South Hyūga High School (日向南高校, Hyūga Minami-kōkō) is a fictional high school introduced in Kiniro no Corda Starlight Orchestra.
Characters from this school are partially named after colors.
Role in Games
Originally a school with agricultural leanings like Shiseikan, South Hyūga is currently a regular high school that sports a large farm and greenhouse. The farm grows pesticide-free vegetables which end up being used by the school's own cafeteria.
South Hyūga hosts a wide variety of extracurricular clubs with gardening being the most popular among students. Sports are also quite prominent within the school's environment. While there is currently no music-related club, the school does have a music room where students can understand the fundamentals of instrument playing.
A children's amusement park is located near the school, serving as a focal point setting in the game's fifth chapter.
School front entrance