Lady Hayakawa/Weapons

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Samurai Warriors 4

Wind Striker
Base Attack: 30
Princess Wand
Base Attack: 120 Potency: 4 Impact: 5
Verity: 4 Fortitude: 5 Elasticity: 4
Frost: 5 Constitution: 4 Stimulus: 5
Floating Staff
Base Attack: 140 Potency: 5 Impact: 5
Underdog: 4 Resurrection: 5 Frost: 5
Gale: 5 Endurance: 4 Stimulus: 5

Rare Weapon Acquisition

  • Stage: Defense of Suruga

Samurai Warriors Chronicles 3

Giccho Wind Striker Snow Swatter
Rank: Rank: ★★ Rank: ★★★
Base Attack: Base Attack: Base Attack: 33
Max Level: 20 Max Level: 50 Max Level: 80
Princess Wand Skills: Tiger War, Fury
Base Attack: 39 Health: 92 Attack: 88
Frost: 4 Defense: 94 Range: 90
Gale: 3 Indirect: 88 Luck: 92
Floating Staff Skills: Fortune, Resolve, Equestrian
Base Attack: 44 Attack: 90 Defense: 96
Blaze: 4 Agility: 80 Musou+: 85
Shock: 3 Range: 96 Indirect: 94

Fourth Weapon Acquisition

  • Stage: Ieyasu's Revolt

Fifth Weapon Acquisition

  • Requirements: Obtain fourth weapon, then buy from the Castle Mode shop for 20,000 points.

Samurai Warriors 4-II

Wind Striker
Base Attack: 30
Princess Wand: Frost
Base Attack: 89 Frost: 85 Shock: 74
Attack: 78 Defense: 72 Agility: 86
Musou+: 82 Hit Speed: 83 Indirect: 89
Floating Staff: Gale
Base Attack: 89 Gale: 62 Blaze: 58
Health: 54 Defense: 62 Spirit+: 64
Hit Range: 63 Hit Speed: 56 Indirect: 67
Floating Staff: Frost
Base Attack: 89 Frost: 97 Tremor: 86
Attack: 82 Defense: 80 Agility: 88
Spirit+: 92 Hit Speed: 87 Indirect: 96

Rare Weapon Acquisition

  • Stage: The Osaka Campaign (Story of Giant Timber/Promise)

Samurai Warriors: Spirit of Sanada

Wind Striker
Base Attack: 11~31
Princess Wand
Base Attack: 240 Ice: 85 Lightning: 78
Attack Up: 78 Attack Speed: 84 Indirect Attack: 89
Fury: 83 Insight: 81 Verity: 84
Floating Staff
Base Attack: 247 Wind: 88 Fire: 81
Attack Up: 81 Attack Range: 87 Indirect Attack: 92
Underdog: 86 Clarity: 85 Momentum: 89

Rare Weapon Acquisition

  • Stage: The Tenshō-Jingo Conflict - Clash at Wakamiko

Warriors Orochi 4

Wind Striker
Attack: 11~22 Bonus: 6
Rank: 1 ★ Max: 5
Plumed Striker
Attack: 15~26 Bonus: 10
Rank: 2 ★ Max: 10
Princess Wand
Attack: 33~50 Bonus: 13
Rank: 3~5 ★ Max: 15
Brilliant Gem
Attack: 40 Bonus: 19
Rank: 5 ★ Ice: 10
Might: 9 Harvest: 7 Storm
Floating Staff
Attack: 40 Bonus: 19
Iceslay: 10 Wrath
Agility: 10 Destruction: 10 Confluence: 10
Storm Alacrity Assembly

Rare Weapon Acquisition

  • Stage: Family Bonds