Zhang He/Quotes: Difference between revisions

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*"My beauty must not be soiled by defeat. I shall return!"
*"My beauty must not be soiled by defeat. I shall return!"
*"How could my beauty have fallen in such a way?"
*"How could my beauty have fallen in such a way?"
==Dynasty Warriors 7==
*"They have out-thought us...All there is left to do, is to fight like a man, and die!"
*"The defenses here are thin... Everybody, we need to protect this place with diligence!"
*"Aah! Your efforts are dazzling!! You shall see me shine as well... Yes, even brighter than now."
*"I think it's time we added some color to this battlefield!"
*"Much like a rose has its thorns, I have these lovely claws!"
*"The sbtle combination of black and white fur...the very pinnacle of beauty!"
*"I always know how to make an entrance!"
*"Those in search of beauty are always drawn together by fate. I await your orders!"
*"General, together we can dominate the stage with elegance, grace, and decorum!"
*"I have heard much about you, Zhou Yu. I am eager to see how you carry yourself."
*"Come, Lord Guan Yu. I look forward to seeing you in action."
*"You appear to be injured. This should restore you to full strength."
*"You fight with such elegance! I find that I am almost... jealous."
*"Though it pains me to say this, I am in need of some assistance."
*"I can never thank you enough for your assistance!"
*"I am afraid that only those as beautiful as myself may pass here."
*"I have the perfect rememdy for eyesores such as yourselves!"
*"It will take everything you can muster to emerge victorious from this battle!"
*"I remember when we both lived in a more refined time..."
*"General, must we fight? I do not relish playing the role of the tragic hero."
*"From one beauty to another, it is an honor to fight you!"
*"It seems that which I seek continues to elude me... A most impressive victory, General."
*"You combine strength with beauty in such a way that I could never imagine."
*"Finally I meet the warrior whose fame has spread across the land!"
*"You are more beautiful than the rumors hinted. I feel the hand of fate in our meeting."
*"Ah, you are grace itself on the battlefield! How can I share you with the singing of my heart?"
*"Our paths will cross again. I look forward to the beauty we will bring to the battlefield together."
*"No matter how often I watch, your fighting is always lovely to behold. What is your secret?" (responsive)
*"I have already learned much from the butterfly, you could do the same." (response 1)
*"I see. Yes, I understand completely. I thank you from the bottom of my heart." (response 2)
*"In the time we've been together, you have blossomed into a mighty warrior."
*"I shall always be by your side, till the end of chaos!"
*"Fight with beauty, win with beauty! That is the key to my strength."

==Warriors Orochi series==
==Warriors Orochi series==

Revision as of 23:41, 17 August 2011

This is a list of commonly heard quotes from Zhang He.

Dynasty Warriors 3

Dynasty Warriors 4

  • "Shall we dance?"
  • "Beauty! Come to me!"
  • "Beautiful!"
  • "You will learn beauty and grace of Zhang He."
  • "Ah, a chance for redemption!"
  • "Bullying the weak is not my way at all."
  • "Ah, it is time for the last dance!"
  • "Let us proceed gracefully!"
  • "This is a certain beauty in escape as well..."
  • "I suppose I must bow out of this dance..."
  • "Beauty never lasts... ugh..."
  • "Let the dance begin."
  • "They are strong, but do not falter!"
  • "The enemy is strong..."
  • "Did you think you could break through our forces?"
  • "Crush them in one blow!"
  • "This does not look good!"
  • "We cannot hold them!"
  • "We will not last!"
  • "Where are the reinforcements?!"
  • "Please be cautious!"
  • "Enemy officer defeated!"
  • "Impressive!"
  • "I bow to your skills!"
  • "You are a hero without equal!"
  • "You are truly the most beautiful warrior of the Three Kingdoms!"
  • "I am a true warrior of the Three Kingdoms!"
  • "We must not fall behind!"
  • "How hideous is your arrogance!"
  • "You're too far out! Watch yourself!"
  • "I have been waiting!"
  • "Reinforcements. Thank heaven!"
  • "I am glad to see you."
  • "I am in your debt."
  • "We must persevere."
  • "We must get through this!"
  • "Our chance will come soon!"
  • "We must continue fighting!"
  • "We put our fate in your hands."
  • "Charge!"
  • "Finish this!"
  • "Let us finish this."
  • "We must end this!"
  • "I am sorry I couldn't be of more use..."
  • "I shall be your opponent!"
  • "I shall defeat you!"
  • "I shall challenge you!"
  • "What conceit!"
  • "I shall stop you!"
  • "You will go no further!"
  • "Attacking alone? Do you want to die?"
  • "Remarkable confidence!"
  • "You cannot hope to match my elegance."
  • "I won't be defeated by the likes of you!"
  • "Away with you, pests!"
  • "Do you want to be beautiful as well?"
  • "Ah, a worthy opponent!"
  • "Let us battle gracefully!"
  • "I bear you no ill will. I'm just... disappointed."
  • "My former lord is now my enemy..."
  • "Bullying the weak is not my way but..."
  • "Let us proceed gracefully!"
  • "This may prove difficult..."
  • "We have taken their stronghold!"
  • "Can someone send reinforcements?"
  • "I want a beautiful formation to cover the rear flank!"
  • "I shall pull back to refine my beauty!"
  • "I am on my way~!"
  • "The stronghold is unprotected? Most shameful!"
  • "Show them our beauty!"
  • "Let us both bloom on the battlefield!"
  • "I shall show the enemy my beautiful dances!"
  • "Now! Start the counteroffensive!"
  • "Let us rest and regroup here."
  • "We shall await the enemy here."
  • "Struggle is not beautiful! We must pull back!"
  • "Do you think you can escape me?!"
  • "How dare you direct such filth to me?!"
  • "I don't have time with filth like yourself."
  • "I, Zhang He, shall join you!"
  • "I shall act as your beautiful shield!"
  • "You needed me after all!"
  • "My aesthetics will be in vain if I fall!"
  • "I want a graceful retreat!"
  • "The beauty of Zhang He has returned!"
  • "We were truly beautiful on the battlefield!"
  • "Come and join me for this battlefield!"

Dynasty Warriors 5

Dynasty Warriors 6

  • "Embrace death!"
  • "Here I go!"
  • "Beautiful!"
  • "With elegance!"
  • "I will handle you!"
  • "A bit clumsy, are you?"
  • "As always, my victories are tinged with a hint of beauty!"
  • "This base is in desperate need of redecorating!"
  • "I can sense the tides of battle shifting in our favor! We must be ready to seize our chance!"
  • "There is an ill wind blowing across this stage."
  • "This is not how I hoped things would play out!"
  • "We cannot allow our campaign to end in defeat! Everybody, now is our time to shine!"
  • "I am the most beautiful warrior in the Three Kingdoms!"
  • "I must go and hone my craft!"
  • "How bizarre...that the curtain should come to a close so soon..."
  • "Now is the time for us to launch our attack! It shall change the course of this battle!"
  • "There is a certain beauty in a well-organized defense. One that cannot be explained."
  • "While I would much rather be the chasee than the chaser, I guess it can't be helped!"
  • "Send reinforcements to the bases at once! They are the backbone of our army!"
  • "Everyone, head to the enemy camp! We must bloom on this battlefield!"
  • "It is too soon for us to simply wilt before an enemy attack! Everyone, prepare the defenses!"
  • "That was perhaps the most uninspired display I have seen!"
  • "How can you expect to sneak around when you're making so much noise?"
  • "A surprise attack? I will admit that you caught even me off guard."
  • "Perhaps I was too caught up with the beauty of my surroundings."
  • "I have been waiting for you. Now to finish you off for good!"
  • "Let us wait here for our allies for a spell."
  • "Let us go and capture the enemy base. It shall be a thing of beauty!"
  • "We move! Our path through to the battlefield shall be paved with the petals of roses!"
  • "The defenses here are thin. Everybody, we need to protect this place with diligence!"
  • "I see that the men grow wearier with each step. Perhaps we should rest for the time being."
  • "Your time in the limelight is over! I refused to be upstaged by anyone!"
  • "There is no beauty in one warrior attempting the impossible! Fall back in line with the unit!"
  • "What a beautiful victory!"
  • "It cannot end in such an ugly fashion!"
  • "Ah, the beauty of your fighting skills. It almost rivals my own!"
  • "I've been waiting for you. Take my hand and let's destroy these enemies!"
  • "I was attracted here by your spectacular technique. Let's bring some light to this battlefield, you and I!"
  • "Well, you're lacking even a scrap of beauty but oh well. I shall crush these enemies for you!"
  • "Ah! That was wonderful! Together we bloomed brightly!"
  • "Oh! Splendid! Such elegant fighting skills!"
  • "Shall we be off then? I want you with me as we bring glory to the battlefield!"
  • "Ah! Your efforts are dazzling! You shall see me shine as well! Yes! Even brighter than now!"
  • "I am sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you for your assistance!"
  • "Such a fascinating fighting style! I was drawn to you before I even knew it!"
  • "You appeared troubled by these uncouth savages! Let Zhang He put an end to them!"
  • "That was wonderful! We worked together in complete harmony!"
  • "Your skills are simply magnificent!"
  • "Let us go, shall we? I would like to show you the beauty of my skills up close."
  • "Just what I would expect from you, General. Oh, allow me a slice of your beauty!"
  • "General! Have you come to help or are you just being dramatic?"
  • "Ah! Surprising beauty! The General fights alone, a carnation in full bloom!"
  • "General, those men! Something is amiss! I shall wipe them out for you!"
  • "Ah! That was very pleasing. Together we can create such beauty!"
  • "Spectacular! Your bravery is alluring!"
  • "Let us go, shall we? Our beauty shall decorate the battle's end!"
  • "Let us have a glorious fight!"
  • "You are alone. Was it my beauty that drew you?"
  • "The stronger my opponent, the greater I shine! I welcome you!"
  • "Stop! You are destined to fall here!"
  • "You stand before the commander. Let us make it a glorious fight!"
  • "There's more of them! This stage is getting a bit crowded."
  • "My beauty must not be soiled by defeat. I shall return!"
  • "How could my beauty have fallen in such a way?"

Dynasty Warriors 7

  • "They have out-thought us...All there is left to do, is to fight like a man, and die!"
  • "The defenses here are thin... Everybody, we need to protect this place with diligence!"
  • "Aah! Your efforts are dazzling!! You shall see me shine as well... Yes, even brighter than now."
  • "I think it's time we added some color to this battlefield!"
  • "Much like a rose has its thorns, I have these lovely claws!"
  • "The sbtle combination of black and white fur...the very pinnacle of beauty!"
  • "I always know how to make an entrance!"
  • "Those in search of beauty are always drawn together by fate. I await your orders!"
  • "General, together we can dominate the stage with elegance, grace, and decorum!"
  • "I have heard much about you, Zhou Yu. I am eager to see how you carry yourself."
  • "Come, Lord Guan Yu. I look forward to seeing you in action."
  • "You appear to be injured. This should restore you to full strength."
  • "You fight with such elegance! I find that I am almost... jealous."
  • "Though it pains me to say this, I am in need of some assistance."
  • "I can never thank you enough for your assistance!"
  • "I am afraid that only those as beautiful as myself may pass here."
  • "I have the perfect rememdy for eyesores such as yourselves!"
  • "It will take everything you can muster to emerge victorious from this battle!"
  • "I remember when we both lived in a more refined time..."
  • "General, must we fight? I do not relish playing the role of the tragic hero."
  • "From one beauty to another, it is an honor to fight you!"
  • "It seems that which I seek continues to elude me... A most impressive victory, General."
  • "You combine strength with beauty in such a way that I could never imagine."
  • "Finally I meet the warrior whose fame has spread across the land!"
  • "You are more beautiful than the rumors hinted. I feel the hand of fate in our meeting."
  • "Ah, you are grace itself on the battlefield! How can I share you with the singing of my heart?"
  • "Our paths will cross again. I look forward to the beauty we will bring to the battlefield together."
  • "No matter how often I watch, your fighting is always lovely to behold. What is your secret?" (responsive)
  • "I have already learned much from the butterfly, you could do the same." (response 1)
  • "I see. Yes, I understand completely. I thank you from the bottom of my heart." (response 2)
  • "In the time we've been together, you have blossomed into a mighty warrior."
  • "I shall always be by your side, till the end of chaos!"
  • "Fight with beauty, win with beauty! That is the key to my strength."

Warriors Orochi series

  • "To dance is to live."
  • "My moment!"
  • "Beautiful!"
  • "Beautifully!"
  • "Another enemy scratched out!"


  • "Move! Or would you rather die in pain?"
  • "Your name's not worth remembering."
  • "It was a close battle, but the Mandate's with us!"
  • "It's not over! I'm not dead yet!"
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