Talk:Kenji Nojima

Discussion page of Kenji Nojima
Revision as of 19:29, 7 October 2013 by Sake neko (talk | contribs)

JOYxHOLIC short version

For Richard in LoveφSummit. This song is stuck in my head.Sake neko 14:36, August 3, 2011 (UTC)

Geten no Hana interview

This: Just because.

Q. Please share your thoughts after you finished recording.

The scenario for this game is quite dense, so I remembered feeling relieved when I was done. Mitsuhide's the character who talks the most and is crucial for the story. It was challenging to keep focused on one part for so long, and it really drains my stamina doing it. It's like a weight was lifted from my stomach when I finished (laughs).

Q. Tell us about the character you're playing, "Mitsuhide Akechi". Do you share any similarities with him?

He's quite the looker (laughs). I tried my hardest acting for him, thinking "That's totally this line's appeal!" and so on. I kept focused on my performance and didn't think too hardly about my deliveries. Actually, could you maybe explain his appeal to me? He a hardcore sadist. Something we share in common... We're both planners? (laughs)

Q. What are some difficulties you experienced for your part?

Mitsuhide's a character who doesn't openly express his emotions. If I slip just a bit, I would be completely off from how he's supposed to be presented... He's the composed and brainy type, so the first priority for me was to calm down and then been careful with his lines from there. I wanted the image of beauty to stick out for him.

Q. The protagonist is a shinobi who has to keep secrets from people around herself. Are there any secrets you have that you'd be willing to share just with us?

I like to cook when I'm stressed or tired. Yesterday, I wanted inari sushi for myself for breakfast today and zoned out making them. I made ten of them before I knew it. There's still eight left at home. I'm worried I'll be sick of eating them when it's my meal for today and tomorrow (laughs).

Q. Any last minute messages you have for fans?

I think this is a product that everyone has been waiting for. The developers and creators really gave it their all making it, so I don't think you'll be disappointed. Please look forward to it.

Sake neko (talk) 19:29, October 7, 2013 (UTC)