Guo Huai/Quotes

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This is a list of commonly heard quotes from Guo Huai.

Dynasty Warriors 7

  • "I shall give it my all!"
  • "I have survived much more difficult battles than this."
  • "I am now in control of this area..."
  • "This is a great opportunity to turn the tide!"
  • "How are we to fend off such a powerful enemy?"
  • "Both my health and the course of this battle... are in poor condition..."
  • "Things are looking grim... As is my health..."
  • "I have overcome injury and illness... to claim true glory!"
  • "This is all I can do for now..."
  • "So... the day has finally come..."
  • "All units, attack!"
  • "Defend this place with your lives! You'll realize that death doesn't come as quickly as you thought..."
  • "You can accompany me to the afterlife!"
  • "Why are there holes in the defense? We must protect this area!"
  • "I don't have much time left... I ask you all to attack the main camp with me!"
  • "We must value the lives we are given. Now, head to the main camp's defense!"
  • "This is obviously not good for my health..."
  • "Oh... It was the enemy, was it? Very well, we shall face them."
  • "The enemy can be so cruel..."
  • "We cannot handle them all..."
  • "I never thought that my demise would come as a result of my own carelessness."
  • "No, I am not Death himself, come for your soul. Or at least, not yet anyway."
  • "We'll stop here for a moment to catch our breath."
  • "I've found a rather perfect location for us to occupy. That is our destination."
  • "We must keep moving while we still have the strength. Everybody, forward."
  • "We can't always be playing catch-up. We must take the lead ourselves!"
  • "We must take to the defenses of the surrounding area!"
  • "We'll fall back to treat the wounded... before it's too late."
  • "How cowardly of them to turn their backs on us... After them!"
  • "Attack! Show them no mercy!"
  • "What are you doing out there alone? You should be more careful..."
  • "Where are the reinforcements?"
  • "This may be my last battle. Therefore I shall do my best."
  • "Our allies... They showed so much promise..."
  • "We must attack the enemy position while we still have the strength!"
  • "We must help our allies. My shortness of breath will get better soon..."
  • "Prepare to defend against an attack. Whatever you do, don't let them know you are exhausted."
  • "We must be prepared to face the enemy at anytime."
  • "It's times like these when we need to be the most cautious."
  • "Let's go while my breathing is stable."
  • "I'm constantly on the brink of death... You can say that I'm sort of a specialist at it by now!"
  • "My body feels so light! I haven't felt this good in a long time!"
  • "Life and death are merely two sides of the same coin. I choose life!"
  • "Please... don't leave us... behind..."
  • "Fight so long as there's life left in you! This may be your last chance..."
  • "It's important to know your limitations, especially when you are physically weak."
  • "We must always work together in order to defeat the enemy."
  • "Fight every battle to the fullest so that you won't have any regrets later."
  • "I'm feeling good today... Or at least so I thought..."
  • "It's still too soon for me to leave this world..."
  • "I only have one creed... to live every day of my life to the fullest..."
  • "Just watching you in action seems to restore my strength!"
  • "You saved me... Thank you..."
  • "If you work yourself too hard... You'll end up like me... Perhaps I should help you out before it goes that far."
  • "What's... with those enemies chasing after you? I suppose it would do me good to get some exercise."
  • "For you to work together with me, it truly is a reflection on your talent and ability."
  • "Your deeds make me feel as if I'm brimming with energy again!"
  • "We must keep moving... If you feel sorry for me, would you mind helping me out by joining my march?"
  • "You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!"
  • "Hm!"
  • "As you command."
  • "How could this be...? It's as if your actions out there have cured me of all my ailments."
  • "Thank you... I am eternally grateful..."
  • "Why would you take such risks...? You should leave such things to those of us who are near the end anyway."
  • "To sacrifice your own body to lure out the enemy... I think that's enough to stop my heart."
  • "We managed to do it together... Forgive me."
  • "You are shining brightly as a result of your efforts out there."
  • "I may not have another chance at this... Will you please join me in my march?"
  • "Very well."
  • "It would be my pleasure."
  • "I am Guo Huai. I shall show you no... mercy."
  • "The fact that you are willing to throw your life away is an insult to people like myself!"
  • "Don't you ever stop and think of the pain you're causing by continuing to fight?"
  • "Finally! I've caught up to you!"
  • "Even I fight for a larger purpose. To protect that which I hold dear, no matter what the cost!"
  • "If only I was healthy, this would be so much easier..."
  • "Finally, a release from these sickly confines..."

Conquest Mode

  • "It's about time I got going..."
  • "You didn't have to go and hire me... But, who am I to argue over what it is you want..."
  • "When we're together, it's like I feel as if my life has been extended. No, really!"
  • "General, so we stand on the battlefield together again. Words cannot express the pride I feel!"
  • "Lord Sima Yi, I still owe you a debt for saving my wife!"
  • "I feel like I understand you, Lord Zhang He. We both live to serve General Yuan!"
  • "My lord, we are both family men. I think you and I could work very well together."
  • "Here, use this as treatment. Before you end up like I am..."
  • "Your deeds in battle shine brightly. I am sure there will be a feast in your honor soon."
  • "Excuse me... Please, help me..."
  • "You're my savior! Thank you very much."
  • "You won't get past me... Even if it costs me my life!"
  • "I am willing to risk my life on the success of this stratagem!"
  • "Would you care showing me if you have the strength it takes to unseat me?"
  • "That you would be my enemy... I am beyond surprise. I am in shock."
  • "Jiang Wei, as long as you are here... I have no plans of dying yet!"
  • "You should be ashamed to be the son of Xiahou Yuan! I cannot forgive traitors!"
  • "Until I defeat you... I will keep trying... until I'm successful!"
  • "I will continue to fight on... until you have repented for your misdeeds!"
  • "...Oh! Are you...?"
  • "How fortunate to meet such a renowned warrior. It was certainly worth the trip."
  • "I have watched your astounding feats on the battlefield. Such a blinding display of valor!"
  • "This, this is the vibrant abundance of life that I have been seeking. I truly wish to see you again!"
  • "I know that my health is not that good. But what can I do?"
  • "Lately I've been fighting tigers nearby... Well, my wife told me I should try it."
  • "I see, I must keep my spirit strong! That might be easier said than done..."
  • "When I'm with you, I feel like I'll live longer. Just look at how long we've been together."
  • "I shall never forget your friendship, no matter what happens."
  • "You give me hope. I beg you not to forsake me, to stay with me to the end."
  • "I like your look. You're like an unpolished jewel, waiting for the chance to shine."

Warriors Orochi 3

  • "I shall approach this battle without the fear of death."
  • "Anything can happen if you fight without fear of death."
  • "I suppose I should get going."
  • "The results are the same as always, as is my health..."
  • "I feel as if I'm soaring through the heavens themselves!"
  • "Here, this is for you. Hopefully, it will remind you of me after I'm gone."
  • "Ahh, impressive!"
  • "Oh, I don't feel so well..."
  • "I think I might've tried too hard in the previous battle. I was forced to spend the next day sleeping..."
  • "Lately, I have been summoned to many battles. I intend to be of use until my life finally slips away!"
  • "I ran out of strength during the recent battle. Next time, I shall be prepared for death..."
  • "Forgive me. It appears I have had too much to drink."
  • "I have survived much more difficult battles than this."
  • "I have overcome injury and illness... to claim true glory!"
  • "You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!"
  • "General Xiahou Yuan, you especially are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!"
  • "Master Xiahou Ba, you must be a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!"
  • "Master Guo Jia, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!"
  • "Master Kanbei, if there is an Unrivaled Warrior, it must be you!"
  • "Both my health and the course of this battle... are in poor condition..."
  • "The thought of fighting myself, it just makes me sick."
  • "You have lit up the battlefield!"
  • "Your each and every thrust is bursting with life!"
  • "Oh, forgive me. You have done me a great favor."
  • "Have I been rescued?"
  • "I do not fear death if it comes on the field of battle."
  • "This is the end of the road for me..."
  • "General Xiahou Yuan, you have shown me a vision of greatness!"
  • "General Xiahou Yuan, how could I impose on a man of your importance?"
  • "Master Xiahou Ba, you do have some of the General in you!"
  • "It is you and not the General who have come for me?"
  • "Master Guo Jia, you are a fine combatant!"
  • "It is nice when one sick person helps another."
  • "Master Kanbei, you can move mountains!"
  • "Master Kanbei, I do regret inconveniencing you."
  • "That was splendid! Your heroic form has spurred me on!"
  • "Your combat style overflows with immense vigor. I feel infused with a new energy!"
  • "You may have saved my life. I thank you deeply."
  • "Your help is a godsend. You have lightened my load."
  • "I will pursue death itself. And may you do the same."
  • "This is as far as I go. Until we meet in the next life!"
  • "Witnessing your deeds has invigorated me! I have a new lease on life!"
  • "What a nuisance I have been. But dying here would be too ungrateful."
  • "You do your father proud! You must thank him and improve yourself diligently."
  • "But I was expecting General Xiahou Yuan... I should hold my tongue."
  • "You fight capably, Master Guo Jia. But why do you carry that strangely familiar scent?"
  • "It is nice to meet a kindred spirit here. But let us keep certain secrets between us."
  • "Master Kanbei, you have led the way! I must follow the best I can."
  • "I am sorry you had to come to my aid. I hope that you are not afflicted as well."
  • "In battle, the spotlight is yours! Seeing such vigor, I feel I can live on."
  • "Your deeds in battle shine brightly. I am sure there will be a feast in your honor soon."
  • "You came here for me? You are the one who gives me the will to survive!"
  • "You came so I would not succumb to death? Then I must cling to life desperately!"
  • "You are my enemy? I could almost choke with surprise."
  • "In body and soul, I have reached my limits. I can do no more..."
  • "Your eminence is almost surreal. I am filled with emotion to witness such glory."
  • "Allied with you, I am free of regret. I pray that we share the same death charge!"
  • "That was not unlike your father. The General would be pleased to see you've grown!"
  • "I am filled with emotion! You carry a heroic spirit your father would be proud of."
  • "It is important to enjoy one's last days. I have learned that from you, Master Guo Jia!"
  • "The ill must take care of each... Sorry, even in mirth, I should safeguard your secret."
  • "You never fail. You seem quite at home floating through the battlefield just like an apparition."
  • "Master Kanbei, it is you?! Excuse me, I am so ecstatic I have lost all composure."
  • "I'm willing to look death itself in the face..."
  • "This is a difficult situation. And now my health has taken a turn for the worse as well..."
  • "I feel so full of life now! Or do I...?"
  • "General! I await your guidance in this battle..."
  • "I would expect nothing less than your best in this fight, General!"
  • "Your stately figure alone is enough to energize me! Or maybe not...?"
  • "Even if you are the General's son, I refuse to take it easy on you..."
  • "You clearly fight like the son of General Xiahou Yuan. However, something seems to be missing..."
  • "You must learn more about the rigors of battle! In the General's place, I will..."
  • "Master Guo Jia, you need to take better care of yourself."
  • "You always do your best to enjoy yourself. That is something I could learn from you..."
  • "In this battle, poor health is no excuse. Perhaps I should struggle on a bit longer..."
  • "Ah, summoned at last."
  • "This can't be right! I should be dead, but this pain throughout my body is still real..."
  • "Even in death, the pain continues? How cruel!"
  • "Fortunately, I feel fine now. Brace yourself!"
  • "Ahem..."
  • "Perhaps we understand each other..."
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