Card Collection

From Koei Tecmo Wiki

Card Collection (カードコレクション) was an online service accessed by my GAMECITY users. A wide variety of IPs from the company were prominently featured back when it was active.

The game's official slogan is "Play, collect, and show off!". Service for the game has already ended.


Registered users are given "missions" to fulfill once they log into their account. These missions are separated into two distinct categories.

  • Standard - Given to the user by the company and subject to change. These include changing nicknames, uploading user profile images, befriending other users, using a Twitter tag, obtaining a ranking or score in one of the mini-games, and joining official my GAMECITY communities.
  • Daily - Renewable missions by the day. These include writing entries in one's own personal diary, uploading images in the album, playing mini-games, and logging into MMO account using my GAMECITY.

If these missions are successfully completed, the user will receive a notice of a card reward. Rewards are limited to an allotted number per mission. Players of the company's online games can additionally receive special items for their online avatar with Card Collection.

The user is able to keep track of the missions they have completed by looking in their album's achievement collection. One can check their album or other users' albums simply by typing their my GAMECITY username. There are no trading options currently available. It is also possible to showcase a favorite card for public viewing.

On January 16, 2013, the entire my GAMECITY community is able to use their high scores to meet particular goals set by the staff. These missions are called "collaborative missions". It has two sets: missions decided by total points and one based on completion time. Once the goals are cleared, any member who visits the page can be rewarded.


Here are the card sets scheduled for the game. * Available for a limited time.
** Only obtainable by registered players of the MMORPG.

Company IP Card Visuals Total Sum of Cards
Romance of the Three Kingdoms Romance of the Three Kingdoms IX
Romance of the Three Kingdoms X
Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI
Sangokushi 12
Sangokushi 13
100man-nin no Sangokushi
Nobunaga's Ambition Nobunaga no Yabou: Souten Roku
Nobunaga's Ambition: Rise to Power
Nobunaga's Ambition: Iron Triangle
Nobunaga's Ambition: Sphere of Influence
Atelier Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland
Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland
Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland
Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk
Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky
Atelier Shallie: Alchemists of the Dusk Sea
GAMECITY Koei Tecmo Mascots, Nyabraham and Nyanzou 19
Uncharted Waters Daikoukai Jidai Online 2nd Age
Daikoukai Jidai Online Gran Atlas
67 **
Kiniro no Corda 100man-nin no Kiniro no Corda 84 *
Dead or Alive TBA TBA

  • Cards are separated into four categories of rarity: Normal, Rare, Super Rare, and Ultra Rare. Rarity is symbolized by the number of stars present on the card's image.
  • The user can see the exact time and date when they received each card. Twitter users can also tweet that they obtained said card using a quick hotlink.
  • Each card has Leadership, War, Intelligence, and Political stats which serve as an allusion to Koei Tecmo's historic simulation titles. After the February 20, 2013 update, these stats have been altered into more familiar terms like HP, Attack Power, Speed, Special Ability, and Cost. Rare cards tend to have more advanced attack or healing abilities.
  • Character quotes or in-game biographies are on every card. The text matches the card visual.

As of November 1, 2012, users can participate in a free daily roulette (gacha) for cards. They may choose to draw from one of the three categories: five random Normal, one Rare, or one Super Rare. In each roulette, there is a random chance to obtain an Ultra Rare. Tickets for drawing rare cards can be purchased with GC coins in the application's shop.

The December 12, 2012 update includes a daily point counter for users based on their collected cards and their rarity. Rankings are present with special rewards for users who score highly. Users can view live updates regarding rare cards obtained within the community. The February 20, 2013 update rewards daily high rankings with a special Ranking Ticket. These tickets guarantee Ultra Rare cards.

Like most social games, players can additionally fuse multiple character cards together to strengthen a single card of their choice. The feature was added to the game on March 27.


Users can create decks as of February 20, 2013. Decks have a maximum of six cards or whatever number the player can fit within the 100 point Cost limit. The November 11, 2013 renewal adds deck formations to alter the Cost limit. Formations automatically grant stat bonuses when they are used. They can either be earned by trading event medals earned in event battles or purchased in the shop with GC coins.

Specific deck combinations can boost card capabilities and are determined by the rarity of the cards used. These combos are often determined by the characters' relations in the original source material. For example, teaming Zhuge Liang and Xiahou Dun together grants the "Xinye Fire Attack" combo which boosts the likelihood of the two cards using their special abilities. Combos can be stacked together for multiple effects.

Decks can be used to clear solo missions provided by the company. They can either choose to participate in a set of multiple missions (Stage Battle) or fight in a single yet difficult battle with specific restrictions (Challenge Battle). Each battle drains the user's Battle Energy gauge listed in their profile by an allotted amount. Players can wait for their depleted Battle Energy to regenerate over time or purchase a healing ticket with myGC Coins.

Once the battle begins, the player's deck will face a CPU opponent. Actions for both decks are automated based on cards' stats and can proceed with a single mouse click. Players can click per turn or press the skip button below the fight screen to see the final results. If the player's deck wins on the first try, players are rewarded extra tickets. This is the free method of earning Rare or Super Rare tickets.

Event battles give players the option to win battles for themselves or for the community. Either option has their separate missions and bonuses reliant on the points earned individually or by every participating player. Rewards can be rare cards, tickets for raffles, items for strengthening cards, healing items or an event exclusive bonus.

Character cards can experience fatigue as of the November 11, 2013 renewal. Heavily fatigued cards will have lower stats and are less likely to use their abilities. The level of their fatigue is labeled for the player and visually indicated by the vibrancy of the green gradient above the character's portrait. Players can either switch out exhausted cards with another "Main Card" (any character card the player has reserved for deck creation) or purchase a replenishing drink using GC coins.

Related Media

my GAMECITY users who log into their account during Tokyo Game Show 2012 can receive four character cards. These cards can only be obtained during the length of the event.

Card Collection has a collaboration event with the Gamecity server of Sengoku IXA. Register with both games and complete the objectives to receive rare characters in both games.


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