeatedly swirls her arms clockwise while rotating both weapons simultaneously.
Ways of Life Skills
Ways of Life - Keen Eyed General: Resourceful Type, +1 to Virtue, 3,000 Employment Cost
Fixed Strategy - Forced Conscription: Uses up resources to recruit a good amount of troops against their will.
Stratagem Card 1 - Bowman Turret: Places a turret that fires down arrows on enemy bases within a 75 meter raidus.
Stratagem Card 2 - Healing Turret: Places a turret that enables an allied base to heal the user and their allies within a 30 meter radius.
Stratagem Card 3 - Catapult: Damages spot turrents on enemy bases within a 50 meter radius.
Stratagem Card 4 - Snow Altar: Places an altar to change the weather to snow. Increases the stratagem gauge of allies near it. During gales or storms, the weather will change to blizzard instead.
Stratagem Card 5 - Wing Formation: Increases defense of all allied units for 90 seconds. Requires an allied unit to temporarily withdraw for card to take effect.
Awarded Stratagem Card - Osmosis: Enables the user to spot enemy ambushes and base traps within the area for 60 seconds.

Shin Sangoku Musou Blast

Original Card
Unit Type: Infantry
Musou - Slicing Fangs (斬牙): Launches enemies into the air via tornado and performs a wide aerial slash with both weapons.
Skill - Raid (襲撃): Inflicts minimal damage against enemies while increasing movement speed for 60 seconds.
Team Effect - Wei Attacking Formation: Increases effectiveness of Musou attacks and skills in proportion to the amount of Wei officers on the team.

Dynasty Warriors: Unleashed

Main Attacks
Strong Attack 1 - Row of Fangs (連牙; lit. "Chain Fangs"): Performs a somersault kick before whirling weapons around while rolling forward, ending the attack with a sudden shockwave burst. Has a cooldown time of 16 seconds (16 seconds in the Japanese server).
Strong Attack 2 - Diving Fang (墜牙; lit. "Falling Fangs"): Swings back and forth before somersaulting in time to stab the ground. Also improves attack power by 10% for 10 seconds. In the Japanese server, the move instead lowers the enemy's total health temporarily. Has a cooldown time of 20 seconds (16 seconds in the Japanese server).
Strong Attack 3 - Rushing Fang (衝牙; lit. "Clashing Fangs"): Launches several round slashes before dashing forward and continuing the flurry of hits, sending nearby enemies flying and dealing them heavy damage. It also deals additional shield damage in the Japanese server. Has a cooldown time of 25 seconds (24 seconds in the Japanese server).
Strong Attack 4 - Whirlwind Fang (旋牙; lit. "Pivoting Fangs"): Hurls both weapons at the enemy, causing them to spin rapidly in a circle before returning back to Wang Yi who ends the move with a single powerful slash. In the Japanese server, it also increases attack speed by 50% for 5 seconds. Has a cooldown time of 31 seconds (24 seconds in the Japanese server).
Normal Attack: Performs their preferred weapon's normal attack string.
Special Attacks
Musou Attack - Slicing Fangs (斬牙): Lifts the enemy into the air with a shockwave force and drops a wide blue energy wave on them before landing back down. Gets overriden by the character's Rage attack once all three Musou gauges have been filled up.
Musou Rage Attack: Performs Rage attack once all three Musou gauges have been filled up.
Switch Attack: Backflips in mid-air before landing a sweeping strike on the floor.
Special Maneuver - Dodge: Rushes forward to avoid incoming attacks.
Team Attacks
Triple Attack 1: Performs a shortened version of Row of Fangs to contribute to the combo.
Triple Attack 3: Performs a shortened version of Diving Fang to contribute to the combo.
Global Server-Exclusive Passive Skills
Primary Skill - Demon Blossom of Vengeance: Increases critical chance of all officers by 10%.
Secondary Skill: All officers have a chance to reflect 15% of damage caused by the enemy.
Tertiary Skill: Decreases skill cooldown of Wei officers by 15%.
Japanese Server-Exclusive Passive Skills
Primary Skill: Increases critical chance for normal attacks by 30%. Activates after filling up one Musou bar.
Secondary Skill: Recovers 0.6% of health per second. Activates after filling up two Musou bars.
Team Combination
Female Heroes (才色兼備; "Gifted in Multiple Talents")
Required Characters: Wang Yi, Yueying
Bonus: Critical Chance +5%, Musou Generation +4%
Ji's Grudge (終わらぬ復讐; "Never-Ending Vengeance")
Required Characters: Wang Yi, Ma Chao
Bonus: Skill Cooldown -3.5%, Critical Damage +5%
Flower of War (戦場を咲く花; "Flowers Blooming on the Battlefield")
Required Characters: Wang Yi, Bao Sanniang, Wang Yuanji
Bonus: Critical Chance +3.5%, Critical Damage +3% (+6% in the Japanese server), Defense +3%
Team Attack: Wang Yi will be able to perform a triple attack if she happens to be partnered with Bao Sanniang and Wang Yuanji. She is the first to act during the whole combo. Only applies to the global server.
Global Server-Exclusive Team Combination
Girl Power
Required Characters: Wang Yi, Sun Shangxiang, Zhurong
Bonus: Attack Speed +3.5%, Critical Damage +3.5%, Max Health +4%
Team Attack: Wang Yi will be able to perform a triple attack if she happens to be partnered with Sun Shangxiang and Zhurong. She is the last to act during the whole combo. Only applies to the global server.
Japanese Server-Exclusive Team Combination
Adult Drinking Banquet (大人の酒宴)
Required Characters: Wang Yi, Guo Jia
Bonus: Max Health +4.5%, Element Advantage +5%
Wandering Beauties (彷徨える美女)
Required Characters: Wang Yi, Lu Lingqi
Bonus: Critical Damage +4%, Element Advantage +5%

Warriors Orochi 4

While retaining the same moveset from Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires, Wang Yi wields the Harpe as their sacred treasure in this title. When equipped with it, Wang Yi can perform the following attacks listed below.

Special Attacks
Musou Attack: Circle: Wang Yi performs Mad Dash as their ground Musou attack.
Normal Magic: R1 + Square: Conjures a cyclone that sweeps enemies off their feet while ensnaring them briefly. Has fairly wide range and can be used to catch enemy officers off-guard. Can also be strengthened with certain weapon attributes.
Charge Magic: R1 + Triangle: Summons a tornado that moves according to the user's command before dissipating in one massive gust, launching affected targets high up into the air. This spell cannot send monsters airborne, though it can damage them repeatedly.
Unique Magic: R1 + Circle: Wang Yi briefly twirls the Harpe before hurling it vertically like a boomerang. As the attack sucks in foes and juggles them repeatedly, Wang Yi backflips to the air before warping to the treasure's location and grabbing it back.
Summon Magic: R1 + X: Summons mount to Wang Yi's side.
Miscellaneous Skills
Unity Magic Bonus: Power +4, Technique +1, Speed +4
Musou Effect - Empower: Temporarily raises attack, defense, and hit speed. Only applies in Battle Arena.
Divine Blessing 1 - Breakneck: Increases movement speed and attack speed. Only applies in Battle Arena.
Divine Blessing 2 - Assail: Increases attack speed, normal attack power, and charge attack power. Only applies in Battle Arena.
Infinity Support Skill - Gems: Increases the amount of gems received. Only applies in Infinity Mode.
Type Skills
Critical Combo: Passive: Extends the duration of combo chains by 2 seconds and increases damage dealt after performing 300 or more hits.
Aerial Thrust: X X: Performs an air dash while jumping forward. Can be used to jump cancel attacks.
Type Upgrade Skill 1 - Swiftness: Allows the character to perform two aerial thrusts in a row.
Type Upgrade Skill 2 - Acrobat: Increases the power of the first hit after doing an aerial thrust.
Type Upgrade Skill 3 - Illusion: Allows the character to escape attacks by pressing X to somersault.
Type Upgrade Skill 4 - Impenetrable: Enables enemy attacks from behind to be guarded against.
Type Upgrade Skill 5 - Escaper: Temporarily increases speed when somersaulting with little health left.

Fighting Style

Keys: Square Flow Attack • Triangle Reactive Attack • Circle Musou X Jump/Mount

Base Game

Wang Yi is affiliated with the wheels and emei piercers in this title. When equipped with them, Wang Yi can perform the following unique attacks listed below.

Unique Attacks
Unique Flow Attack Finisher (Wheels): Enemy Downed + Square Square Square Square: Runs towards a nearby foe and spin slashes them while crouching, leaving behind multiple slash trails to eviscerate more enemies along the way. Partially derived from Wang Yi's second EX attack in the previous installment.
Unique Flow Attack Finisher (Emei Piercers): Enemy Standing + Square Square Square Square: Stabs a nearby foe's neck with one piercer, then rotates around their body in mid-air before somersaulting over them to perform a dropping cross swipe. Based on the emei piercer moveset's third charge attack from the eighth title.
Unique Trigger Attack (Wheels): R1 + X: Rolls into the air and strikes the ground with both wheels to knock down foes in front of Wang Yi. Borrows motions from the trishula moveset's fourth charge attack in previous games.
Unique Trigger Attack (Emei Piercers): R1 + X: Uses right emei piercer to stab nearby foe. Quick to use, though its narrow range limits its effectiveness.
Special Technique: R1 + Circle: Rushes forward and swings both wheels back and forth, creating multiple dark red lines that inflict slash-based damage on foes impeding Wang Yi's way. Based on her first EX attack in the previous two games.
Musou Attack: Circle: Quickly tosses both wheels forward in a crossed motion repeatedly while making brisk but steady steps each time. Wang Yi then tosses her weapons like boomerangs in diverging directions before grabbing them back in time to do a leaping strike that creates multiple thin red lines traveling in different angles around her. Both the wheel toss and red streaks inflict slash damage.
Aerial Musou Attack: X Circle: Leaps over a group of enemies and surprises them with a sweeping slice while sliding on the ground. Has elements of Wang Yi's Destructive Fangs Musou, though this incarnation of the move can now cause slash-based damage.
Horse Maneuvers
Summon Horse: L2: Summon horse to the battlefield. Holding L2 as the horse approaches will allow the character to automatically mount them.
Auto-Run: Riding Mode + L2: Automatically runs towards a specified destination. If a destination has not been set, the horse will instead run towards the location of the player's currently selected mission.
Sprint: Riding Mode + Direction + R1: Causes horse to run at a faster pace. Doing so depletes their stamina each time.
Jump: Riding Mode + Direction + R2: Causes horse to jump high while running.
Horse Fast Attack: Riding Mode + Square: Performs a fast and seamless attack while mounted. The attack itself varies depending on what type of weapon is equipped and whether the enemy is grounded or airborne.
Horse Trigger Attack: Riding Mode + Triangle: Performs an attack that sends enemies flying into the air. May vary depending on what type of weapon is equipped.
Horse Musou Attack: Riding Mode + Circle: Causes horse to sprint by consuming Musou instead of stamina.
Dismount Horse: Riding Mode + X: Dismounts from horse and resumes default fighting stance.
Bow Maneuvers
Shooting Mode: 🡻: Pulls out bow and assumes archery stance. Can be cancelled by tapping 🡻 again.
Switch Arrows: 🡸 or 🡺: Switches between different types of arrows.
Bow Attack: Shooting Mode + Square: Fires current arrow at a target. Can lock on targets by tapping R3.
Lower Bow: Shooting Mode + X: Lowers bow while squatting down.

Dynasty Warriors 9: Empires

Officer Skills
Secret Plan - Enchanting Frostblades (妖花の氷刃; lit. "Bewitching Flower's Ice Blades"): Unleashes a powerful ice attack and nullifies the effects of active secret plans.
Military Unit: Archer
Title: Endless Courage (勇猛果敢; "Brave and Courageous")
Unique Political Ploy - Great Military Exercise: Increases achievements of all officers within the target area by 1,200.
Reputation Bonus: Brave +50%, Commanding +80%, Ingenious +25%, Benevolent +80%, Evil -50%

Shin Sangoku Musou Apuri

Base Attacks
Normal Attack: Performs unique flow attack string from the base game using the emei piercers. Available by default.
Aerial Attack: Performs aerial flow attack string from the base game.
Repel Attack: Performs knock-down trigger attack from the base game to repel foes.
Launch Attack: Performs launch trigger attack from the base game to lift foes into the air. Can be followed up with aerial flow hit string activated by repeatedly tapping the normal attack icon.
Stun Attack: Performs stun trigger attack from the base game to daze foes momentarily. Can be followed up with stun flow hit string activated by repeatedly tapping the normal attack icon.
Guard Break Attack: Performs guard break attack from the base game to break the enemy's guard. Can be followed up with down flow hit string activated by repeatedly tapping the normal attack icon.
Chain Attack: Performs down flow attack from the base game to repeatedly strike at foes. Does heavy damage, but cannot deplete the target's spirit. This move is mostly available to attack-type versions of Wang Yi.
Endurance Attack: Performs separating attack from the base game while generating a protective aura that temporarily boosts defense. This move is mostly available to defense-type versions of Wang Yi.
Sneak Attack: Performs dash attack from the base game to inflict heavy damage on the opponent's spirit. This move is mostly available to speed-type versions of Wang Yi.
Missile Attack: Leaps into the air and fires a projectile that turns into a large tornado upon hitting the ground. Does decent damage from a distance, but cannot deplete the target's spirit. This move is mostly available to snipe-type versions of Wang Yi.
Recover Attack: Performs separating attack from the base game while generating a healing circle that gradually restores health. Has no elemental variations with each upgraded version. This move is mostly available to special-type versions of Wang Yi.
Special Attacks
Unique Attack 1 - Striking Fangs (襲牙): Performs special technique from the base game. Available by default.
Unique Attack 2 - Hell (奈落): Performs unique trigger from the base game using the emei piercers. Initially available for UR rank versions of its user, this move can be learned upon reaching level 170.
Musou Attack: Performs Musou attack from base game minus the looping animation. Consumes one full Musou gauge.
Aerial Musou Attack: Performs aerial Musou attack from base game. Consumes one full Musou gauge.
Super Musou Attack: Performs full Musou attack from base game. Consumes two full Musou gauges.
Auxiliary Attacks
Counter Attack: Performs counter attack from the base game by tapping the orange counter icon near the opponent once it pops up.
Finishing Attack: Performs finishing attack from the base game by tapping the golden finisher icon that appears once the opponent's spirit has been fully depleted.
Normal Evasion: Does a normal evasion maneuver on the ground to avoid enemy attacks. Can only be performed by attack-type and special-type versions of Wang Yi.
Swift Evasion: Hovers in the air to avoid enemy attacks in an instant. Can only be performed by speed-type and snipe-type versions of Wang Yi.
Piercing Evasion: Charges forth while hunched to avoid enemy attacks while dealing chip damage to foes blocking the way. Can only be performed by defense-type versions of Wang Yi.

Normal Version Attacks

Class Type: Speed

Mystic Version Attacks

Class Type: Attack

Abyss Version Attacks

Class Type: Snipe

Dudou Version Attacks

Class Type: Defense

Other Skills

Memory Abilities
Flower Garden of the Abyss (深淵の花園)
Characters: Wang Yi
Rank: R
Bonus: +205 Musou
Skill - Fortitude (堅固): Reduces damage from soldiers by 7%.
Secret Thoughts (秘めた想い)
Characters: Zhang Fei, Ma Chao, Xiahouji, Wang Yi
Rank: SSR
Bonus: +514 Attack, +514 Willpower
Skill - Heal (快癒): Recovers 15 health points every 4 seconds.
Bewitching Flower Blooming in Vengeance - Dynasty Warriors 8 (復讐に咲く妖花)
Characters: Wang Yi
Rank: UR
Bonus: +713 Defense, +713 Health, +713 Musou
Skill 1 - Restore (全快): Recovers 10 health and Musou points every 4 seconds.
Skill 2 - Rampage (乱撃): Increases Musou attack damage by 18%.
Team Combination
Adult Socialization (大人の付き合い)
Required Characters: Wang Yi, Guo Jia
Bonus: +50 Musou, +100 Willpower
Crimson Inevitability (深紅の因縁)
Required Characters: Wang Yi, Ma Chao
Bonus: +100 Musou, +50 Willpower
Lonely Flowers (孤高の花)
Required Characters: Wang Yi, Lu Lingqi
Bonus: +100 Musou, +50 Willpower
Moonlit Night Thirst (月夜の渇き)
Required Characters: Wang Yi, Cao Xiu
Bonus: +100 Musou, +50 Willpower

Fighting Style