Kingdom of Wei Walkthrough

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A Hero Of Chaos

Chapter 1: Yellow Turban Assault

  • Yellow Turban Menace: Han Vs. Yellow Turbans
  • Commanders: Huangfu Song Vs. Zhang Liang

("Chaos can be a powerful ally.") Since you are starting in the west of the land, go ahead and take care of the generals. Although you can help Liu Bei out, you might want to watch out for the rain storm that comes after Zhang Liang summons it near Huangfu Song. Huangfu Song will not worry too much about it and advance through the stream in the castle only to be met by He Yi leading an ambush party out of the rain. Give your commander a hand then continue your march. You can help Sun Jian and Liu Bei if you want, but they will be stable throughout the battle. After Huangfu Song exits the castle, Yan Zheng will appear as the second ambush party so help out your commander one last time. As you head for Zhang Liang, he will use the water geysers to stop you. walk pass those springs and put Zhang Liang down! Also, by clearing this stage, he will not appear in the last battle.

  • Yellow Turban Fortress: Han Vs. Yellow Turbans
  • Commanders: Zhu Jun Vs. Zhang Bao

As you see, Cao Cao will attack from the east and Sun Jian marches from the west. Liu Bei will be assisting you in the west. Attack He Yi and defeat him to pass through the circular path. As you approach closer to the south, Pei Yuan Shao shall use strong winds to slow you down. Cao Cao says, "There is a way to stop these winds! Keep advancing!" Once you reach the bottom, destroy the 3 windmills and defeat Pei Yuan Shao. Although you can assist Sun Jian, he will hardly need any help unless you want the experience. Other than that, defeat Cheng Yuanzhi to open the gate and defeat Zhang Bao to win the second battle. Also, if you clear this stage, Zhang Bao will not appear in the last battle.

  • Yellow Turban Rebellion: Han Vs. Yellow Turbans
  • Commanders: He Jin Vs. Zhang Jiao

Hint: If you only cleared only one of the other stages and came to the final battle then, either Cao Cao or Sun Jian will say something about the general that is left alive. (Depending on which stage you went to and what general is left.)

Anyways, Cao Cao will march from the east while Sun Jian moves in the west. Liu Bei as always will attack the center and join the other two forces. Go ahead and march to the north as you eliminate the officers and general in your way to meet with Zhang Liang. He will summon large rocks to come rolling down towards you, but they can easily be dodged. After you defeat Zhang Liang, head for the north and finish off Zhang Jiao. You can help out Sun Jian and Liu Bei as always for experience, but they will come out on top. Well Done! The Yellow Turban Rebellion is over!

Chapter 2: The Alliance against Dong Zhuo

  • The Attack on Si Shui Gate: Allies Vs. Dong Zhuo's Forces
  • Commanders: Yuan Shao Vs. Li Jue

As you read from the novel, Cao Cao tried to assassinate Dong Zhuo, but failed and fled back to his home. From there, he sends a call to arms across the land to raise an army. As always, you start near Cao Cao near the first three generals of Dong Zhuo's army. Go ahead and take them out to allow Cao Cao to join Sun Jian at Si Shui Gate. As you know, Sun Jian will request for supplies to be sent to his army. Yuan Shu will not do so and hold the supply cargo back. Having no choice you must help out Cao Cao and Sun Jian since they are both camped at Si Shui gate. If you got a horse, haul your butt to Liu Bei's position where the back road is. Since you are at Liu Bei's area, help him out and take the back road into the enemy supply depo. Defeat Fan Chou and Sun Jian will be ready to assault Si Shui Gate. After you arrive at the gate, join in the fighting and defeat Hua Xiong. Later on, Zhang Liao (If he is not in your army.) will appear to take Yuan Shao's head so put him down before that happens. After you defeat Li Jue or let him retreat, pat yourself on the back for a job well done!

  • The Battle of Hu Lao Gate: Dong Zhou's Forces Vs. Allied Forces
  • Commanders: Dong Zhuo Vs. Yuan Shao

At the start of the battle, Cao Cao will assault from the south while Liu Bei will attack from the north gate. After you managed to break through the gate, a seige ram will appear to destroy Hu Lao Gate. Head for Hu Lao Gate and eliminate the gate captains there to increase the chance of survival for the ram. Once the gate falls, the allied army will rush in to meet Lu Bu guarding the inside. You can fight him as he will always challenge you to a duel or you can run pass him towards Diao Chan. Once you gained entrance into the last area, Dong Zhuo will set the city on fire. At that time, Yuan Shao will advance the main army. Defeat Dong Zhuo or make him retreat and you will have won yourself another battle!