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make their way towards Hu Lao Gate. (If you choose Zhang He, you will be assisting Cao Cao. If you choose Yuan Shao then you will start at the main camp in the east.) Start off by eliminating the
make their way towards Hu Lao Gate. (If you choose Zhang He, you will be assisting Cao Cao. If you choose Yuan Shao then you will start at the main camp in the east.) Start off by eliminating the
enemy generals that are holding the gates. Defeating them will allow the allied army to advance through the gates towards Hu Lao Gate. Later, a siege ram will appear and head for Hu Lao Gate. Go ahead and make your way there. You will encounter two Gate Captains here, but they won't be too much of a bother. After a couple of minutes, the ram will crush Hu Lao gate and your army shall charge right in to meet the top dog of Dong Zhuo's army. As you might have fiqured, it is Lu Bu and he is here to put everyone down. As always, he will try to challenge you to a duel. It is possible to beat him in a duel, but you may find it rather difficult. After you decide to run away from him or not, you will find Diao Chan guarding the last gate between you and Dong Zhuo. Give her a nice love tap and send her away from your sight. After passing through the third gate, Dong Zhuo will tell his soldiers to burn the city. With the city now burning, Yuan Shao shall make his final advance on Dong Zhuo. (However, if you skipped the assault on Si Shui Gate then Hua Xiong will appear in this battle as enemy reinforcements near the back where Yuan Shao is at.) After defeating the other remaining generals in the areas, it will be only Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu left to deal with. You can allow Dong Zhuo to retreat after you beat him down or if you are quick to end the game then go ahead and give him the final hits; however, if you somehow defeat Lu Bu in combat then Dong Zhuo will take his leave of you. Either way, you will come out on top once again and score yourself another victory!
enemy generals that are holding the gates. Defeating them will allow the allied army to advance through the gates towards Hu Lao Gate. Later, a siege ram will appear and head for Hu Lao Gate. Go ahead and make your way there. You will encounter two Gate Captains here, but they won't be too much of a bother. After a couple of minutes, the ram will crush Hu Lao gate and your army shall charge right in to meet the top dog of Dong Zhuo's army. As you might have fiqured, it is Lu Bu and he is here to put everyone down. As always, he will try to challenge you to a duel. It is possible to beat him in a duel, but you may find it rather difficult. After you decide to run away from him or not, you will find Diao Chan guarding the last gate between you and Dong Zhuo. Give her a nice love tap and send her away from your sight. After passing through the third gate, Dong Zhuo will tell his soldiers to burn the city. With the city now burning, Yuan Shao shall make his final advance on Dong Zhuo. (However, if you skipped the assault on Si Shui Gate then Hua Xiong will appear in this battle as enemy reinforcements near the back where Yuan Shao is at.) After defeating the other remaining generals in the areas, it will be only Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu left to deal with. You can allow Dong Zhuo to retreat after you beat him down or if you are quick to end the game then go ahead and give him the final hits; however, if you somehow defeat Lu Bu in combat then Dong Zhuo will take his leave of you. Either way, you will come out on top once again and score yourself another victory!
'''Chapter 3: The Villian's Demise'''
*Battle of Guan Du: Yuan Shao's Forces Vs. Cao Cao's Army
*Commanders: Yuan Shao Vs. Cao Cao
As many of us have read from the novel of the Three Kingdoms,
this is the battle where Yuan Shao did not heed the advice of
Tian Feng or Ju Shuo. Time for a new victor this time around.
There is both a longer way and quick way to win this battle if
you act quickly enough. So take your pick of the choice you want.
At the start of the battle, Guan Yu will be in hot pursuit of Lord Yan Liang. (Not to mention he won't last long against him.) If you choose the Red Hare and Yuan Shao for this battle then you can prevent Yan Liang from being defeated due to his position and the speed of the horse; however, if you failed to save Yan Liang then you can still save Wen Chuo from Guan Yu's fury. Once Guan Yu says, "You won't escape me! Your head is mine!", that is your cue to lure him away from the other generals. You can defeat Guan Yu in battle if you wish or you can simply get rid of him by taking him to Liu Bei who is at the top just on above Bai Ma. After you have taken care of Guan Yu, you can defeat the general of Bai Ma and send Cao Cao's army back to Guan Du castle or you can
take care of the two generals in the circular path. Also, there will be a valuable item that appears in the circular path, but it is nothing more than an ambush party of archers. Go ahead and finish them off or pay no heed to it. With Bai Ma now now fallen, get ready to claim the victory, but be cautious since you have played the Wei forces mode. As your generals hack and slash the soldiers in their way, they will finally reach Guan Du as you do. In respond to this, Cao Cao will send Li Dian to attack Wu Chao to turn the battle around in hopes of beating you, but you are much clever than ever. Go ahead and either chase down Li Dian or meet him at Wu Chao to hand him a personal defeat by your hands; furthermore, you will have a siege ram that is making its way to the wall of Guan Du. Rush down to the castle and guard the ram till you see the wall of Guan Du come crashing down. With the wall now no longer up, the soldiers, generals, and officers of Cao Cao will scatter in all directions like ants. Put these men down and make quick work of Cao Cao. Congratulations! This time it is Yuan Shao who is the Northern Ruler of China! Also, with the wall of Guan Du falling, you will also gain Yuan Shao's level 10 weapon for this battle.


Revision as of 04:11, 20 January 2006

The Esteemed Yuan Shao

Chapter 1: Yellow Turban Rebellion

  • Yellow Turban Menaces: Han Vs. Yellow Turbans
  • Commanders: Huangfu Song Vs. Zhang Liang

At the start of the battle(either as Zhang He or Yuan Shao), you might as well assist either Cao Cao or Liu Bei against the generals that stand in their way. Since Deng Mao is the closest to you, go ahead and put him out of the way. Next, defeat Gao Sheng at the south gate so Liu Bei can go forth towards Sun Jian's area. Since Cao Cao's army has only one general left, might as well help out the Hero of Chaos and allow his army to move towards Zhang Liang. Some time later, Zhang Liang will summon a rain storm near Huangfu Song. Huangfu Song will see this as a useless trick and start advancing. Just as Huangfu Song passes through the stream in the castle, He Yi will appear as an ambush party. Go over towards Huangfu Song and bail him out. After dealing with He Yi, you can assist Sun Jian and Liu Bei on the east gate if you wish or you can wait for the second ambush party led by Yan Zheng that is just outside of the caslte waiting for Huangfu Song. With both ambush parties and the east gate cleared, it is now a walk through the land from here on out. Although Zhang Liang is cornered, he will use the water geysers as his last attack to crush your forces. Give this guy a beat down and claim your first victory. Also, by clearing this stage, Zhang Liang will not appear in the last battle.

  • Yellow Turban Fortress: Han Vs. Yellow Turbans
  • Commanders: Zhu Jun Vs. Zhang Bao

Cao Cao will attack from the east while Sun Jian advances from the west. The volunteer forces shall move as they like while once again(Yuan Shao or Zhang He) shall assist either side they wish. In this battle, there are two paths that you can take or you can take both if you don't mind the back tracking. Since you are close to Cao Cao's position, advance towards the circular path. Defeat He Yi and enter the circular path where Pei Yuan Shao will use the windmills against your army. As Cao Cao said, "There is a way to stop these winds! Keep advancing." Once you reach the end of the circular path, you will find 3 windmills that are causing the strong winds to slow your forces down. Knock down the windmills and your forces shall continue their match towards Pei Yuan Shao. Defeat Pei Yuan Shao and your only a few feet away from Zhang Bao's castle.

Now if you took the west path then you will encounter Bo Zhang guarding the small fortress gate. Defeat him and gain entrance into the area where the phantom army will assault you. Sun Jian will let you know that there is a source of power that gives these ghosts their power so search near the south of the fortress. You will come across 2 large cauldrons that need to be destroyed in order for you to continue. Zhou Cang is guarding the second gate so take the time to show him who is the best. With the phantom army and Zhou Cang defeated, you will be left with only Zhang Bao left, but you must first defeat Cheng Yuanzhi to get inside the caslte. Defeat Zhang Bao and you will have won your second battle. Also, by defeating Zhang Bao, he will not appear in the last battle.

  • Yellow Turban Rebellion: Han Vs. Yellow Turban
  • Commanders: He Jin Vs. Zhang Jiao

If you managed to clear and defeat Zhang Liang and Zhang Bao in the last battles then they won't appear here at this battle. So advancing here will be easy for the Han forces. On the other hand, if you did not defeat them in the other battles, they will appear in the north. Zhang Liang will be in the east and Zhang Bao shall be in the west. As you advance to the middle field, go ahead and give Liu Bei's forces a hand by defeating the officers in his way. Next, head for the middle field towards the north and defeat the general there which will allow Liu Bei to join Sun Jian's forces in the west. Once again, there are two paths here and you can always do one or both if you don't mind the back tracking. For the assault on Zhang Bao, he will use flame geysers on you. If you sway from these flaming blast, Zhang Bao will walk over them himself while trying to get to you so use that to your advantage. Defeat Zhang Bao and advance on to the north where Zhang Jiao is. In the east, Zhang Liang uses a more dangerous attack on you that can finish you off if you are not careful. He will send rolling stones on you as you try to move around in the area and he too will be hit by them. Defeat Zhang Liang and continue your march to the north.

If neither of them appeared in this battle then all you must do is defeat any of the generals in the area. Once you are about to reach the top, Zhang Jiao will send flaming rocks towards you as his final attempt to crush you. You can easily dodge them by taking to the right side of the path. Once you are passed the rocks, go ahead and finish off Zhang Jiao to end his rebellion. Well done! You have just won your last battle of chapter 1!

Chapter 2: The Alliance against Dong Zhuo

  • Assault on Si Shui Gate: Dong Zhuo's Forces Vs. Allies
  • Commanders: Li Jue Vs. Yuan Shao

As you have already read from the novel, Yuan Shao will lead the coalition against Dong Zhuo. As you assault Si Shui Gate, Liu Bei and Cao Cao will be engaging the enemy generals. Since you are closer to Cao Cao(If you are Zhang He), go ahead and take care of the generals in the area and Cao Cao will join Sun Jian at Si Shui Gate. Later, Sun Jian will request for supplies to be sent to his army, but Yuan Shu will not do so if you read the novel. Seeing much rivalry in the allied forces, you have no choice but to get the supplies to Sun Jian before he begins his attack on Hua Xiong. If you got a horse then hustle all the way to where Liu Bei is at and assist him against the generals. Once they are taken care of, you will notice a back road that leads into the enemy supply depo. Take the road and defeat Fan Chou to take the supply depo for your own. If, in case, Sun Jian attacks Si Shui Gate before you get the supply to him then do not worry. Go ahead and still take over the supply depo and he will charge head-on into Hua Xiong's army. Once you join up with the others at Si Shui Gate, take the moment to give Hua Xiong a lesson in fighting. Defeat Hua Xiong and advance through the gate to meet with Li Jue. Some time later, a general will appear as enemy reinforcements, but it is rather useless at this point. After you defeat Li Jue or let him escape, you will have claimed your first victory against DOng Zhuo. Also, by clearing Si Shui Gate, Hua Xiong will not appear in the last battle.

  • Battle of Hu Lao Gate: Dong Zhuo's Forces Vs. Allies
  • Commanders: Dong Zhuo Vs. Yuan Shao

At the start of the battle, Sun Jian will only attack if his forces did receive supplies in the last battle; however, if he did not receive any supplies during the last battle and was defeated by Hua Xiong then he will hold his army back and wait. Cao Cao will attack from the south and Liu Bei shall advance from the north to make their way towards Hu Lao Gate. (If you choose Zhang He, you will be assisting Cao Cao. If you choose Yuan Shao then you will start at the main camp in the east.) Start off by eliminating the enemy generals that are holding the gates. Defeating them will allow the allied army to advance through the gates towards Hu Lao Gate. Later, a siege ram will appear and head for Hu Lao Gate. Go ahead and make your way there. You will encounter two Gate Captains here, but they won't be too much of a bother. After a couple of minutes, the ram will crush Hu Lao gate and your army shall charge right in to meet the top dog of Dong Zhuo's army. As you might have fiqured, it is Lu Bu and he is here to put everyone down. As always, he will try to challenge you to a duel. It is possible to beat him in a duel, but you may find it rather difficult. After you decide to run away from him or not, you will find Diao Chan guarding the last gate between you and Dong Zhuo. Give her a nice love tap and send her away from your sight. After passing through the third gate, Dong Zhuo will tell his soldiers to burn the city. With the city now burning, Yuan Shao shall make his final advance on Dong Zhuo. (However, if you skipped the assault on Si Shui Gate then Hua Xiong will appear in this battle as enemy reinforcements near the back where Yuan Shao is at.) After defeating the other remaining generals in the areas, it will be only Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu left to deal with. You can allow Dong Zhuo to retreat after you beat him down or if you are quick to end the game then go ahead and give him the final hits; however, if you somehow defeat Lu Bu in combat then Dong Zhuo will take his leave of you. Either way, you will come out on top once again and score yourself another victory!

Chapter 3: The Villian's Demise

  • Battle of Guan Du: Yuan Shao's Forces Vs. Cao Cao's Army
  • Commanders: Yuan Shao Vs. Cao Cao

As many of us have read from the novel of the Three Kingdoms, this is the battle where Yuan Shao did not heed the advice of Tian Feng or Ju Shuo. Time for a new victor this time around. There is both a longer way and quick way to win this battle if you act quickly enough. So take your pick of the choice you want.

At the start of the battle, Guan Yu will be in hot pursuit of Lord Yan Liang. (Not to mention he won't last long against him.) If you choose the Red Hare and Yuan Shao for this battle then you can prevent Yan Liang from being defeated due to his position and the speed of the horse; however, if you failed to save Yan Liang then you can still save Wen Chuo from Guan Yu's fury. Once Guan Yu says, "You won't escape me! Your head is mine!", that is your cue to lure him away from the other generals. You can defeat Guan Yu in battle if you wish or you can simply get rid of him by taking him to Liu Bei who is at the top just on above Bai Ma. After you have taken care of Guan Yu, you can defeat the general of Bai Ma and send Cao Cao's army back to Guan Du castle or you can take care of the two generals in the circular path. Also, there will be a valuable item that appears in the circular path, but it is nothing more than an ambush party of archers. Go ahead and finish them off or pay no heed to it. With Bai Ma now now fallen, get ready to claim the victory, but be cautious since you have played the Wei forces mode. As your generals hack and slash the soldiers in their way, they will finally reach Guan Du as you do. In respond to this, Cao Cao will send Li Dian to attack Wu Chao to turn the battle around in hopes of beating you, but you are much clever than ever. Go ahead and either chase down Li Dian or meet him at Wu Chao to hand him a personal defeat by your hands; furthermore, you will have a siege ram that is making its way to the wall of Guan Du. Rush down to the castle and guard the ram till you see the wall of Guan Du come crashing down. With the wall now no longer up, the soldiers, generals, and officers of Cao Cao will scatter in all directions like ants. Put these men down and make quick work of Cao Cao. Congratulations! This time it is Yuan Shao who is the Northern Ruler of China! Also, with the wall of Guan Du falling, you will also gain Yuan Shao's level 10 weapon for this battle.