Liberty or Death/Officer List

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Following the trend of Koei's historical simulations, Liberty or Death boasts a huge number of historical characters including non-combatant figures. There are about 250 different officers from various factions and 42 politicians affiliated with either the Americans or British. For the purpose of this page, only the statistical values of each officer from the game's English release will be listed down.


Every officer is given a set amount of stats that reflect on their capabilities and limitations. Understanding the role of these various traits and how much of an impact they have is essential in order to determine what type of actions might work best for a particular character. Furthermore, cooperation between officers helps compound the effects of stats to improve the results of a specific task. Stats in turn are divided between the officers themselves and the regiments in their command.

Officer Stats

The following stats below represent the officer's ability in performing tasks. With the exception of Body and Reputation, these figures remain at a fixed level and cannot be altered by any means.

  • Body - Shows the officer's physical ability to perform tasks outside of battle. It diminishes each time an action is performed and gradually recovers by the next turn unless injuries or other forms of illnesses occur.
  • Leadership (LDR) - This stat determines the officer's competency in leading troops. Leadership is a useful trait when it comes to drilling soldiers and giving out orders.
  • Tactics (TAC) - This stat demonstrates the officer's overall intellect and cunning. A good amount of this trait is needed in order to construct cannons and boats.
  • Discipline (DIS) - Determines the officer's willingness to follow orders and inspire discipline from his men. This stat is also a necessary factor in maintaining the morale of every soldier within a regiment.
  • Reputation (REP) - This stat shows the officer's reputation within the public eye. More acclaim makes it easier to gain the trust of the people.
  • Type - Describes the officer's unit type in battle. Officers start out as one of these four available units each with their own special set of skills: Infantries, Cavalries, Guerrillas, and Engineers.
  • Home - This stat shows the unit's place of birth and does not apply to foreign officers. In the case of third-party locals, it also shows which district they can take actions in unless recruited into the player's army.

Regiment Stats

These stats specifically show the current strength and condition of the officer's regiment. Unlike officer stats, these numbers can easily fluctuate between 1-100 due to many factors and events (Men, on the other hand, fall into a larger amount that may vary for each unit type).

  • Loyalty (LOY) - Represents the loyalty of the whole regiment, and by extension, the officer in charge. It increases by offering bonuses or promotions and decreases by not paying salaries.
  • Men - This stat shows the amount of men a regiment has. Mutinies, smallpox, and battle casualties will cause this number to decrease.
  • Training (TRN) - This stat demonstrates how much drills the regiment has been through and how strong they are in actual combat. Newly-drafted soldiers require constant training so as to keep this trait up by a viable amount.
  • Arms - A figure that represents how well the regiment is armed, it increases by purchasing arms and decreases due to casualties.
  • Morale (MOR) - This describes the amount of morale a regiment has. A low morale may cause soldiers to mutiny, reducing the amount of men in a regiment by half (or more if morale does not increase).


Rank refers to the officer's hierarchical position within the military. A regiment with the highest-ranking commanding officer (or one with the highest level of skills if two or more have the same rank) will always take charge of any district. During each subsequent meeting, players may choose to promote two or more officers up one rank. While this further ensures their loyalty and support, it also raises the amount of money needed to pay for their salaries.

The game features four different ranks listed below from lowest to highest. Note that the insignia for each rank is based on their modern counterparts due to the lack of uniforms at the time of the revolution.

Icon Rank
Captain Insignia
Major Insignia
Colonel Insignia
General Insignia


Continental Army

An army established by the thirteen colonies of North America to oppose the British. The Commander-in-Chief is George Washington, but Artemas Ward or Charles Lee are also candidates for this position in other versions of the game. The Continental Army consists of local officers and foreign volunteers. They are also assisted by the Revolutionary Militia as well as the deployed forces of Spain and France. This group is represented by the iconic Liberty Bell in home console ports, a primitive form of the American flag in PC versions, and the color blue.

Officer Name Rank Type Home Body LDR TAC DIS REP
Aaron Burr Captain Infantry Connecticut 50 62 58 86 46
Alexander Hamilton Captain Engineer New York 90 72 43 81 64
Alexander McDougall Colonel Infantry New York 92 84 65 48 80
Allen McLane Captain Cavalry Pennsylvania 80 71 83 53 42
Artemas Ward General Infantry Massachusetts 82 92 64 95 80
Benedict Arnold Colonel Infantry Connecticut 99 75 81 40 60
Benjamin Lincoln Colonel Infantry New York 95 86 91 88 67
Benjamin Talmadge Major Infantry Connecticut 70 51 99 63 80
Charles Lee General Infantry Pennsylvania 80 78 80 48 76
Christopher Greene Major Infantry Rhode Island 83 72 51 44 36
Daniel Morgan Colonel Guerrilla New York 51 66 99 89 80
David Franks Major Infantry Connecticut 77 59 45 80 40
David Mason Major Engineer Massachusetts 60 30 30 30 30
Enoch Poor Captain Infantry New York 85 64 78 65 47
Ethan Allen Colonel Guerrilla New Hampshire 100 95 69 51 75
Friedrich von Steuben General Infantry Foreign 84 64 60 91 47
George Clinton Colonel Infantry New York 76 59 31 50 41
George Washington General Infantry Virginia 100 97 58 98 80
Henry Knox Colonel Engineer Massachusetts 100 83 72 92 70
Henry Lee Major Cavalry New York 86 90 81 83 60
Horatio Gates General Infantry Virginia 96 95 90 91 76
Israel Putnam General Infantry Connecticut 72 89 75 60 62
James Ewing Colonel Infantry New York 56 41 25 48 24
James Livingston Colonel Infantry New York 79 50 60 52 41
James Wilkinson Major Infantry New York 61 21 54 22 80
Johann de Kalb General Engineer Foreign 79 69 85 72 48
John Brown Major Infantry Pennsylvania 85 70 73 65 45
John Cadwalader Colonel Infantry New York 89 70 65 67 51
John Jameson Colonel Cavalry New York 86 84 56 75 41
John Lamb Captain Engineer New York 66 73 65 69 48
John Laurens Colonel Infantry South Carolina 82 87 78 88 40
John Peter Muhlenberg Colonel Infantry Foreign 85 88 71 98 61
John Sullivan Colonel Infantry New Hampshire 100 68 73 92 80
John Thomas General Infantry New York 100 94 74 87 80
Joseph Laffayette General Infantry Foreign 67 98 76 84 97
Josiah Harmar Colonel Infantry Pennsylvania 57 54 97 54 21
Kazimierz Pulaski Colonel Cavalry Foreign 87 66 84 91 58
Lachlan McIntosh Colonel Infantry South Carolina 93 61 87 61 80
Louis DuPortail General Engineer Foreign 89 78 95 92 42
Moses Hazen Major Infantry New York 80 72 22 43 47
Nathan Hale Captain Infantry Connecticut 70 77 57 61 41
Nathaneael Greene General Infantry Rhode Island 95 91 100 90 66
Nicholas Herkimer Colonel Infantry New York 85 67 61 68 50
Peter Gansevoort Colonel Infantry Foreign 83 80 64 66 49
Phillip Schuyler General Infantry New York 75 72 66 74 54
Return Meigs Major Infantry New York 85 73 99 86 80
Richard Montgomery General Infantry New York 96 100 87 98 80
Robert Kirkwood Captain Infantry Delaware 70 81 78 84 10
Samuel Forman Colonel Infantry New Jersey 87 65 55 55 56
Tadeusz Kosciuszko Colonel Engineer Foreign 88 75 80 78 61
Tench Tilghman Major Infantry Maryland 90 59 59 94 80
Thomas Conway Colonel Infantry Foreign 74 63 41 30 60
Timothy Bedel Colonel Infantry Connecticut 74 63 56 65 46
Walter Stewart Colonel Infantry Virginia 87 58 38 68 35
William Alexander Colonel Infantry South Carolina 90 82 71 81 67
William Douglas Colonel Infantry New York 87 74 54 64 45
William Thompson General Infantry Pennsylvania 95 81 94 100 80
William Washington Colonel Cavalry Virginia 98 89 76 97 80

Revolutionary Militia

The Revolutionary Militia is a faction that also opposes the Royal Army but does not readily join the Continental Army. The officers of this party tend to move within districts close to theirs and will only act on their own volition unless recruited by the player. In higher difficulties, this group cannot last long against the British without full support. They are represented by a sliced snake in home console ports, a flag with a crescent moon on the upper left in PC versions, and the color green.

Officer Name Rank Type Home Body LDR TAC DIS REP
Andrew Pickens Colonel Infantry South Carolina 89 78 76 30 80
Anthony Wayne Colonel Infantry Pennsylvania 87 90 68 45 80
Arthur St. Clair Colonel Infantry Pennsylvania 97 68 52 87 80
Benjamin Cleveland Colonel Infantry North Carolina 70 57 65 41 45
Charles McDowell Colonel Infantry North Carolina 70 61 44 69 44
Daniel Brodhead Colonel Infantry Pennsylvania 95 40 25 48 40
David Waterbury Colonel Infantry New Hampshire 84 65 45 64 45
David Wooster Colonel Infantry Connecticut 68 54 34 62 80
Edward Hand Colonel Infantry New York 84 80 78 90 43
Elias Dayton Colonel Infantry New Jersey 85 84 65 77 47
Francis Barber Major Infantry New Jersey 55 37 26 11 10
Francis Marion Colonel Guerrilla South Carolina 92 82 95 80 56
George Clark Colonel Guerrilla Virginia 99 67 72 38 65
George Weedon Colonel Infantry Virginia 59 61 55 100 81
Gold Silliman Colonel Infantry New York 88 65 49 56 10
Henry Dearborn Captain Infantry New York 90 68 47 88 31
Hezekiah Maham Colonel Engineer South Carolina 52 47 57 34 15
Hugh Mercer Colonel Infantry New Jersey 67 70 87 64 80
Ichabod Alden Colonel Infantry New York 60 67 44 91 31
Isaac Huger Colonel Infantry South Carolina 50 31 37 80 35
Isaac Shelby Colonel Infantry North Carolina 57 32 40 81 34
Isaac Hayne Colonel Infantry South Carolina 50 36 36 47 10
James Bedlock Captain Infantry Pennsylvania 57 65 45 75 54
James Varnum Colonel Infantry Rhode Island 100 62 60 63 80
James Wadsworth Colonel Infantry New York 100 21 54 22 80
James Williams Colonel Infantry South Carolina 57 35 35 69 65
John Armstrong Colonel Infantry Pennsylvania 62 69 44 70 50
John Ashe Colonel Infantry North Carolina 73 48 32 70 46
John Glover General Infantry Connecticut 86 80 60 52 50
John Gunby Colonel Infantry Maryland 77 62 74 85 45
John Haslet Colonel Infantry Delaware 54 61 16 42 18
John Lillington Colonel Infantry North Carolina 57 58 57 54 47
John Sevier Colonel Infantry North Carolina 84 79 75 64 41
John Stark Colonel Infantry New Hampshire 72 68 67 61 54
Joseph McDowell Colonel Infantry North Carolina 92 84 65 47 80
Joshua Huddy Captain Infantry New York 72 45 40 44 32
Marinus Willett Captain Engineer New York 97 91 85 94 80
Mordecai Gist Major Infantry Virginia 56 52 51 65 40
Nathan Denison Colonel Infantry Pennsylvania 55 38 20 73 13
Philemon Dickinson Colonel Infantry Virginia 70 72 77 66 51
Richard Butler Colonel Infantry Pennsylvania 80 78 55 81 45
Richard Caswell Colonel Infantry North Carolina 78 63 41 72 22
Robert Howe Colonel Infantry North Carolina 85 80 61 58 58
Robert Magaw Colonel Infantry Pennsylvania 50 20 37 17 38
Robert van Rensselaer Colonel Infantry New York 56 43 23 48 22
Seth Warner Colonel Infantry New York 70 47 43 50 38
Stephen Olney Captain Infantry Rhode Island 63 32 74 42 42
Thomas Boyd Captain Guerrilla New York 50 35 28 43 20
Thomas Knowlton Captain Guerrilla Connecticut 68 65 97 65 45
Thomas Proctor Colonel Engineer Pennsylvania 78 64 63 59 60
Thomas Sumpter Colonel Guerrilla South Carolina 61 62 32 41 24
William Barton Colonel Infantry Rhode Island 71 79 79 66 46
William Campbell Colonel Infantry North Carolina 71 53 35 27 18
William Davie Colonel Infantry New York 95 87 80 75 61
William Heath Colonel Infantry New Hampshire 79 60 65 50 37
William Ledyard Colonel Infantry Connecticut 62 40 20 50 35
William Maxwell Colonel Infantry New Jersey 49 54 59 46 45
William Moultrie Colonel Infantry South Carolina 66 61 69 43 80
William Popham Major Infantry New York 74 62 40 46 40
William Smallwood Colonel Infantry Maryland 53 40 58 95 80
William Woodford Colonel Infantry Virginia 46 74 68 94 80
Zebulon Butler Major Infantry Pennsylvania 68 62 28 70 35

French Army

The French Army is one of two third-party factions not under the player's control. This group usually arrives in vacant coastal districts or in areas already occupied by allied forces. The French can also take charge of other low-ranking officers affiliated with the Continental Army. They are represented by the fleur-de-lis in home console ports, a coat of arms used by the French Monarchy in PC versions, and the color teal.

Officer Name Rank Type Body LDR TAC DIS REP
Christian Deux-Ponts Colonel Infantry 77 76 64 75 78
Claude-Anne St. Simon General Engineer 78 65 45 75 57
Claude Blanchard Major Infantry 86 53 67 56 46
Claude de Choisy General Infantry 65 54 44 53 56
Donatien Rochambeau Colonel Infantry 83 62 69 75 62
Francoise Chastellux General Infantry 77 45 39 44 34
Jean Rochambeau General Infantry 79 85 84 86 81
Louis de Lauzun Colonel Cavalry 68 65 35 95 40
Louis de Noailles Colonel Infantry 75 63 68 50 55

Spanish Army

Similar to the French, the Spanish Army cannot be controlled directly and will act on their own to defy the British. This faction can also control American officers of lower rank and have them assist in various ways. They are represented by a rook in home console ports, a coat of arms used by the Spanish Monarchy in PC versions, and the color yellow.

Officer Name Rank Type Body LDR TAC DIS REP
Bernardo de Galves Major Infantry 87 84 98 65 51
Francisco Bouligny Captain Infantry 75 45 64 57 85
Prudencio Cotes Major Infantry 99 46 65 35 61
Ricardo Montenegro Captain Cavalry 70 67 71 55 66
Rodrigo Aguilar Captain Infantry 87 57 76 47 49

Royal Army

An army formed by the British Government to suppress the thirteen colonies. The Commander-in-Chief of the group is Thomas Gage, but Sir Henry Clinton or William Howe can also serve this role in other versions of the game. Despite their advantage in numbers, only a few regiments of the Royal Army arrive yearly. This faction also consists of Hessians (otherwise known as German mercenaries) hired by the British. They are represented by two horses facing each other in home console ports, the British flag in PC versions, and the color red.

Officer Name Rank Type Body LDR TAC DIS REP
Abraham d' Aubant Captain Engineer 64 43 56 43 65
Abraham de Peyster Captain Engineer 65 54 62 57 37
Alexander Dickson Colonel Infantry 75 64 45 35 54
Alexander Leslie Captain Infantry 95 50 38 47 50
Alexander Ross Captain Infantry 84 68 88 62 55
Alexander Stewart Captain Infantry 71 41 36 65 40
Allen Jones General Infantry 48 41 36 43 31
Allen Maclean Colonel Infantry 98 75 76 54 24
Andrew Lewis General Infantry 64 65 40 40 27
Augustine Prevost Colonel Cavalry 86 92 73 80 80
Banastre Tarleton Major Cavalry 92 65 60 38 80
Barry St. Leger Colonel Infantry 78 74 75 68 42
Carl von Donop Colonel Infantry 65 62 69 64 46
Chapple Norton Colonel Infantry 69 59 62 68 58
Charles Agnew Colonel Infantry 65 36 54 63 35
Charles Asgill Captain Infantry 75 35 56 67 46
Charles Cornwallis General Infantry 98 88 80 91 79
Charles DuBuysson Major Infantry 60 50 61 67 39
Charles Grey General Infantry 67 78 90 72 11
Charles Mawhood Colonel Infantry 68 65 84 54 51
Charles O'Hara General Infantry 89 81 69 78 20
Charles Preston Major Infantry 75 67 50 81 30
Christian Breymann Colonel Infantry 65 54 65 45 46
Christian Febiger Major Cavalry 70 62 48 86 46
David Webster Colonel Infantry 86 65 54 65 56
Edmund Eyre Colonel Infantry 76 65 46 54 54
Elias Durnford Captain Engineer 75 75 56 56 74
Francis MacLean Colonel Infantry 87 87 51 46 14
Francis Rawdon Colonel Infantry 77 59 37 65 74
Frederick Haldimand General Infantry 67 64 79 84 24
Frederick MacKenzie Captain Infantry 84 54 76 45 34
Friedrich Baum Colonel Infantry 88 62 30 79 32
Friedrich Riedesel Colonel Infantry 70 66 53 45 58
George Garth General Infantry 75 59 51 55 12
George Matthews General Infantry 97 86 69 74 18
George Turnbull Colonel Infantry 65 65 48 66 56
Gunter Tubussing Captain Cavalry 88 68 46 68 15
Guy Carleton General Infantry 96 94 95 98 72
Helmut Wolf Captain Infantry 88 25 54 84 56
Henry Caldwell Major Infantry 71 43 35 27 19
Henry Clinton General Infantry 97 90 99 93 40
Henry Hamilton Major Engineer 63 71 67 42 35
Hugh McKenzie Major Infantry 88 70 65 70 40
James Armstrong Major Infantry 70 66 78 61 45
James Craig Major Infantry 72 57 53 73 58
James Fitzwalter Colonel Infantry 68 55 30 45 35
James Grant General Infantry 82 75 67 48 42
James Murray Colonel Infantry 70 70 67 62 59
James Paterson Colonel Infantry 72 60 42 53 42
James Robertson Major Infantry 98 70 61 35 60
James Rugely Colonel Infantry 86 68 51 68 55
James Wemyss Major Infantry 65 34 54 54 65
Johann Ewald Captain Infantry 76 36 46 76 56
Johann Holder Major Engineer 79 79 77 72 42
Johann Rall Colonel Infantry 75 64 62 55 41
Johann von Krafft Captain Infantry 78 42 54 84 54
John Andre Captain Infantry 89 88 51 93 57
John Barker Captain Infantry 74 64 43 63 34
John Burgoyne General Cavalry 60 80 60 75 60
John Carden Major Cavalry 45 55 23 44 35
John Connoly Colonel Infantry 68 43 36 78 51
John Fordyce Captain Infantry 68 26 43 75 34
John Habersham Major Infantry 61 63 24 58 36
John Hill Colonel Infantry 73 63 43 32 18
John Maitland Colonel Infantry 47 61 68 73 84
John Moore General Engineer 60 66 61 81 62
John Pyle Colonel Infantry 70 54 59 53 48
John Ross Major Infantry 72 57 44 73 65
John Vaughan General Infantry 57 53 27 50 80
Joseph McNeil Colonel Infantry 64 67 66 70 51
Joseph Stopford Major Infantry 84 54 35 55 65
Karl Josef Jaegerman Captain Guerrilla 97 54 74 64 54
Leopold von Heister General Infantry 85 79 74 74 57
Mark Prevost Colonel Engineer 73 59 65 34 23
Mattias Fermoy General Infantry 70 65 60 65 46
Meier Roth Captain Infantry 84 57 45 75 25
Nicolas Sauber Major Engineer 85 32 43 64 12
Nisbet Balfour Colonel Infantry 80 76 80 63 40
Paston Gould Colonel Infantry 65 70 57 74 67
Patrick Ferguson Major Cavalry 50 75 48 79 56
Richard Forster Captain Infantry 57 65 54 57 44
Richard Prescott General Infantry 71 47 44 72 70
Robert Abercrombie Major Infantry 75 64 82 77 60
Robert Pigot General Infantry 69 65 78 84 80
Robert Rogers Major Engineer 60 67 48 68 14
Samuel Graham Major Infantry 60 66 59 52 37
Simon Fraser General Infantry 60 75 69 72 51
Thomas Dundas Colonel Infantry 66 58 56 32 28
Thomas Gage General Infantry 75 45 25 30 30
Thomas Gardiner Colonel Infantry 75 54 51 84 21
Thomas Pringle Captain Infantry 65 43 51 48 16
Tomas Futter Major Cavalry 98 54 65 57 35
Wilhelm von Knyphausen General Infantry 93 85 73 89 57
William Erskine General Infantry 88 82 60 59 37
William Harcourt Colonel Infantry 63 57 27 47 14
William Howe General Infantry 82 92 90 89 79
William Phillips General Infantry 78 61 69 43 80
William Sutherland Captain Infantry 65 32 32 62 38

Loyalist Army

A counterpart faction of the Revolutionary Militias, the Loyalist Army sides against the Americans and will not be inclined to join the British unless recruited directly. Because some of their officers start out with low loyalty, it may be difficult for players to fully acquire their trust. Nonetheless, their assistance may help compensate the slow arrival of reinforcements for the British army. They are represented by a crown in home console versions, a saltire banner in PC versions, and the color lavender.

Officer Name Rank Type Home Body LDR TAC DIS REP
Abram van Buskirk Major Infantry New Jersey 50 23 27 44 10
Archibald Campbell Colonel Infantry North Carolina 67 45 55 79 34
Beverly Robinson Colonel Infantry Maryland 60 67 54 31 39
David Fanning Colonel Infantry New Jersey 90 70 60 50 40
Donald McLeod Colonel Infantry North Carolina 91 80 74 54 63
Guy Johnson Colonel Guerrilla New York 88 87 78 72 52
James Baird Captain Infantry Georgia 74 73 82 54 54
James Logan Major Infantry New York 44 46 60 32 30
John Butler Colonel Guerrilla New York 62 78 64 56 68
John Graves Simcoe Colonel Guerrilla North Carolina 60 55 52 51 75
John Grierson Colonel Infantry Georgia 58 42 41 46 17
John Johnson Colonel Guerrilla New York 81 64 59 37 47
Joseph Brandt Captain Guerrilla New York 91 72 86 43 60
La Corne St. Luc Colonel Infantry Canada 78 64 87 56 45
Thomas Browne Major Infantry South Carolina 75 70 20 68 51
Walter Butler Captain Guerrilla New York 90 67 56 10 70
William Macpherson Major Cavalry South Carolina 94 78 84 54 87
William Tryon General Infantry New York 56 68 22 45 54


This section is dedicated to political figures who play a vital role in supporting both sides of the American Revolution be it through financial aid or new regiments. The American Government consists of elected representatives from each state and all key members of the Continental Congress. Also included in this side are representatives from Spain and France, enemies of England. As for the British Government, they are mostly made up of royal governors and influential members from the House of Commons.

Maintaining the trust of these men is another important aspect of the game. Their support ensures more funds and allies which in turn help sustain the player's campaign. However, the trust they have will decrease if players remain idle or waste time. Should their support fall below a certain level, they will automatically call for the Commander-in-Chief's impeachment. This may either succeed or not depending on the amount of trust each representative or governor has left.

American Government

British Government